Swedish teenage climate activist Greta Thunberg delivered a blistering speech at a United Nations Summit on climate change telling world leaders, “we will never forgive you” for what she said is their betrayal of young people through their inertia over the climate crisis.
US president, Donald Trump appears to have taken a swipe at the teenager, tweeting a video of an emotional Thunberg with an apparently sarcastic comment that she seems to be “very happy” and looking forward to a bright future.
Below is a video of Greta’s speech.
God bless Greta and God help us all to listen to her. I will never understand how so many of you can be so blind to the truth when it is right before our eyes. She knows. She has done the research. The science is there. Don’t blame the messenger.
Thank you Chennel 1 for giving,as the saying goes..For giving Jack his jacket.But really the jacket belongs to the Lord
These kids are so brainwashed and under mind control that it is pathetic. They are being used by the Agenda and have have no clue.
They’re clearly using this child as a pawn
These eco-facist are more a threat to global security more than anything else. This young self righteous girl has already used up more carbon than I would in more entire lifetime- assuming i live to 80yrs+.
Spreading a message via fear and hate is no different than the religious extremist in the 1500’s. Its was god’s will to burn witches, for blacks to be slaves and to kill all the non believers. And those killers had the same self righteous beliefs.
The world ending in 12 years? She’s a joke, another corporate pawn under some holy crusade. Should all 3rd world and developing countries radically invest on renewables which are intermittent, terribly expensive, and currently cant be stored on a large scale? Should we cut our welfare, education, healthcare, transportation and housing infrastructural development budgets because of privileged white eco-fascists? Is Sweden, Norway or Denmark gonna stop using their oil industry as their main source of income? Hypocrite!! Go home!!
This is a clear case of Child abuse.She is being used by climate fanatics.This16yr old girl is a puppet and the fanatics are pulling the string.She is just reading what was handed to her.If an adult were to question her on what she just read, she would be like a fish on dry ground.
One thing she said,and is right.
“I should be in school.”
Kudos to you the teenagers!
The leaders have failed us all. Name 1 who is not corrupt and we can call you out.
They fight for it now… Because the weather is “now” an issue.
They cling to tradition and not viability.
So yes… Give them their blast!
Weather per se is not the issue. Weather weaponization by those in control is the issue because they are using it to further brainwash the public and divert attention away from their evil programs. The children in the schools are the pawns. No future unless this is stopped.
Great, now she needs to translate her stupid speech to Chinese and send it to Xi Jinping because China is the world leader in pollution and carbon emissions. This climate change garbage is just another way to try to reign in the success of nations that are founded on liberty so authoritarian nations like Xi’s can rise up. Case in point is the fact that they never talk about China, it’s always the US and other countries, despite the fact that these countries are leaders in green technology and innovations in other areas of technology that not only reduce the so called causes of climate change but could also possibly reverse any damage that has already been done for example this device that they are working on that could actually remove carbon dioxide from the atmosphere and convert it to something usable.
Meanwhile China is working to fast track 5G which we are still not sure is safe but they want world domination of communications so they don’t care.
This girl is reading a message,which was given to her to deliver at the UN.It’s not her fault.If an adult were to question her about her disrespectful statements.she would be like a fish on dry ground.She is like a tape recorder just repeating what was given her.She had no imput in the message she read.
She is like a spoiled brat.You would expect the child to show respect to the world leaders,but no.She told them.
“You are still not mature enough to understand,and you are failing us.”
“You’ll come to us young people for hope.How dare you.”
This spoiled brat was so rude and out of place,telling the world leaders who are old enough to be her great,great, grand father.Telling them over and over again
“How Dare you.”
Is she dream,?
Just an other one.
“You have stolen my dreams, my childhood.” She even turned a prophetess…”We are in a beginning of mass extinction.”
God Almighty made this world and put man there.At His own time He will say enough is enough…
@Julius1151 – I’m nominating your comment for the Top Comment of the Day.
Wonderful Comment Admins at DNO, take note. Thanks.
what if one of our youth shared the stage with Greta Thornburg …..what i mean is de world would see Dominica from a different angle with our quest to be the first climate resilient country in the world.
when Skerrit first made this announcement i thought he was being he’s usual overly ambitious self….
Waitikubuli the Nature Isle would have taken center stage….can you just imagine the bustle of excitement opportunity and activity geared towards Dominica?
on a world stage….we could have been at de front of the new thrust towards climate change
i really think at least our education ministry could have organized something with the schools in support of agenda that fits our new vision.
our school children could have marched for de occasion…..keep de awareness on de front
school children were marching in their school uniforms at a DLP function recently……was that a min. of education sponsored event?
are we serious ?
After listening to the 16yr old girl.This is a clear case of ..Child Abuse.. She is being used by climate fanatics.She is like a puppet, and those who used her pulls the string.
Am with her to some point but I believe some of the things she said she doesn’t even know the true meaning. I believe the grown ups are behind it. She’s looking for her 15mins of fame.
The youth is our future. We should be ashamed as leaders
These teenagers should go back to school and learn to read and write properly and stop allowing themselves to be used as pawns and puppets in something they have absolutely no or very little understanding off – something so complex and uncertain as climate science.
Even the climate scientists cannot agree on this ‘climate change’ thing.
@ Channel 1; If you understood the environment where these young people are born, raised and schooled are much more advanced than adult people like you on the slave plantation island! What most children her age and younger have learnt and know about, most adults on your island has yet to learn! So you are living in the dark to think that she’s being used by others! It’s not so much about climate change anyway, but rather the protection of the environment of which we are mandated to do by the same CREATOR who you all on island pretend to love!!!
Ima troll u today…
These “teenagers” are the ones who have to deal with the older generations’ mess.
These “teenagers” are the ones who have to hold their emotions in due to having a rough start in life.
These youths have a hard job ahead of them, and a mentally prepping for post apocalypse.
So… Before you chastise these “teenagers” mayhaps you should reconsider your “orange presidential Cheeto” behaviour and shut your overused yap!
The climate scientists know and won’t tell the truth. They fear the fall of the oil dollar, like all Americans should…
@The Darkness –
…… ah wha madness dis. But how you go troll me today dere nuh? But I find you well idle today yes.

Is it because you’ve been displaced from ‘The Darkness’ under the Hampstead bridge which collapsed yesterday? I just wondering because it’s alleged that is under bridge trolls does reside.
I hope is not your ‘naughty’ self that throw down de Hampstead bridge eh.
I go call Skerrit for you.
Anybody can learn anything at any age once it is broken done to their level. Don’t dismiss the young people because of their age. We now live in a world where information is readily available at our fingertips. In the Bible it is written that a little child shall lead.
@Ibo France – It’s always best to quote scripture in the context it is used and when making applications, to also apply scripture within similar context of the original usage.
Look they put a ‘child’ in charge of Dominica 15 years ago and look at the state Dominica is in today. Ross gone, ………….(awa)…..
Would you want a little child to be in-charge of an aircraft you are on? Now I’m not saying this girl may not have some understanding regarding the climate but this deep water she is swimming into goes way beyond merely knowing that clouds are made up of water vapour and the wind blows all about. Climate science is an extremely complex and uncertain thing with a lot of pseudoscience involved in it.
I’m still waiting for the scientific evidence that clearly shows what percentage of Hurricane Maria’s development & strength was attributable to man’s release of greenhouse gases vs random natural climatic fluctuations.