The two top executives of CREAD resign

Dr.Pepukaye“Pep” Bardouille

The Chief Executive Officer of the Climate Resilience Execution Agency for Dominica, CREAD, Dr.Pepukaye“Pep” Bardouille and the Chief Operating Officer, Colin Scaife, have both resigned from the organization.

Dominica News Online (DNO) can confirm that Scaife has already left – his resignation took effect at the end of April – and Bardouille has given her letter of resignation to the Cabinet Secretary to take effect at the end of this month.

According to well-placed sources, the resignations stem from CREAD’s inability to meet its objectives because various government ministries are not providing the necessary support.

CREAD’s mandate to make Dominica climate-resilient includes building strong and resilient communities, developing adaptive infrastructure and accelerating economic growth. Our sources informed DNO that policies were drafted to propose the interventions for those areas but were not supported.

We were also told that all capital projects were not fully available to CREAD for assessment which is necessary to ensure that the organization meets the climate-resilient standards as it relates to infrastructure.

“Key policies were written and CREAD was basically a think tank with key professionals around the Caribbean left to make themselves relevant,” our sources stated. “So CREAD basically has to chip here and there to find things to do. All of this was super frustrating.”

DNO contacted Cabinet Secretary, Steve Ferrol, for comment on the matter. He did not deny the resignations but offered no reaction except to say that the government will issue a formal release on the matter by the week of May 25, 2020.

Prior to taking the helm of CREAD, Dr Bardouille was a Senior Operations Officer with the International Finance Corporation (IFC), part of the World Bank Group, focusing on developing and scaling-up innovative, commercially-viable business models to extend electricity to the base of the pyramid in a range of countries, including South Africa, Tanzania, Togo, Zambia and India. Before that, she spent seven years in management consulting with McKinsey & Company, where she worked across 20 countries serving top teams from blue-chip companies in the power, oil, gas and mining sectors and leading public sector entities on strategy, organizational design and operational improvement.

Scaife, a national of the United Kingdom, has worked for 20 years in a number of countries around the world including Bermuda, Dubai, Barbados, Abu Dhabi, South Africa and India and is a construction engineer by profession.

CREAD was conceptualized after the passage of Hurricane Maria in 2017. Prime Minister Roosevelt Skerrit explained the mission of the organization at a CARICOM-UN High-level Pledging Conference in New York in November of that same year.

“The mission of the agency will be to coordinate all reconstruction work to avoid duplication, maximize economies of scale, spot and fill critical gaps, avoid bureaucratic infighting and ensure all reconstruction activities are focused on a single Climate Resilient Recovery Plan developed by Dominica and its partners,” he stated.

CREAD was officially launched in March 2018.

Legislation governing the operation of CREAD was enacted in December 2018.

Former Chief Operating Officer of CREAD, Colin Scaife. His resignation took effect at the end of April, 2020

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  1. The Irony
    May 27, 2020

    Somehow, coming from a politician I just knew this whole thing was fake, a play on words like – 1st climate resilient country -for sympathy.

    May 26, 2020

    The cabal may just blame Lennox Linton for their decision to resign. Bunch of joker Skerrirites ! I knew that CREAD/GREED would never have lasted. First of all the constitution of that creature\ organization was not fully transparent almost being a bit shandy. secondly parliamentary involvement was foreign to their work – no real oversight, not one report was submitted or laid before parliament. I remember Lennox articulating these concerns and points among others at the setting up of CREAD consultation at the Goodwill Parish Hall two years ago. He spoke to the fact that CREAD has the making of an almost parallel cabinet and that of a committee of Permanent Secretaries except that may be more powerful.; , almost the entire CABINET and their cabalist wanted to eat off Lennox’s head for saying so. Today Mr. Linton has been vindicated and once more can again hold his head high.

  3. Francisco Etienne-Dods Telemaque
    May 25, 2020

    Roosevelt Skerrit is by no chance an academically educated man; hence he is guided by better educated who uses him for personal gains and benefits by drinking the blood of our nation. 
    He creates positions with titles; paying large sums of money to the offices holders while Dominica benefits nothing! 
    We hear the name “Climate Resilience Agency:” in a place such as Dominica what does that means?
    Anything pertaining to the weather, and climate change is compelled to involve plenty of natural science, hence there must be scientists involve, researching and finding a resolve  for any anticipated issues.
     When people talk about  climate resilience generally; it is about  the capacity for a socio-ecological system absorbing stresses which maintains function in the face of external stresses imposed upon it by climate change and actually  adapt; and evolve into a more desirable configurations that improve the sustainability of the system; making it better prepared for future changes.

  4. zandoli
    May 25, 2020

    It is obvious that people who have options would hardly hold positions with that government for very long. This entire climate resilient nation talk was only a PR stunt. For a long time these government ministers and officials could not utter 5 words without “resilient” being mentioned at least twice. I don’t hear much of those buzzwords being thrown around much these days. It was all a ruse from the very beginning.

    If you recall, the minister under whose portfolio (the guy who ran in Roseau North in the last election), that ministry fell, was new to cabinet and they had been talking about climate resilience for a while before they had a minister to lead that effort.

    I was not fooled for a minute with this resilient nation foolishness.

  5. Tony
    May 25, 2020

    It took a little while longer than I expected, which shows the professional tenacity of Dr Bardouille, but she will undoubtedly remember that I told her at a public forum at Prevost Cenimall that given her professional aptitude she would not lasts as the CEO of CREAD.

    • 72nations72elements
      May 26, 2020

      Well you did Tony. At the event, there were some folks who also felt that your preamble to your warning might have been politically motivated, given the plight of a certain local business sector in these times, and that you were going down the wrong path with it. However you did make your point, even though the room was a little awkward afterward.

  6. 72nations72elements
    May 25, 2020

    Again what many dont understand is thad CREAD and its pronouncement was just a device used by the Partner upstairs on the 6th floor milk money from international donor agencies. We thought it would be the guiding force in development in Dominica, where we expected bigger and better infrastructure, social upliftment, economic turn around, all of that. We were on our way to becoming like Grenada. But guess what, still pigs in palaces. Greedy pigs at that. So all the money that came in after Maria, where is it? what has been fixed? how is our economy? what has changed? All we see is NH alone that building. No real development in the last 5 years. Macoucherie bridge yet to open, Layou is still a joke even though they FINALLY got rid of the bypass that was there since 2015. What again? Geothermal still sleeping. Government still cannot put solar panels on their buildings. ITs all just a big joke and a big game for these people. We think hotels or airportwill save us. thats the biggest joke.

  7. 72nations72elements
    May 25, 2020

    not surprised. The ministries dont want to do what they are supposed to do. We talk about resilience, what is more inmportant than health and food security. Granted they are renovating PMH, but you cannot centralize everything. Grandbay and the north and the east also need fully functioning health facilities. And i dont mean broken down ugly community centers that have been converted into “health clinics” that are are improperly equipped. Last year i had to drive around between fond cole, pmh, roseau just to get a tatanus shot. roseau health clinic told me to come back 2 days later and that is how i got it. Food security is not important to us it seems, especially after Maria. We have no seed banks, no designated acreage for cash crops, no proper facilities for the processing of food for domestic and export. the roseau market is really a mess and not suitable for the sale of food. you tell the respective ministies of their shortcoming and they take offense. but its truth.

  8. zandoli
    May 25, 2020

    The resumes of these two executives appear to be impressive, which begs the question, why would they leave jobs like the ones they had to come and work for a guy like Skerrit? Did Skerrit dupe them into taking those positions? Did they not do their due diligence on the guys and his track record? Did they believe in the cause and got blinded by the challenge?

    I am a person who likes to get things done. I am not into long speeches, political speak or fancy reports. I don’t have the patience to sit around and do nothing. It would be incredibly frustrating for me to work for an entity like the government of Dominica.

  9. Iamanidiot
    May 25, 2020

    You see, that’s what happens when you take professionals, intellectuals, people that take their work seriously. And you put them in something created for “coco makak”.
    They pack their bags and leave.

  10. Maximum Bob
    May 25, 2020

    Professional people will not tolerate unprofessional people simply creating obstacles. Professional people also have pride and will not continue with a job that has no meaning, nor impact. Unfortunately, the government departments are choked full of unprofessional people – friends and relatives of friends and relatives – who are very happy to take the money and do absolutely nothing useful. Just look at tourism.

  11. Mano transfer agency
    May 25, 2020

    So captain and vice captain walked out from so much money? What is really happening ? Did they see another scam, something similar to what we heard cricket west Indies board was allegedly used as the conduit to send money to cricket Dominica? I don’t know but I would not be surprised because Dominica these days has a lot of laundromats to wash dirty laundry around the world.

  12. Hmmmm
    May 25, 2020

    Hmm, professionals like those, heavens knows what their salaries were like on the heads of poor hard working Dominicans. And you telling me their tasks could not be executed due to lack of protocol? Give me a break! Thanks to these professionals for having some empathy on us Dominicans and did not choose to continue receiving such huge salaries in vain. May GOD continue to bless you all.

    • Gary
      May 26, 2020

      Be content with your ignorance. Your understanding of something does not make it so.

  13. Shaka zulu
    May 25, 2020

    Why am i not surprised!!!!! After 20 years we have seen the ability of this government to create and maintain anything meaningful and sustainable. Dominica paying the price for the election of hyenas who are more concerned with filling there bellies.

  14. Watch Dog
    May 25, 2020

    And another scam unveiled!

  15. Nature Girl
    May 25, 2020

    I am reading this article and I’m almost in shock, but why? the level of incompetence and disrespect displayed by this regime is outrageous! did I read that these people were being paid, and had absolutely nothing to do? well, I guess this time they just cannot blame Lennox for exposing them

    • Gary
      May 26, 2020

      The incompetence and disrespect you are attributing to The Government is based on your ignorance of what is the role of a Think Thank, so long.

  16. Only in Da
    May 24, 2020

    Eh be look it.

    I wonder how the car bee net sec ree tree feelilng now. But den a gain he is on con tract like his wi fee

    What a freaking waste of time

    Only in Da

  17. Ibo France
    May 24, 2020

    I have asked this question in a previous post and I feel compelled to repeat it. Is present day Dominica a nation of sheep? Under this twenty year old regime, the country is galloping towards oblivion. For the Dominican people to reinstate this posse of odious character, to govern over the nation once again, is a fatal self-inflicted wound. People, not only you, but your children and grandchildren will pay dearly for your foolish mistake.

    • Y U running 4?
      May 26, 2020

      What is happening in Dominica that causing top professionals to run out?
      Did Covid-19 have a greater impact on us than what they told us ? I am asking because in the month of May I see professionals running as if they see trouble coming and they don’t want to be stock here. Check this out people:
      First it was our FS, Ms Roselyn Edwards that left her good paying job and flew out. Remember Ms Edwards was the one that published in a March 2019 Gazette a list of 3969 persons Skerrit sold our passports to and after doing the maths of the revenue reported, Mr. Linton realized $1.2 billion was missing. Now we are hearing of Skerritd Chief Executive Officer of the Climate Resilience Execution Agency for Dominica, CREAD, Dr.Pepukaye Bardouille and the Chief Operating Officer, Colin Scaife, have both resigned from the organization. What is happening Skerrit? Why so many key people running out like that? What did they see and know? Should I run too? Is there danger in the horizon?

    • Gary
      May 26, 2020

      Before you look at the present day Dominicans and describe them as sheep, why don’t you examine your mind and the foolishness you constantly write and you will see how you are a sheep to your political partisan beliefs. Where do you get the authority to tell the young people of Dominica what mistake they will pay for dearly. Do you think the opinions you express about your Country ignoring facts, the malicious words you use to describe people, making allegation and innuendos makes you authority as to your prediction for them, wow.

  18. Dr. Sam
    May 24, 2020

    Like so many other professionals, international organizations and observers, Bardouille and Scaife simply pad their resumés, take the money any disappear into the sunset.

    At most, their parting gift is to offer only muted and tepid complaints of the governance here. This they do discreetly under the guise of non-interference in internal affairs. So in effect, they remain enablers of the insidious cancer that is gradually consuming our blighted nation.

    • zandoli
      May 25, 2020

      Dr. Sam in as much as I love my country, I hardly think I would use a job for the government of Dominica to burnish my resume. I don’t think I would impress too many senior executives outside of the region with that on my resume. Just saying.

    • Gary
      May 26, 2020

      Wow, is this your response on the matter. When are you going to separate your political partisan politics and adhere to reason. Do you know how silly you are making such statement quote “So in effect, they remain enablers of the insidious cancer that is gradually consuming our blighted nation” really, is this your diagnosis off our Dominica, the antidote to such diagnosis is to question it worthiness and let the facts speak for themselves. Partisan Politics can do strange things to the mind irrespective of ones education.

      • Eagle-Eyed
        May 27, 2020

        Well the doctor showing his gratitude to the administration that took quick action to help save his life after his accident not that so long ago. A pity he cannot be deported back to America where He is declared Persona Non Grata due to his medical malpractice.

  19. Bwa-Banday
    May 24, 2020

    Oh Shate man look Judas daycarlay a whole government department and then run to take the speaker chair :mrgreen: :mrgreen: . I recently told my friend once Judas was moved out and not even given a senatorial position to continue his CREAD efforts I suspect something under his watch is collapsing and we will get to know soon :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: . Boy was I right!

    Judas is synonymous with the terms Coulay and Daycarlay and it looks like he will soon quazzay the BIG speaker Chair they give him. But that is just the beginning. The whole government will soon coulay. The once loved term by DLP people “climate resilient” will soon become a thing of the past :mrgreen: :mrgreen:

  20. Ibo France
    May 24, 2020

    Only the scums of the earth are willing to stay put and work for this unscrupulous regime. Sympathizers of the ill-administration claim that Skerrit and his Cabal have the requisite experience in running a government. Yes, in running the country into a ditch. They have lots of experience in corruption, victimization, persecution and destruction. Dominicans have to get out of their sheep-like mentality and loosen the dictator’s stranglehold on the country.

    • Jonathan Y St Jean
      May 25, 2020

      CREAD was part of a talking shop set up by Skerritt in the drunkenness of the horror if Hurricane Maria. Resilience is bit just a new word but concrete and timely actions must be completed to make resilience happen. How ironic that this is happening at the start of the hurricane season. Egg on your face Skerritt.

  21. Dalit
    May 24, 2020

    Well placed sources always like to put great information on themselves in a story to make themselves better when they leaving.


    Some people get exposed when they have to change the tire instead of supervising someone to do it.

  22. Galileo
    May 24, 2020

    It is just sad that Dominica is unable to attract and hold on to true professionals. We are building a country with people who are not capable and this is a recipe for disaster. Mr Skerrit arrest this situation.

    • MonaP
      May 25, 2020

      Only the likes of Piper they can hold because he doesn’t challenge them. Having said that, where else in the world would Piper get a job like that anyway? 10 years he hold the position and nothing to show for it!!!

      • Pipo
        May 26, 2020

        Well, if you are a piper you must play the tune your patron pays you for. You wouldn’t last long if you didn’t, would you. After all, you are only a Piper.

  23. dissident
    May 24, 2020

    in 2018 skerrit was making statements about solidarity and commitment to CREAD…..even encouraging public servants to give their support.

    it comes as no surprise that government ministries are not giving their necessary support and that some capital projects are treated like Top Secret.

    makes me think that skerrrit resilience chant is just an outcry to put himself on de big screen…..noticing he like

    …….but this is sure to cost him a few bars on his shrinking credibility/
    take that….i want to jear you complain on dis one.

  24. REAL!!!!
    May 24, 2020

    Again the inability of the GOVT to work with professionals that display professionalism.

    This is showing its ugly head in every level of governance. These people tried but had the BALLS to resign when they realized nothing can get done as long as the Skerrit lead GOVT is in power.

    What Next….Get rid of this GOVT immediately their time is long OVERDUE

  25. Flame Thrower
    May 24, 2020

    Doh tell me JI coolay CREAD too… 😂🤣🤣🤣

  26. Kalinago Justice
    May 24, 2020

    There’s not one professional of the caliber of these individuals who can work with the oneman rogue regime! The oneman rogue regime has no competent people who can matchup to these experienced professionals. They can’t and won’t understand anything that these professionals propose far more for implementing. This is why all notable Organisations has left the island under the oneman rogue regime! All the oneman rogue regime is interested in is how to syphon money.

    • Viewsexpressed
      May 25, 2020

      Zandoli, we fully support what you have said. We have been in saying how stained and vision less this failed PM and his worthless 😡😠 Labour government is.
      Alas poor our Dominica under this clown Skerrit and his failed questionable incompetent Labour government.
      We need change and we need to get in this fake irresponsible Skerrit and his failed questionable Labour government out.

    • Gary
      May 26, 2020

      Why are you making such a foolishness comment without knowing the facts. Do think that what you have written are the facts as to the resignation of these two executives. Your political partisan beliefs has
      has impaired your reasoning that you do not even know the extent of your impaired reasoning.

    • Dominican
      May 26, 2020

      They too may have come to the realisation that Mr. Skerrit’s all pervasive influence leads to inertia and frustration, that his sense of entitlement, pathological lying, ability to hear but not listen and lack of empathy are innate. Working with such a person, especially in a consultant capacity would be impossible for any professional, who is not beholden to such a character and would rather seek a more satisfying career than have that experience blot their cv by staying. For those, who think they can change Mr. Skerrit, I’m afraid you are wasting your time. He simply is not capable of that.

  27. Zandoli
    May 24, 2020

    All this talk about the first climate resilient nation was just that, talk. Like everything else, Skerrit talks a good talk but does not back it up with action.

    Let’s see how long before the thermal energy plant is built and producing electricity. Let’s also wait to see the international airport he promised to start this year. DLP supporters are such clowns.

  28. As I see it
    May 24, 2020

    “the resignations stem from CREAD’s inability to meet its objectives because various government ministries are not providing the necessary support.”

    I really like the reason given for their resignation. It was very well said and one has to read between the lines to know why they left. So I read through the lines and knowing it is a one man show we have in Dominica, I feel very strongly that it is the ministry of Finance and other portfolios held by Skerrit failed to give them the necessary support. In fact though they did not say that but let’s be blunt and say Roosevelt Skerrit would not give them the support they needed to do their work.
    So in reading this article all I could see and hear is, Roosevelt Skerrit just had them there as a show and cover-up for his corruption. So theses professionals just said enough is enough and to hell with Skerrit and his coverup! I hope that will help those 17 ministers of Skerrit to realize that they too should resign from the Skerrit cabal

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