Pointing out that “Dominica is the cleanest city in the Caribbean” Mayor of Roseau Cecil A. Joseph says cleanliness in Roseau has had no bearing on the decision of Carnival cruise vessel withdrawing from Dominica after 21 years.
The announcement was made on August 27 by the company’s Senior Vice President of Marine Operations Brendan Corrigan, who said the decision was taken due to the high cost of fuel which has forced Carnival Cruise line to restructure Victory’s schedule.
Joseph told reporters at a press conference today that he believes the reason provided by the cruise line for pulling out of Dominica is just.
“Dominica stands out to be the cleanest city in the Caribbean. We have a more pristine environment… we are second to none,” Joseph said in response to reporters’ questions on Carnival’s withdrawal.
He said he has visited every island between Venezuela and Santo Domingo and none are comparable, in cleanliness, to Dominica.
Government says the withdrawal of the vessel will not just affect the tourism industry in terms of visitor arrival, but more significantly the livelihoods of those who stand to benefit directly, like small business owners, taxi drivers, vendors, and farmers, among others. The mayor on the other hand believes the vendors and taxi operators can use this to amplify their own entrepreneurial talents and come together.
He suggested that the organized tour operators and agents meet with the private tour owners and gypsies and see how best the agents of those ships could “buy off those gypsies”.
“What can be done is the gypsies should be allowed to go to the primary sites which would compete against the cruise line,” the mayor said.
“We can work in a harmonized way in achieving a common understanding,” he added.
I took the Carnival Destiny into Roseau some years ago. Dominica was my favorite stop. You are lucky to live on such a beautiful island. That being said, I did experience some hostility and rudeness in Roseau. Those ladies who charge you a dollar just to use a dirty restroom…..if I had such an easy job I’d be happier about it.
I agree that the fuel costs can’t be the full story. When you book your trip you agree to be charged a fuel surcharge of about ten dollars a day if they deem it necessary. So they could pass the cost on to the consumer. The ship probably makes more money at sea. People buy more extras like spa services and alcohol on days at sea. A friend of mine was on a Carnival voyage where they drove in a big circle to kill time (why not just stop?). It can’t just be the fuel.
It makes one wonder what would happen if your government would offer a low cost deal on prime waterfront property on which they could build one of their cookie-cutter shopping malls. Those are in several of the Carnival ports and I’ve always thought that they were taking away from the small businesses and the Caribbean ambience. Please don’t let them. Hang onto what you have………one of the most beautiful spots in the Caribbean. Work with them if you can, but don’t be blackmailed.
Why blame the mayor for behaving like most Dominicans I have met. Dominica have the best carnival, best education, best soil, 365 rivers etc. Its their culture to boast, culture does not care about logic and commonsense. The people are very hostile towards cameras. Tourists are very uncomfortable taking pictures when visiting the island. Don’t blame the mayor, blame your boasting culture, and stop thinking that you love your country more than anybody else love theirs. I came to Dominica to retire earlier this year but changed my mind because people in DA are too complicated.
boy Dominicans does just blame people for their wrong when last a person ever take blame for what i did
To Meandi: As a teacher of the past years, I grade your comment with 100% for being well written and the truth well illustrated. Keep up this good work, in that it will educate and open the minds of fellow Dominican, even some of those in authority, for the benefit of growth and transformation of our homeland, the Nature Isle of the Caribbean. Again, I say BRAVO!
Well, here we have it: Carnival cruise ship is pulling out and everybody is running around like headless chickens. Whatever the reason for the pull out, it is obvious to all that Roseau and some environs are not kept clean and that persons using Roseau from North, South, East and West are guilty of littering the city’s streets. In other words, Everyone is reponsible for the many areas of Roseau which are dirty….
While the slogan Tourism is everbody’s business, is used time and time again, we must first believe and act on the core premise that KEEPING DOMINICA CLEAN FOR OURSELVES IS EVERYBODY’S BUSINESS, FIRST AND FOREMOST! We cannot continue to do the right thing for tourists and not for ourseves. We must first have that pride in ourselves and our country or no slogan will make sense.
Back in February, there was an article in the Sun on the issue of the deplorable condition of the streets of Roseau and the Botanical Gardens/Bath Road cemetery. The Mayor is well aware of this. This onging situation is as a result of residents in the Bath Road area regularly dumping garbage and human waste in the cemetery. Yes. In 2010, not 1950. Human waste in black bags litter the cemetery. It is also due to lack of proper maintenance by the Roseau City Council (RTC) who when they do send persons to clean the cemetery area, leave the thick ‘razor grass’ untouched, to grow like trees, because the ‘fellas we hired did not have cutlasses.’ End quote. RTC is having its annual awards this weekend. They must include one for the ‘cleanest street in Roseau.’ I wonder who will accept it?
So our dirty streets/gutters situaton in Roseau similarly, is due to Dominicans with no regard for the environment, a bad attitude and probably no home training; along with an unconcerned and lazy RTC staff/management and insufficient will by the relevant authorities to put resources in place to address these long overdue garbage disposal attitudes and issues.
Have you seen the cleanup job being done in the Dominica Grammar School grounds? It’s been like an unsightly jungle over the past several years, with old equipment littering the area. No one seemed to be able to do anything… until the Chinese recently. Boy… thank Heavens for the Chinese… Yes I love my country, but papa bon Dieu, sometimes….
To: Just Giving a two cents: You are missing the point. Many situations in Dominica demands that we, as Dominicans, speak our concerns. You have read that Cecil Joseph, who is the Mayor of Roseau, declared that Roseau is the second cleanest City in the Caribbean, but that is not true at all.
Should we simply accept this attitude of negligence from a man who is being paid to make a difference, or enhance the ability in us, to move on from our lifestyle of since 100 years before Christ, and to continue as hypocrites on the Internet? At least our complaints makes other people aware that we, Dominicans, know the difference between cleanliness and filthiness, by not allowing one man to dictate his foolishness to us.
We have to have law enforcement in our village, in our city, and in our country. That is a way of Life itself from the beginning. Before the Law of God, through Moses, people lived with all sorts of sinful conducts and attitude. Even before God decided to give people His laws of Life, He had to clean out the whole generation of lawless and sinful people.
Without law enforcement, people will not abide together. Hence authorities or leaders must enforce laws that will teach people to abide, or put them out business if they will not abide. As far the operation project of transforming Roseau into a City with the beauty of its country, the man who has the first privilege and is being paid to implement this project says, that Roseau is not dirty.
This means that if one or two citizens decided to keep the surrounding of their property clean, anyone can come around and disrupt their intention. But those citizens would have no power to fight against their opponent, because there is not a law to support them. Are you suggesting that Dominicans accept this nonsense and talk it with Cecil Joseph on the DNO?
Not only that, do you actually appreciate the comment of the person named Cruise Passenger, who described Dominica as a WILD Island? I notice that this person did not say that he spent time in Roseau, the main City of Dominica. This means that he did not care a damn what Roseau looked liked. And what is so thrilling about hearing that Dominica is a WILD island?
As far as I know, the word “wild” means uncivilized or out of control–like wild animals for example. A person with a “wild” character always demonstrates this character with attitudes and conducts of craziness, unlawfulness, or disorganization. I do not need the compliment of a person who describes my homeland as a “wild” Island. And I do believe that as Dominicans, we should speak up about the concerns of our country, whether we have to report negatively or positively, as long as our concern is legitimate.
The City is a representation of the people who run Dominica , from the top down to Mayor Joseph, and it is a crying SHAMEthat we sell Dominica as the NATURE ISLAND OF THE CARIBBEAN , CHANGE THE SLOGAN ” THE NASTYER ISLAND OF THE CARIBBEAN”. too much DAMN POLITRICKING GOING ON, MAYOR YOU SHOULD BE FIRED , BUT THEN AGAIN WHO WOULD DO IT WHEN YOU ARE ONE OF THEM.
@ Priorities….
i’m quite sure they do not need to spend an arm and a leg on Garbage Bins. I have heard the borbol stories, but i believe that since we, as Dominicans are creative, we can come up with garbage bins.
I don’t care if it’s a steel drum … it would be a lot better if persons would put their trash in the drums as opposed to dumping them on the streets.
I can visualised a nicely painted drum – we are a creative people so we can devise some form of garbage bins as opposed to spending useless money…. we are a people of the land so nothing is impossible for us to achieve.
Mr. Mayor ur comments are just irresponsible and Naive..U know definitely that Roseau is not the cleanest city in The caribbean..U said u traveled from Venezuela to Santo Domingo, I believe u were sleeping while u were in these countries..Roseau has a such a longggggggg WAY to go ..First of all the drainage sytem is very poor..we have no side walks..U cannot even push ur child in a stroller in Roseau, because of lack of sidewalks..To b honest there is nothing ATTRACTIVE in roseau watsoever..Nothing dat will make u say “wow”.. A whole set of old buildings with rusty galvanize..
Those buildings need to get rid of and relocate the people who r living in those shacks..Build a housind scheme for these residents..
To b Honest there is alot of work to b done and we as Dominicans have to play our part in keeping the City clean..Dispose garbage in bins and stop littering the streets..These simple things make a big difference..But i wld seriously like to see my country progress..It’s high time..We r i n 2010..The city needs a Serious Face lift..
The main reason why Carnival Victory is pulling out is because many complaints were made to the government concerning (1) The filthiness of the city
(2) The harassments from vagrants
(3) The poor condition of the side walks
(4) The government took those complaints for granted and made no effort
to improve those conditions
It’s too late now and the Mayor of Roseau Mr. Cecil Joseph shares the brunt of the blame. Dominicans are smatter now to know that high cost of fuel has nothing to do with that.
@JUST GIVING MY 2 CENTS: I agree, be more positive. Cecil and Skewo are my boys… But ‘put more garbage bins’? Where are they now,,,,, you doe see what happen to this “great idea” of GARBAGE BINS?
I really believe that the mayor like the government is banking on the hope that Dominicans are so poor and stupid that they would not be able to afford to take the pwi pwi out of the port to another island. that way when he talks his … …..that it would be taken as gospel because… after all he is the only one ..Him and Skerrit ….to have traveled so far and wide (LOL) . ANd it is his duty to make dominican s realise that we have so much to be gratefull for. …afterall all he have seen it all. (Utter Rubibsh).
These people have gotten to the point where they are overwhelned and dont have a clue to do what is necessary to make the change…so why not turn on the people …..We will run a do it yourself economy.
I am Dominican ..lived out of dominica for over 15 years and worked around the region. And I will tell you that I am ashamed when I come home to see the state of Roseau.
Mind you we do have a lot going for us still. I think if the mayor says we still have very fresh unpolluted air in Dominica. I can attest to that. Cominig home …one can smell the freshness of the air….and it is healing…my sinuses literally clears after two days at home.
But dont come and say that Roseau is the cleanest city…Dominicans sorry but I have to correct the mayor. ..because is either he wants to bull.. you….Or he have no respect for the intelligence of Dominicans,,,take your pick.
Cruise Passenger Well-loved
“”””Dear Dominica Online. My wife and I chose Carnival Victory last January because it stopped in Dominica. We hiked to Sari-Sari Falls and loved it. This is a loss to all Carnival’s passengers to miss visiting a really wild Island. Cruise Passenger””””
As Dominicans we should be aware of all the negativity which we post in our comments on the site. We are not the only ones reading the comments and posts. Remember how we were all brought up and keep the Dominican spirit alive by being encouraging and not degrading.
We can post our dislikes in a way which won’t reflect negatively on either us or our beloved island. I’m tired of seeing all the negativity posted on this site.
Ok – so the cruise line will no longer port in Dominica – big loss for us, but instead of crying and blaming the government and all other issues; let us get up and take action. It is only when and if we all work together will Dominica progress. Sitting behind my computer posting negativity will not help the country, but if i take one positive step forward and you do the samen, Dominica will progress.
One man alone cannot build a country when the workers sit back and expect him to fail. Instead of complaining, why not offer positive suggestions.
So, Roseau ia allegdly dirty – those in power and the citizens should take it upon themselves to clean up Roseau. Put more garbage bins, post signs, issue fines… do whatever it takes to enhance the beauty of the island….
I encouraged two different groups of people to visit Dominica on cruises. Althought their impression of Dominica was favorable, they were VERY disappointed in the appearance of Roseau. I had to tel them that Roseau would not be the reason to go to Dominica.
I have been to several cities in the Caribeean and Roseau is by far the most unattractive – old dilapidated buildings, broken sidewalks, lacks trees, congrested sidewalks.
I strongly believe that cecil has lived abd breathed in Roseau for so many years that he got immuned to the sight and smell of there. any ways cecil allu good bias wii too.Roseau???? out of all de capitals in the caribbean? u must visit tortola or st lucia and then return and rewrite this bull**** report
@LIKEN: His Worship claims to have visited every island between Venezuela and San Domingo, which does not say much as according to my trusted “Times” atlas the only islands in that sector, apart from Venezuelan territories such as Isla Margarita, are Curacao, Aruba, Bonaire and a part of Trinidad. Is he seriously suggesting that Roseau is more appealing than the Netherlands Antilles? Yes, the owners of properties in Roseau and the citizenry in general should look after their environment but is the responsibility of the Mayor to ensure that they do so! All this psycho-babble we hear from various authorities that ” we can not do it alone” sounds like an excuse for abdicating responsibility for executing the duties they were appointed to carry out….”Next Level” indeed! Why don’t we accept the fact that Roseau needs a serious overhaul and act accordingly.
what is wrong with you people, conplaining fricks.
get up and help to clean dominica. stop depending on the government, the mayor, to do it for us.
we need to change our attitute and mind set, get up dominicans, help to keep our area cleans.
My Grandmother use to say that with patience, one will see alot of things.
why did the tourism department waited till a cruise line pull out of dominica, before they assist the roseau city counci to help clean up roseau. and further more Mr Douglas please stop it, why are you trying to make us believe that the reason for the cruiseline leaving in our city, dirt etc. that is certainly not the reason.
Dominicans,, see how many of you, can quickly jump up and say that roseau is dirty, when you are the ones that keeps in dirty, we have developes into a nasty culture, look around, person refuse to clean even in front of their own homes, business person just dump all their rubbish on the road side, what a shame, we have all those nasty adult that just could not care a dame. sham sham on person who continually help to keep the place tidy,
we have laws pertaining to dumping of rubbish, its high time that the force, use those laws.
shame on us, for that nasty, complaining culture that we seem to be developing.
if each one of us, would just stop throwing stuff in the gutters, on the street. we will be amaze at the difference that will make.
the resturants owner, its high time that they are forces, to control the waste, our gutter are not a jumping ground.
please for God sake stop all that complaining and do something to help.
The Worship Mayor of Roseau, Mr Joseph is a CLASSIC EXAMPLE of why this country is where it is.
At the bottom of the garbage bin, that’s the LEVEL they have brought us to.
This man has no … no pride, no clue.
And when these folks continue to have to appease their political masses they will continue to find themselves backed against the wall after making irresponsible decisions.
There should be no argument or discussion, the City of Roseau needs a cleanup and it has to be maintained…..that’s the key….continuing maintenance.
A BIG man, who has the city’s interest at heart, would own up to the responsibility of the office he holds and get the job done. NONE POLITICALLY!
If Mr Joseph is unable to do so, he should resign.
In the meantime, he should stop chatting rubbish, and worst still, making public statements of it.
@concerned Vendor:
please concern vendor, you poeple should be th elast one to speak, you vendor think that you all own dominica, someof our vendors wont even clean up their vending aurea, what a shame to even speak on issues of cleaning.
please please just get lost
Most of the country is in denial, and the rest are loud but weak and tolerant. That is why Dominica is sliding into the abyss.
Then anyone who challenges the status quo is a target. No one is focused on raising standards but more concerned in attacking each other.
Bermuda has not found it difficult to take on a hardheaded commercial approach.Despite its sun-drenched image, the tourism industry has been declining almost as quick as business has been booming. The island now has fewer than 3,500 hotel beds, and mainly plays host to budget cruise ships whose passengers, according to locals, arrive with a clean T-shirt and crisp $100 bill and change neither during their stay. This tiny Island of only 63.000 people tax haven on the edge of the Caribbean has always prided itself on the vigour and success of it’s insurance industry, and has made a global selling point of conservatism, reliability and neutrality. But the Bermuda’s government and business have realised that the same ingredients hold a massive appeal for internet companies. Having dominated the world of off-shore e-commerce. So Dominicans we must create new attractions and forget the cruise ships. We must understand those ships are swimming hotels and only spend a few hours in Dominca.
Dominica?? the cleanest island in the Caribbean? If Dominica is the cleanest island then the other caribbean island must be a real dump… cause when one is walking in the streets of Roseau the gutters are filty… disgusting!!!! and the stench is just horrific… Garbage everywhere u turn… and the Mayor has uts saying it clean? have u ever been to peoples park? there was a time i went there to have llunch and the amount of old kfc boxes i see there, and the garbage bin was overflowing!!!! as dont even mention the vagrants. yes the fuel may be a major cause but we have to consider that all these others factors play a great role as wel….
I hope this guy is not part of the French Citizens. Apparently, he does not think of himself as man in charge of the city. Every Dominican is sharing their dissatisfaction about the condition in the city, and the Mayor fails to see that. Roseau has been like that for the longest while. We need to clean up Roseau , including the Mayor by firing him!
de mayor defending; guesss when the cruise liner no longer come to Dominica – the mayor still getting a good and health pay. He will be smiling wtth the boys as usual whilst the poor and oppressed in town will be going up stock farm one by one. mr mayor what chord are u playing your song: F flat or F Major
@Cruise Passenger: Dear Passenger I appreciate your positive comment and am glad that you liked Dominica. Hope you see you there again.
Just one question can you think of any reasons why Carnival would have taken Dominica out of there route? Maybe from negative comment heard after returning to the ship. Your comments would be greatly appreciated.
Best Wishes
Someone please tell the Mayor of the city of Roseau that Dominica is not a city….. I’m reading ‘Dominica is one of the cleansest cities in the Caribbean.’
Dominicans, we should be ashamed of ourselves,we should not wait on Government to clean our city, neither Cecil Joseph. We are the ones who work , live, have business and socialize in Roseau. The onus is on us to keep it clean. We as Dominicans are laughing and degrading our city and encouraging a Bridgetown Barbados lover to say that our city is dirty.
I really hope that be put our hands to the plough, get some paint and paint our buildings, power wash our side walks, get rid of all them old stalls, remove the paroes from the streets, get litter warden, even for business places, pave our roads in Roseau, then we’ll be second to none.
@MM: Dominicans are too nasty, they can clean outside their business places and make them attractive, you don’t have have to wait on Government to do that.
Too much paroes in Roseau.
MJr.Mayor I just returned from Dominica and I can tell you the place is dirty it needs full cleaning from top to bottom so dont give me that crap so instead of closing your eyes to the truth I would suggest that you get your act together and get down to work get out of the politic game and do the jobn you were elected to do right now I do believe that Mayor Bernadine Williams would not turn her back she would listen to the and get to work.
Carnival pulling out is just the begining and it is a chance for all of us to get on the keep D’Ica clean especialy ROSEAU.
It doesn’t appear as if the Mayor of Roseau has ever left Dominica to visit any other country. I think he should start planning trips to visit Barbados,St Maarteen,Anguila to see what the word “cleanest”means. It also appears that Mr. Mayor is talking as if Roseau is the only town or country in Dominica. When was the last time did the Mayor visit Portsmouth or the other cities or villages? I know he is the Mayor of Roseau, but all the other towns and villages are a part of Dominica.
I think there should be an organized cleaning campaign throughout the whole island. Only after that is done the Mayor can speak about Dominica being the cleanest country in the Caribbean. Get to work, Mr. Mayor!!!
Is anyone but me concerned that the mayor refers to the island as a city? When I read stuff like that I don’t know if I should laugh or scream in anger. Come on people, get it together. Be serious.
You need to view the travel guide and read the comments about Dominica. Oh, it’s one of the
poorest island I have been to. The beaches are ok but why so much trash.
They have fulled out but because of fuel for they still go to St.Lucia.
The capital “Roseau” is a sore-eye. Has Cecil Joseph take the smell around the town and to see the clog drains. Trash all around the town. The town needs trash bins and trees but not flowers.
Also, signs are needed showing you where the hotels are, signs showing where the police station and the hospital is. Places of importance WE NEED SIGNS!!!!!!!!!
Has Cecil Joseph been to the c’bean. He just needs to go to Grenada. An island of discipline. I guess he is one who accepts Roseau as is. Dog poop all over the streets and drug addicts undress walking the streets harassing the tourists. We need police to patrol on bicycles. We carry the name the Nature Isle of the C’bean so we have to live up to it.
Sorry guys. He meant the city of Vielle Case NOT Roseau.
The bottom line is the cruise line is not selling enough tours in Dominica.They did the same thing ST.Croix and blame pulling out on crime while they continue to visit places like Jamaica.Am a Dominican who lives away i visit each year and my problem about dominica has always been some of streets in roseau they are plain out dirty.
The article is conflicting. We know the real reason why carnival pulled out of Dominica, their on-board tours were not earning a profit. I was in Dominica over one week ago and we have a long way to go before we can attract the type of tourist we desire.
There are hardly any decent restaurants in Roseau to eat. The roads are horrible and Roseau itself is any eyesore. Lagon needs a serious make over. I can go on and on with what I saw. We are indeed beautiful, but the market area needs an upgrade.
I do remember mentioning about the condition of Roseau a few years back , that it was an eyesore and therefore needed a general facelift.That those shacks along the riverbank be eradicated and the government build better houses for those living there ,the drains covered all over the city,too many stray dogs all over the place and the market should be more welcoming than as it is. I was fiercely attacked and told that I was not a patriotic citizen and that I was crying down my country , that I only saw the bad and not the good. I’m not at all surprised at all if any ship stopped coming…soon Dominicans will stop coming. Tell the mayor and the PM to start cleaning up the damn place and make it look presentable. Already Dominica does not have too much to offer
Mr mayor i will forever refer to you and the govt of this country as a set of incompetent clowns..The tourism minister feels that the reason given (fuel) is untrue,and here you are trying to pass wool over our eyes..Well sir Roseau can be very dirty and smelling pee pee..Yes it is our main city,but the truth is the truth..Many PAROS, are harassing the tourists,taxi drivers are disorganized and Roseau is replete with dirty drains..What happen,you don’t walk the city on foot?
By the way did the govt get all the garbage bins from Dopwell? Are some still missing? We need them to clean Roseau sir!!!!!..,or else Dopwell shoud refund us with $173 000.
Hello Mr. Joseph You must be living in some other Island to make such announcement well let me let you! just this past July month my family and some friends took to a trip on the carnival victory. we boarded the ship in Puerto Rico,and made stops in seven Island of the caribbean , I to my shamfull surprised (MY Country of brith Dominica) was indid the one that stand out to have most untidy city . I was very much embarrassed at the site of seeing how drity is the City . then we drove around a bit and it was not getting better so Mr Mayor you need to do your home work and get the city cleaned now please understand we are not here to bash our country but something to be done about the tidness of Roseau
Man I don’t know where to start, this is funny by the Mayor! The first thing that caught my attention is this, “He said he has visited every island between Venezuela and Santo Domingo and none are comparable, in cleanliness, to Dominica”. Now that is some traveling for a Mayor, I wonder doing what!!
Moving on, as for the typical, arrogant BS that these guys seems to get off to the media, wow, wow well Roseau is clean, and what is it that am seeing piled up around the pole by Scotia Bank, same by Island Ice Cream, same opposite Sutton Place Hotel need I go on? Now gutters not to mention gutters around Roseau. Mr. Mayor what about the countless empty parcels of lands all over the place, old buildings housing the desolate, I can’t help by remind you of the gutters, does stench count as part of Roseau being dirty Mr. Mayor, Mr. Joseph?? Oh sure I see every evening the men with wheelbarrow and bass-broom in hand tending to the gutters and no sooner are the cleaned, they are filled with bits and pieces and waste from the restaurants and homes etc.. and by next morning the smell returns, why because we have some poorly constructed gutters in Roseau, maybe you should tend to those as part of the redevelopment plan to save and prevent the other Cruise Line(s) from pulling out, then again if you say it is not “dirty Roseau” is fuel cost, then why bother they all use fuel, don’t they? Again who am I to say anything maybe just maybe Mr. Mayor knows something that the public don’t!
Now am no expert and maybe I have limited understanding, but this part of the Mayor statement or speech whatever it was interest me.
“Government says the withdrawal of the vessel will not just affect the tourism industry in terms of visitor arrival, but more significantly the livelihoods of those who stand to benefit directly, like small business owners, taxi drivers, vendors, and farmers, among others. The mayor on the other hand believes the vendors and taxi operators can use this to amplify their own entrepreneurial talents and come together”.
And this piece too: “We can work in a harmonized way in achieving a common understanding,”
Now I ask the question what the hell is he talking about. Is it another vision? You identified and highlighted every part of civil society that will be affected, yet you speak of coming together, working together blah, blah, blah!!!
Ok maybe am to quick to make statements, just maybe the Mayor is thinking of it this way: Farmers continue to plant, The Taxi Operators will collect from the Farmers and transport to the Vendors and the Vendors will supply the Small Business Owners, now what does the SBO do with it Mr. Mayor can you help me out please Sir, am stuck, am falling and I can’t get up!!!!
This is exactly why we as a country gets nowhere because we always have guys that come out and speak to us via the media and they always have the answers! The fact is the lost of Carnival will not just cut a hole in countless pockets, the pockets will be torn off! It will be felt by each and everyone of us, directly and indirectly. And yes there should be finger pointing, because we or I should say the stakeholders, the play makers, the Government did not regulate the sector because they thought that as long as there are tourist they will come to Nature Island of the Caribbean, Dominica. So every farmer turned taxi and tour operator, instead of creating the enabling environment to assist them on their plots and farms to produce food they gave them loans for buses, sorry taxis and even on hire purchase, so every Jim, Jack and John left Zion to come down Babylon to run taxi because of the tourist dollar, now what they go do? We never understood that the Tourism business is one of the most unstable and volatile if there is one, all it takes is one incident or a number of incidents over a sustained period and off they go!
The fact is and to be fair to him it is not his place to say, but the Mayor have said nothing to comfort those that will be hurting after Independence and before Christmas due to the pull out! High cost of fuel my azz!! Sadly it seems people that are use to eating and sucking breast, breast will have to go back to Back n’ Necks, that is if they can afford it!!!
LMAO!!!! Cleanest City?????? Roseau is a bleddy eyesore !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Has Cecil Joseph been to other Caribbean islands?????????? LOL!!!
I have traveled to several islands in the C/bean and I can tell you….my impression as a Dominican is always….what a shame that we are the NATURE ISLE OF THE C/BEAN and our streets jus do not show that…..These other islands who do not boast of this streets…are WAY much more cleaner than ours. SO stop with this nonsense MR MAYOR and do your job!!
No strip club no casino what do u expect.This government is doing a great job.we cannot afford an international airport and having things like this in D.A will help us build one.Tourist dem wanna swim in something new.
Why is this low level official addressing a situation that is clearly out of his league? I am asking this solely based on this man’s idiotic and reckless comments. Ask for his resignation, I don’t know. I would first have to know the minimum requirements for being mayor. Who knows, he may just satisfy them. Dominica, build the amenities, including airport, get rid of the monopoly these mam and pap hotels have in Dominica and the tourist will come!
Well why should we even expect anything better to come out of Cecils’ mouth……since he became Mayor of Roseau he have been promising to clean out the dogs and the vagrants, but now you see more and more dogs and vagrants .. hanging around. Cecil all I have to say is “San gou Tan Stuppppppppes”.
I am glad that I was in Dominica just about two years ago. And after having lived in the City of Toronto, Canada; having travelled throughout the Province of Ontario for the past 36 years I have to tell Mr Joseph that he has not spoken the truth about Roseau.
Dominica is indeed a beautiful Island, and I am proud that it is the Land of my birth. I cannot wait for the few more years for me to return to my homeland and my people. But I am saying it again, I know a clean city, and Roseau is not one of those cities.
Last week, I was glad to discover that many of us, Dominicans, had noticed the same thing I observed, and I thought that authorities would hear the voice of the people and to do something about the face of Dominica, which is Roseau. I am not talking about cleaning up for strangers (Tourist) either. We cannot always please them. I am talking about doing this for our country, for the pride of our people. .But today, I believe that we Dominicans have every reason to be worried and concerned.
The fact that Mr Joseph has denied what so many of us know is the real truth, is an extremely disturbing concern. It means that as the Mayor of the City Mr Joseph has no intentions of even trying to give people some basic ideas of how to keep the City clean, much more for him to approach the leading government with suggestions of starting a clean up project for the City of Roseau.
And I am not talking about just outside of the city. There are some snack shops that allow people chairs and tables to eat the food which they sell, but after eating, there is no washroom facilities for a person who needs to refresh his/her self. That is not sanitary at all.
Someone has to be the leader to give the go ahead, if not the Mayor of the City, then who? But he has decided that Roseau is second to none in cleanliness. This kind of authority is unacceptable, we do not need someone like that to control the operations of our community.
I hope that Mr Joseph knows that he has put his job in jeopardy to make a decision like that on behalf of the people of Roseau and Dominicans on the whole.
Then city is dirty thats official and many more ships will stop coming
On the spot fines should be introduced for any one caught littering. This is common in many countries. The streets of Roseau should be cleaned every day and preferably at 4am when there are not many people about. I understand Anguilla is using our line of credit. Lets put it to good use for dominicans.
Dear Dominica Online. My wife and I chose Carnival Victory last January because it stopped in Dominica. We hiked to Sari-Sari Falls and loved it. This is a loss to all Carnival’s passengers to miss visiting a really wild Island. Cruise Passenger
This statement from the mayor would be an insult to the intelligence to dumbest donkey in D’ca and is a clear sign that the mayor is absolutely unfit to hold that position and should therefore be asked to resign.
How on earth can we see any progress if those given the responsibility to foster progress has such a perception. I shudder to think what his home must look like as he clearly has his head stuck up a dark place, I wonder if he also smells roses everywhere he goes.
Get real, we all know the first step to solving any problem is by first recognising and admitting the problem!!
Mr Mayor, you can’t be serious. I have lived in a number of English-speaking Caribbean countries and I have been fortunate to travel to the majority of those countries on numerous occasions and I must tell you that Dominica is one the filthiest cities around. In fact, I expressed my disgust to you in December ’09 while in Dominica. It is one of my biggest gripes with DA – too much garbage. It is about time we do a better job with our garbage. I find it totally UNACCEPTABLE for persons to be placing garbage bags all over the road on collection days and even outside of collection days, especially in the center of Roseau. We need to introduce a more organised system whereby households keep their garbage in covered receptables outside their homes for collection on specific days and business owners contract the services of garbage collectors to dispose of their garbage in the city. I find your statement really outrageous and will tell you just that when next I visit. What scares me though is that if those are really your views on the matter, Roseau will sure remain as a filthy town.
Roseau the cleanest city in the Caribbean?????? WHAT A BLATANT LIE. Either the good major is telling lies about his travels or he is trying to mislead those that have not travelled. Roseau is actually one of the dirtiest. Definetly the worse smelling
Dem hypie days are over. No more hypies in Roseau, anymore. Tell Lord Breaker so. Roseau not stinking again – tell the lead vocalist for the former Milestone band of Portsmouth about that. So, why Dominica? Why?, Mr Mayor. Is this Socialism?
Mr. Mayor, my friend, I too have travelled a lot in my life and I cannot join you by saying that Roseau is the cleanest city in the Caribbean. No way.
Barbados may have many old houses but Bridgetown is generally well kept. On a Sunday you will see many a business place power washing their sidewalks especially on Broad Street. How much of that happens in Roseau? If the Fire Service doesn’t have practice and testing the Fire Hydrants occasionally and there is little rainfall like earlier this year is trouble. The City Council’s equipment is old and needs urgent replacing – especially the hoses to clean the drains. Whenever the streets and gutters are being cleaned is when the stench is strongest. Why? They are swept with no running water!!! That is a shame.
Castries Waterfront in St. Lucia where the market is located – opposite the elevated Car Park which you do not have in Roseau, does not have the level of garbage that we have though St. Lucia has a bigger population of residents in Castries. The apartment buildings yes needs a coat of paint. By the way, when will Roseau Central have an elevated Car Park like St. Lucia, Barbados, Jamaica, Trinidad and the rest?
Kingstown St. Vincent is on par with Roseau and their Botanical Gardens is much better kept than what we have in Roseau Central. We need an irrigation system in our Botanical Gardens that can be placed on a timer to ensure green lush grass year round. And while on the Botanical Gardens why do we still have a man driving a lawnmower and that mower is not fitted with a collector to collect the cut grass in one pass? This is 2010 Mr. Mayor. You may not be directly responsible for the Botanical Gardens but it amazes me to see a man on a ladder with a manual shears trimming the hedge on Bath Road. Why can’t he be given a battery operated or gas operated hedge trimmer and set targets to be accomplished within a day? Trust me that man’s productivity would skyrocket and the relevant authority will save money since these people are daily paid workers.
St. John’s Antigua has a water shortage and so their drains do have a strong stench. Never mind all the fancy colors that are on the main streets.
Basseterre, St. Kitts, too has a water problem but generally these people take pride in their small island relative to us in Roseau. If you take a walk from the OTI hotel on the Hill down to the Post Office you will see generally well kept surroundings with the exception of the fish market.
Port of Spain can do plenty better yes. Kingston, Jamaica, varies – downtown up to Halfway Tree leaves a lot to be desired, while uptown by Devon House, Dominica Drive, New Kingston, Sovereign Shopping Centre, is plenty better than Roseau. Mona Heights , Parade, Hope Gardens, Hope Pastures, Barbican, Constant Spring Road, Oakland Housing Scheme, Red Hills, just to name a few parts of Kingstown will outshine Roseau any day.
Haiti, Dominican Republic and P R is much too dynamic. A little rain and is flood for so and garbage for so. Well those French are French and I will leave it at that.
But the best keep capital city in the Caribbean is Bridgetown Barbados. Despite the many old houses, everything has a place. And you must see Housing Revolution. Man is there that have a set of houses being constructed all now so and they not looking poor like those in St. Joseph.
Dominica has no Casinos to compete with the Cruise Lines, no heavy concentration of duty free shopping like the other islands – things that can compete with the ships yet Carnival is pulling out!!! Some things are clearly wrong, and you and I know the many contributing factors and cleanliness is one of them.
Mayor’s quote:… “Dominica stands out to be the cleanest city in the Caribbean. We have a more pristine environment… we are second to none,”….
Mr. Mayor what’s with your propaganda? First off “Dominica” is not the city. Aren’t you the major of Roseau? Second, your comments are definitely geared at those who haven’t been to every island from Venezuela to the DR like you claim you have been. On the other hand, that’s how we know our tourism industry sucks, ONE ship pulls out and the place goes into chaos. Can we just forget Carnival and go shopping for another cruise line? Is it that hard? Oh yeah that’s right, we ain’t no St Lucia.
good try mr.Joseph
and what about dem naked paros,, there were more before..haha…
wha happen u fraid to point at central government…. they were ignoring you… we know more of what u think..
stop the hypocracy…
Roseau so DIRTY
Mr Mayor with all due respect all educated Dominicans can see this as nonsense. The cost of fuel may well have something to do with it however making that claim while still visiting countries further south voids the argument. Dominica is just not a known Tourist destination. However Roseau does need a clean up and, an alternative to the dreadful waste removal system must also be reviewed, as on pickup days the trucks do not come at the specified time and as a result, rubbish is left in the street at all hours for all (INCLUDING THE TOURISTS) to see.
“Cleanest city in the Caribbean”. Your worship, are you kidding?????
Please, get your eyes checked and also your nostrils.
Dominicans , if you all love Dominica, land of your birth, first demand from Mayor, Cecil Joseph and his DLP GOVT. the money owed to our treasury from the RUBBISH BIN FIASCO. That money could go a long way in cleaning up the city. Cecil could tell us exactly how much is owed. He and his PM and GOVT. cannot refute the fact that almost $200,000.00 must be paid back to the Treasury. It seems those thousands of rubbish bins did not have much impact in keeping the city clean. The purchase wasn’t planned for cleanliness, but for something else. The Mayor has no moral authority to talk about anything. He and his colleagues have been alleged to be in too many TWAKA. In fact, those allegations seem to have some truth in them, since he has yet to deny what has been disclosed in public. To ask people to work in a harmonized way, you Mr. Mayor must first be truthful to people, trust them and respond to their burning questions as it relates to national issues. Harmony means everything being in sync. You all are very much too detached from the people.
Don’t play us for fools Mr Mayor, we will not allow you to think for us. This type of psychology will not work on all Dominicans, especially those who are in Roseau everyday. Your comments just proved to me that you are not very bright.Just go ahead and admit it Roseau needs a clean up, starting with the gutters infront of Orchard Restaurant, Island Ice cream shop and by Fedex. Do not clean it for the tourists, clean it for all Dominicans!!
Mr mayor the word/term gypsies is a very derogatory one.please refine you vocab. you are addressing the entire world here not just the people in Bath Estate.
it hve a reason behind y they withdraw and its not fuel costs,it will cum out …
Mr. Joseph – wake up – stop trying to fool people. Your comments are irresponsible and naive. Own up to the reality and deal with the real issues. Cleanliness can always be improved upon. We are not second to none. We have to learn to take constructive criticism and turn it into positive actions. You are the mayor of a town that is dirty, lawless and worthy of some serious upgrading. Don’t make everything political – help your party by making Roseau better.
What is this all about????????
Joseph told reporters at a press conference today that he believes the reason provided by the cruise line for pulling out of Dominica is just.
Douglas said while one begs the question as the real reasons behind the decision Dominica’s tourism sector will revive.
You guys must make up your minds. These are the things that has Dominica where it is. The head does not know what the tail is doing.
If the place is dirty clean it up if you are not organized, organize we cannot keep on running in circles.
Is the Mayor living and breathing in Roseau, Dominica.
now that the cost of fuel has gone down … carnival has gone
who really goes on a cruise …. and wants fewer stops?
i heard that carnival will still go to saint lucia and barbados … IF
this is true, what is the impact on their fuel costs to travel further
south? and as if you must pass dominica to go saint lucia and barbados
eh …
mr. mayor even you have to admit these reasons deserve closer scrutiny…