Strong call for unity among Caribbean destinations to combat challenges

Tourism Minister, Hon. Richard Sealey (L) and CTO Chairman John Maginley (right) cuts the ribbon to officially declare the conference open last night.

A strong call has been issued to member states of the Caribbean Tourism Organization (CTO) to work together to fight challenges facing the industry within the region, to safeguard and ensure its sustainability.

St. Lucia is among the 33 members states of the CTO.

CTO Chairman, Hon. John Maginley is proposing a regional marketing firm, which he believes can help each Caribbean island address the global challenges facing the region.

Maginley, who is also Antigua and Barbuda’s tourism minister, indicated that each island has a unique product to offer but can still partner to fight challenges and pursue existing global opportunities for tourism in the Caribbean.

He expressed those sentiments during the opening ceremony of the 11th Annual Caribbean Conference on Sustainable Tourism Development Sunday night, where St Lucia News Online’s correspondent, Christine St. Marie is present.

“Together we will address this, together we will fight with one voice, one people, one region, we owe it to ourselves, to our people, to our visitors. For that reason we must continue to pursue our regional marketing firm. Individually our respective destinations have strengths, together we can become a powerhouse,” Maginley said.

Acting Prime Minister of Barbados, Freundel Stuart expressed similar sentiments. He said the current global challenges leave us with no choice but to work collaboratively.

“It is blindly evident that present circumstances dictate that we work together,” Stuart noted.

The CTO conference is being held under the theme, “Keeping right balances, creating opportunities through a world class sustainable tourism product.”

It is being held at the Lloyd Erskin Sandiford Centre in St. Michael Barbados.

For the next few days, delegates and journalists from across the region will deliberate on tourism issues and also get the opportunity to visit some of the island tourism sites.

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