Sulphur River Tour project hindered by delay of funds

A delay in funds from Government to complete the Sulphur River Tour has caused the Wotten Waven Development Committee to cancel some tours, according to Chairman Rudolph George.

Rudolph George

He told Dominica News Online that they have not been able to accept many visitors on the Sulphur River Tours since work on the sites have not been completed, because of a delay in funds from Government. The sites offer various sulphur pools for recreation purposes.

The Sulphur River Tour has also resorted to cancelling tours as a result of the incomplete trail. George said that this underdeveloped trail creates a safety issue for visitors. In October last year, Minister of Tourism Ian Douglas had announced that a total of $40,000 was allocated for the development of that trail.
Nonetheless, George still expressed optimism in receiving the funds shortly.

“We have faith that the funds will be made available soon and we will be moving along with the project,” he said.

Meanwhile, George anticipates the erection of a proper vendor facility to replace a “shanty town” type settlement of vendor stalls in the community. He said that the facility will eradicate a current problem of congestion of vendors on cruise ship days while beautifying the area.

George added that so far, the plans for the facility which will include a washroom and toilet area have already been drawn up and the area has been surveyed. He said that the committee will allocate specific squares for each vendor to locate themselves in a neat and presentable manner.

He noted also that the facility will be regulated by certain restrictions in order to have law and order in the area.

The development of the upper Savanne Road in Wotten Waven will be a focus for the WDC as well. George said a $150,000 proposal was submitted to the relevant body for confirmation.
Positive feedback has already been received on the project proposal.

Another concern that the chairman noted was the rehabilitation of the village’s playing field, which he said is currently being dealt with by his committee and other relevant government bodies.

Hermisha Rolle/Staff reporter

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  1. aborad on
    February 19, 2010

    I do not see what labor have to do with that some people are just about politics. I am so amazed by my beautiful country Dominica seems like each day I keeo hearing about new tourism sites. DA is truly blessed. Preety soon I think Dominica will be the top tourist destination in the caribbean with so much nature to see. So now is the time for the Government in power to really take tourism very seriously. I personally think as long as something needs to be done to improve tourism it should be looked in serioulsy.

  2. Moi
    February 19, 2010
    February 19, 2010

    its not about politicks and labour but about develoupment

  4. Labour Boy
    February 18, 2010

    Do not panic, You are a Labour boy and all will be achieved. You will not be let down . No. Not how hard you campaigned.

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