Tourist facility at Laudat will save country from embarrassment – committee chairman

Aaron Rolle

A $200,000 facility soon to be erected at Titou Gorge in Laudat is anticipated to save the community and country some “embarrassment” as it will  provide a bathroom, changing room and other amenities for tourists.

This is according to Chairman of the Laudat Village Improvement Committee (LVIC) Aaron Rolle, who said that for many years visitors to the site have been left to use the nearby bushes as toilets and changing rooms due to the lack of such a facility.

Rolle, who spoke at an LVIC public meeting with villagers at the Laudat Primary School Thursday night, said that there have been several pleas from villagers to the Government for this project over the years and is pleased to have finally been heard.

The government of Dominica has made the funds available and construction will begin in the near future, according to Rolle.

“For some time now I have been in negotiation with the government to set up a facility at Titou Gorge because this is something that is needed. It is a very important project. Titou Gorge is a major site for tourists and is one of our main spots in the community to take a bath and swim, so we need a facility there … There is $200,000 put into the budget this year to construct that facility,” he told members of the community.

“The community and the country needs it as well because it’s not only an embarrassment to us in Laudat but to the country, because when you have tourists coming here and they have to go to the nearby bushes as a bathroom, or the husband has to hold a towel  to let his girlfriend or his wife change off clothes. It doesn’t t look good for the country, so I think we need to take it seriously,” according to Rolle.

Rolle said that he hopes for speedy completion of the project. Details of the project are currently being worked out.

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  1. Bam LaFarge
    April 18, 2013

    God Bless Laudat and Aaron Rolle!

  2. khaki
    September 3, 2010

    This comment, is not really about the washroom per say but is the lighting system in Dominica. Especially in the villages,my question is, why are the light poles so far away from each other? This is an element of unsafeness for the local people in the communities.With the streets not well lit, gives criminals the opportunity to hurt people and even kill them. Please! safety should be of great concern. Do something about that.(Point of observation)

    August 2, 2010

    it doh have no where to BURST na in d.a….when it grab u…u better have a solution!!!

  4. DA Man
    July 31, 2010

    Yes, I support having facilities in recreational places and tourist sites. But some is viewing this as the start of a program which should be implemented through the Island.

    Most villages have or should have a facility for its unfortunate residents. The sad thing is that they do not appreciate it.

    If you feel to make a number 1 on the road that should not be a problem. Can’t make it to the village… patriotic……think of the Aballaw. All shall eat.

  5. only
    July 31, 2010

    There needs to be more public restrooms located throughout DA. Glad someone finally figured that out.

    July 31, 2010

    As a former member of the LVIC, I just hope that “Dr. Fix it” has a restraining order for the area during the construction of the facilities. Yes it is a public place, but we all know what he is capable of and it is about time that such a facility be built/established at the titou gorge.

    Great move Zibou! Keep up the good work!

  7. hell has no furry......
    July 30, 2010

    i was in dominica last year and i had to go BAD.coming down the hill heading to portsmouth i stopped on the roadside.while there my daughter pulled out her camera and said (can u say u tube?)i could have now i can gladly say THANK GOD THANK GOD I NO LONGER HAVE TO GO BY THE BAY!!!!!!!

  8. xmxn
    July 30, 2010

    all tourist distination in dominica should have good clean facilitys for both the visitors and te locals no one should beg goverment for those things they should build public restrooms at all tourist sights and about 2 or 3 in roseau i am a truck driver i drive all over the usa i tell a lot of people about dominica and a lot of them want to visit please make it comfortable for our visitors please i want them to say only positive things about my beautiful island thank you

  9. da lover
    July 30, 2010

    boy gwada is much biger and i only know of one in hole of the CITY! i live in the city ok!

  10. Anonymous
    July 30, 2010

    I have long commented among friends that Dominica needs facilities such as these. Good move.

  11. cuscus
    July 30, 2010

    Seeing is believing . When I see it I will believe it . For the last five yrs dem ppl saying dey going to put a facility by de river. Only time will tell

    July 30, 2010



  13. da lover
    July 30, 2010

    SIr i live in gwada for over 10 yeas now, and i know of only one ok! so stop talking about dominica like that shame on you ok

  14. la reina
    July 30, 2010

    you mean to telll me that these facilities don’t exist yet… but chupes! That’s why these ppl will opt to going to SLU and other Caribbean countires..because….what for it…what for it…they have those facilities (light bulb) Come on Government Officials. You want us to be kind to tourist, not litter to name a few and then they go to the sites and are to us bushes to do the number 1’s and 2’s about going native.
    But anyhoo…I’m happy that SOMEONE thought it NECESSARY to construct one of those. Keep ’em comin so that the money will keep flowin

  15. ” save the community and country some “embarrassment” as it will provide a bathroom, changing room and other amenities for tourists.”

    That is something that’s long overdue: As a matter of fact, anywhere on the island where large numbers of people visits, not only the tourrist, such facilities should be made available to the public.

    And although Dominica is a relative small island; traveling by motor vehicles and other means are usually slow, and people usually gets the call to go to relieve themselves. It’s not unusual to see grown men standing at the side of the road, with their penis hanging urinating, and grown women in a squatting position also relieving themselves.

    The idea should not simple be to save the nation embarrassment at specific locations, rather we should develop rest areas at certain locations which would not only serve the tourrist but the local population also.

    Imagine a taxi driver picks up a passenger at Melville Hall Airport traveling to any place in the South, by the time he gets to Hutton Garden, the passenger needs to urinate, or defecate, in the event the passenger, Black or white, ask the driver is there a rest area with a Rest Room, and the answer is no; who is faced with the embarrassment in the first place?

    Though we cannot make comparison to the United States, Canada, and Europe, I am sure that such facilities are located between fifty (50) and (60) miles apart, in addition to the Gas Stations along the way.

    There is a law in America, which makes it mandatory, that any Gas Station operating near any Freeway, must have toilet facilities to accommodate the public.

    In Dominica we must come to realize that people plagued with hypoglycemia, and hyperglycemia (diabetes), and the people who suffers from incontinence travel also, and such individuals need to use the bathroom frequently, to me it is sort of humiliating for even a child stand or stopping on the side of the road, or in the bushes in an effort to relieve themselves.

    Such, though simple are the kinds of development we need to help take Dominica to the ” another level ” that is talked about so much these days.

    Equip with a place to change cloths are not absolutely necessary, however, a water fountain, is necessary, along with hand washing and drying system installed, if electrically operated will eliminate the need for hand paper towels.

    These facilities should also be maintained hygienically, they must be keep clean.

    Francisco Etienne-Dods Telemaque

  16. good thinking!
    July 30, 2010

    I have always brought up this idea in my head, mentioned it to a few within the Tourism industry and finally the Government has recognized the need for it too. I must applaud your smart thinking. Be mindful though that it must be well managed and the whole runnings must be well organized so that it can bear good fruit. Great going!

  17. wil
    July 30, 2010

    Dominica needs more of these facilities – it was time. Good move!

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