In a groundbreaking trial that marked the first instance of a former U.S. president facing criminal charges, Donald Trump was found guilty on Thursday of tampering with business records to influence the 2016 presidential campaign. Following two days of deliberation, a New York jury convicted Trump on 34 charges related to a $130,000 payment made to adult film actress Stormy Daniels.
The prosecution contended that Daniels received the payment to conceal a 2006 encounter with Trump, with the intention of swaying the outcome of the 2016 election, which Trump eventually won. Trump’s sentencing is set for July 11.
The trial, which spanned six weeks, was marked by dramatic moments, including testimonies from Daniels and Trump’s former attorney Michael Cohen. Trump faced 10 counts of contempt of court and was fined $10,000 for violating a court order prohibiting attacks on individuals involved in the trial. Several Republican figures, such as House Speaker Mike Johnson, traveled to New York to express support for Trump, the presumed 2024 Republican presidential nominee.
Trump, who opted not to testify in his defense, plans to appeal the verdict through his legal team. The outcome of the trial could impact Trump’s prospects of returning to the White House. Recent polling by Yahoo News/YouGov indicated that a conviction might diminish Trump’s chances in a potential matchup against President Joe Biden.
omg no wonder authoritarians are so emboldened. the nonsense I’m reading In here. the man is a billionaire supposedly, he doesnt care about anyone but himself. is that a crime no. the things he’s done, from falsifying documents to fraud, to trump university etc that is criminal activity anyone who did this would be in jail. but no here we are in the comments talking politics. Who cares who wins who cares about party. right is right and wrong is wrong. no one is above the damn law especially not some narcissistic piece of junk.
People so ignorant. all concerned about is stupid partisan politics while the world is on verge of world War. oh well man. those who support the stupidity will suffer the same as those who didn’t. if nazi regime is any evidence of that. … millions dead and even more starving. cause you jealous of the rights of others. cause your side is at fault or losing
All Mob Bosses usually get caught and prosecuted as required by the law. That Mob Boss luck finally ran out. There is faith in the US justice system now that no one is above the law. They finally got him.
The USA may soon have a convict felon convicted sexual assaulter fraud con man mob boss sitting in the White House, that is quite an accomplishment.
Dominica should be under the US Court System
Nobody including our politicians here are above the law.
even MSNBC that calling that trial a farce and was rigged and they dont even like trump
Fake “putin!”

Both America and Europe lack leadership. Trump may be bad, but Biden is ONE BILLION TIMES WORSE than Trump. He is a sleeping walking contradiction, with the worst foreign policy objectives ever in American history. He, Biden, is highly corrupt, and is definitely not the one in control. He is complicit in the Gaza genocide and ethnic cleansing, and the scamp should long have been arrested by the ICC and/or the ICJ. As his proxy war continues in Ukraine, he is slowly edging the GLOBE to WW111 by supplying Ukraine with long range weapons to attack Russian territory.
This conviction will most likely solidify Trump’s standing in the polls and will secure his victory come November. The only obstacle will be the collective West media that will echo in you all ears for 24 hours felon Trump, felon Trump, felon Trump. I hardly listen to Western Media!!
Unadulterated fecal matter you spewing. The Donald’s conscience is shipwrecked. He is the G.O.A.T. of lies and bad behaviour.
No one is above the law. Uncle, Tomson and Edo next.
why is it taking so long???????????
I fell asleep on dat already.
if any of dem was really guilty of a crime de evidence would be before the court and Skerrit would have fried their balls already……….seriously…..who’s fooling who?!
u want a lollipop?
The last time my wife and I gave money to the Republican Party, was 2016.Now because of this injustice we are forced to contribute to Trump defense.
The voters will have the last say,come November.
Take that little spare change and put it to better use. Donate to the home of the elderly which is under severe financial stress. Trump claims to be a billionaire.
I’ll find some real good charitable cause to contribute to.
Trump needs to go work for his money just like me and ordinary Americans to pay his legal bills.
What a show!
Is Jerry Springer back on?
Brenda, even if I suspect that’s not your name, *** What should the American court be ashamed of?
Donald have been having things his own way for all of his almost eight years of living, thinks he is invincible: and idiots like you follow and uphold his crap! I am almost certain you are not an American, so in that case you need to mind your business, the same corruption and thievery in Dominica that have scums like you living in poverty you should worry about that and not the American justice system!***.
Even Donald biological niece was on MSNBC television supporting the verdict and conviction of the now convicted criminal, however, you a nobody is condemning the court where he’s convicted!
Why don’t you condemn his appointed judges who are protecting him by delaying cases against him.
Shut up you’re nobody!
The U.S. deserves everything that is going to come in the next 4 years if this man doesn’t get elected. Right now Venezuela is even better off than the U.S. in crime rate. Can you imagine that. Soon inflation will start to hit astronomical levels and the country will completely fall apart when the government can no longer sustain all the debt spending to keep their voter base appeased with welfare and handouts.
Once the fake monopoly money train runs out all those millions of illegal immigrants that they flooded the country with are going to start to cause CHAOS once they start getting hungry and there’s no more government money to collect.
Good luck to any diaspora living in the U.S. Some of you might be running back home soon. A lot of you deserve whatever you are going to experience in the next 4 years because you hate the man simply because of his strong stance on immigration.
Donald Trump for whatever reason felt as though he was immune to the laws of the country. He even once boasted that he could shoot a man on 5th Avenue without being charged. What arrogance and insanity!
For millions of Americans to vote for this megalomaniacal, MVP Liar, is an unmistakable proof that America is on a trajectory to wrack and ruin.
To all those misinformed sycophants of the Donald. If Obama had committed one tenth of the things as Trump, would he be still vying for president of the US?
What a farce. The American court should be ashamed of itself.
Exactly why should the American court be ashamed of itself?
It’s a travesty for procrastinating the prosecution of Trump for the many infractions of the law he has been accused of. The world would be a much safer and better place without this caricature.
Ya, considering he hand-picked a few of its judges. He failed again. He and Majorie may now see need to overthrow the courts entirely, aka coups.