Update: DNO comment policy not new

It is understandable that some readers have reacted with cries of “censorship!” to the decision by Dominica News Online (DNO) to begin implementing more diligently, certain aspects of the website’s comment policy.

After all, freedom of speech and freedom of expression are among the most cherished freedoms of our democracy.

We, at DNO, fully understand that democratic societies by definition are participatory and deliberative. They are designed to work best when people can voice their opinions about particular issues or controversies.

We have no intention of suppressing that democratic right.

However, while we are committed to upholding the right to free speech, we also have an obligation to prevent infringements of the rights of others and to avoid law suits against Dominica News Online.

DNO is not introducing any new restrictions with regard to the moderation of comments. We are simply implementing certain aspects of a comment policy which has been in place for several years now, perhaps from the very inception of this website.

We appreciate some of the comments which have been posted in response to our decision and going forward, some of the suggestions may inform a review of the DNO comment policy.

However, comments such as ” is as if like comments here on DNO will soon be gone forever” or ” All you ‘fraid Skerro”, could not be further from the truth. Our comment policy clearly states  “We never censor based on political or ideological points of view”

Dominica News Online does not pander to any politician or political party or any other interest group for that matter. What we are currently doing is putting measures in place to accommodate as many different points of view as possible on the website, including those of all major political parties. Our slogan “Independent. Immediate. Trusted.” was very carefully chosen to accurately reflect what we stand for as a news organization.

Our decision to implement the DNO comment policy is not intended to diminish the entertainment value of the comments posted on DNO because we know that for many people, the comments feature is a popular attraction to the site.

We believe it is possible to freely express one’s opinion in an entertaining manner with wit, humour, satire etc. and even sarcasm, without being defamatory or obscene or having to resort to unwarranted personal attacks. What is required is a little creativity and we know there’s no shortage of that among our readers.

In fact many of the comments we receive conform to the requirements of the DNO comment policy. It’s really just a handful of bloggers that we’re asking to be more mindful of the content of their comments.

We’ve noted the concerns expressed about the restriction placed on the length of comments. However, please note that the policy refers to comments that are “excessively long and off-message”. So, our advice to readers would be that if you wish to address a matter at length, you can send it to DNO as a letter to the Editor or as a commentary and we’ll be happy to publish it once it meets the requirements for publication.

This comments moderation measure, in addition to several other initiatives which we are in the process of introducing on DNO (and which we will tell you about shortly) are designed not only to maintain  DNO as Dominica’s most popular news website but as the most respected as well.

We look forward to your cooperation in our efforts to achieve those objectives.

Copyright 2012 Dominica News Online, DURAVISION INC. All Rights Reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or distributed.

Disclaimer: The comments posted do not necessarily reflect the views of DominicaNewsOnline.com and its parent company or any individual staff member. All comments are posted subject to approval by DominicaNewsOnline.com. We never censor based on political or ideological points of view, but we do try to maintain a sensible balance between free speech and responsible moderating.

We will delete comments that:

  • contain any material which violates or infringes the rights of any person, are defamatory or harassing or are purely ad hominem attacks
  • a reasonable person would consider abusive or profane
  • contain material which violates or encourages others to violate any applicable law
  • promote prejudice or prejudicial hatred of any kind
  • refer to people arrested or charged with a crime as though they had been found guilty
  • contain links to "chain letters", pornographic or obscene movies or graphic images
  • are off-topic and/or excessively long

See our full comment/user policy/agreement.


  1. Choice
    March 6, 2012

    Great show DNO! There are a handfull of childish imps out there who abuse the dno priveleges to post hate comments on people who are not in public life. These posters are the one’s giving the majority of bona fide posters a bad name in the process.

  2. BIG
    March 5, 2012

    Well, my 2-cents tell me, the if some one is shooting at our Prime Minister out of the way,
    then it is my duty to put that some one straight. But the Admin have all the rit in the world to blot it out, if he doesn’t like what I said!

    • 1979 eTErNAL
      March 5, 2012

      are you aware that the truth most times is an offence i.e(not liked), but it is never a crime. It is also true that the truth and constructive criticisms are most times not accepted where they are most needed. Respect is EARNED and not DEMANDED. I ask you, how can someone DEMAND respect if they do not act accordingly??? dishonorable behavior cannot beget honor, if u catch my drift. This is why I criticize most times. because I expect that the man who is charged to lead me, SHOULD MOST DEFINITELY be of a better fiber and moral standing than me the old gatey wass.. but then again one may disagree and and contend that the blind may lead the blind.

  3. 1979 eTErNAL
    March 5, 2012

    discourse and dialogue dictates that “IDEAS” must contend…..and to be one who good a dialogue one must wear a thick skin… where will our society go if both sides of opinions on any subject are not allowed to contend and to unravel itself without influence or slant from any particular sect???? what holds true for the man from st.aroment, may not necessarily be true for a man from gutter or tarish pit… the majority of crime is carried out by lower class young people from impoverished areas of our society, how then can we attempt to curb crime by listening to the sentiments of a man from st. aroment?????? when people lack an avenue to voice their concerns or vent their frustration they often resort to action . PLEASE PEOPLE WE MUST LEARN THAT WE CANNOT ALLOW , OTHERS TO LIVE IN ISOLATION AND BOTTLED UP.. when they explode it impacts on all of us. even those who are innocent. I am not condoning defamation of character. BUT SOMETIMES WE MUST CHALLENGE THOSE WHO ARE IN POSITIONS TO MAKE A DIFFERENCE.. and that is my 1 cent!

  4. toma
    March 5, 2012

    you do what skero tell you all to do and dont, and thats it. So no need to try and explain.

  5. Anti-hate
    March 5, 2012

    The confrontational ‘intellectual gangster’ style utilized by the recently out-of-the-closet politician Linton has clearly lead a certain segment of the Dominican population to believe that the media is a place to declare open season on the reputation on anyone who doesn’t share their point of view or political leanings.

    I used to be a frequent commenter here but I pulled away because of the insulting comments constantly directed towards me by UWPites on the site. Few of them challenge
    ge my points or provide contradictory evidence but instead start hurling juvenile insults. Eventually I decided to use my time more constructively than trading insults with embittered persons.

    So if DNOs objective is to raise the level of discourse I fully endorse this move.

  6. Devoted Dominican
    March 5, 2012

    Thank you (DNO)for a job being well done. Please do whatever it takes to protect your reputation. Your stories are well accepted all over and are being appreciated by lots of us. So please continue to do what is good for those who enjoys your stories, and later for those who be cries you. For they lack true knowledge.

  7. So I see it
    March 5, 2012

    Thanks DNO. I wish you could stop the name calling particularly the dummy-in-cans name. This is pure defamation and is very unpatriotic.

    We have to understand that that true freedom only exists where people follow the rules. Without rules, chaos reigns and freedom disappears.

    So censor all you want.

  8. C.bruce
    March 5, 2012

    “We believe it is possible to freely express one’s opinion in an entertaining manner with wit, humour, satire etc. and even sarcasm, without being defamatory or obscene or having to resort to unwarranted personal attacks. What is required is a little creativity and we know there’s no shortage of that among our readers.” Very good DNO. So long as this element of the postings is preserve kudoes to you. Like “bougla” said, we d/cans like to pound our beff… with no hard feelings. God bless DNO.

  9. Anonymous
    March 5, 2012

    “We believe it is possible to freely express one’s opinion in an entertaining manner with wit, humour, satire etc. and even sarcasm, without being defamatory or obscene or having to resort to unwarranted personal attacks. What is required is a little creativity and we know there’s no shortage of that among our readers.” Very good DNO. So long as this element of the postings is preserve kudoes to you. Like “bougla” said, we d/cans like to pound our beff… with no hard feelings. God bless DNO.

  10. Gigg-la
    March 5, 2012

    tiny u loooking for attention stop that posting n go to work

    • tiny
      March 5, 2012

      you know i can post while I’m at work right?

      • The Manager
        March 5, 2012

        So you on DNO posting while you should be doing the company work. Look don’t make me come down to your department.

  11. Interested
    March 5, 2012

    As the saying goes ” FREENESS IS WORRINESS. Because we are able to express our opinions for free does not mean we have to take advantage and believe we have a right to say what we want. I do not believe there is censorship. We have to understand that views or opinions expressed on this media is read internationally. I have no problem with measures taken by DNO and support them fully.

  12. bougla
    March 5, 2012

    I hope i can continue to “pound bef” with my fellow dominicans!

    • Peeping Tom
      March 5, 2012

      :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:

  13. Anon Again
    March 5, 2012

    Dear DNO,
    I agree you have a duty to protect yourself against defamation. I believe you ought not allow advertising on the blog. But those apart, anything else is downright censorship, pure and simple, no matter how you try to explain it, no matter how you try to spin it. You are censoring bloggers. As some posters have already indicated, take a look at the comments section of some of the world’s leading news organisations and see the comments. People may be offended by what’s posted, but it’s part of the blogosphere. People may feel insulted, but that’s life. People may want to see nothing but the “Queen’s English” on the site, but it’s not going to happen. As for the “off-message” rule. Are you kidding me? It’s a blog, DNO, a blog. As I stated, take a look at what other respected news sites are doing. So go ahead and delete anything that’s defamatory or any advertising, but, otherwise, let people express themselves, even when we don’t agree with or like what they have to say or how they say it

  14. BelzboB
    March 5, 2012

    In review and with respect to everyone’s opinion, I think DNO has been doing a good job with the comments and I hope they get better with being more assertive at moderating the comments.
    I have been one of the bloggers who have been asking for better, more respectful and educated comments and less anger and hate. I’m happy that DNO has decided to engage the filters that have been in place but not been adequately used.
    Let us give the moderators a chance and let’s see if the comments get better.
    Let us remember, our kids read these too.

  15. Blkqwn
    March 5, 2012

    I really don’t see a problem with censorship. Matt does it every single morning if he finds that whoever is calling is getting out of hand, and yet still we listen to him every single morning!
    DNO good luck.

  16. gaijin
    March 5, 2012

    gold was found outside of domincan republic from a sunk vessel of long ago. where did the person get that dominica gold story

  17. true
    March 5, 2012

    its still not right/Fair DNO!
    this is blatant censorship.

    My other problem is the longggggggg time u have to wait before your comment is posted. and the downtime on the site! whats up with that!! Employ new people. look TINY volunteering!
    all afternoon the site down. no comments were being accepted!

  18. BIG
    March 4, 2012

    Way to go DNO!!!

    Some of them are tiny-little Taliban hiding behind Christian.
    Why don’t they build their own terrorist-website? I am with the moderator all the way.
    Admin, if you find any of my postings are out of place, please throw them in the dustbin, because I acknowledge you as THE boss Here, and NOT the other way around.

    Peace & love to DNO!!!

    • Anon Again
      March 5, 2012

      I find it instructive that while you, BIG, defend the DNO policy, you immediately violate at least two, and possibly three of the criteria by referring to people as “Taliban” and “Terrorists”. And DNO actually published it. Way to go, BIG.

  19. Dracular
    March 4, 2012

    DNO you have been protecting yourself for a long time and frankly I find your protection measures bordering censorship.
    Apart from excessive overriding of blogs the obvious and deliberate news items begs the ” where is the fearless reporting”. What about posting all the issues that are news worthy. Why did DNO pull the article about saiob chuodhury vindicating his con man operation. Trrhe article was not about anybody else but chuodhurry. Was DNO afraid of chuodhurry or the forces in Dominica?

  20. forreal
    March 4, 2012

    @DNO,i recently wrote a comment in light of the big row row over the finding of the battery found of the cost of pointe michel,it was never published,i was mistified,looking at the criteria by which your moderation is done,i see no reason why i was blocked,all i simply said was that justice needs to be done to dominica,a gold diving ship was allowed to operate right under our noses in the roseau harbour,took away all the gold and placed on display in some place in europe,and it is all good,i said or i saw this as a violation of our waters,this gold need to be brought back to dominica,where did i violate your commentary laws DNO?.

    • forreal
      March 4, 2012

      and also i would like to add,if our historians have dominicas historical evidents at heart,then this is their fight.

      ADMIN: We’ll investigate your complaint and provide a response as soon as possible.

      • tiny
        March 4, 2012

        yes go ahead and investigate it..i suspect is the other moderator that doing that…the one that don’t like me…the one who always take a bunch of time to post my comment…but i still don’t complain like the complainers on here…anyways, i tell you already…fire them…give me the job instead…hey it’s an online job right? …

  21. Pundit
    March 4, 2012

    Seems like your feathers were ruffled. LOL

  22. ummm
    March 4, 2012

    don’t know why you felt such a need to explain. let the content of your website and how you manage comments from now speak for itself.

    For what it’s worth DNO, I got it from the start.

    Good luck!

    • tiny
      March 4, 2012

      because they keep complaining…that’s why…so because the moderator don’t post all the complaints….ah boy

  23. Grand Bay Girl
    March 4, 2012

    Good idea

  24. Peeping Tom
    March 4, 2012

    DNO: “However, while we are committed to upholding the right to free speech, we also have an obligation to prevent infringements of the rights of others and to avoid law suits against Dominica News Online.” DNO, you have my full support. Frankly, i am not even sure why you are responding to the hollow cries of censorship. Dominicans want it all their way everytime. When it does not go their way and they can find no plausible argument in their favour, they will resort to attacking you. So, feel free to ignore the cry-babies and let us procede with the effort to build civility and decorum in this land.

    It is about time that someone speak out against the abject misuse of the “right to free speech”. It is about time that someone, some entity, teach my compatriots about rights and responsibilities.

    Thank you DNO! At least you have the courage to take a stance. I hope our radio stations on island will do likewise, especially a certain one.

  25. tiny
    March 4, 2012

    yeah tell them ….they were just being reminded…you need to spoon feed these people :-| and also tell them that Dno will never block tiny

    • Peeping Tom
      March 4, 2012

      The request to block “tiny” is typical of Domincians. When they hera something that they do not like, their first resort is usually the most unpleasant: they insult you, denigrate you, or persecute you in some way. I don’t agree with tiny’s comments all the time. In fact, i too, sometimes find them irresponsible. Yet, tiny is free to be tiny as long as she (he) does not injure anyone with what she(he) says. This is a basic rule of living with other humans. We must learn to accept others as they are. It is not our duty to seek to make others speak or think like us but rather, to complement each other in thoughts and actions.

      Too many Dominicans make it unpleasant to live in Dominica or to be Dominican.

      So, any talk of blocking or shutting up tiny is

      • tiny
        March 4, 2012

        what you talking about…I’m God fearing..I’m loving and kind…any one who disagrees with what i say is controlling…or abusive or ..well they need to change their perspective

  26. Not a herd follower
    March 4, 2012

    I can tell you that DNO is a major source of news for organizations that have relationships with Dominica. They keep update by connecting to DNO.

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