UWI/University of Glasgow welcome second cohort of applicants for joint master’s degree

The University of the West Indies (The UWI) and the University of Glasgow (UofG) have successfully pioneered a joint double degree MA/MSc in Reparatory Justice. Applications are currently open for the programme’s second intake of students.

The double degree master’s programme, which features a unique partnership between The UWI and UofG for teaching, research and education, targets current and emerging social activists, CARICOM citizens, and members of the Caribbean and African diaspora. Course content is focused on the Caribbean and the reparations movement but draws on case studies from the broader global context. The programme also collaborates with research centres in Europe, the Americas and Africa.

With the option to study in the Caribbean (Barbados or Jamaica) or Glasgow, Scotland, successful students will graduate with a degree from both universities within 12 months full-time or 24 months part-time. Significantly, over a dozen funding opportunities are available exclusively to Caribbean and diaspora applicants eligible for the pioneering programme.

This alliance between The UWI and UofG, established through a 2019 MOU, represents one of the major triumphs in the quest for reparatory justice, as the UofG has acknowledged that it had been supported and funded by the profits from slavery in the past. The master’s programme, a product of that MOU, is directed by the Glasgow-Caribbean Centre for Development Research, another joint reparatory justice initiative.

As a world leader in the formulation, activism, and academic research underpinning claims for reparations for slavery, with social justice as part of its core, The UWI is proud to offer this dual degree in its catalogue of programmes. The regional University continues to see this scholarship as part of its mission to affirm its commitment to greater advocacy and consciousness-raising at the forefront of justice conversations.

An interactive information session for prospective students will be held on Thursday, May 30 from at 9:00 AM (Eastern Caribbean/AST) via UWItv Global. Interested persons will have an opportunity to chat with current students and staff from both The UWI and UofG.

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  1. Thomas Mutsune
    May 31, 2024

    Great University for study

  2. Unknown
    May 29, 2024

    DNO, do you all have any information on how to apply for this specific program? Thanks

    ADMIN: You can contact the UWI Open Campus in Dominica at Tel# (767) 245-3182

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