‘We have to be able to solve our differences with the absence of violence’: Attorney Bernard Pacquette

The accused, Marvin Marlon Albert (left) and Samron Thomas (in black, sleeveless shirt)

Following a 45-year jail sentence being handed down to his client Marvin Albert at the High Court in Roseau today, Attorney Bernard Pacquette is sending a strong appeal to the public to solve their differences without violence. Albert was the accomplice of Samron Thomas of Grandbay who was sentenced to life in prison earlier today for the murder of Damien Ernest of Kingshill in 2020.

“What we have to be careful of in Dominica is the level of violence that’s going on,” Pacquette said during an interview with State-Owned Radio DBS shortly after the sentencing. “We have to be able to solve our differences with the absence of violence.”

He continued, “ That’s what happened to these young men, not being able to control their emotions.”

He further appealed to the young people to be mindful of the level of violence towards each other.

Meanwhile, when questioned about the ruling, Pacquette said that he expected a lower sentence for his client.

Pacquette still maintains that his client was under duress when he participated, “or was present at the scene of the crime and his youthfulness, I think he deserved some form of reduction in sentence.”

“But again, murder is a very serious offense, a very serious crime and persons should try to keep themselves away from such violence and not fall prey to their emotions,” he advised.

 Albert, whos is from Grand Coulibri, and Thomas were arrested and charged with the murder of Ernest in 2020.

Police reported that the body of Ernest was found at about 11 a.m. on Saturday, June 27, 2020, on the road near the Boeri Lake lying face down with multiple gunshot wounds to his body.

He was taken to the Emergency Department of the Dominica-China Friendship Hospital (DCFH) where he was pronounced dead.

Attorneys for Thomas were Wayne Norde and Gina Abraham-Thomas while Albert’s Attorney was Bernard Pacquette.

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1 Comment

  1. Racist
    May 30, 2024

    Trinidad and Tobago really need this judge.
    Especially with their criminal police system.

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