As of 5:00 AM, Potential Tropical Cyclone 5 is centered near latitude 14.4 North, longitude 52.5 West, moving westward at approximately 25 mph (41 km/h). This system is expected to bring significant weather changes to Dominica and the northern Lesser Antilles.
Moisture and instability ahead of the cyclone are already affecting the area, resulting in cloudy skies with scattered showers and thunderstorms today. Conditions are expected to deteriorate further this evening as the system approaches. Residents in flood-prone areas, as well as those susceptible to landslides and falling rocks, are advised to remain vigilant and exercise caution. A flash flood watch or warning could be issued on short notice, particularly this evening.
Moderate seas with waves peaking near 8 feet are expected today. However, sea conditions are anticipated to worsen, with waves potentially reaching up to 12 feet by Tuesday evening. All sea users are advised to monitor the system’s progress and exercise extreme caution. Marine advisories may be issued on Tuesday.
Residents of Dominica and the northern Lesser Antilles should closely monitor the progress of Potential Tropical Cyclone 5 and begin making necessary preparations. The system is forecasted to move across the northern Lesser Antilles on Tuesday, bringing the potential for severe weather conditions.
Stay tuned for updates and heed any advisories or warnings issued by local authorities.
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