XS Groove Band wraps up musical workshop at Dublanc Elementary School

The XS Groove Band

On May 27, 2024, the XS Groove Band hosted its inaugural musical workshop at Dublanc/  Bioche Primary School, marking a successful debut.

The motivation behind this endeavor stemmed from a commitment to foster positive change through the power of music and collaborative effort, aiming to ignite inspiration and drive among the next generation.

Leading the charge was band manager Kevin Etienne, accompanied by fellow bandmates including keyboardist Norman “Brock Shot” Dorival, bassist Jervon “Natty Bill” Henderson, guitarist Ethan Charles, and drummer/producer Mateo Francis.

The workshop garnered enthusiastic participation from both students and faculty, who eagerly immersed themselves in the intricacies of various musical instruments.

Looking ahead, XS Groove Band eagerly anticipates extending these musical workshops to primary schools across the island, expressing gratitude to Principal Mrs. Joseph, as well as the dedicated staff and students of Dublanc/ Bioche Primary School for their enthusiastic participation in this enriching session.

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1 Comment

  1. Gloria S Augustus
    May 28, 2024

    Great Job!!! I salute and thank the Band for such an initiative.

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