Pont Casse Press & NIDCLF Inc extend condolences on the tragic passing of French-Canadian film maker, animator, hotelier and humanitarian Daniel Langlois and his partner Dominique Marchand

​It is with great sadness that the founders of Pont Casse Press and NIDCLF Inc received the news on December 1, 2023, of the passing of eminent Canadian film maker, animator, hotelier, and humanitarian Daniel Langlois and his partner Dominique Marchand. At this time, we extend our sincere condolences to the families and friends of Mr. Langlois and Ms. Marchand.

​Pont Casse Press is an entity committed to the worldwide dissemination of the arts, history and culture of Dominica and the burnishing of our island’s image in all spheres. The organization was launched in 1992 as a Canadian, United States, Dominica collaborative between then Canadian Assistant Crown Attorney Irving W. Andre and US based attorney Gabriel Christian, both of Dominican heritage.

​On November 3, 2022, the University of Toronto inducted the works of Pont Casse Press into its global digital library. It is of note that Daniel Langlois was a Canadian who rose to prominence via his legendary prowess in merging his mastery of the arts with advanced digital technology to animate movies such as Titanic, Jurassic Park, Men in Black, and the Harry Potter and Pirates of the Caribbean series.​

At the November 3, 2022, celebration attended by University of Toronto leaders and the Dominican/Caribbean Diaspora community members in Canada on that same date, the historic and fraternal links between Canada and Dominica were celebrated. Thousands of Caribbean people of Dominican heritage call Canada home. Also, many Dominicans have been educated in Canada – to include the late Prime Ministers Mary Eugenia Charles and Roosevelt “Rosie” Douglas.

​The founders of Pont Casse Press and NIDCLF Inc honor the historic friendship between Canadians and Dominicans. We desire that this sad episode does not reflect poorly on the ordinary and legitimate citizens of Dominica who are as much victims of this tragic event as Mr. Langlois and Ms. Marchand.At this time, all indications are that Daniel Langlois and Dominique Marchand were the victims of a most gruesome crime.

To get to the truth of the matter, we ask the Government of Dominica to seek the immediate assistance of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police, FBI and/or Scotland Yard in bringing the guilty to justice. We also ask that a commission of inquiry be launched to determine what, if anything, could have been done to prevent these tragic deaths. Especially where we understand Mr. Langlois to have been involved in a long-running land dispute with a neighboring land-owner – a United States citizen by the name of Jonathan Lehrer, owner of Bois Cotlette Plantation.

​As supporters of the rule of law, we condemn without reservation the culture of impunity that has arisen on Dominica in recent times that has diminished rule of law, the proper investigation of crime and the insertion into our once peaceful and law abiding country of a vicious disregard for enforcement of laws concerning citizenship, the violation of the rights of Dominican land owners,  to include the abysmal disregard for the protocols and laws which govern  diplomatic appointments. Sadly, these developments have imposed a dark cloud born of the linkages between the Government of Dominica and international lawbreakers that have tarnished the national reputation.

​We further understand that the suspect, Mr. Lehrer, and some of his associates have been detained by local law enforcement. All we ask for is that a professional and impartial investigation be done, unimpeded by any official or unofficial links, between Mr. Lehrer and authority figures in Dominica. May this sad event cause sober reflection by our people at home and abroad as to the quality of law enforcement and rule of law in Dominica in a fashion which compels much-needed beneficial change and improvement.

​From what we know of the good character and noble stature of Daniel Langlois and Dominique Marchand, they are exactly the kind of world class citizens that every honest Dominican welcome to our shores.  By all reports they exceeded all the expectations of those who Dominicans desire visit, work, live and invest in Dominica. We understand them to have been kind, neighborly and generous civic leaders with a particular desire to protect our natural environment.  May the noble legacy in the arts and humanitarian endeavors made manifest in the many worthy contributions of Daniel Langlois and Dominique Marchand inspire the best in every Dominican and world citizen. We join the global community to which they brought much joy in mourning their loss. We shall remember them.

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1 Comment

  1. Junior
    December 7, 2023

    May they rest in peace and Lord let justice prevail.

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