Rotary Club of Portsmouth commits to change lives through service at 2021 investiture

Photo of Newly Installed Board of Directors of the Rotary Club of Portsmouth

The Rotary Club of Portsmouth ushered in the new rotary year at its investiture service among members, partners and friends on Sunday, July 4th, 2021 at Cabrits Resort and Spa, Kempinski. Empowered by the Rotary International theme for 2021-22 of “Serve to Change Lives”, members recommitted to change lives by helping others through service locally and globally.

At this significant event for the Club, a new Board of Directors were installed coupled with an insightful presentation by Dr. Lennox Honychurch, and presentation of awards to sponsors and a valuable community influencer.

The Club President, Lise van de Kamp was reinstalled for a second year. In her address to the attendees, she highlighted some of the wins and special projects undertaken by the club in the recent year to include the building and establishment of a container library at the Savanne Paille Primary School which will be completed during the 2021 year as well as a Bee Keeping project executed in collaboration with IsraAID and the Rotary Club of Canada to strengthen the livelihoods and opportunities for Beekeepers in Dominica.

The other Board of Directors installed at the Investiture were:

Vice-President – McMarara Joseph

President Elect – Kenneth O’Brian

Secretary – Sari Prosper

Treasurer – Hans Schilders

Administration Chair – Marianne Wijnands

Membership Chair – Sammy Wyke

Public Relations Chair – Lizra Fabien

Project Chair – McMarara Joseph

Foundation Chair – Anne Winn

Assistant District Governor Cecil Shillingford presented the District 7030 Certificate to the Club for its 4-Star Award received at the recent District Award Ceremony. This award is in recognition of the outstanding contribution and successful fulfillment of many of the criteria established by the District.

Dr. Lennox Honychurch shared on topic of The History of Healthcare in Cabrits and Portsmouth. He noted the contribution of various individuals to the advancement of healthcare in the north which started with the military, followed by the healthcare provided through the plantations, then with the support of Rotary and Ross University, greater assistance was provided to improve the health conditions of the people of the Portsmouth area. Furthermore, he shared about the evolution of the administration of healthcare in Dominica from two distinct administrations in the North and South to one central coordination administered by the Government due to the connection of the roads to Roseau on the West and East sides of the island.

At the investiture, the Paul Harris Fellow recognition award was bestowed on rotarian board members: Anne, Sammy, Sari, Hans PHF+2, Lise PHF+2 and Members Rotarian Trish Edwards, Kev Smith and Matilda Carty as outstanding Rotarians in appreciation for their tangible and noteworthy contributions given to the Rotary Foundation of Rotary International through the club.

Special awards were presented to the Sponsors of the Club: Secret Bay, ICAD Solutions, and Rudolph Thomas and Sons for their valuable contribution to the club and community. A special award was presented to Ms. Emerline Anselm of Emo News for her valuable contribution to the media industry and wider community of Dominica.

The members concluded with a recommitment to increase their impact based on the theme, “Serve to Change Lives” and the four-way test: “Is it the truth? Is it fair to all concerned? Will it build goodwill and better friendships? Will it be beneficial to all concerned?”

To view the recording of the video via Emo News, please access via the following link:


About Rotary

Rotary brings together a global network of volunteer leaders who dedicate their time and talent to tackle the world’s most pressing humanitarian challenges. Rotary connects 1.2 million members from more than 200 countries and geographical areas. Their work impacts lives at both the local and international levels.

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1 Comment

  1. Frank N Stein
    July 15, 2021

    I dotnrecognise any of these people as being “from Portsmouth” but thanks anyway

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