VF Inc hosts it’s Fourteenth VF Inc Youth Series

VF Inc will be hosting its Fourteenth VF Inc’s© Youth SeriesTM, from July 24 – 29 2023.

VF Inc’s© Youth SeriesTM, will be held under the theme “Empowering our Youth for a Better Future,” and the sub-theme, “Youth in Leadership.” It is scheduled to take place from 8:00 am to 4:00 pm daily, at the University of the West Indies (UWI), Elmshall Road.

The objectives of the Youth SeriesTM are, to:

– Assist the youth in discerning their life purpose
– Develop self-esteem and self-confidence
– Provide an avenue for self-expression and determination
– Provide strategies for coping with peer pressure
– Provide insights and strategies for managing adversity
– Encourage and inspire the youth to be ‘the best that they can be’
– Prepare the youth for the workplace

All Parents, Guardians, Aunties, Uncles are encouraged to register your child or children to attend this empowering, educational, fun, and life-changing Youth Series. Register in person @ VF Inc’s Office on 78  Independent Street Roseau or on our website at [email protected] or call (1 767) 449-9649. The cost is EC$ 250, inclusive of all meals, field trips, and material.

Register your child today for VF Inc’s Youth SeriesTM 2023. We create Memorable Experiences! VF

Inc is here to serve you, “With Integrity and Excellence.”


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1 Comment

  1. If we knew better
    July 10, 2023

    smmfh. 250 per youth. In these hard economic times?

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