Both the United States Inland Revenue Service (IRS) and the US Media seem to be following the Dominica elections with keen interest.
The United Workers Party is advising Dominicans living in the US and US virgin Islands and who hold US passports or Green Cards not to accept any free airline tickets, money or other gifts, from anyone — including agents of the Dominica Labour Party (DLP), or agents of the Dominica Government and staff of the Dominica Embassies in the US, to come to Dominica to vote in general elections – since both the recipients and the givers, are required to report the value of such gifts to United States Inland Revenue Department, (IRS). Failure to do so could cause Dominicans living and working in the US to encounter difficulties with the IRS.
According to IRS regulations, failure to declare income –, including gifts to travel overseas to vote, is a financial crime. What this means, is that “free tickets” to travel from any US state or the US Virgin Islands to Dominica, which could cost between US$500 to over US1000 ought to be declared to the IRS.
Reports reaching the UWP are that agents acting for the Roosevelt Skerrit-led Dominica Labour Party, have been offering free tickets to Dominicans with US Passports or US Green Cards to come to Dominica to vote at the December 8 General Elections.
The UWP highlighted a report from News America. According to the report on News Americas, WASHINGTON, D.C., published on July 15, 2014,
The reports says, “….IRS Criminal Investigation has ramped up its presence in the international arena and will aggressively pursue those who commit financial crimes.”
According to the statements made by the IRS officials, both individuals who commit financial crimes, and individuals who assist others in committing financial crimes, will be held accountable for their actions.
IRS-Criminal Investigation Chief Richard Weber said that “Individuals who assist others in laundering criminal proceeds will be held accountable for their own criminal actions.”
“The defendants in this investigation had a blatant disrespect for the laws….IRS Criminal Investigation has ramped up its presence in the international arena and will aggressively pursue those who commit financial crimes.”
Assistant Attorney General Ronald A. Cimino of the Justice Department’s Tax Division, said, “The Tax Division is committed to using every tool available to hold these wrongdoers accountable.”
These announcements, were made following a case where “A Canadian-born attorney Patrick Poulin, 41,.with a law firm based in the Turks and Caicos and two of his clients, Joshua Vandyk, 34, a U.S. citizen, and Eric St-Cyr, 50, a Canadian citizen, pleaded guilty to financial crimes.
All three solicited US citizens to use their services to hide assets from the US government, including the IRS. The investment firm represented that it would neither disclose the investments or any investment gains to the US government.
Since the 2009 elections, the US Government is aware that the Roosevelt Skerrit Labour Party, under the guise of the Government of Dominica, chartered planes from Molinor Aviation and paid to bring in several thousands of Dominicans to vote. The US government is aware of this, since the records of the charter are detailed. The Office of International Aviation (X-40) foreign and US Air Carrier Licensing Divisions reported in the Foreign Air Carrier Fifth Freedom Charters Applications on Hand during week ending December 18, 2009, that the Dominica Government had chartered planes from NOLINOR Aviation from the 17-20, 2009. The charters were approved on December 17, 2009.
Dominica’s Prime Minister, Mr Roosevelt Skerrit and Public Works Minister Mr Rayburn Blackmoore of the Government of Dominica were in Florida during the weekend of June 6 – 8, 2014, attending an event, where the only idea discussed at the meetings was transportation of voters for the upcoming Dominica General Elections. The Constituencies of Roseau Central, St. Joseph, Mahaut, Laplaine, Morne Jaune, Castle Bruce, and Roseau North were the main areas of concentration.
The event, to which many Dominican based in the Diaspora (mainly New York) were taken lasted the entire weekend with the Saturday session being the longest. The meeting was held at Sheraton Hotel on Cypress Creek Road, 555 NW 62nd St, Fort Lauderdale, FL 33309 (Phone:(954) 772-5400).
The Dominica Consulate in NY was heavily involved in the coordination of the mass shipment of peoples. Members of the delegation told our sources, that the Consular office, through a third party (or individuals closely affiliated and/or working with the Embassy), paid airlines tickets to enable their attendance at the Florida summit.
Collaborators had a shopping list of request in exchange for their assistance: scholarships, money, land, duty free concessions on personal items and key government jobs. The government authorities had been having personal discussions with those individuals to satisfy their desires and expectations.
The NY Consulate is heavily involved in the coordination of the mass shipment of peoples. Members of the delegation confessed that the office, through a third party (or individuals closely affiliated and/or working with the embassy), paid airlines tickets to enable their attendance at the Florida summit.
As recently as October 15th 2014, Fox News Latino, published the story from UWP leader, Lennox Linton under the headline, ‘Opposition Leader accuses Dominica’s PM of buying votes.’ This confirms that the both the US Media, and the IRs are taking a keen interest in the Dominica General Elections.
United Workers Party therefore cautions Dominicans not to jeopardize their status in the US by accepting any free tickets, money, or other gifts to come to vote, since accepting free airline tickets or money or other gifts to travel Dominica to vote could mean trouble for the beneficiaries with IRS.
The value of the ticket, and whatever money beneficiaries are given to come to Dominica to vote, must be declared to the IRS.
Anyone who accepts a free trip to Dominica to vote, and does not declare the value of such tickets or gifts to the IRS, could end up in deep trouble.
For more information, please contact the following :
Honourable Norris Prevost : Tel – 1-767-275-3420 ; e-mail – [email protected]
Change is a Must. .767 275 3420
Let me assure you that you have a constitutional right to vote and any one who would try to interfere with your right to vote would be committing a crime under section 57 of the House of Assembly Election Act Chapter 2:01 of Dominica Revised Laws of 1990 which states in full:-Felix Arron).
Arron, all is well and good, if someone interferes with the voting right and privileges of someone registered to vote in Dominica they would in fact be breaking the laws of our country. Now when Skerrit, sends travel tickets to Dominican’s overseas to return home to vote, he anticipates that they are going to vote for him.
Wouldn’t call that method bribery in the highest degree?
What he is doing is actually bribing people with a plain ride to come home to vote. Bribing people to influence their vote is basically a felony! And people who commits felony’s should be in jail. Another thing Skerrit has refused to clean the voter registration list, by removing the names of dead people who are still on it, that too is breaking the laws of the country; the reason he refuse to clean the list, is that he intends to allow people to use the names to vote a series of times; some who are not even Dominicans to use the names of dead people to vote, ensuring him victor at the poles.
While you quote the voting rights law to the people, you also need to quote the part of the voting laws which coverers voting fraud!
Francisco Etienne-Dods Telemaque
I live in the US. It is a financial crime, punishable by jail time and/or serious fines. I just came in from Dominica last night. I have extensive personal and business dealings with the IRS. Any gift in cash or in kind has to be declared to the IRS by a taxpayer and the person doing the gifting. Skerrit has to stop this. Actually he has, as head of state to declare where he gets these monies from. I pray the opposition gets to the State Department to declare tis, as well as to the IRS with the list of names. They can find their addresses and Social Security numbers with the click of a mouse. Please God, save us from this roaring and desperate DICTATOR, Roosevelt . The man is out of control, above the law and constitution of the country. He just reminds me of that little vagabond in North Korea, Kim Il Sungs son.!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am here praying and fasting for Dominica. My God is a Deliverer!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Mr fransica doggs telemakak…….. who fool u?
To my fellow Dominicans who are registered to vote and are presently out of state and would like to return home to vote:
Let me assure you that you have a constitutional right to vote and any one who would try to interfere with your right to vote would be committing a crime under section 57 of the House of Assembly Election Act Chapter 2:01 of Dominica Revised Laws of 1990 which states in full:-
“Every person who, directly or indirectly, by himself or by any other person on his behalf, makes use of or threatens to make use of any force, violence, or restraint, or inflicts or threaten to inflict, by himself or by any other person, any temporal or spiritual injury, damage, harm or loss upon or against any person, in order to induce or compel that person to vote or refrain from voting or on account of that person having voted or refrained from voting at any election, or by abduction, duress, or any fraudulent contrivance, impedes or prevents the free exercise of the franchise of the elector, or thereby compels, induces, or prevails upon any elector either to give or refrain from giving his vote at any election, is guilty of undue influence within the meaning of this Act.”
Section 59 of the said Act provides that ” Every person who is guilty of bribery, treating or undue influence under the provisions of this Act is liable on summary conviction to a fine of five thousand dollars or to imprisonment for six months”
Please note that a gift is not taxable! What would the irs care about a gift if it’s not taxable and not included in gross income. .
Please look up the codes before making sure statement.
Yes it is taxable. Read the guidelines of the IRS!
I think our politicians must stop telling lies and speak the truth. I live in the United States and pay taxes there. The individual that prepares my taxes is a former IRS employee. He told me there is nothing wrong in getting a ticket form someone to travel. This is not cash but a ticket. IRS looks at income or other means of income. IS A TICKET AN INCOME? Mr. Prevost and the United Workers Party need to speak the truth and stop trying to instill fear in Dominicans living in the U.S
Why are these guys trying to scare our voters? They are the ones who started the process of bringing in Dominicans who resides overseas to vote and we just perfected it so tell them ale sucwa sack yo la yo van chenbon
Mr. Prevost, Dominicans living overseas and who are registered to vote in Dominica can travel to Dominica to vote by what ever means that is not a crime under US law. What these individuals need to do is when filing their taxes if they received money to travel to Dominica declare it on their tax return so that Uncle Sam can get a peace of the cake. Mr. Prevost and the UWP if they were around during the dark days of slavery would be strong allies of the white slave master as in this present day they are encouraging the USA to punish Dominicans who travel to Dominica to excersise their right to vote… The UWP must remember that in the struggle for liberation people have died for the right to vote. The UWP must also be reminded that the US government is not concerned about this issue as it does not threaten their national security.
They should be scared for the US citizen from sen joe that there now campaigning for them.
man I have my ticket to come and vote I allways in da every year no one can stop meet who vex lost
Lenox will try every last minute mischief to jus to gain power, , that power hungry Monster. Another of his vicious weapons.
When Edison James did it, I guess it wasn’t a crime then. I will pay for my ticket and come to vote and exercise my rights. I’m Dominican and intend to retire there. This statement encourages me and I will also encourage my friends to come to vote.
Is love they love their party. Let them pay their own damn ticket to come down to vote…. Those greedy people
INTERNAL Revenue Service. And, yes, gifts like plane tickets should be reported as income, BUT this isn’t the type of “financial crime” the IRS is really cracking down on right now. They’re more focused on bigger crimes like money laundering and tax evasion. Shouldn’t this be prosecuted on the Dominican side–especially if taxpayer funds are being misappropriated for this?
Also, Fox “News” is far from a reliable source of information. It’s essentially the propaganda arm of the Republican Party here.
I don’t understand that SKERRIT…You are so confident of winning 21 SEATS yet you spend millions of dollars to bring people here to vote. That shows you cannot win on your own merit , only by stealing and bribery…
But all this shall come to pass because plenty new voters have been added to the list and many more people have turned away from labour..
So let me see how many plane loads you can bring this time…
What I don’t understand is why do these people have to leave the same day they vote? If it so nice in DA then pack up and return to paradise.
Honestly I do not think that it is fair that you all choose a leader for me then leave me here to face what ever that leader has to offer while you enjoy Obama care in the US.
Who you vote for, please stay here with me and let’s all face it together. This is wickedness at the highest level to do something like that and think because your name is still on the voter’s list you can just pop in vote and then run away.
I really do wish that the IRS is involved. Mem yen la ou por bat shoval noir ya sae mem yen la qui kae bat shoval blanc la
They have jobs. That is how they help in the development of DA.
They can come all they want. Read all through the Old Testament how God delivers people from mighty armies, King Johesaphat, David and Goliath, Pharoah etc. SKERRIT IS NOT GOD. I KNOW MY GOD. HE IS IN THE MIDST OF IT, PLANELOADS OR NOT, SKERRIT WILL GO! NOw watch my OD work as we pray
look casualties Vs Labour ( Soufriere , Grandbay , Castle bruce , Salybia , Cottage , Mahaut , St joe , Colihaut , Roseau South , Veille case , Portsmouth , paix bouche Roseau Valley ) the undecided ; ( Laplaine , Roseau central , Roseau North )
they r doing jus the same but on a smaller scale,coz they first who intro billboard i can still c Eddison own over d place,they had all sort or memoriballia, in 2000, now they DEAD BROKE,all these things are waste of money,RUBBISH!!!!!!!1
Eddo billboard say on the hill as you entering Marigot for 3 or more years lol
That’s so dumb, why would the IRS come after me if I do not owe them? Any body can buy a ticket from any where in the world and it is legit, so what I can’t buy a ticket for someone in Dominica or someone in DA buy me a ticket? because I have done it both ways .
You quoting Fox well put the clip for us to see. Well people will just pay the tax on those gifts when they file their taxes next year. I hope you advised the 30 people you bought ticket for because the names will be out soon. You all trying that talk every elections. Did you see how Obama was crushed after Nov elections? Obama and America too busy with their own elections loss to worry with little Dominica.
lmao lmao . That’s there only source of campaign left and is all lies I’m on my way guys and I bought my ticket. Uwp ask for the date so much yet not ready to feed a dog lmfao.
Try again uwp. That’s not good enough lmfao
5 more years guys
Uwp too broke. No manifesto, no billboards, no tickets, no money to give. Smh. Was calling for election, look it, allu not ready. Smh. Can’t stop laughing. Y’all thought it was village council and el3ctions man? Lmaoooooo
So why are you all so worried. These people who accept what they want to accept are big people making their own decisions. No one is holding a gun to anyone’s head. Relax Why fear?
First and foremost, I have no affiliation to any party and am ok y stating this to share some information to those who may need it..
g sure that they get thier cut of the monetary value of anyone residing within the us. Failure to report and pay taxes on any gifts constitutes tax evasion and is therefore a federal of fence. Many people fail to report gifts, the issue in situations like these is that the total value of these tickets adds up, which means the total losses by the IRS is greater. Greater losses, combined with this being reported would lead to a formal investigation and subsequent arrests. I have lived in the us as a tax paying citizen for several years and can assure u that the IRS will not knowingly let a single cent slip by. I encourage everyone to utilize thier democratic rights, but do not allow anyone to tell u there is no risk involved in accepting these tickets if you live in the us
The IRS is in the business of regulating politics, they are however in the business of making
Correction: irs is not in the business of
Workers party is a BIG joke!!!!!!!
I want to also caution people that are planning to come to Dominica to VOTE from the USA, We are already mobilized as a US Government with our People on the ground in Dominica monitoring the situation on standby to take swift action.
As you know we always send advance party so we will nit be sported as coming for the event.
Take this advice. You will be detained, processed sent back upon your return from voting when you arrive at your first USA port of entry once you are a green card holder. If you are a USA citizen, then you will be processed internally and dealt with.
Will Dickers you well too soft already, waste of time, sot
I am a Dominican living in the USA and visit my country every year.No one not the UWP or the IRS cannot prevent me from coming to my country to vote .I Pay my taxes every year I don’t owe the IRS so go away with your scare tatics
and the IRS cannot tell me when i can travel to my country .Stop the propaganda and the crying.What ever you guys are trying to scare Dominicans will not work and UWP can never win the Elections.
Well, if Skerrit is such a good PM he wouldn’t have to buy votes…..People elects people in government base on merits…..Evidently, PM record speaks for itself…..THE LAW SHOULD BE RESPECTED BY EVERYONE……PM I FORGOT YOU’RE THE JUDGE, JURY, PROSECUTOR AND THE EXCUTIONIST…..STUPESSS….
What is the IRS going to do stop all the the. Jews. : going back home every four years
What does Jews going back home have to do with taxes and the IRS? People can go and come as they please in America. It’s a free county. I noticed that av lot is people ignore the issues and b make it about something it isn’t. It’s about the undeclared income/tickets witch you can’t file on your taxes because u have no red receipts in the event of an audit. Learn the facts people
It is for these and many other reasons why all dominicans should vote LAbour and show this bully led party that ALL DOMINICANS CAN VOTE IN OUR ELECTIONS. They lived here once and most own homes, send money and barrel and all sorts of assistance to their families here so why are you so against them voting. But you like there money wake up DOMINICANS!
Boy look joke……..Papa Bondieu.,, UWP IRS going to baway all Dominicans that is coming home to find out where they get thier tickets? Who allyou fooling…. you know what.. allyou know Labour well catch allyou and allyou losing so now is the time to start a campaign of saying is thief Skerrit thief elections…
Lennox if you didnt want disapora involved in our elections why did you go to them..I guess you went to tell them dont come…Apparently your request is falling on death ears. which justifies you did a damn bad job of public relations… Dirtying Dominicans name did not work… Dominicans will come to vote you cannot stop that.. once thier name is on the list you cannot stop that deal with it.
Lennox if Workers supporters are honest,, yu killed the party big time with talk talk and more talk… Lennox Dominicans want to see an assertive and decisive leader not an angry, arrogant, aggressive savage person to lead…your personality is hurting the party….. Team Fu wake up….Skerrit has literally bolted from the stable avec zors still ka zomayiere..
False Alarm. This is pure none sense. The IRS has no business in any foreign elections or in anyone who leaves the US to go vote in a foreign land. All fools day was April 1st and UWP did not fool anyone then and will not fool or scare anyone now.
Nowhere in the US elections code does it state that it is a violation to vote in a foreign election. However, the law states that one cannot vote in two US jurisdictions. By no means is Dominica US jurisdiction. It is definitely illegal for someone to vote in New York and then head to the US Virgin Islands to vote. But by no means is it a violation of law for one residing in the US to vote in Dominica.
It happens all the time in the US; .Jews vote in Israel and vote in America. The Iragis stay right where they are in America and vote for the president of Irag. The Dominican Republic nationals stay wherever they are in America and vote for their president.
On St. Thomas US Virgin Islands, the candidates running for Governor take their campaign to Tortola. Some of them charter boats to bring people from Tortola to vote for them on St. Thomas. Many Caribbean nationals who reside on St. Thomas receive plane tickets from their national party to go home to vote.
Politics is really a dirty trick” eh. Last election our nationals living overseas were threatened saying that their names would be turned over to the US Gov’t. Both parties ( UWP as well as Labour) sent tickets to their supporters, Yet, if one did not know any better they would believe that it was the only labour party that sent out tickets. I wonder if paying taxes on 500.00 to 1000.00 is greater than demonstrating ones constitutional right.
I’m glad that this has come to light. NO one should buy votes. That’s the only reason Skerrit won last time and giving “gifts in the red clinic”, SMH!!! WORKERS!!!!!!!!! CHANGE MUST COME
This is NOT going to stop me from coming to vote in my country. STOP this nonsense of trying to scare people. If UWP are so confident that they are going to win all the seats that they are claiming, this should not shake them. First it was blocking runway, now is IRS? I will be in Dominica to vote for the love of my country. Stop this nonsense. You all are preaching violence. None of you are asking for the billboards to be left alone. Just remember, everyone has a turn.
Oh Please Lennox. Rubbish, that issue have nothing to do with US /Dominicain citizens or green card holders coming to vote. If you are trying to be so wicked I believe true patriot Dominican will use there hard earn monies to pay there airline fares and come to DA to vote. One more thing Lennox I want to let you know that Mr. Skerrit, the PM is doing a great job for Dominicains, you and I children future of tommorrow, the eldery and so much much more can be mentioned. Also even though Dominicains overseas do not come down to vote. The DLP will still win and you can take that to the bank with you.
God Bless Rossevelt Skerritt
Has workers Gone Mad….Only an uneducated Dcan in the USA would make this article stop them…I guess i have to report money family members send me as income….Not even money you collect from Western Union or money gram that IRS cares about…Lennox will and come again….
LOL This makes absolutely no sense. It’s a financial crime to buy tickets for people? Since when
? That’s money laundering? haha I think TeamDominica misunderstood this entire thing. And Fox News? Really? Someone shares an article and that confirms what? Nah man, this is ridiculous.
Why team foo dnt leave my PM out of their dirty malicious talk…LAbourites know better anyways
Lennox please get your facts straight. That is false information. IRS only cares about money you pew them
This thing is real I was coming da but I not going again . That is a big thing some might lose there green card and passport and when they come back home for vote they will lose all .I got the info from a FYI agent in the us .people stay where u are make your $$$$ still. There a Dominicans in the us who reported that to the irs and goverment.
Finally I am glad someone is paying attention and all those who take the tickets should go to jail. Anyone with a US passport has no rights to vote in Dominica period so let the games begin
“As recently as October 15th 2014, Fox News Latino, published the story from UWP leader, Lennox Linton under the headline, ‘Opposition Leader accuses Dominica’s PM of buying votes.’ This confirms that the both the US Media, and the IRs are taking a keen interest in the Dominica General Elections.’
This confirms what? So lennox and his cabalist send a story, fox read it and this confirms what? Stop flogging the dead horse nah, stupes aint nobody cares about that rubbish, if you all had money you would do worse and it has been proven that UWP buy tickets for votes. The thing is the people came and they voted labour.
loool exactly what I thought! This confirms zip! SMH Dno..
well said anon…..they started the ball rolling and got screwed and now they vex…..politicians are someting else hear?
Let me say we all are very much aware that it is the intention of Skerrit to import as many Dominicans residing in the Diaspora to vote for him, and his Labor Party. As far as I know many people have already received their tickets; given to them by Skerrit’s operatives in the United States, and Canada. We were told that there are two hundred or more people from Canada who will be traveling home for the occasion; many of them are from a single family, fair, or unfair; that is the nature of the beast as it relates to Dominica, in any event I do not condone that!
Nevertheless; that’s the reality in our country; although it is wrong!
What concerns me most; is the revelation by some Anonymous, who claims that: “As recently as October 15th 2014, Fox News Latino, published the story from UWP leader, Lennox Linton under the headline, ‘Opposition Leader accuses Dominica’s PM of buying votes.’ This confirms that the both the US Media, and the IRs are taking a keen interest in the Dominica General Elections.”(Anonymous).
In the first place anybody who would rely on any information must be a fool, since even where it pertains to Fox Television regular, and Cable Television; those of us residing in the United State knows Fox is an unreliable, broadcast media, since most of the crap on Fox News Cable, and regular Television are usually fabricated, and distorted. If we ignore the reputation of Fox , still have to ask why would Lennox Linton who I know is not fluent in Spanish (Espanol), and doubt he speaks Spanish at all would select Fox Latino News which would be broadcasting only in Spanish to a majority of Mexicans and other Latinos who speaks no English, and has absolutely nothing, to do connection to Dominica? The other protruding lie in this thing is the question of the “US Media, and the IRS are taking a keen interest in the Dominica General Elections. Anybody who would believe that lie would have to be a fool or they would have to be crazy! If a citizen of the United States, or someone in possession of a Green Card accepts travel ticket: as a gift from someone, of what interest would that be to the IRS of these United States?
When I fill out my income tax returns, anything I give to my church, a poor, rich, or middle class person I have the legal right to write that off when I am doing my income tax. I have been audited by the IRS, I could not account for a measly One ($1, 000.00) dollars, I had to account for it, so, in the interview, I made the claim I gave it to grandmother: I was ask “is your grand mother in the United States?” I said no, the man told me you are owing income tax on that thousand dollars.
Now I know if you work for the Federal or State Government; i.e., if you are the chief of Police you are not supposed to accept gifts from people over a certain value, I do know how that relates to a travel ticket sent to someone from a foreign country such as Dominica; as in the The Commonwealth of Dominica. You see I am from Wesley, I am in streets every day, I do not here the name Dominica mentioned, not in a supermarket, a Department Store, nor a Barber Shop.
Now if it is a situation where you work for someone in Dominica, and get paid depending on the amount you have to declare the amount to custom, and the person will pay taxes on that because it is classified as earnings, and when you fill out your income tax returns must include in you total income for there ending at certain period! So the crap we are reading from this Anonymous i am sure it is a damn lie!
Francisco Etienne-Dods Telemaque
I believe Fox News confused Dominica for the Dominican Republic and that explains why the story was published for a Spanish audience. In any event I don’t think the IRS is going to use their resources to investigate this, that amount is considered immaterial. You got audited by the IRS that is why you had to pay taxes on the $1K you sent to your grandmother. You should know that you have to have documentation for any gift or donations. It will be a challenge for the IRS to monitor this as most people won’t declare these gifts.
I wish UWP would stop pretending that they don’t offer tickets to Dominicans living abroad to vote. I personally believe that US citizens should not vote however all green card holders should be given that opportunity as they can’t vote in the US.
Is it ok to ask Dominicans living overseas for assistance with your campaign but it’s not ok for them to vote?
All I hear is excuses in the event UWP loses. This issue of buying tickets is not new so you all should have been better prepared to deal with it. It’s too late in the game to cry over this.
smh. this is ridiculous. they came and they voted labour and you proud of that? you proud that they didn’t win fair and square? you proud that the people who voted making US while u making EC? Why should they vote when they don’t live, work or are really affected by the day to day decisions of the government that THEY helped put in power? You proud that thats what money was wasted on? For the record i am not labour or workers. i am just an observant observing the ignorance of her people.
Yeah right! and the pope is not catholic.
They will call me in and inform me that i’m owing taxes on an airline ticket and order me to pay it and I will. what next. You all need to move on uwp.
Lol UWP, anything to try and win right? LABOUR!
The uwp gave me a ticket in 2005 and 2009..I voted in Roseau..Please stop the nonsense..Your name is on the list, come down and vote…
stupeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeesssssssssssssssssssssssss uwp get something else to talk about like allu MANIFESTO