CXC partners with private institutions to promote subjects being offered

Cleveland Sam

The Caribbean Examinations Council (CXC) is partnering with private learning institutions on island in order to promote the subjects being offered.

Officials from the CXC and the local learning institutions hosted a fair outside Jays Bookstore on Wednesday to give the public an idea of the various subjects that are being offered.

The institutions which participated include: Lead Institute, Business Training Center (BTC) and Academix School of Learning.

Officials of the CXC are expected to be on island for two days.

“Dominica is actually benefiting as the first CXC participating territory from the private CXC initiative that CXC instituted two years ago,” Public Relations Manager of the Caribbean Examinations Council (CXC), Cleveland Sam said while addressing the opening ceremony. “As part of that initiative we conducted focus groups in Jamaica, Guyana and Trinidad & Tobago with private institutions in terms of what their needs are, how can CXC better serve them as private institutions.”

According to Sam, CXC came up with three strategies to include the private education institutions more in the activities of CXC on island, “For example when we have workshops and training sessions for the Ministry of Education to invite the private institutions to participate in these activities,” He explained.

He said CXC is also encouraging the private institutions to let their tutors and teachers participate in CXC activities.

He mentioned also joint programme activities where CXC, along with the Ministry of Education, will join private education institutions to promote CXC offerings.

“We believe that these institutions play a vital role in their country to provide access to students from all walks of life, both adults and secondary school students, based on what the institutions are offering,” the CXC official noted.

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  1. Nyaaba
    August 17, 2018

    Kudos to my boy – Heman.


  2. August 16, 2018

    With text books for secondary school (CXC) students running at an average of one thousand dollars a year, it is perhaps fitting that the presentation was held in front of Jay’s Bookstore.

    Not only are many of the text books unnecessary, the whole concept of judgement by written examination needs to be re-accessed. Pass marks do not necessarily reflect the rounded ability of the student, one way or the other. Someone recently likened it to cooky cutter education!

  3. Shaka Zulu
    August 16, 2018

    We are an island surrounded by water yet we dont dominate the boating and watersport industry, we dont maximize the fishing industry interms of breeding, storage and processing. Now we are trying to be climate resillient why are we not the ones seeling to the world products and survival know how. Where is the innovation and creativity where are the Caribbean branded hotels and services we sell to the North. Why cannt we see a restaurant chain born an managed from the caribbean growing in the US and canada. We have missed the digital revolution and still intelectually colonized. Tbe last scientific development from the Caribbean was Dr Leaky in Jamaica developing a cattle breed. Maybe its time we really try to figure out what new courses to offer and how we can be productive through education and training and jow we keep our brains in the Caribbean. Think outside that deng ole box.

  4. Shaka Zulu
    August 16, 2018

    Its good to see there are folks interested in the education of our youth. I must commend them. I think CXC also has to take a look at the approach an ask how can the courses they provide add to the value of the kids where they can best be effective in the development of country and Caribbean. It would make sense to me to look at what future directions we heading what resources we have and what sort of education we need so we stop the bleeding of our mental resources to the industrial world. In the past we were an agrarian society and it seems that everyone went to study agri yet agri dead in Dominica. We tjen produced more doctors and lawyers yet our healthcare system is a mess and our legal system in disarray. We have educated folks running away because o e they cannot find work to match thier education or there is a human resource glut or the pay is not worth it. We are an island surrounded by water yet we dont dominate the boating and watersport industry, we dont maximize the

  5. piece of peace
    August 16, 2018

    DNO: I thought there were 3 schools represented, why does the photo only show 2 of the schools?

    Anyway… Great move by CXC and ALL of the institutions who participated

  6. yyy
    August 16, 2018

    Way to go Academix……….Heman to the world. Keep up the good work.

    PS. David, this morning I called your name; well done.

  7. waypapa
    August 16, 2018

    Congrats to all esp Mr Vital and Heman Williams, blessing to you.

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