23-year-old collapses and dies while awaiting medical attention

Police investigation3A 23-year-old man has died after collapsing while awaiting medical attention at the Roseau Health Center.

The police have identified him as Wilson Esprit of Belles.

Police PRO, Pellam Jno Baptiste said that around 8:50 am on Monday, November 7, Esprit was at the health center awaiting care when he collapsed.

He was examined and pronounced dead by a medical doctor.

A coroner’s inquest will be held and investigations into the exact cause of death are ongoing, Jno Baptiste said.

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  1. Andy
    September 12, 2018

    Has there never been an update for this case?

    What was the cause of his death?

    What about the comment of “Johnaaa” saying: “he didn’t just collapse, get your facts straight……… someone came right at the health center n freten to kill him minutes later he fell n die on the spot, we need justice” ?

  2. November 12, 2016

    :cry: can’t belive you are gone coz but you are not dead you are resting so when I die we will see each other can’t wait. bye for now I will miss you??????

  3. November 11, 2016

    he didn’t just collapse, get your facts straight……… someone came right at the health center n freten to kill him minutes later he fell n die on the spot, we need justice

  4. Rikitie
    November 9, 2016

    I once had a miscarriage and arrived at the hospital at PMH casualty department after 5am and waited for many hours like up to 2pm when I entered I started making noise with the nurse n doctor because of the type of treatment I see I was getting telling the doctor that I am bleeding he turned and looked at me and said you are not an emergency ma’am there r people in worse conditions that you.. that dr. Thomas I hate his guts until a day like today. I demanded my scan n I cursed his rear and left and went to my village heath clinic to be seen by a next doctor whom I ccalled and relate to have the wickedness of these people.

  5. Island Girl
    November 8, 2016

    I am very much concerned about the rise in death tolls in Dominica. Quite frankly Dominica hospital is bigger and have a lot more equipments than many of the hospitals in the leeward islands, however the staff are not motivated. In these tough economic times, when the Government is constantly providing finance for young people to study abroad in Cuba, the Government should do more to secure their local Doctors and Nurses. I am not political and I hope that my post would not be turned into a political topic either, but really?? Doctors and Nurses are not paid highly enough but yet we expect them to save the entire country. They do their best with what they have, but its time the Government wake up and realize that Dominica have some of the best Doctors and other countries will be willing to have them.

  6. Tell the Truth
    November 8, 2016

    This is so sad and a young man at that. How long was he waiting to be seen by a doctor/nurse?
    My sympathy to his family,
    May his soul rest in peace. Amen!

  7. November 8, 2016

    I must say pmh need to check the patients imedicately whether is emeremcy or not
    people have feelings and when we come to the hospital is not to just sit an suffer
    there are nurses who could assist these people and they on phone at workin hours
    nursing are important is lives that in dr hands its not some security job is pains of humans
    they treat people because u need em u must wait an it shouldnt be
    because they could saves lives if they havent got people sitting suffering for hours not even seconds nor mínútur hours
    and at d end they getting paid smh
    dominica need help in health and in wealth

  8. Messenge from the mabouya
    November 8, 2016

    Its the mabouya. The kalinago people coming back for us. The mabouya killing people. Save Dominicans. Pray.

  9. November 8, 2016

    Do they think a person would go into a health facility and ask for a doctor if they were not sick :?:

    I have personally had to wait hours before being seen by a doctor in emergency rooms in hospitals in several Canadian cities. Once I was turned away because – you guessed it – I wasn’t sick enough even though I was in pain.

    Maybe the long wait is standard procedure. But that does not excuse medical stupidity. One patient with chest pains was told to take two aspirin and go home to bed. He died of a heart condition during the night.

    An examination will probably reveal the cause of Mr. Esprit’s death. My sympathy goes out to his family.
    Maybe the hospital staff did their best. But one cannot help wondering if a life could have been saved if a
    doctor had got to him sooner. He was so close to receiving help.

    Sincerely, Rev. Donald Hill.

  10. November 8, 2016

    Emergency clients are like that every where so stop blaming Dominica. I live in Canada and it takes for ever to see a doctor so stop putting down Dominica. Some times people neglect to get checked when they need to and then wait till the last minute when it is too late.

  11. no sah
    November 8, 2016

    i looked at it up and down and im not even in dominica and i have to say it seems that dominica have a serious problem lately.. if is not a shoot and kill.. a stab and kill.. a accident..a drowing.. vehicle falling of cliff..mothers killing children…what again..too much in dominica.. we dont pray anymore….or are we too busy worshipping idols.. worshipping leaders and forgetting right from wrong.. i even afraid to land foot in dominica.. somebody might just cut of my wrist for my watch

    • Ridiculousness
      November 9, 2016

      Don’t be silly! Crime happens everywhere!

  12. Kimi
    November 8, 2016

    Some people opinion really suck on this situation…. Dominica just need better service at this death trap called PMH…..

  13. Ridiculousness
    November 8, 2016

    I went to the PMH casualty department because I was ill. After giving the front desk my information, my nurse “friend” walks out looking for me. She inquired my state and then suggested that it was not an emergency and I should have gone to the Health Center or my private doctor!
    Embarrassed and hurt cause 1. I didn’t have money to go private doctor. 2. I was already and the PMH 3. Was that my friend?
    So now because she relayed that it was not an emergency, I waited for hhhhoooouuurrsss… by that time I had died, gone to heaven, resurrect, born again and healed.

    Moral: When people seek medical attention is because they NEED it! Some of these nurses look at you and say… hmmm.. not sick enough.. wait! I mean c’mon ALL LIVES MATTER!

    So sad that a young man just die….. alas…. that hard wi! RIP Wilson!

  14. Yung Musician
    November 8, 2016

    It’s not that, there are more deaths than before.. It’s just that we have social media and better news coverage than ever before. So stop with that country curse or end is near thing. And we don’t know if he waited for an hour or two minutes.. Condolences to the family…Wishing them God’s comfort in that difficult time..

  15. Belles
    November 8, 2016

    Rip willy.. Still can’t grasp the fact that ure gone. Rest easy soldier /cuzz

  16. Betty
    November 8, 2016

    Oh oh so sad.. rest in eternal peace handsome. I don’t know u but u looked like a good person.. the family hold strong… find strength in Jah..

  17. lovebird
    November 8, 2016

    can we Dominicans remember that a man called on a popular radio station saying there is something big that will happen to Dominica. i can clearly recall he said he had a dream that Dominica would be having a great disaster and lives would be taken away. that was so true. it was Erika. afterwards he said it was not the end of it. there will be more and he asked all dominicans to come together to pray for ourselves and the nation. well, i think it is time. go down on our knees and ask god for forgiveness and more.

  18. November 8, 2016

    Dominica is at its worse point due to bad governance by this present political party who have no idea when and what is a priority in a country. Skerrit needs to go OR Dominica will end up Venezuela ..

    • November 9, 2016

      Hold your blight for yourself..

  19. jonathan st jean
    November 8, 2016

    The population of Dominica has not grown in recent years because of high migration,this high incidences in supposedly healthy persons dieing suddenly was not something we knew about before.The question then is why?And why now,when the youngest prime minister in Dominica’s history is in office.Is this a price we have to pay to the gods for this dubious distinction.The minister of health had better put together the necessary resources to determine why and put an end to it.

    • John
      November 8, 2016

      You are such an idiot. Do you really think before you post these messages. You blame a prime minister for people that die. Is he God?

  20. Sad Day for Dominica
    November 8, 2016

    The casualty department operates on a worst come first served basis. And I’m not one to usually go on about the government. But in this case, the hospital is understaffed. Less than 5 ordelies on a shift, two nurses to man full wards of 20-24 people, lack of insurance policies, flexible, working time and working under supervisors bent on oppressing the younger nurses, even unhappy when they try to further educate themselves, and a permanent secretary obviously unconcerned about bringing forth proposals to satisfy these needs, not forgetting a lack of job security… I really can’t blame the nurses who try. They’re not God to have perception beyond their five senses. They say new hospital coming, but certain human resource issues must be dealt with if health care is to be improved. Quite frankly, many need to be axed.

  21. Watching News
    November 8, 2016

    Medical system is a joke in Dominica. I brought my daughter for her shots at the health center in the botanical gardens last week, While there a lady brought a young man in on here vehicle, I know the young man by seeing him around the city. Always looks strong and healthy. The young man could not walk, as soon as she opened his door he fell out of the vehicle crying in pain. The security officer and another man lifted him and placed him in a wheel chair and wheeled him to the nurse. Everyone thee is saying this young man needs to go to the hospital not the health center. It turns out he was turned away at the hospital and told to go to health center first because the hospital is for casualties and emergencies. How can you send someone in that state to a health center?

  22. November 8, 2016

    Eternal God send a revival in my coountry

  23. November 8, 2016

    I know I’m going to get a whole lot of thumbs down, but most Dominicans might not know this, but this thing happen evenin the great big U S of A . Everywhere in emergency room there a notices letting you know who have rights, you can come screaming in pain as long as you not bleeding you can wait. I have gone to emergency room and left after seeing the amount of people waiting and go to another one and regretted i left the first one . SO stop blaming all you health department it needs to be better ,but it’s not the worst. R.I.P sir.

    • Yesjayson
      November 8, 2016

      The USA is full of crap! The only thing great about the USA is their military, NOTHING more! Seems like you’re swollowing their propoganda too? People keep wanting to compare everything with the USA as though america is the benchmark for greatness and perfection.

      Wake up!!

    • Noreen
      November 8, 2016

      You are a damn liar, nobody leaves an emergency
      room in one hospital for another, yours wasn’t
      an emergency.

      • November 9, 2016

        Who ever you are that is one thing i don’t lie have you ever been to the emergency room at the university hospital in newark? If you have not then keep your crap shot

    • Watching News
      November 9, 2016

      If you want to compare health care systems, USA is the last place you should use. Try the European countries. That’s where real health care is.

  24. Bumbble Lee
    November 8, 2016

    Another one again!!!!! Oh no, something is definitely going on in Dominica. There seem to be an Angel of death roaming here. The kings of Voo doo have descended on this Island, and our people have become party animals with no regards for the Almighty Creator. I have the blood sprinkled all over me and my family. Also, I pray daily for my friends and relatives. “Even so, come Lord Jesus.” This world is becoming unfit for human habitation. Some are still working their butt out for the mighty Dollar; in such an uncertain time on this planet.

  25. kiki
    November 8, 2016

    I once went to the hospital after waiting for hours and ask if they haveforgotten me they told me here is for emergencies. So i ask what would an emergency be. The nurse told me if the individual came in with obvious pain. Smh. They need to redefine that. Don’t these health professionals know that one could have a fatal condition with little or no pain.

  26. STAR
    November 8, 2016

    didnt i just metion this on another article of the other young man found dead at his home?.. people were saying that the young man should have gone to hospital if he wasnt feeling well… i will say it again.. going to hospital will kill you faster.. just stay at your home and rest peacefully.. its almost as if dominica is a 3rd world island.. we dont have basic medical care…. we dont hav an ambulance with equipment to attempt to save a life in case of accident or injury.. we dont have a head of office who cares… what we do have is a bunch of people who just keep talking senselessly while the masses are dying of neglect…we have a bunch of people typing justice for this one and that one.. but no one is making a move to change nothing.. we have a bunch of hyporcits in this island… and we will get worst and worst.. corruption.. injustice.. and the list goes on.. all go hand in hand… think them nurses or doctors worry with you.. when since donkey years they cannot get a raise…

  27. papa
    November 8, 2016

    Rip my friend

  28. kalaloo
    November 8, 2016


  29. beautiful lady
    November 8, 2016

    So they taking people for granted, if you not screaming with pain, all they is you we’re not looking distress, poor medical service

    • So True
      November 8, 2016

      So True I can clearly remember I was not feeling well. I went to the PMH for medical assistance. On arrival I probably sitted there was at least five minutes. When no nurse came to attend me, I saw the buzzer written emergency I press the buzzer. A nurse final came out saying the buzzer is for emergencies only. I said to her well it’s an emergency. So there no illness is taken serious until you screaming or falling in this place. Poor medical service. Something needs to be done.

  30. Country Woman
    November 8, 2016

    People dying everywhere but all you not seeing Dominica have a curse and we need to pray more. A man was also found dead in his house in Portsmouth.

  31. Dominican Passport
    November 8, 2016

    Kinda strange how people stay dying of unnatural causes in D/ca nowadays… ? Would be nice I’d you could give us a tally at the end of the year Dno.

    • just saying G
      November 8, 2016

      how do you know it was unnatural death? were you there? do you know the circumstances surrounding his death? all you know is that he fell and he died. before you start talking nonsense find out a little more info.

    • zandoli
      November 8, 2016

      Did you perform the autopsy? SMH

  32. Pipirit
    November 8, 2016


  33. November 8, 2016

    Ma deepest sympathy to his family

  34. analy thomas
    November 8, 2016

    “When you see these signs you will know that my coming is near” It is my opinion that the elderly no longer die before the young; or has it become a fact! There is only one message. Put your house in order! Why were we created? What do we live for? A house? Cars and beautiful vehicles? Lots and lots of money? If so what happens after we die? We pass the wealth on to our children, family, friends or bank?
    Why are we here? Do we believe in Satan? If we do, why are we still putting our future at risk? Do you not know that the Jesus is in his way? The bible says that 1 day for the lord is like 1000 years for man. Who has ever lived 1000 years? or perhaps 500? 250? or even 125? After all, 125 years for man is only comparable to 3 hours in God’s day! Yet very few people have lived 3 hrs.
    It is God’s will that we have eternal life but because he gave us a free will we must invite him first! We must firstly repent of our sins and accept Jesus as our lord and personal savior.

    • analy thomas
      November 8, 2016

      We must then begin and continue to walk in his ways doing his will. We do this by living a meaningful prayerful life that builds and maintains a relationship with him and practice living with people as Jesus did when he walked on the earth. The reason for this relationship is because we were created to worship him! If we do not have this relationship with him on earth what good will it be in the Third Heaven where we must praise and worship him? Do you see the preparation? Our soul is our personality that will answer to Christ! How we live will determine where we go! I’d never ever want to go down that dark tunnel where my thirst cannot be quenched and the intense heat is unbearable. We must resist the devil and he will flee from us! let us fear he who can destroy the body, spirit and soul! please. move today because any of us may be next.

      • zandoli
        November 8, 2016

        Stop spreading your nonsense. We are in the year 2016.

      • analy thomas
        November 8, 2016

        “Zandoli” could you please explain what i spread? How it was categorized as nonsense?
        Matthew 24:37 (King James 2000 Bible)
        “But as the days of Noah were, so shall also the coming of the Son of man be”.
        The clouds were already being formed over the mountain when Noah called yet the people made fun of him. Today, we see the signs of the coming of Christ yet we take no heed!

        Check out this information.

      • November 9, 2016

        @analy thomas November 8, 2016

        Your message is a good one; you have done what you are called to do, just like me and others like us–God is satisfied.

        @zandoli November 8, 2016

        I can see your reason for reaction of analy thomas’ message because it said that

        “The natural man does not receive the things of the Spirit of God, for they are foolishness to him; nor can he know them, because they are spiritually discerned”–the next time you decide to ridicule God’s messenger and His word, remember why.

        My sympathy goes to the family of Wilson Espirit; this is a very difficult situation to understand and to deal with. May our God of Life take their hands and lead them on the way of recovery.

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