NBD announces closure of Independence Street Branch

NBD branch on Independence Street
NBD branch on Independence Street

The National Bank of Dominica Ltd. announces the closure of its Independence Street Branch effective May 11, 2015.

This closure comes following a considered review of the Bank’s operations.

The Independence Street Branch of NBD was established after the Bank acquired Banque Francaise Commerciale in 2004, in an effort to transition customers to NBD with minimal disruption. This objective has been accomplished for some time.

According to Mr. Ellingworth Edwards, Managing Director of NBD, “We recognize that the patrons of our Independence Street Branch have grown accustomed to conducting business there, however, we hope that they will readily do business at our location on Hillsborough Street, Roseau, which is in close proximity.”

Edwards continued to explain that over the last few months, the Bank has taken measures, such as extensive renovations at the Hillsborough Street Branch in order to comfortably accommodate the customers as well as the employees from the Independence Street Branch.

“We’re doing all that we can to provide our customers with a comfortable and practical place in which we can continue to better serve their banking needs for years to come,” Edwards stated.

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  1. I hungry for
    April 6, 2015

    Open a Chipolte there.

  2. caiso
    April 3, 2015

    Nbd rates are too expensive their customer services especially the loan department in possie horribly. Nbd makes it too hard to get a loan so people are flocking to the credit union

  3. Frenz
    April 2, 2015

    I Couldn’t feel comfortable making up a story that I know that not even an elementary school student would believe but it is Dominica ,a place with an abundance of ignorance and gullibility. Considering the walking distance between the former Alliance Francais Bank and Hilsborough Street NDB( about 5 minutes) was it necessary for NDB to operate a second location for 11 years on te reuse that the second location is t facilitate customer transition
    Te national bank is our bank and it is apparent that the ank had been pissing our money down te drain fr 11 years.

  4. BEB
    April 2, 2015

    I’m sure that the idea of closing down the Ind. St. branch did not just come over night. It was in the making a very long time ago. So what was the need or sense to re-model that branch, spending all that money, shortly to shot it down. did they did this to attract the new would be purchaser , I guess another bank, Chinese . Venezuelans or some other bank, If not they would not have spent all that money, when they knew that there was a scarceness of funds?

    I know with the closure, they will not be able to re-hiring all the staffs from that branch, I guess they are going to keep those persons who are in key positions and send home the others with severance packages . As we all know, no one is expecting to be sent home from their jobs.

    On another note the bank is spending so much money paying an individual thousand of dollars to operate that Canefield branch, why don’t they utilize the building which the bank owns which is adjacent to the Canefield branch. I’m awaiting a…

  5. DEAL or NO DEAL
    April 2, 2015

    But why some people can’t read and understand what they have read?
    Take some time and read the announcement and read the comments. A set of bend minded people are just there to spew negative things against the government. The bank is just relocating to it’s original location; where does the politics coming?

    • Titiwi
      April 2, 2015

      Not true my friend. The report says that they are closing a branch and not relocating. To me that is very clear English. The business carried out at the Independence street branch will be absorbed by another, ALREADY EXISTING branch!

  6. woy
    April 2, 2015

    Which Chinese store owner or Haitain barber is going to get it?

    • Tjebe fort
      April 2, 2015

      Why not another Gov. Dept.? Seems Govt. is the only business in town expanding all the time.

  7. younglady
    April 2, 2015

    The last time i checked the NBD has the most branches on island and the most ATMs on island. Other financial institutions have one branch in Roseau only, and maximum two or three ATMs to serve the island! There is absolutely no need to stand in a line at a bank except if you want to do an immediate deposit to your account or a wire transfer, otherwise make use of the convenience services – MoBanking and the International Debit Card – that they offer.

  8. cc
    April 2, 2015

    I guess bank of china will replace it

  9. TimTim
    April 2, 2015

    Well it is good see that they have not announced the redundancy packages yet but surely this is the next thing. Unless Independence street served only a certain department that branches on Hillsborough and Canfield do not.

    • TimTim
      April 2, 2015

      By they way who owns that building? NBD or some other private entity?

  10. Anon...
    April 2, 2015

    O Lordy, the queues will be even longer. Prepare to spend at least a couple of hours in the bank. take your lunch and a book.

    • younglady
      April 2, 2015

      or u can just sign up for mobanking and make maximum use of the atm to avoid lines

  11. Thorbjørn Jagland
    April 2, 2015

    Skerrit Save Us Skerrit Save Us Skerrit Save Us

    • CC
      April 2, 2015

      Its Skerrit we need to be saved from

  12. radics
    April 2, 2015

    Here comes politics again again… Everything that happen in Dominica is politics…. Let’s try to keep politics out….the island is to small for that crap.

    • Greg
      April 2, 2015

      Sir or madame the government practically own the bank. It is the politicians who hand pick their people to run the bank. When the bank does well politicians pop up their noses.
      When politicians touch anything it becomes political Whether they touch at close range ,with a 10 feet pole or with bribery whatever it us they touch becomes politically contaminated. So keep trying to skim the white out of milk

    • Peter Potter
      April 5, 2015

      Nothing to do with politics, everything to do with a corrupt incompetent administration!

  13. Roseau
    April 2, 2015

    Mr. Edwards, should just come out and say the truth that business is bad so NDB is taking protective measures to limit the short fall.
    The country is in dire need of some serious cash now , but the small heads we elect do not have the knowledge on how to attract sustainable investment. Factories, proceesing plants and engineering, these are the areas that have so greatly benefited other islands, dont you think we should leand from them? Going into the Tourism industry can be considered to like like playing the Lotto.
    Back in the 1980’s , the Agriculture industry was the main stay of our economy, but under this Gov’t we have seen all our hard work gone down the drain for some friut less and self serving exploration that have brought no benefits to the man on the street.
    Five more of the same ole’.
    Crazy is is doing the same things over and over again and expecting diferent results each time.
    So putting this Gov’t in power again and expecting Da to improve is sort of lunacy.

    • Anthony Ismael
      April 2, 2015

      Don’t worry about the cash flow shortfall in the country. The Prime Minister is busy selling Dominican passports like hot cakes in China. When he returns from this latest trip to Asia, all will be well. :-P :lol: 8-O

    • winston warrington
      April 3, 2015

      The National Bank of Dominica, not NDB (National Development Bank) as it was previously incorporated, has never registered a financial loss during its operation. Even during the UWP administration, profits were in excess of EC 7 million dollars. You should know that the bank, founded by the Labor Party government is self sustaining.

  14. Dominic
    April 2, 2015

    eney time bank start to close in a contrary that is not are good sine dominica I pray for u under d freedomparty bank never close down under d uwp bank never close down y is under dlp u have all that closure of bankes I want to no y

    • Concerned 2
      April 2, 2015

      Understand the report u idiot…. They are moving back to the original building… they have no use for the building on Independence street… SOT!!

  15. simbeart john
    April 2, 2015

    I hope no one got laid off.

  16. Peter Potter
    April 2, 2015

    What a joke! In order to serve their customers better they close a branch? Does that make sense? No, it does not it rather will result in even longer lines of customers waiting to be served. I tell you what you need to do: you need to train your existing staff better, you need to hire more counter staff, you need to utilise some of your back office staff to help serve customers at peak times, you need to improve your systems (online banking), you need to answer your phones to name but a few. It’s not rocket sience! But in true Dominican style you rather put the cart before the horse.

  17. SMH
    April 2, 2015

    Nonsense! Stupes! Now that is too many people in one space now!

  18. Calibishie Warrior
    April 2, 2015

    NDB make me laugh (it’s either that or burst into tears od frustration) . THe queues in BOTH branches are such that the waits to see a teller is often times over 30 minutes. There is no way than NDB are going to double the number of tellers at Hillsborough Street so the queues are going to get longer. They could increase the number of cashpoints around town (currently a pitiful 3) but I can bet they will not do that before May 11. They are also proposing with the idea of a $1 fee to use the ATM’s. so not only will you have to pay for the priviledge of withdrawing your money but if you want to avoid this fee you must queue up for and hour or more just for the bank to spend more money paying someone to hand you the money (laugh? .. where do you start?). As for seeing people at the branch for personal service. In 2015 when the bank cannot even institure a simple ticket system to establish your turn, what hope do we have? Instead you have to be arguing with other customers for a turn…

  19. Hmmmmm
    April 2, 2015

    I hope all you speed up process.All you slow slow slow

  20. Titiwi
    April 2, 2015

    Good move, makes sense, saves costs.

  21. AVLIM
    April 2, 2015

    Truth is…..People cannot save now a days and majority cannot take loans….everyone lives from hand to mouth because of the state of our finances. And Thus…NBD CANNOT maintain and extra branch. Everyone seems to be running away from the truths these days. smdh.

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