PM explains late NEP payments

PM Skerrit said the gov't always fulfill its promises
PM Skerrit said the gov’t always fulfill its promises

Prime minister, Roosevelt Skerrit, is making it clear that late payments to 14 people employed under National Employment Program (NEP) is not the fault of the government or due to empty coffers.

Speaking at an apprenticeship program on Thursday night in Trafalgar the prime minister said the matter has its roots in the employees not having a social security card or a bank account “which is required now by the accounting system in the government service.”

The late payments have been heavily criticized but Skerrit said there are some people in Dominica who celebrate anything that goes wrong but the government always fulfill promises it has made.

“And you would have gotten reports that ‘oh they are not getting paid,’” he noted. “I get this feeling that there is a group of people who celebrates anything that goes wrong in this country and because they heard that one or two people did not get paid at the end of January they are on the radio, ‘oh NEP does not make sense, people are not getting paid.”

According to the prime minister, he was told only 14 people were not paid and that is because of an absence of social security card and banks accounts.

He also pointed out that money is not and issue in the matter, “because when this government makes a promise to people, we find ways and means to fulfill that promise.”

Skerrit also threw cold water on discussions which claimed the Roseau Valley is not benefitting from NEP.

“Tonight we are here to talk about the National Employment Program,” he noted. “So when people are telling you, and you may want to repeat this propaganda, that the NEP is not working and the Roseau Valley is not engaged, out of a 108 people who applied so far in the valley, 54 have been employed by the NEP.”

The prime minister also encouraged those who have not signed up to do so to take advantage of the opportunity.

NEP is a government initiative which engage a number of people, such as unemployed college and university graduates, by placing them in public and private sector firms.

The government pays the salaries of those employed.

Some 400 people are presently involved in the program and Skerrit recently said that 200 more will soon be added.

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  1. Anonymous
    February 10, 2014

    I think that we Dominicans are most times too critical of everything. Many good ideas came from Dominica and Dominicans and many caribbean countries have adopted them though they may not sing our praises. The NEP has been adopted by other islands as well because of what is happening here. You can start work without a social security card and bank account however it is your duty to go and get one after you’ve been awarded a job. The programme began in November I believe and every month since then more persons have been employed so I would believe that it were persons employed in January who were not paid. Also on the issue of student school fees/ tuition not being paid our SMALL economy CANNOT sustain paying tuition for every Dominican who is in university. Be realistic. I am a university student myself and I know of persons who left for this present semester without money and waiting for the government to pay their tuition. Their mistake, ignorance and that of so many Dominican students is that they leave the island without informing the ministry of education and without asking for assistance but assume that they are entitled to automatic tuition payment. again it DOES NOT work that way. Parents and students need to try and make a way for themselves also can;t leave everything for the government or Skerrit and then turn around and blame them and say that they want Dominicans to be dependent on them. Mistake #1 by the government was trying to meet the needs of everyone. That my friends are impossible.

  2. Anonymous
    February 10, 2014

    Right now the opposition forces have the unsuspecting Dominicans on an emotional high. Change, change, it’s time for change. No rationale or sense of reasoning behind there thoughts or courses of action . Even going as far as dismissing the facts when they are staring them in the face. The IMF, the World banks and even the courts but at the end of the day there will be consequences to our reckless actions. Think people think, don’t be fooled, you all might not want to acknowledge it but Dominica is making progress. Do not take a backward step.

    • viewsexpressed
      May 19, 2020

      “Right now the opposition forces have the unsuspecting Dominicans on an emotional high. Change, change, it’s time for a change.”
      Mr Anonymous, please wake up & smell this corrupted Labour coffee you drink. I and many others have moved away from this incompetent Prime (Odd) Minster and his useless corrupted failed Labour government. We need to be reminded of the failure of Skerrit and his failed Labour government.
      After 20yrs this clown has been in office as leader of this struggling Dominica of ours while our focus is on the obvious failure of this failed Skerrit and this visionless Labour government. This is where we are and from where I sit within the Financial Centre and out there on the field our people have struggled and still struggling while you guys are nice and happy with all that you need to survive while you`ll promote this fake disastrous Prime Minister who has our Dominica in a state of begging, Red Clinic, poverty and sadness and you condone this? Skerrit has failed…

  3. Blackman NET
    February 10, 2014

    This is Crazy…..some people talking about being financially literate and all that but here is the fact of the matter….if it is required by all established workplaces that you must have a social security card thus have a bank account to actually have a job and if the person doesn’t have it. I don’t think it takes that long to obtain one. A bank account takes a few hours….an SS card takes a little longer so here is the thing…..late payments is due to negligence because within 30 days the person can be notified that their information is incomplete and they should get them in order or they will not get paid. It’s that simple….so heavy criticism should be of no surprise Mr. Skerrit…….We need Jobs in TECH related fields…….these are highly exportable Skills……and I mean application development, website development, E-commerce, Music and Video Production, Solar and wind Technology, Advanced Agricultural technology(Hydroponics)……ICT is so under utilized that it is almost invisible…..Peace

  4. Cornman
    February 9, 2014

    The #400 seem constant in everything. “400 jobs created.” So, tell me something, the government is placing the unemployed in private and public sectors jobs; and the government picking up the tab? So if i open a business the government will pay my workers for me? I am just trying to get the gist of the whole thing. But as usual, no one understands Skerritt.

  5. ms gordette
    February 9, 2014

    So if special security so important why the Chinese not paying social security skerro go and drink some genkon

  6. look it
    February 9, 2014

    Mr prime minister those Cuban graduate that’s in teaching service they a suffering with there families to fed and loan to pay. Qualify more teacher make more positions available. Mr skerrit we maybe quite but if we cant get our right payments we will vote you out. People 5 yrs in the system should be qualified.

  7. unique 1
    February 9, 2014

    One thing i must say to all those who never see the good that the pm is doing for Dominica and Dominican one day you’ll come to realize the importance of having Honourable Rosevelt Skerrit as prime minister..time will tell i sure it will.

    • dafriend
      February 10, 2014

      You must be a regular of the Red Clinic.

    • viewsexpressed
      May 19, 2020

      Unique 1, you are the #1 Unique blind person as far as the operation of corruption that has happened under Skerrit’s leadership in our government.
      Let us remind you that Skerrit came in as this immature Prime Minister, and that was and still is the biggest mistake that Domini9cans made, that is to put immature Skerrit to be Prime Minister of a nation, our Dominica in dire need of substantial, quality development and no0t the abuse of our poor people creating from your office this insulting, deceitful, dirty Red Clinic that in return you expect our struggling people to survive under your visionless thoughts and incompetent Labour government. We are saddened by this else and after 20 years, according to your saying: “Go to Hell, Go to hell, out of our Government”.
      Our ailing Dominica under your failed leadership has reduced our people to ruins & poverty as our banana farmers no longer ship to the UK as we observed it’s our passports on sale and thanks Hon Linton exposed these…

    February 8, 2014

    supervisor your comment tells a lot about who are in position. A teenager who has not had a job may not have a bank account. Do you wonder if their parent could save a dollar for them all of us are not born under the same circumstances. The account department should be able to pay in check or direct deposit. There should be that option.

  9. February 8, 2014

    skerrit you think can lie still to us . the more you lie the more the people will learn the truth

  10. chief!
    February 8, 2014

    I just do not understand and will not believe just anything this guy say. Mr. Skerrit your approach to job creation is SO WRONG.
    So many businesses in Roseau closing down because of the influx of chinesse nationals. Why no strengthen your local businesses in Roseau thru the small business unit ? lately this unit have become so political that if you are not RED ,then you are DEAD. Support your local businesses so that they can provide the same jobs you are trying to create. I just do not understand this Government!! Finally have you ever WALKED thru Roseau to see the dominance of Chinesse businesses? Is that development? is that the one china policy showing it’s face?

  11. Too Late
    February 8, 2014

    Debate # 2 lennox vs Pm.
    Moderator: Mr. FAST N FURIOUS

    Moderator: why have some people under the NEP program not gotten paid?
    skeritt: every ting government try those man saying oh people doh get bank account they doh have dats why.
    Moderator: Mr pm why did Venezuela request money 18 times
    Skeritt: I don’t know why , is Venezuela dat owing us
    Moderator: what’ s your response Mr. Linton?
    linton: it is another example of the irresponsibility of this administration
    Moderator: what about the truckers and the public works employees’ sir? When will they get paid?
    Skeritt : truckers and public works owing us too.
    Moderator: mr pm what do you think of the statement by Dr Fontaine about young unemployed men asking for guns
    skeritt: if you not selling marijuana somebody will never approach a big man and ask him for marijuana
    Linton: Dr Fontaine was simply communicating how frustrated young men expressed themselves.
    Moderator: Mr Pm what do you think of the opposition’s trip to Cuba
    Skeritt: is terrorists dose man go and meet with
    linton: we engaged the Cuban government in discussions as to how we can further build a relationship between Dominica and Cuba. We also had the opportunity to meet with the ambassador for the people of Western Sahara
    moderator: Mr. Linton who financed your trip to the USA
    linton: We all paid our airfares sir.
    Skeritt: hahah is drugs man they taking money from
    moderator: what are your plans sir if you lose the election
    Skerit : win lose or draw no one will send me to any French country
    moderator: do you think the uwp men are competent?
    Skeritt: no. dose man cannot even find a job. Is a bunch of unemployed loiterers those man be.
    Linton: my only job now is to remove this corrupt cabal which won’t relent.
    moderator: Mr. pm do you think ms pestina of the DFP will make a good leader?
    Skeritt: she cannot even paint her hotel how can she lead?
    moderator: Mr. Linton what do you think of this administration?
    linton: It is a criminal enterprise masked as government.
    moderator: mr pm are you confident you will win the next election
    skertiit: yes yes yes offcourse I will be pm till 2050
    linton; we will amend the constitution to limit a pm to two terms
    moderator : what about the red clinic sir?
    skeritt: when people go to God and God cannot help is me dat have to help them
    moderator: do you own the villas sir?
    skeritt: I own no villa, no yacht, no property ,no car, no house no dog no cat.

  12. first time
    February 8, 2014

    social security card should issue from the day you were born.. while i agree with the comment that parent needs to educate their children financially..i can help but to thing the PM is been disengenuous. think my people so absolutely no politician will feed you com manure.

  13. February 8, 2014

    “According to the prime minister, he was told “only 14 people” were not paid and that is because of an “absence” of “social security card” and “banks accounts.””


    • ah ha
      February 11, 2014

      Dude I didnt have a bank acc until 2 years into my first job. Didnt need an account to clear my cheque! I got my SS card weeks after because my supervisor kept at me to get it!

      So really, Are you saying that a company won’t hire you unless you have a bank account?

      And is it the responsibility of your employer to get you an account or SS Card….

      Now you saying that they shouldn’t wait till the individuals get the docs in order, Govt should go against protocol and disburse cash until?

      What are you really saying?
      You people are the best!

  14. Not again
    February 8, 2014

    Some Dominicans are so ungrateful, you guys need to get out of Dominica and witness some of the hardship in other islands. You have no idea how blessed you guys are. My wife is from Dominica and i am from Skits but reside in the states. I will take Dominica 10 times over my own island because of your Govt efforts. For the good of the island stop that politics nonsense and stop being so ungrateful. Comcast picked your island because it’s better managed than ours. Every other island is giving praise to your island but you guys. I am embarrass for my wife reading those posts.

    • Rainbow
      February 10, 2014

      not again shut your trap. It is obvious you don’t know what u talking about. Who feels it knows it.

    • T
      February 10, 2014

      @Not Again. Man shut the Hell up. Your idiot. Are you the one feeling the squeeze under the clutches of Skerrit?

    • viewsexpressed
      May 19, 2020

      You are a very ungrateful, ill-informed, nonsensical thoughts and we just do not know where you get you idiotic failed information from. I hope it was not from your wife, regardless if she is from Dominica or not, she then should let you know why she is no longer in so-called “Nice Dominica” and now cherishing the USA. Many of our people are running, not from our Nature Isle Dominica, but from this idiotic, failed immaturely, incompetent failed Skerrit who has ruined and reduced our nature Isle into deep poverty, begging and has not shown any meaningful development in our Dominica. This PM opens his damn office on the 5th Floor, has over 100 desperate Dominicans and begins distributing cash to these people queuing at the entrance of the Financial Centre to go up to meet him in his office, express loyalty and he gives them hard cash. Its The corrupted Red Clinic”, Bin Bobol etc. We, civil servants, observe this fraudulent behaviour and his own government turns a blind eye to this…

  15. February 8, 2014

    one of the comment some one name PUBLIC SERVANT ask how can someone lie so freely? the answer is this the man in charge has lost his mind dos not know what he is saying he needs help. do you belive a sane mind operate like his

  16. Morihei Ueshiba
    February 8, 2014

    Skerrit give dem toilette, they can’t pay light bill skerrit give dem toilette, they have nothing to eat skerrit give dem toilette….. :-P

  17. humble_me
    February 8, 2014

    blessing passes us every day Why? because we are so negative in everything.

    Even if we do not support the present administration, think positive look around and say what’s true.

    Some of us only want change because we think there will be so much money it will just be falling from the trees.

    We never ask ourselves what can we do for our country instead of ALWAYS thinking what our country doing for us. For like of knowledge we will perish.

    • viewsexpressed
      May 19, 2020

      “We never ask ourselves what can we do for our country instead of ALWAYS thinking about what our country did for us. For like of knowledge we will perish.”
      YOu are no humble one, Mr. So called Humble. If you were wide awake and not blind to the obvious Bobo; taking place in our nature isle, then you are this blind bat who has placed his allegiance to the worse and most incompetent prime Minister whop is Skerrit. Stop defending corruption and go talk to Skerrit to own up for al the BVobolistice matters h undertook as this failed prime Minister. Skerrit lacks vision, protocol, dismissive of the protocol of Socio-economic development and feels that he is thji9s flamboyant Holowood clown who cherishes our people who are in need and therefore will offer them matters of the state rather than refer them to the Welfare Divison and arrange to have work prepared for them in their respective villages. Skerrit, not a planner, he’s this spontaneous man hiding in his office and buys loyalty. He…

  18. Str8
    February 8, 2014

    That shirt gets me giddy. But it’s good the the state is rich enough to give the unemployed stipends. We on d next level.

  19. kalinago kid
    February 8, 2014

    Put the roving caregivers workers under the NEP instead of the program closing because they have no money to pay them workers that workin with the children in the kalinago territory. That program is a good one for them young children

  20. Too Late
    February 8, 2014

    I wonder what happens after this program is over? maybe FAST N FURIOUS can answer that.

  21. USA trucker
    February 8, 2014

    Shame on U folks blame UWP having the young man fight so hard to bring DA nfl on it’s feet

  22. USA trucker
    February 8, 2014

    UWP had our country under dining stress and nevada read or see. Negative comments like I am seeing today the PM is doing his damn best WAt a bunch of boss ppl just remember DAy was sinking bfore the Pm can in

    • viewsexpressed
      May 19, 2020

      USA trucker: Stop looking for excuses and stop being this blind bat in denial. Skerrit should be able to take care of himself and not having a bunch of people blind and in denial attempting to protect and dismiss the failures of incompetent Skerrit.
      “UWP had our country under dining stress and Nevada read or see. Negative comments like I am seeing today the PM is doing his damn best WAt a bunch of boss ppl just remember DAy was sinking before the Pm can in”
      Who the hell is USA Trucker who has problems editing this nonsense he wrote above, seems to lack English construction. That will not save Skerrit and his failure as Prime Minister.
      Skerrit has failed we the people of Dominica and has reduced our people to poverty and begging, therefore PM did his damn best to ruin our country, reduced our poor people into deep poverty, has not created jobs and we need an account of this passport scam. We need to know the sales of our passport. Where is that money?
      We must take our Dominica…

  23. Rule
    February 8, 2014

    Blah! blah! blah! give your Laborrats their RED CLINIC, but the rest of us who are economically savvy want jobs so that we can be financially independent. Change is mandatory.

  24. shaka zulu
    February 8, 2014

    So mr pm are you admitting things are going wrong?
    no one is celebrating just highlighting your high level of incompetence.

  25. Anonymous
    February 8, 2014

    Who cares about your lies. You trying to be in news too ? Lol.

    February 8, 2014

    Liar… Liar….Liar
    Your party is on FIRE!!!

  27. Not Me Alone
    February 8, 2014

    Mr. Skerro, since you are in the mood to answer questions these days, especially in the Valley, without cursing us and sending us to hell like you did the last time you were in the Valley, then please answer the following questions concerning a newly built guess house in that village before Bense.

    1. Is it true that the said guess house was privately owned?

    2. Is it true that the government of Dominica invested in that guess house?

    3. If yes, how much money did the government of Dominica invest?

    4. Is it true that the government also paid the salaries of some employees through the NEP program?

    5. Is it true that the said guess house has been seized by the bank?

    6. If so, is it safe to conclude that the government of Dominica has lost their money invested in a private company?

    7. Also, while it is good that you can boast of some 400 nationals employed through the NEP, is it fair to conclude that when government gets involved in paying salaries of people employed by private companies, it is a bad investment as seen in the said guess house?

  28. Spin Doctor
    February 7, 2014

    If the election date was not changed from Feb to Jul, then the bait might have just worked. Any more baits just will not work. If you give me 10,000$ I will take it to build a villa, but I will very boldly vote you out.
    Remove your mask and take a bow.

  29. rescue 911
    February 7, 2014

    That mean you employ them illegally.Lol.

  30. February 7, 2014

    U W P supporters are the most readers on this site, I haven’t seen a positive comment thumbs up leaning towards the P M, I hope is not just a few supporters for U W P.

    • viewsexpressed
      May 19, 2020

      DAHMAN, we are decent Dominicans and we surely do not condone thievery, Bobol, ineptitude, incompetence, and corruption in our government.
      Furthermore, as you alluded that we “UWP supporters are the most readers on this site.” Well Dahman that tells the story and the question is where are your so-called failed Labour Party Supporters? We know that the comments we read of your so-called Labour people have been ridiculous, type nonsense just to make Skerrit feel nice and get at others who comment decently and in the best interest of our Dominica and its people. Therefore your Skerrit cannot be compared with decency and intellectual of our UWP Hon Leader Hon Lennox Linton. This is the Political (UWP) Party that we need in our government. With the professional UWP Team, there will be none of Skerrit`s Boboli, for example: Red Clinic, Fertiliser, and Bin Bobol. Skerrit has failed us, killed our banana production and our exporting agriculture produce. Where is our passport sales Money?

  31. Anonymous
    February 7, 2014

    U w p supporters are the most readers on this site, I haven’t seen a positive comments about the P M thumbs up leaning more towards the P M,I hope is not just a few.

  32. Fami Wachen
    February 7, 2014

    Some Dominicans can really be vile, evil and down right wicked. The world over is chaos, yet Skerrit is suppose to pave Dominican roads in gold. Machanster!!!!!!!!!
    Lennox and Thompson will pave it with diamonds and emerald wespawa….
    Dominicans read read read…… be in tune with the rest of the world.

    Barbados sending workers home, whole of Europe is chaos, Trinidad is murder murder murder…. Dominicans be careful what you ask for.
    Persons in the diaspora what is your contribution to the development of Dominica, except to run allyou mouth and live like refugees in foreign lands…
    Dominica is home and we will save it from hungry fangs…..

    • viewsexpressed
      May 19, 2020

      Thanks Fami Wachen, for this commentary of yours. For your information, we do not want Skerrit to pave the road, whatever you mean by this. We know failed Skerrit and his corrupt Labour government has failed to create jobs for our people that Skerrit will not operate this failed corrupted insulting “Red Client” where our suffering people are asked to come and say: “We love our PM Wi”, and then he gives out corrupted cash to gain loyalty to these people rather than create jobs for our people that they pay tax to help develop our Dominica that this failed Skerrit has destroyed and failed to do.
      Mr. Fami, Some Dominicans can really be vile, evil, and downright wicked. The world over is chaos, yet Skerrit is supposed to pave Dominican roads in gold. Manchester (Yes you are wicked)!
      If your failed Skerrit is unable to build up our Dominica and our people, do you think that it is matters of the development of our Country he`s able to develop after 20 long wasted years? Skerrit’s a…

  33. TF Grand Bay
    February 7, 2014

    firstly, what sort of scheme is that anyway? How can the government pay peoples wages who work for private companies. This makes no economic or financial sense.

    Secondly every time I read the news this Prime Minister is receiving some grant or relieve from some other government, Venezuela,Morroco,Cuba,Mexico, and the list goes on.

    Have we Dominicans now been relegated to be the Benefit capital of the Caribbean.

    Have you ever seen this sign in a zoo, Please do not feed the animals? Well there should be one for My Skerrit

  34. ##D.A.##.
    February 7, 2014

    D.N.O. is getting boring the same #–T different DAY. How long? NOT LONG! Selective Moderation. OUR PM GETING FAT, and loosing his dimples.

  35. -.-
    February 7, 2014

    That does not explain why I did not get paid. Everything was given. Bank account number, Social Security, tout baggai. Calling to get some explanation now, nobody wants to take my calls. Not blaming the entire administration but I’m not in that no account, no DSS bracket but I’m still number 15.

  36. Shameless
    February 7, 2014

    As the saying goes: the longest rope has an end and the longest road must have a bend but to Mr. PM your reign of receipt is quickly coming to an end. Is only now you remember the good folks of the valley? And to think the Minister of Employment , sorry I meant UMEMPLOYMENT is from the area and he sitting there straight face watching you tell that lie with a smile on your face (check picture). Man allu really believe Dominicans are still stuck in the dark ages eh. But don’t worry your BIG head, Change Must Come because it is NOT and option.

    Assertive, NOT Agressive! :twisted:

    • Shameless
      February 7, 2014

      Meant your reign of deceit.

    February 7, 2014

    Sacre gace you all hate the PM but one day you all will ask for him to springle water on yr TONGUE.

  38. Rass
    February 7, 2014


  39. My Boy
    February 7, 2014

    They want to see the young ones out of work.

  40. Political Trickery
    February 7, 2014

    When will we ever learn. This is another political trickery. How long will this program last. No mention of its duration. Why Trafalgar? Is it that the result from Trfalgar in the upcoming election will be pivotal? And so soo much attention to Trafalgar

    February 7, 2014

    If things had changed in the accounting department before anyone is employed this should be a requirement. WHAT A JOKE. When ministers travel do they learn anything while anything of interest which could help this country because the treasury is paying for their trip.

  42. dissident
    February 7, 2014

    Skerrit you trying your best to match up with the transparency of Team Dominica. Since when you giving explanation…… giving the impression that you care about us.

    Help me understand this…… if I were to go out there on my own to find a job de first thing that employer will confirm is whether or not I have a social security card…….
    De PM is confirming that some people were indeed hired by the government service even without a social security card
    You so not used to being transparent
    How does a government hire citizens even place them in the private sector with the full knowledge that some people don’ own a social security card

    After 14 years of governance……. Team Dominica on your tail and that’s your best defence?

    DLP want my vote?
    GO TO HELL!!!!

    • Anonymous
      February 10, 2014

      Yes, it was very transparent when one of the members of ” TEAM DOMINICA ” transferred monies from the account of a non profit organization into his own private account.

  43. February 7, 2014

    ImF will be on our backs again. Austerity measures soon come……oops I said it.

  44. look at
    February 7, 2014

    thats a lie,he is lying.i can tell you, because i get paid in December,so why i did not get paid in january and my bank and social security cards are in order.Man thanks to God for it, but stop the lying Bon Dieh

  45. JoJo
    February 7, 2014

    Would anyone buy an insurance policy from Roosevelt Skerrit? Really!

  46. Land of Complainers
    February 7, 2014

    Why are people talking about ‘paid in December’? Did I miss something? Once you are on the system already, then you wont get problems to get paid. I have friends in the NEP system and they have gotten paid. I know for Government agency…you have to have bank accounts and social security card before you get a dollar from your salary. I am a Government worker and I know that must happen. And plus, people like to cry too much. When I started working as a civil servant…I got paid late so many times…especially if my appointment letter did not go on the system before the 12th or 15th. They would make vouchers for me by the middle of the next month…I had it, new workers (not from the NEP) have to wait until the next month end. So I mean, people must behave themselves…you were not working…you got something (not that they should do whateverr they want with you….) but stop getting your underwear all bunched up. It happens all the time…to other people….just push will be regularized. Say a prayer to God and thank Him for the blessing of a job…’cause …you did not have to get one…just remember that…even if you are educated up to your throat. God bless Dominica.

  47. Keep on
    February 7, 2014

    Skerrit could be better,but he not as bad UWP.
    They don’t get why Dominicans don’t vote for them:they think u will be worst. :mrgreen:

  48. Diaspora
    February 7, 2014

    So how long does it take to get a social security card and to open a bank account? Weren’t these people employed from November or there about.
    Weren’t these requirements articulated to them during their orientation?
    I really don’t get it. But my question is how sustainable is this programme and how does it affect the wage bill; because a few years ago we were under some stringent austerity measures some people were made redundant and some positions were froze to date; citing high wage bills; so where does this expenditure fall in the budget line?

  49. defender
    February 7, 2014

    i am part of NEP and got paid for december and January so there is no lie you all these uwpites just there to create temoil and unrest in the country through lies. do not forget the founder of the uwp paid $75oooo for lies so everybody know you all are a party of lies and desorder. and guess what workers will never come to office give skerrit his time to perform and tske Dominica to the next level

  50. PoKeSa
    February 7, 2014

    When will Dominicans learn that “GOTTEN” is not a word in UK English.

  51. kakawavet
    February 7, 2014

    the prime minister is a liar, 400 people were not employed, if you look at the National Employment Program it says that 295. see

  52. Iko
    February 7, 2014

    Blah,Blah–the sun is also shinning.

  53. Morihei Ueshiba
    February 7, 2014

    Skerro change man, these days you explaining everything, hope u explain who own the villas soon… :lol: :lol:

    • T
      February 7, 2014

      It’s early still.Time will tell. You cannot see his hair has started to fall already.

    • Simply the Truth
      February 8, 2014

      He has to consistently explain so that those who appear to be hard of hearing and are hard-hearted will hear over and over again. Some of you turn a deaf ear to what he says and are too quick to criticize.
      You should not go through life like this; consistent criticism of the government no matter what good is done. It also depicts an unloving, uncaring, unhappy and inconsiderate people who lack peace. Whatever people project and consistently tells exactly who they are and what is imbedded in their heart and mind. You cannot deceive specifically the intelligent.
      United we stand. Divided we fall. Some of you contribute to this uneasiness in the land.
      As Our Lord said: “A house divided by itself cannot stand.” This should be food for thought for you.

    • Joe
      February 9, 2014

      We all know is Bubbles that own his villas so what is your point.

      Stop hating the young man because he is successful, you should instead work to own your own villas!!!!


      • JoJo
        February 10, 2014

        Jope, Bubbles is the director of Blarcourt. That is not the same as being the owner of the villas. We’re not all dim!

  54. Yeah Man
    February 7, 2014

    So how did they get paid in December and January Mr. PM, if they didn’t have Social Security Cards? Come again Mr. PM. Instead of revitalizing the economy for the private sector to create good paying jobs you there playing politrix. So when election call and the program finish, what now?

    • Simply the Truth
      February 8, 2014

      Depend on some people to ask all sorts of questions. Have you ever heard of contingency funds? Who knows? They may have been paid in that manner. You should ask those in authority who will be able to provide the correct answer.

    • Joe
      February 9, 2014

      Lennox will create 5,000 jobs, zey zey!!!! SMFH

      • LostChild
        May 3, 2024

        really? Imma b honest. I was also rooting for Lennox but lemme ask a question. How do you expect ppl to root for you when you have done basically nothing to be shouted for? jobs? where? 5000? I havent heard of one yet. Everybody knows that in order to gain support you must do show your support to the ppl. I’m not all that knowledgeable in that political game but this much I know. If its true that Skerrit is baiting then at the very least with some of his baits he held up the bargain. At the very least he is doin something. But I havent heard U.W.P doin anything. There’s no problem starting small. Look for things that may seem insignificant something that can grow and will keep growing from there you gain support no matter how small it all starts with the small things. Lets make it better huh? They, U.W.P see that they won’t win the very least they should be doin is at least support because at the end its for the benefit of all of us

    • Nou konnet viv 2
      February 9, 2014

      I was going to ask the same question, being familiar with the public sector payment system. The explanation proffered by the PM falls short of logical

  55. Anonymous
    February 7, 2014

    Those doing the attachment for the morocco hotel were promise a year employment as well but it does not appear so because some people have stopped working. They are awaiting on the government to decide if they will continue to pay them.

  56. Anonymous
    February 7, 2014

    so how did they get paid in December? or did they ever?

    • sstupes
      February 9, 2014

      did u try an find out when these people got employed…did they all get employed at the same time…stop being negative…view things positively…give people the benefit of the dobt….people like u are the ones causin our country to be so backward

  57. Anonymous
    February 7, 2014

    what about those in the Portsmouth area under the morocco hotel – they stop work cause government can’t pay

  58. shortboy
    February 7, 2014

    if it was me that was skerrit i would tell dominicans kiss their . because nothing not enough for them.

    • JoJo
      February 7, 2014

      Good thing you are not Skerrit. You would be worse, and he already bad enough.

    • February 7, 2014

      So as far as you a concern Dominicans should work and dont get paid arent you ashamed of yourself well my brother is waiting to get paid so what your friend PM saying means a lot to us on the Island

    • T
      February 7, 2014

      What i can tell you is go to school. Skerrit is the worst thing that has ever happened to this poor country.Are you one of the greedy ones from his gang?
      THANKS GOD HE IS GOING TO BE KICKED OUT SOON. Can’t you see that he has made you a beggar?

    • Zorr
      February 7, 2014

      Shortboy, but your PM already curse all of us, including you. Did you forget?

      February 8, 2014

      We done fire him already. No sense.

    • Simply the Truth
      February 8, 2014

      :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: They are never pleased. Not nice people at all. Nothing this government does is pleasing to them. They are not just people. They depict that they make bad family members; bad neighbors and bad co-workers also in society. Some of them are too miserable. Their words give them away.

    • There you have it.
      February 8, 2014

      That’s like saying “it’s none of there damn business”, isn’t it?.

  59. New Year Cheer
    February 7, 2014

    I’m not amused at all when I read those blogs. How easy we forget the four and a half years of the UWP in government.

    Less we forget,we all who were employed during that period waited until the 15th or 20th. day of the following month to get pay. The explanation then was, “The Computer broke down”.

    With mortgage interests rate as high as 13%, one can well imagine the tremendous stress Civil Servants were under. Today, with only a few not having gotten paid for one reason or the other, other than the “Computer Broke Down” UWPites are up in arms calling people liars. How easy it is to forget

    • JoJo
      February 7, 2014

      Carcon, why not go back to slavery times? UWP govt. is 14 years ago already. We are living now, is today we need jobs and income, is today we are hungry Is today we have DLP govt. That is the reality, deal with it.

    • February 7, 2014

      Well change have already began so the joke is on you just get ready for a final count down on election day.

    • ()
      February 7, 2014

      I can never forget these years. dominica was bubbling with activity. People were proud to be Dominican. Money was meeting money.Projects were happening all around the place. The PM was not arrogant and insultive.The PM was not an inveterate liar.

      • Anonymous
        February 10, 2014

        When was that?

    • February 7, 2014

      So true we’ll said

    • FarmBoy
      February 7, 2014

      Brilliant point and don’t forget the nonpayment of social security contributions

      February 8, 2014

      De UWP bus has a new driver now and serious passengers.
      De minister of finance at that time is now a passenger on your bus! Check his horn!

      You hear lies Skerro, that is lie!

    • Simply the Truth
      February 8, 2014

      Some members of humanity have short memories. They soon forget what they experienced. They also do not give it a thought of good deeds done. They want to trade the old for the new. What they do not know or overlook is, “A new broom sweeps clean.” One way or the other and with that comes many problems and hardships which they may experience sooner or later. :lol:

    • February 8, 2014

      Why did he use no social security card or bank A/C as the reason? That was so lame…. :oops: :oops:

    • me
      February 8, 2014

      That is how some of we Dominicans are. We have very short memory. Everything is tou cho tou flam. We like to jump on the bandwagon but we are in for a rude awakening. The statistics does not like. Check the records Dominicans.

    • Peeping Tom
      February 8, 2014

      Oh, we have not forgotten. The voters have not forgotten. This is why with each past general elections the electorate has increased its voice to the DLP. And, this is why these victories will be repeated in the upcoming elections.

      DO not be tricked by the repeated posts of the same operatives under different monikers.

    • unique 1
      February 9, 2014

      i would expect ur comment new year cheer to be poorly rated becaude those uwpites does not want the truth to be reveal, but as for me i agree with you 100 times.

    • concerned
      February 9, 2014

      i am amused by the fact that persons who could seem so petty and so rebellious to fight and rebel against every form of authority can present themselves as potential authority figures.
      have we gone mad???!!

    February 7, 2014

    Lie Lie lie. SMH. How can someone lie so freely.

    • Simply the Truth
      February 8, 2014

      Is the pot calling the kettle black? :twisted: :mrgreen: :twisted: :mrgreen:

  61. artfield
    February 7, 2014

    ok so how did they get paid for December? did they have a card then? man stop the bull and pay up

  62. Anonymous
    February 7, 2014

    Ha ha ha,skerro has gone mad,what are you doing in our valley mr skerro its been 14 years and all you gave were wooden houses on sticks no tolite,Trafalgar is not the only village in the valley dont u know that. How long not long change is a must o what an option

    • Anonymous
      February 7, 2014

      Admin. I put a thumbs down here in error. Should be thumbs up.

    • Simply the Truth
      February 8, 2014

      “In our valley?” Does the valley belong to you, only one person or even a few?” The world is not our own. Nothing we think we own is our own and belongs to us. Just as we are on borrowed time, so it is wherever we reside, as our life. As a matter of fact it belongs more to the government than to us.
      If some people would give this a good thought and practice it they would be ever loving and kind in whatever they say and do.
      As Our Lord Jesus Christ said: “Love one another…” and “Be perfect as your Heavenly Father is Perfect.”
      These are prerequisites for living a relatively happy and peaceful life and obtaining eternal salvation. There is no other way.

    • sstupes
      February 9, 2014

      so is skerrit dat have to give allu lazy people house and toilet and food to eat and evrything

  63. Supervisor
    February 7, 2014

    Presently there are 9 interns attached to my Division. All have been paid. Two payments were late because of expired account and no account. The votes clerk, Ms or Mrs Carbon is very pleasant and professional
    Lesson learnt. Parents should assist their children to be financially literate. Teach them to budget and save. My first account was opened after my First Communion at RCCU. It is my main account for 49 years

    • Malgraysa
      February 7, 2014

      You sound like a very organised person from the old school and I admire that.. but tell us honestly, was your Division really short of nine workers or where thy added to your payroll by a higher authority? Be honest, were you really desperate for nine extra workers, in which case you could have hired them yourself. Call me a cynic but this appears to me nothing but a cosmetic exercise.

    • sstupes
      February 9, 2014

      thanks to the supervisor for clarifyin something…seems like the foos that posted after u cant read or comprehend

  64. February 7, 2014

    liar liar liar pants on fire

  65. Baby machine
    February 7, 2014

    Moo Shea PM u are suffering from Chickingonia Mosquito bites the list is too long for me to mention so what kind of promise u fulfilling man go to HELL go to HELL

  66. DA1
    February 7, 2014

    I understand about the social security cards but what does a bank account has to do with it.

  67. The Onlooker
    February 7, 2014

    Where have you seen so many students obtaining scholarships before? schools fees maybe paid late but, they are paid. Parents too, have to take the responsibility to pay for their children’s education. At end of their studies when they do well most of them forget the hand that helped them. And hear the parents Doctor, lawyer, nurse, professor ect. is my son / daughter little or no mentioned is made of the Government who helped them. Forward we go with LABOUR

  68. Anonymous
    February 7, 2014

    Why is the PM addressing this issue, where is the office Rep. to discuss the issue. Be wise Mr. PM is not everything you have to address. You have appointed people to handle various departments and offices. Let the PRO HANDLE THIS MATTER

  69. My Boy
    February 7, 2014

    There are a small # of DA people who would like to see bad for DA, just because they want POWER.But God is good.

  70. myfairlady
    February 7, 2014

    kweh coh’w skerrit…….its not about the 5000 jobs its about the payment…..month come and gone, we work, time to pay us, what crap excuse about no social security card that? and wanting to shift the goal post of blame…..chaaa.

  71. Anonymous
    February 7, 2014

    So is this program one without end? When are the employers going to start picking up the tab for their employees?

    I think the way the program should work was for the government to pick up PART of the salaries for a specified period of time, let the people get some experience and then hopefully they would have a good chance of staying on full time, but only in the private sector.

    The government has no business creating jobs in the public sector for the sake of creating jobs. The country cannot afford that.

  72. Long Tongue
    February 7, 2014

    This is a MAD PM u too full of plenty and BLATANT LIES

  73. tired
    February 7, 2014

    My niece have a bank account, has social security working for the government a year now.. She has not got paid for January, they said to her she will get paid February month end. Is that right?? She has to eat, pay her bus free pay bills come on Dominica

  74. February 7, 2014

    Very good initiative prime minister. Congratulations and keep up the good work u are doing. Dominica has advanced greatly under your government and remember that some Dominicans are never appreciative of what is done for them. They are an ungrateful group of people who the more u do the more they will be blind of it where they can’t and won’t do better than u.

  75. mr p
    February 7, 2014

    this goverment is just not organise and am saying so because u cannot tell me that u gona create national employment program and u do put all these things in place first u so desperate u just get tommorow and act thats expected when u have incompetent people rulling

    • kingman
      February 7, 2014

      the government cannot be responsible for getting you a social security card, nor opening a bank account for you.
      Get real people, stop allowing negativity guide you.

    • Bogoroy
      February 7, 2014

      Lol! The government has to put in place social security cards and bank accounts for them too? Woiiii, all you killin me in this place!

      • JoJo
        February 7, 2014

        So Bogoroy, why employ people in the first place if you are unable to pay them, when system is not in place. How can yo0u put someone on your books without social security number? They do that in the U.S.A. with illegal workers only.

      • Roy Williams
        February 7, 2014

        I must rubbish that excuse by the Prime Minister. It is law that every one in Dominica, maybe not the Chinese, must be a member of the Social Security before being employed. The money was not available at the time, no big thing, that is a culture thing. When you have a one time school teacher running your finances what do you expect.

      • Simply the Truth
        February 8, 2014

        :lol: :lol: :lol: They should know their responsibility to themselves. They are not babies.

  76. Joeble
    February 7, 2014

    And the Truckers, the State College and Public Works …….

    • February 7, 2014

      And the worker on the road who haven been paid either

  77. dominican
    February 7, 2014

    The PM said it all allyou to wicked. I reckonvthat when Godvwas creating Dominicans he gave them extra evil minds and hatred that includes me .Because for the life of me I just cannot uhderstand where these people thoughts are çoming from. Leave the Government alone dobwhat youbguys are best at turn your backs on DA no one will miss you ta ta

    • artfield
      February 7, 2014

      you are so blind and ignorant you cant even see the lies

      • Simply the Truth
        February 8, 2014

        So you are informing people who they are? Are you not the one who is blind and ignorant? :twisted: :twisted:
        Suspicious mind, what lies? If you look for lies you will envision them and see them. Whatever you look for you will find it. If you do not look for it you will not find it. :twisted: :twisted: Seek peace and follow it.

      • unique 1
        February 9, 2014

        you are calling people blind and ignorant i wonder what should you all be called…

  78. mr p
    February 7, 2014

    skerrit be for real are saying that u employ people without they have a social security card sir?

    • SMH
      February 7, 2014

      HHAHAHah! madness!

      • kingman
        February 7, 2014

        God have mercy on you all souls, you all must be real miserable people, since when you must have a social security card before you get employed.
        You can make your card while being employed, learn people LEARN.

    • Anonymous
      February 7, 2014

      Ha ha ha,skerro has gone mad,what are you doing in our valley mr skerro its been 14 years and all you gave were wooden houses on sticks no tolite,Trafalgar is not the only village in the valley dont u know that. How long not long change is a must o what an option

    • Diasporan
      February 7, 2014

      You people are still living in the Stone Age where pay cheques were distributed at the work place. Get with the times, payment are done electronically and if all documents are not in proper order, payment will be delayed. It’s the norm in North American especially when a person is employed legitimately.

      • February 7, 2014

        I dont get paid electronically.I get paid from one job by check and after so many years my first job implemented direct deposit.He should have made sure they had a social security card before employment.And they should get a check if they dont have an account.It should be a choice.
        And by the way why is the government paying people to work for someone else.That sounds dumb.
        I should be in DA and open up a business and let the government pay my workers.That would be real nice.. Paying someone to work for somebody else is real stupid. Is it just to say you doing something

      • Simply the Truth
        February 8, 2014

        I agree. When they are students or are employed they should have these documents updated and in order. Surely they should know that and/or be told. Well, some people learn the hard way.

    • sstupes
      February 9, 2014

      when i first got employed i didnt have a social security card,,,then it wa my duty to go make one…are u implying that persons with no social security cards should not be employed?…NB…I DONT WORK FOR GOVERNMENT!

  79. donkeykong
    February 7, 2014

    allu doh even start yet and payment late, so when it start people will cry den.

  80. co
    February 7, 2014

    Good goin skerrit you may fool some people sometime but you will not fool all the people all the time we are getting wiser every minute we all know that program is just for a few months.

    • megzo
      February 7, 2014

      Tou cho tou flam. After de year then what happens? If de economy does not improve then we are back to square one. Where are the exports. Where r the capital projects etc. Skerrit behave ok. Your time has come

      • February 7, 2014

        The economy cannot improve because no money is coming in .Money is just going out.

  81. @liar
    February 7, 2014

    LIES! what about students abroad whose fees unpaid! That is de bank fault too?!

    • Peeping Tom
      February 8, 2014

      What does this story have to do with students? You are mixing apples and oramges and then accusing the man of telling lies. LoL!!

      I hope you are not one of those receiving my tax money to “stoddy” because that comment of yours certainly makes you look brainless.

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