Rampant issuing of sick leave described as a problem

sick leaveThe rampant issuing of sick leave by doctors in Dominica is being described as problem that needs urgent attention.

The situation is so bad that it might take a toll on the Dominica Social Security (DSS) scheme, rendering it bankrupt, according to Executive Director of the Dominica Employers Federation (DEF) Archille Joseph.

He said a solution to the problem must be found, and fast.

Joseph told DNO that there are concerns over four medical doctors who give out 50 percent of all sick leave in Dominica.

“Dominica has a 169 medical practitioners and from the 169, four doctors alone dish out half (of sick leave),” he stated. “Is it because there are four doctors who are better than the rest and everybody is going to them? Or they are crooks and they are milking the system?”

He said every year when the data concerning sick leave is examined, the names of the same four doctors emerge.

Joseph notes from a legal perspective, the doctors cannot be approached but a meeting was held with the local medical association, which is aware of the situation.

He pointed to one of the doctors who, he said, gave out sick leave in one year that amounted to 23 and a half years.

“That is 23.5 (years) multiply by 365, he gave out in one year,” Joseph revealed.

He remarked that Dominicans go for sick leave regularly because they are simply not happy at work or because they want pay raises which are not forthcoming.

“And because of their unhappiness, or they would want a raise in salaries, they make maximum use of sick leave,” he stated. “Before a Dominican head hurts him, before a little pin prick his finger, he going for a sick leave. And you have a regime of doctors who are supportive of it.”

Joseph said the huge amount of sick leaves could have an impact on the DSS.

“If something is not done, you and I will not get pension when we reach retirement age in Dominica,” he noted. “Because the people who are drawing sick leave money from the Social Security will run the institution broke and it will not be able to pay pensions.”

He said probably this is one of the reasons why Social Security contributions have been increasing over the years.

“We will really kill the DSS if we continue …,” Joseph said.

DNO contacted the DSS for an opinion on this matter, but was unsuccessful.

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  1. April 20, 2015

    what does dominica employers responsible for :lol: :?: :?: :?: :?: :?: :!: :!: :!: :!: :!: :-x :-x :-x :?: :?: please answer now :!: :!: :!: :!: :!: :!: :!: :!:

    • April 20, 2015

      i mean what does dominica employer federation responsible for :?: :?: :?: :?: :?: :?: :?: :?: :?: :!: :!: :!: :!: :!: :!: and answer right now please i mean

  2. Me
    January 21, 2015

    I think there is an underlying reality here, which is worrying for all of us. The DSS has always been an easy source of borrowing by govt. but now outgoings exceed income from contributions and the DSS is in no state to lend money to govt. again. One gets the impression that our govt. is seriously strapped for cash to meet even its daily expenses, not to mention its wage bill. When the Wordbank reports that Dominica has unsustainable debt it must difficult for govt. to issue even a new script of Treasury Bills. It must be very tempting for them to try and raise the vat but remember that could be the route to diminishing returns bearing in mind the drop in disposable income of our population. I think it is time for mr. Skerrit to put a cost cutting programme in place instead.

  3. January 21, 2015

    Skirret take his leave why our people cannot take theres .we were in the campaign to and work hard to put him back so we all need our leave too .he take all the money and now he have heart pain because there is no money left to do the things he promise to us i need my 5 percent and my back pay to fix my busness just like his own fix already

  4. Anthony Ismael
    January 21, 2015

    Why is Social Security charged with paying employees for sick leave? That’s the million dollar question. Shouldn’t employers pay their employees for accrued sick leave?

    Some of the laws governing business practices in Dominica are simply horrendous and outdated.They should be overhauled forthwith. Furthermore, every employer should employ creative techniques to help boost employee morale in the workplace.

    Here in the US it is not one’s salary that often leads to disgruntled employees. Difficulties with superiors or coworkers are some of the most cited reasons why employees often depart from their jobs.

  5. IFF I WUZ
    January 20, 2015

    Parry, I would say to DHTA and DEF, their concern should not be making sunday a workday, but to allow major businesses and Government offices to remain open between the hours of 1pm to 2pm. The closing for lunch between those hours are out dated.

  6. angel
    January 20, 2015

    what the guy is saying is put on your life jacket bc the boat is sinking . poor country

  7. chicken gone ye
    January 20, 2015

    time for truth,doctors are just as corrupt as any proffesion,universitys teach people to minipulate the system,you pay the doctor the doctor gives you a little holiday win win,except if your the social security

  8. Music Producer
    January 20, 2015

    :mrgreen: look Roro in D/ca pardner! :mrgreen: Run for allu lives oui, this is the actual end of life for allu boomboom that voted this , corrupted set of guys into office, to continue plunder the poor! :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: That’s whata allu wanted, now take allu licks and don’t complain – DLP suppoters! :mrgreen: :mrgreen:

  9. Tanta
    January 20, 2015

    Call me cynical , but there appears to be an emerging blame game being played by the government.. Now that the election is won, the labour party is starting to blame the people for all sorts of nonsensical crap.

    Could it be that they know that they will not be able to fulfil their exaggerated election promises?

    Like I said, call me cynical but I smell a big fat rat!

    • Peter Potter
      January 21, 2015

      You are spot on.

    • Ex DA law man
      January 21, 2015

      I agree with you 100%..Good observation .Ironicly they are in the “red”.Blame it on the people now..

    • Barbara Saunders
      January 21, 2015

      Perhaps cynical is not the correct adjective!

      I’m really trying hard to understand how or when and by what logic Achille Joseph of the Dominica Employers’ Federation has become the government and the Labour party? Perhaps I need to start thinking irrationally to better understand!

  10. revelations
    January 20, 2015

    Bravo, people will just stay, be sick and die. I glad for all of all you hypocritical people.

  11. Anonymous
    January 20, 2015

    Employers have the workers sick… Work environment is too stressful. Stress brings about all kinds of body ailments. When we feel too sick to work we either stay home or go to the doctor. And Mr Joseph, we dont run to the doctor if a pin prick us. Stop being ridiculous. Don’t forget Chikungunya ravaged our country and the majority of the Caribbean last year.

    • anonymous2
      January 20, 2015

      Chikungunya was very easy to get under control. Unfortunately, you do not have a medical establishment knowledgeable in how to do so.

    • chicken gone ye
      January 20, 2015

      the fact that u are getting so many likes shows how wide spread this abuse of a saftey net is x

  12. grell
    January 20, 2015

    Skerrit to be blamed he opened the Red Clinic,so why should these people work,i would have done the same.Damn corrupt government.

  13. Oh Please
    January 20, 2015

    I have been employed and paying social security since my eighteenth birthday. I recently got my greencard and will be moving to the states very soon. Out of curiosity I went to social security to find out what happens to all the money I contributed since I rarely took sick leave… I was informed that and individual who doesn’t contribute for more than a year is not eligible for any future social security benefits. . NOW tell me who is the crook?

    • anonymous2
      January 20, 2015

      What a govt. rip off.

    • Titiwi
      January 21, 2015

      Remember who is ultimately in charge of DSS my friend. Yes, you are right, it is the Minister of Finance. Did you vote for him?

  14. Concerned
    January 20, 2015

    It is evident that these people don’t know what they want
    If you personally call in sick to take a day because you not feeling well your employer acts as if you’re lying so these days it’s better to go to your doctor and let him decide.

    At the same time however it’s curious that this man is calling into question the integrity of doctors in the medical profession. Social Security had enough money to buy all their shares in Marpin, They have enough money to buy land etc. Social Security after their failed investment decided to start drumming about how things hard and increase the benefit rate.

    I say there’s a simple solution to all of this
    Make social security OPTIONAL not Manditory and let’s see who benefits more from that.

  15. Yes I
    January 20, 2015

    Just check the persons commenting here and giving thumbs up and down. Many are in that category described by the gentleman. A set of lazy individuals, mainly civil servants who sit down on their bottom malpalaying the government, providing poor service at work and still expect big pay checks. They all should be fired. Only in Dominica. Those blue mealy bugs there.

    • timtim
      January 20, 2015

      Oh so all civil servants are blue mealey bugs eh.? I see u find time to reply does that mean that you are lazy, and also unemployed?

  16. Jules
    January 20, 2015

    People, People, People

    If a labour politician declares that the doctors are corrupt, then they must be; as the labour politicians invented corruption in Dominica.

    I am impressed by our people, if you can’t beat them, then join them.

    • DNO Reader
      January 20, 2015

      Hilarious. Good one Jules.

  17. Angel Giraudel
    January 20, 2015

    It appears that Archille Joseph is working for DSS. Archille, please let DSS do their own work.
    And yes, too many EMPLOYERS have their workers working under stress. These workers need to take sick leave, otherwise they will die eventually.

    Archille please speak to the employers, but do not speak for DSS.

    I know of some staff members, who say that their blood pressure has gone up and cannot be lowered because of work pressure. This is absolutely true, and the employers are responsible.

    Archille you represent the employers, not DSS. Do your work.

  18. January 20, 2015

    Even sick leavd Skeritt get blame for. Imagine the same thing apply in big cities is it the givernments fault. You just stated that this have been going on for over 23 years neither S keritt nor Linton was working then. I fear that we may all be autistic we view the world one way only and that is the Skeritt government way. Come on read world news we are alll in the same trap this all equates to poor wages, no work and generally life. The world is upside down, stop the nonesense and work out a plan. Another thing to worry about we are fed up with your calypso,s about the goverment people are going to other peoples catnival instead of DA but you know what the gov will eventually get blamed. We are thinking ofvinvesting e,lse where because of your small minds

    • PS
      January 20, 2015

      But of course Popam. It is mr. Skerrit wh, created that himself. He called all of us his children, so he is responsible for us. He asked us to blame him, so were doing exactly that. And it was he who created the red clinic to dispense largesse and heal you when you are broke. He never said:” my children go and work for a living”.
      Bananas have their sick note, the economy is ill, people are depressed an not motivated. We really DO need a change to get us out of this malaise and lethargy.

  19. Bullocks
    January 20, 2015

    Is Mr. Joseph …. or what?

    Why does he not state the obvious:
    The greatest threat to the sustainability of the Social Security Scheme has been recent investment decisions which may be deemed bad, outright unnecessary while adding little or no value.

  20. Toffee City
    January 20, 2015

    That is the biggest horse crap I ever heard, to much sick leave. joseph you do not have any shred of evidence that those people are actually sick which should be a concern with regards to our health awareness and systems in Dominica. the other point is that you used social security money to purchase companies, land and do all sorts of business that may not be viable in our interest.

  21. Reader
    January 20, 2015

    The system doesn’t care about you. Why should you care about it? That’s just a way to get what you want working in that screwed up system. I hurt myself on the government job a few years ago and had to get sick leave. I had to do surgery as a result. I’d just started working and so didn’t have any insurance. You know what they system do? They made a mistake and paid me over the summer the year before. Because at that time I filed for sick leave they had to look into my accounts I guess. They chose that time as the. Est time to deduct the money from the next 2 months of my salary. At a time when I had surgery and was out of work. Couldn’t they wait for me to be back on track to do so. Btw it was THEIR mistake paying me over the summer when I had only begun teaching, not mine. Now I have to pay for their faults. They never considered assisting me even if I got hurt on THEIR JOB. The system has nothing in place for its workers. Then it telling you to care for it. When it doh care…

  22. Catherina Allan
    January 20, 2015

    A country takes the form of its leadership. Rampant corruption filters from the government down to every institution. What’s the problem?

  23. Erasmus B. Black
    January 20, 2015

    @ Mr Joseph:

    This story is so old it has poussiere (dust) on it. On June 29, 2012 the Dominica Employers Federation ran a similar story right here on DNO under the caption, “Sick Leave Worries.” In that story, they said there were 120 doctors and 3 culprits handing out sick leave. Like lollipops, if I may add! Fast forward to January 2015 and there are 169 doctors and 4 culprits. The population is a constant – it has not changed.
    The bigger question or story Mr Joseph, is why are workers in Dominica so frustrated that they keep running to the doctors for sick leave to stay off the job? And, can it be that handing out sick leave certificates may be the only way that some of the doctors can make a little money? After all, this is Dominica where All Shall Eat.

  24. Francisco Telemaque
    January 20, 2015

    “Is it because there are four doctors who are better than the rest and everybody is going to them? Or they are crooks and they are milking the system?”

    Perhaps they are better than the rest indeed. There might be 169 doctors in Dominica, however, more people die from malpractice in Dominica than any other place I know. Could it be that patients gets better result from the four than they get from the 165?

    Take for instance the little boy who went to the hospital vomiting, along with a fever: any competent doctor would have immediately done a blood analysis on that kid, and would have discovered in his blood that there was a tumor somewhere in his body. You don’t simply prescribe medication for fever, and vomiting without knowing the cause of the problem. The four doctors that kid Achille calls crooks should sue him for libel and slander, he sits at a desk with no scientific skills or knowledge talking crap, all the time!

    • January 20, 2015

      Mr. Telemacque,
      Mr. Archille, did not refer to four doctors
      crooks- he posed a question to generate
      While on the subject of “sick leave”
      I have issues with the lazy civil servants,
      who take “sick leave” and come and work in
      North America, and keep their vacation in tact.
      The civil service and the managing protocol
      should be reviewed.
      Too much abuse in the service.
      Hairdressers, shopping, going home to cook
      just to name a few.
      They should be treated as factory workers
      and introduce time clocks and card.

  25. Piece of cake
    January 20, 2015

    Every good manager knows which employees are always sick and the negative impact they have on a department and organization. So, it should be a piece of cake to get rid of these employees…piece of cake!

    As for the doctors who give out numerous sick leave certificates: meet with them and lay it out for them; let them know what the survey shows. They must have seen Family Feud on TV, “Survey shows” four of you are issuing medical certificates at an alarming level. Also, companies should have the right to decide from which doctor they will accept medical certificates. Not everyone called doctor is a doctor; their results and conduct should determine if they are indeed doctors.

    Solving this matter should be a piece of cake. We accept too much nonsense in Dominica and have lowered our standards too much! These days, children instead of parents run homes and, staff instead of managers run companies…then we cry when the results unfold. Time will tell.

  26. January 20, 2015

    shush man the people aint getting paid so they only giving the amount of hours they getting paid to work

  27. Ohhh Dominica!
    January 19, 2015

    Ahhhhh!!! Chupes….

  28. Don't Worry
    January 19, 2015

    Be happy. It is what it is.

  29. The Facts
    January 19, 2015

    It is said we spent most of our adult life at work. It should be a happy place and a learning experience; not a bad one.
    The government and employers should get down to the root of this problem. It could be poor attitude of employers and also other employees, bad management, poor working conditions which make the employees unhappy and unhealthy, lack of interest in their work, boring job, stress, overwork and dissatisfaction with income, in addition to very little increase, if none at all. You can add to some of this.
    Unless employees are genuinely sick which could occur, happy and well-paid employees may not take time off from work. They would look forward to going to work and performing adequately even though the pay may be small.
    Loss of work, loss of business. Employers should also take note of their absenteeism. If they are abnormal, a general staff meeting or on an individual basis, should be held to address this issue and steps take to decrease it or eradicate it.

  30. drone
    January 19, 2015

    Maybe the doctors are just more popular and respected than others. so many variables can be factored into this matter. Is It really the people going on sick leave that are stressing the cracks in DSS or has DSS allegedly been used as the government treasury to pay off salaries in excess of 189 million, and not a dime has been recovered? Has DSS been bailing out Marpin with no accountability? Have there been an unsual number of suspect board meetings where people collect checks for meet and greet allegedly? Ask I asking eh because ….

  31. colored shades
    January 19, 2015

    Mr. DEF you have effectively removed merchant holliday and with the likes of the meg shirt jack wearing union boss killed labour day. You are currently molesting the unemployed desperate for work in the one foreign business with the ability to help minimize their plight. When does Dominica come first; when do Dominicans come first? Help reform the labour department to enable an independent workforce mr. Joseph. Help put forward a case for an increase in the minimum wages to meet/match up with the times (2015). If you cant do that do us all a favor and shut up and well go back in the private sector and continue to nurture your art, that of being a tiranical HR.

  32. Democracy 4 Dominica
    January 19, 2015

    This is just a smoke screen . The Dominica Social Security(DSS) scheme has long been depleted by this Inept Government. They are using this as an excuse. They are making the population sick and now they are talking about bankruptcy. Are you for real Archille? Another casualty added to the ongoing corrupt system in Dominica. Stop aiding and abetting this criminal enterprise and take back our country!!!

  33. No Nonsense
    January 19, 2015

    Just the irony in that article had me.. “A rise of doctors requesting sick leave” :lol:

  34. ca mem
    January 19, 2015

    We seem to be forgetting about the chikungunyah that plagued the island last year.

  35. January 19, 2015

    this is one of the main cause of bankruptcy in a country,nonetheless when someone is realizing that they are working more every day and cannot move forward in life ,while cost of living is rising the salary is not rising ,while politians that are sitting on their backside is living a posh life ,what else can they do?

  36. Efficatious
    January 19, 2015

    DSS! is a compulsory saving for when you get to retirement age.the less sickness you have now means you will be better off when you retire. say you have a lump sum of $20,000.00 to come but,we already pay you $15,000.00 in sickness benefit therefore,you only have $5000 to come plus your monthly payment which will be reduced.However! who is to be blamed ,doctor or employee.

  37. Help My unbelief
    January 19, 2015

    Mr. Joseph, in the world of sports most teams have their team doctor whether id the NBA, MLB, NFL, Cricket or soccer. No matter how important a game is, if the player doesn’t feel well, the doctor grounds him. Your cry about “Dominica has a 169 medical practitioners and from the 169, four doctors alone dish out half (of sick leaves),” says a lot. It tells me that out of 169 doctors, we only have 4 doctors that learn to listen to their patients. If I were employed and feel sick I sure would run to those 4 doctors that would not put work before my well being. How do we deal with this problem: Instead of bashing these 4 good doctors, maybe you need to encourage employers to put an incentive out for employees. Ex., if employees have ten sick days a year award those that don’t use them with a month or two month pay, while those that only use their ten sick days with monetary bonus. Don’t you think that will solve the problem? Never blame the doctor. His patients pay his bills &…

  38. choops
    January 19, 2015

    First off every fortnight i pay social security. I am entitled to 6 weeks of sick leave per year. If i go work sickand i get worse in work is a problem too leave. If i go work sick and my work suffers then is my ass that could be terminated. Free up the doctors. Ps. If u don’t like my post pass straight. #myopinion

  39. onlooker
    January 19, 2015

    when nurses looking after sick ones are over ward what u espect to happen wen u working on a ward and u getting sick and no body cares lets be real. nurses are working under very difficult circumstances ss wat all u doing wit people money

  40. bla bla
    January 19, 2015

    so much mad investment DSS doing. brokes marpin they inest in it waisting ppl money black is white. stupes tan. if u sick u damn sick. gees.

  41. onlooker
    January 19, 2015

    well i want to no where my money going every month before i see wat i work for ss own come out it is still not fear to me either

  42. Mamizoo
    January 19, 2015

    It is interesting that Archille is complaining about a handful of People who may be bilking the system but silent about the biggest threat to DSS and Peopke’s pension which is unemployment.
    There was no one in authority thst was concerned about the Chinese working in Dominica and not contributing to social security.
    I don’t condone corruption as much as I dislike hypocrisy and selective justice.
    Publically Archille refer to the doctors as crooks yet Lang Mama get criticized for calling out politicians who are without a doubt crooks.
    So Archille whst do you want from us when biggest thieves are not the doctors or those taking sick leaves. The biggest thieves are the politicians – the fertilizer bobolists,Villa owners,Petri Caribe thieves, those with multiple bank offshore bank accounts.

    • wowzers
      January 19, 2015

      Wish I could give you ten thumbs up.

    • The Facts
      January 19, 2015

      Blowing that old broken trumpet again which has no bearing on this article? You should be asked to prove it. If you can’t you should be charged. :twisted: :mrgreen: :twisted: :mrgreen: :twisted: :mrgreen: :twisted: :mrgreen:

  43. January 19, 2015

    Dominicans living at home are very lucky!

    In the first place not very many people are happy to work, most people think that they are simply working to make their employer rich–but who will enjoy doing that–and it is not only in Dominica, this situation is the same thing all over the world

    People don’t want to work, but they cannot live without money–there was a time in Toronto, when the Welfare System was so badly abused–some people believed it was better for them to stay on welfare than to go out there to work for their daily bread.

    And so the Welfare Program was changed to Workfare, those who qualified for the allowance had to do some sort of volunteer work, a few hours a day–otherwise they don’t get any assistance. That way there able to get a paying job.

    I worked for 30 years in Toronto, but I got paid by the hours–which was much better for me; however, if I did not work, I did not get pay–so then a sick leave permit was useless to me.

    • The Facts
      January 19, 2015

      I endorse your comments. However, even though you were employed on a full-time basis but classified as a part-time, hourly paid employee and you got sick for at least a week or more, you could have applied for unemployment insurance (U.I.) sick benefit now called employment insurance, E.I. If you were sick for at least one week to a few consecutive weeks and applied for E.I., you would have to produce a doctor’s medical letter.
      If those days were less than a week, I doubt you (or any employee) would be qualified for sick pay if their employer does not have group health insurance. Some employees who worked hourly were classified as part-time employees and not eligible for E.I. They may not have been aware of this. Of course as the years progressed the government changed its sick benefit policy for full-time/part-time, hourly workers.

      • January 20, 2015

        @the Facts

        My employment stature was not a part time job–it was just that the company I worked for had more clients to serve on certain days–that was the reason for the hourly wage; which means I was never underpaid. Part time workers are those who fill in for a certain employee or employees–I was always on the list to work, especially that I was the most qualified worker at my job.

        “Rampant issuing of sick leave described as a problem”–according to the news article– That is the idea on which I based my comment–there are many people who abuse the system, of getting a sick leave report because they did not feel like going to work, two or three days, before.

        You, yourself said it above: “If those days were less than a week, I doubt you (or any employee) would be qualified for sick pay if their employer does not have group health insurance.

        I am aware that U.I allowance and disability income is different.

      • January 20, 2015

        Unemployment Insurance, does not compensate
        an employee for being sick.
        Unemployment benefits are for seasonal
        employees, layed-off employees who were gainfully employed
        and got terminated without just cause.
        They receive payment base on the benefits
        in their employment bank, while they go on active job search.
        Documented sick employees, uses company sick
        days if available. Then short-term disability up to
        16 wks; after that period if the employee is
        unable to resume work, then he/she applies
        for workman compensation.
        PS: “Sick time” and short – disability depends
        on the company and the industry that your are
        employed in.

    • Francisco Telemaque
      January 20, 2015

      Elizabeth, you are the last person who should be talking about people do not want to work. You are living off the Canadian government, because of your medical problems. I went on disability here in Los Angeles for more than five years, I collected State Disability when my unemployment benefits ran out, when State disability ran out, I collected SSI.

      I was able to completely recuperate from my medical issues. The reason the social security system in Dominica will go bankrupt is because there are not enough people employed in order to contribute into the system, create jobs, employ more people, and the system will have enough to pay out, on the other hand millions of Dollars is invested into none profit yielding such a Marpin is extracted and put into LIAT, all none profitable entities, the state collets no dividend on the money, so what does the black slave master Achille expect to happen when the government squanders the social security money with no returns?

      • Francisco Telemaque
        January 20, 2015

        “millions of Dollars is invested into none profit yielding such a Marpin is extracted and put into LIAT, ”

        Let that read millions are invested into none-profit yielding entities, such as Marpin Television, and LIAT, when people invest money into something they should receive dividends in the form of interest on the money they invest. Skerrit will never see one red cent as dividend on the money he wasted in LIAT, He will not see a dime from Marpin as interest on the money Social security he stuff into it.

        More half the country is unemployed, blame the short fall on the high volume of unemployment, and not the suffering physically and mentality!

      • January 20, 2015

        “I went on disability here in Los Angeles for more than five year” Telemaque

        Yes, and you claim to be speaking the truth and nothing but the truth. That is how I know that your whole existence from day 1 in this world is based on lies–I wonder how would you feel if I comment on that revelation of yours above? You are doing your best to ridicule me aren’t you

        But will not be like you; I could never stoop so low–and you know what I am talking about–you will have your rewards at God’s appointed time, because He is a God of fair justice. The Vengeance will be His own on my behalf.

      • ?????????????
        January 20, 2015

        Francisco why do you always pick on the Lady! You seem to be a woman hater… the lady has a right to voice her opinion. Elizabeth’s comment always have wisdom in it unlike yours which show a lot of hatred … now I see hatred for women.

    • Francisco Telemaque
      January 20, 2015

      “if I did not work, I did not get pay–so then a sick leave permit was useless to me”. You know sometimes it is better to tell the truth, than to make belief. In America, and Canada, after one go through their probation period on any job, unless it is an illegal job from the time one becomes a permanent employee, you start accumulating sick days.

      So, if one becomes ill, they do get paid based on the number of sick days they have accumulated. In the British system, which we inherited it is mandatory one get paid for the first three days of their illness, after that they must present a doctors certificate proving they are ill. And by the way in America even you accumulate sick you still have to present a doctors certificate stating you are ill and the amount of time off given. You had some jumbie (Zoombie) job that is why you got no pay!


      • January 20, 2015

        Telemaque January 20, 2015 Elizabeth, you are the last person who should be talking about people do not want to work. You are living off the Canadian government

        You had some jumbie (Zoombie) job that is why you got no pay!

        DNO, I have complained to you before about the man Telemaque who continue to speak whatever he feels like about me –through your medium–just because I shared a few things about myself with him, 4 years ago–when I thought he was a human being.

        I responded to your news article, above–and I used myself as an example–this man has no right contradicting what I wrote or to mention me in what he has to say–I am letting you again, that I resent this, and it has gone for too long and too far

        This mans speaks about me, very rudely, insulting, and deplorable to your audience I would like him to leave me alone– but I have no power without you, unless God will interfere on my behalf Thank you for your consideration

    • RoZeau
      January 20, 2015

      Sir DNO there is a public officer that takes his job as a big joke and forever has sick leave.

      That man can never be at his desk for 8:00 a.m. and when he is at work he can never concentrate on the government’s work for an hour. This man types letters for Haitians to get Visas to do work for him on the government’s time using the government paper , computer, and printer.

      You would think is a Laborite and Catholic that doing that to the state

  44. Chakademus
    January 19, 2015

    Here’s another angle. A few days ago, an article was published on DNO (https://dominicanewsonline.com/news/homepage/news/business/lack-of-industrial-action-hampers-def/) quoting the same Mr. Joseph of the DEF as saying that

    “the low occurrence of industrial action in Dominica has negatively affected the relevance of the organization and in turn its financial base.”

    He went on to reveal that:

    “To survive the DEF has moved heavily into management training and other matters,”

    Well this is one of the “other matters”. If this is a serious issue it is not new, this is just another case of someone looking for relevance for his organization by whipping up a controversy. Don’t take my word for it, read it in his own words in the article above.

    • wowzers
      January 19, 2015

      Very interesting. Why would a “low incidence of industrial action” be such a bad thing? Assuming that is, that the low incidence is because all is honky dory for workers and the reward for their labor?

  45. Shaka zulu
    January 19, 2015

    Lack of pay increase can lead to not being able to meet commitments, which could lead to constant stress, which is the cause of many ailments. That is the only way people can feel relieved. The doctor did not give them enough sick leave.
    Everyone complaining now how Dominicans have bad work habits. The problem started from the very top. When the top is bad, corrupted an unethical then the rest of the body is affected. I would not doubt it is coming from Government. They realize tough times ahead so looking for an excuse to cut down. All this is the rumble before the great quake.
    I will say again: Those incharge need to live by example.

  46. Worker.......
    January 19, 2015

    Are we robots……..Man’s body is corrupt so we will be sick sometimes……….

  47. Dominican 4 Life
    January 19, 2015

    When Skerrit have the country in that state and people working just to pay rent you don’t want them to get sick? Well take all you sick leave eh people DSS go red clinic Skerrit will set all you up.

  48. Chakademus
    January 19, 2015

    Here’s a thought: people go to the doctor when they are – sick. Sometimes, they are too sick to go to work. Sick leave is one tool in the doctor’s arsenal to a) have the sick person rest and so speed up their recovery and b) try to ensure that they don’t spread contagious diseases among the populace. In fact, it is said that in some countries more money is lost by sick people reporting to work than the other way around.

    I don’t doubt that there are crooked doctors but could it be that in this case the doctors are just too compassionate and don’t know how to tell people no?

  49. January 19, 2015

    tell dem people to have more shredded wheat and oatmeal for breakfast with 2percent milk and jerk chicken with rice and redbeans for lunch and bulgar porridge for dinner. then they will be healthy and energetic.

    • The Facts
      January 19, 2015

      Eating and drinking nutritiously and getting ample rest could assist. The same applies for those who contract colds/flu.

    • Referee
      January 19, 2015

      There are those who fall ill by taking too much hamburgers. They can’t be productive if they go to the toilet so often and changing diapers.

  50. white oak
    January 19, 2015

    you cant be serious sir!so you doe tired milk d cow and get free milk? you really think Dominicans are stupid people.the scheme all u running is just beneficial to all u if nothing happens to the person paying social security.my father just turn 60 so i called to inquire bout pensions and d ridiculous information i received is best he had just work all his life for all u.In order to rip his benefits at 60 age a lot more goes to all u as apposed to just waiting till he turn 63.wat b.s is dat….ppl work pay dem doe cme wit no schemes to press ppl their hard earn money.u dat Archille Joseph dere if d shoes was on d other foot ud b singing a different song.SO DOMINICANS DNT CALL UNNECESSARY SICKNESS FOR ALL U SELF.BUT BONDIEU WOYE IF A PIN PRICK U AND UR HEAD HURTING U(UR BODY NOT FEELIN BALANCED) HOW D HELL DEY EXPECT U TO WORK….IS NOT SICKLEAVE U HVE TO TAKE. when DSC take their share of their money from your salary.do they send a thank you letter ? tell mr dem to behave themselves eh

    • The Facts
      January 19, 2015

      What you are implying is that they take their money, deduct it from their salary and when they get sick and/or want to retire it is another story. They give problems to pay it out as also other insurance companies. Join the club. It is no exception world wide. Poor us employees.

  51. The Evangelist
    January 19, 2015

    I find Archille Joseph is out of place to make this statement. Is he a doctor? The number one job of the doctor is to give care to his patients. If his patient comes complaining about a headache should he just give them some pain killer and send them back to work? A headache though sounds simple, could be the sign of something very serious. If the doctor shuts down his patient for 2 weeks and after two week the patient tells the doctor that the pain is more severe, what is he to do? What if they are suffering from depression or some kind of mental problem? Do you expect the doc to send him to work and when they do something silly people turn back and blame the doctor? What if a patient complains to his doc about a headache and doc gave him some tablet and later the patient dies on the job? The job of a good doctor is to listen to his patient and the job of the employer is to ensure he has a plan B in place. I hope you don’t feel sick one day and end up going to one of these 4 doctors.

    • Angel Giraudel
      January 20, 2015

      I agree totally

  52. SMH
    January 19, 2015

    Too many loans SS gave out. Employers need to treat their workers better..

    • source
      January 19, 2015

      I was about to say the same thing.

  53. Laugh out loud
    January 19, 2015

    In very rich countries an individual only receives money from social security when the woman reaches 62 years and the man reaches 67. The only exception is if a person is disabled or cannot work any more.
    The Dominican government need to implement such system. Employers are responsible for paying sick days to their employees.

    • The Facts
      January 19, 2015

      This is why part-time/temporary work was implemented. I recall we hardly this in Canada. The US commenced it and a certain former Mayor embraced it. Woe to us.
      Employees can hardly find a full-time, permanent job with a monthly/annual income, medical benefits and pensionable. The pay is now hourly wages. Times got harder since then. Employees work harder with less pay and increase, the latter if none at all. They are paid the minimum wage, whatever is stipulated by the government. Would love to state more.
      Having stated that, God will punish those employers who underpay their employees and expect more work out of them. And, yes, governments that allow this exploitation of employees.

    • interested
      January 20, 2015

      Laugh out Loud, here is some advise, open up your own business and employ workers. When they fall sick and miss days at work, pay them and do not complain when you don’t have workers to help your customers. Are you telling me that you would do that. Who in the Kitchen feels the Heat.

  54. My take
    January 19, 2015

    I know that only too well. Just imagine a doctor giving someone an entire week sick leave for a migraine headache. Maguais sa.

    Being a migraine sufferer myself, and taking prescribed medication for it, I am back to normal in a matter of hours.

    • ca mem
      January 19, 2015

      ever heard of chronic migraines

      • Titiwi
        January 21, 2015

        Sure, but I’ve also heard a lot about P.M. stress.

    • I and I
      January 19, 2015

      quote “Being a migraine sufferer myself, and taking prescribed medication for it, I am back to normal in a matter of hours.”

      Who you expect to believe that ??

    • DonK
      January 19, 2015

      Well lets hope that migraine isn’t being caused by a tumor your doctor failed to recognize.

    • sam
      January 19, 2015

      i ddon’t think you are a migraine suffer my dear because if you were you would never make that statement. I have fainted with migraine even throw up at times you feel like you ate losing your mind and the only thing you can do is seat in a dark room and pray to God to take the pain away. So tell me I don’t deserve leave for migraine

    • Rose
      January 20, 2015

      Good for you! Maybe you should get your PhD and hand out Rxs. As a migraine suffer, I have to tell you….you have never had a migraine in your life or you are just plain a “shiter of bull.” Being ill is serious and so is fraud. An investigation has to be made which should include why our country which was a leading country in health and aging is today the fastest growing unhealthy state with obesity leading us to the grave. Anyone in leadership who goes to the media and call a doctor a fraud causes he or she is caring for their sick patients may need to get a leave,…a leave from his position. Dominicans we are too fast to provide stats-under-the-tree. For the past five years I have observed an increase in not just illnesses but the severity of these illnesses in Dominica. The questions are: why and what are we going to do about it. This is serious! This needs to be investigated from a medical point not political or trash throwing. God bless our country…Amen.

      • Barbara Saunders
        January 20, 2015


        Pass by Whitchurch’s and Kentucky on (believe it or not), a Sunday you will understand why a country which led in health and ageing is now being led by obesity to the grave. Sunday, like most other days used to be family home cooked meal with everyone round the table! Children’s snacks used to be freshly squeezed grapefruit/orange, passion fruit etc. juice and homemade sandwich, fruits etc.

        Stand by a couple of schools one week and check the snack packs of kids going to school and see how many bustas, frutas and corn curls and shirley biscuits you will discover and mark you their parents might be those who are crying loudest everyday about low wages and hard country etc. Check the employees who buy snack and lunch every day instead of waking up early and preparing a meal to take with them to work or to go back to at lunch time.

        Who wants to damage their expensively manicured finger nails to prepare food? It is so much easier to blame everybody else for our lot…

    • As if....
      January 20, 2015

      i find u out of place.

      “Being a migraine sufferer myself, and taking prescribed medication for it, I am back to normal in a matter of hours.” That’s not a migraine.

    January 19, 2015

    It was high time that they get on this. The doctors are really milking the system. These people are given all this sick leave and they all out galavanting. I was in Dominica recently, my friend was on sick leave and she took me all over.. at that time I question her on the amount leave she got., This has to stop

    • The Facts
      January 19, 2015

      When people are given medical leave they should stay home. So she was not afraid she got caught. If so, she could have lost her job and lose her wages.

    • Ms. Educator
      January 22, 2015

      thats just to show you you are an ungrateful person….i wonder if you gave your friend a dollar to put with her gasoline money??? dam egwah!!

  56. eyes open wide
    January 19, 2015

    Joseph Social Security rising every year who tell u 300 sick leave a year goin to put them bankrupt , things so good with them they even use our money to buy marpin so why run your mouth, if we take a little back on sick leave that should not be a problem at all , once my doc put me on sick leave he knows best i take it :-P

  57. Doc. love
    January 19, 2015

    Very interesting accusations by the DSS. DSS can use this occasion to run to DNO and other news outlets to complain, but other pertinent information relating to the spending or investment of the people’s money, is kept a secret. In recent times, millions of dollars of Dominican’s contributions have been invested in many businesses. DSS management has been moumou. One gets the impression, it is their personal money that is being spent. Dominicans have heard of alleged investment in Barbados, alleged purchase of a television company, alleged giving millions to Government in the form of loans, which allegedly, has not been paid back for years, therefore, what are they belly aching about. As far as I am concerned, it is our money, we will use it as we see fit.

    • timtim
      January 20, 2015

      Could not have said it better….the only thing u missed is the less than sound investments by DSS over the last few years, especially Marpin….

    • me
      January 20, 2015

      READ DSS had nothing to do with this is was (DEF) Dominica Employers federation

  58. Just Observing
    January 19, 2015

    If it is true that Doctor “so and so” lead the way with the issuance of Medical Sick Leave and it is a proven, why the secrecy. Hear what Caressa says in his calypso, if you see me bugging – call me name, if you see xxxxxx call me name. But if you cannot “trust the roro, checko don’t call me name”. Archille and the DAIC can do better. If it is a real problem, then deal with it as an organization. Let the chips fall where they lie. Some more info is needed. If Archille cannot call name, then he can give the information to Carlisle and Matt. I am sure if Skerrit’s name comes up as a bad employer, frustrating employees, we will surely get a name to start with.

  59. January 19, 2015

    Some people who some might describe as pagans or unbelievers are more are more honest than those who called themselves Christians or believers, if we go about seeking scapegoats we will never get to the truth. Mr. Joseph is making a blanket statement. He must realize that different people will get sick for different reasons I will not make my comments into a booklet except to tell the the gentleman I think that he is afraid of becoming redundant in the DEF so he is trying to remain relevant.

  60. Hmmmm
    January 19, 2015

    Really sad situation. SOme of us don’t realize how good we got it.

  61. LOL
    January 19, 2015

    I have never read more rubbish in my life. So you just making an assumption that people are not genuinely sick? Out of the 169 doctors, how many of them have private practices? there are so many wholes in this story. What you need to address is the lack of initiative in investing by management and the number of times the Government puts their sticky hand in the cookie jar. People sick what you want them to do? keep coming back with that foolish argument and see where it will get you.

    • Peter Potter
      January 20, 2015

      Is that the same government you all voted for again? If I am convinced the government has its sticky fingers in the cookie jar I would not and I did not vote for them again. But that is the problem in Dominica, the vast majority knows or at least suspects the government having sticky fingers but over 50% still vote for them for the sake of the red clinic, in other words a little personal gain. I say make up all your minds once and for all and stop complaining. You can not have it both ways!!!

    • common sense
      January 20, 2015

      Dont need a PhD to see its unsound reasoning by Mr Joseph. To attempt that reckless character assassination without investigation is irresponsible…So many factors could be the reason or affecting why these are the four doctors who issue the most sick leave.!!To give a few-
      1 location- e.g. in Roseau and clinic easy to get to ie where most employed people visit doctors
      2 their experience, reputation and popularity-are well known compared to other less known doctors
      3 their manner- are chosen based on if patients like them, and they have a right to do so obviously
      4 type of medicine they practice- a GP will get a different clientele than an eye doctor for example, so to compare the amount of sick leave the two issue is completely idiotic and irrelevant
      5 Their working hours- are they in full time private practice or working for at h/centres
      6 The number of patients they receive in total- the percentage of sick leave may be proportionate to the amount of business
      Im sure…

      • Hmmmm
        January 20, 2015

        Most valuable analysis thus far.

  62. derp
    January 19, 2015

    what you expect, when Social Security rising every year….

  63. Bloop
    January 19, 2015

    Lazy set a people… Then they vex when Haitian and Chinese come to work..

    • Rose
      January 20, 2015

      Do Haitians and Chinesse pay social security? Just wondering.

    • derp
      January 20, 2015

      I not vex nuh, I like them hot asians

  64. DNO Reader
    January 19, 2015

    Really? Blaming THAT for a potential bankruptcy of DSS? Really? THAT’S the reason?

  65. ...
    January 19, 2015

    I think the employers federation needs to look at this statistics. Happy employees come to work even when they are sick and have to be asked to stay home… something is wrong not necessarily with the doctors but the the workplace. We like to fix the bo-bos instead of the cause of the bo-bo. The doctors have an obligation to put people on medical leave if the person can not function properly. Too many times we think of sick as physical- the human has other parts including psychological and emotional. The doctor could care less about the workplace, the doctor has to care about the individual and society. EMPLOYERS need to step up. Why are your workers trying to stay away from work? We need more statistics- are there workplaces with more sick leave than others? Let’s try to find a real cure rather than a temporary solution.

    • Barbara Saunders
      January 19, 2015

      That may be true in some cases but how would you explain the frequent illness of the same two or three employees out of fifteen or twenty in the same workplace, receiving similar pay and working under similar conditions?

      While some employers can do better in terms of pay and working conditions I believe the vast majority of employers, in recognition of the value of employees, voluntarily provide incentives such as contribution of the larger percentage of the cost of premiums for health and other insurance coverage of the employees and even dependents. This in addition to the statutory contribution to social security for the benefit of the employees which is also larger than that paid by the employees; fully paid uniforms; annual bonuses; paid time-off to attend to personal matters such as weddings, funerals, graduations, sick family members etc. which most of the employees take for granted and only consider as compensation, the actual monetary salary which they receive…

      • rs
        January 19, 2015

        Different strokes for different folkes

      • blessed
        January 19, 2015

        Employees should work unto God and not men pleasers— Read Colossians 2…. Let God be their judge — There are many employees that are very stressed and underpaid ……I know of employees that were unwell and refused sick leave and returned to the job….. A work place should like be like a team or a body— a sick toe can make the whole body sick— Head should know it role and toe should know it role ….. Nothing about who more important— Head needs toe
        During the time of chikungunya who do we blame?
        During the time of epidemic who do we blame?
        Pandemic who do we blame?
        Let us pray that Ebola does not reach our shores……………….
        Should we concern about the future—- or now—- The Savior will come like a thief in the night……..
        Should we concern human resource or an institution….
        We can try to fool people but we cannot fool God— Those who work fairly will surely enjoy their fruit of their labour……
        Colossians: 4
        Masters give unto your servants…

      • Francisco Telemaque
        January 20, 2015

        I will answer that: Sometimes people suffer from chronic disease, they cannot do anything about it. I can quote my person problem, I was born hypoglycemic, and a problem with my heart. The first time I experience my heart stop beating I was about six years old. The other time I experience it I was about thirty-two years old. I live and functioned with plenty of difficulties.

        Now that I am older and educated to my medical problems I can better control the problem of Diabetes; as for the problem with my heart, every once in a while I have to go to the hospital where the doctors have to put me to sleep and insert a camera to the back of my heart to ensure no blood clots, before they shuck my heart back into rhythm, if I lived in Dominica dealing with the quacks called doctors I would have long been a dead man. Praise God I have lived a complete and full life. The only time some people in our country believe others are ill is when they drop dead!

      • Hmmmm
        January 20, 2015

        This happens at an institution up north. Five people out of about 75 account for 90% of the total sick leave of that department. And they have been doing it for years, with no major illness like surgery or child birth. Some folks are wicked.

    • Angel Giraudel
      January 20, 2015

      I agree absolutely

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