Man gets 10 years for unlawful intercourse with child

The High Court in Roseau
The High Court in Roseau

High Court Judge,Errol Thomas,  has sentenced a 52-year-old man from the Dos Danne community to ten years in the slammer for having unlawful sexual intercourse with an 11-year-old girl.

Richardson Fontaine was found guilty for the 2012 incident and was sentenced on Tuesday.

According to information presented in court, Fontaine who had an extra marital affair, committed the act in a house that his girlfriend and son slept in.

Because of the incident, the child’s family had to be relocated due to the ordeal associated with it.

The sentence will begin on Tuesday and since Fontaine was on remand for two months, this was taken into consideration.

Twenty-five years in jail is the maximum sentencing for such crime.

Attorney Dawn Yearwood Stewart represented Fontaine.

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  1. Villager who knows the real whahala
    October 1, 2015

    So my dear caring and loving child protectors make better use of your can make a difference..the time you spend casting stones and devilish wishes (be careful what you wish for …nemesis have a way of catching up with us) you can use that time to actually save that little girl who has already seen what she saw in that can go to the village to verify what I am saying..the villagers will be happy to tell to the child’s father he will be open and the way they are moving about like nomads they now live in Chance from DosD’Ane to Penville to DosD’Ane to Glanvillia to Chance once you find out about them the gone again..As for the gentleman he is covered God has a plan for him that will be executed in God’s time there’s a reason why things are taking that course only God knows..and ask the school principal why she didn’t want to help protect the children in that home when the younger girl came to her she said she’s not getting involved she’s…

  2. jane messaml
    October 1, 2015

    He should receive the maximum sentence and this poor child is scarred for life.

  3. jane messaml
    October 1, 2015

    I hope this man spends the whole ten years in prison. When he comes out maybe there should be a drug available to reduce his sexual urge and that goes for those dirty old men who think they can molest children the steal their innocence. I now live in the Caribbean and realize this sort of behavior is rampant out there. It must be STOPPED now by any harsh means.

  4. Van
    September 30, 2015

    He should have received the maximum sentence to deter others

  5. Marcus Hill
    September 30, 2015

    That not enough!!

  6. juice
    September 30, 2015

    Parliament should vote a castration law, since dem rapist think jail is fun and they getting out before their victims are full adults

  7. unknown
    September 30, 2015

    where is our justice system, there is certainly no justice in dominica. we need a jury school cause these young men and women that are being picked up from the street they just dont know what to look for in a case. all this man tears has to fall on that child and her family. if you were raped as you said how can you forget the details of your rape also if the said lady was in the house at the time of the rape why wasn’t she she charged for conspiracy. too many loop holes. to the judge you not a man of justice everywhere in caribbean has rejected you, you have over stayed your welcome here. god is who that judging not you. mr.fontaine the bible says pray without ceasing so i ask that you pray , pray, pray. ride out that storm

    • September 30, 2015

      Unknown……I am disappointed and disturbed by your comments :cry: Unfortunately, too many innocent children are being raped and molested in Dominica and NOTHING happens to the perpetrators. Mr. Fontaine was tried by a a jury of his peers and I’m happy that the justice system have finally begun to protect the innocent children. See, Unknown, I’m speaking from experience,, I’m speaking from the heart, I’m speaking to you as a rape victim. I’m speaking to you because now I’m strong enough to stand up and tell you that YES it happens. Usually not by strangers but those who are closest to you.

      I didn’t have anyone to stand up for me UNKNOWN., all I had was fear. Fear of a grown man on top of me telling me not to make a sound as help took my dignity. He took my innocence. I suffered with the physical pain. I was 8 at the time. If I said anything, no one would have believed me and I didn’t want to remember what happened.

      • Mavis Frederick
        October 1, 2015

        I Mavis say justice has been served ….. Evil cannot overcome evil is good that overcoming evil so justice has been served that’s why fountain is in the right position

    • Listening
      September 30, 2015

      Jurors are not picked up from the street, I agree there should be proper training for them. The facts/evidence present at the time of the hearing will determine the verdict that the jurors present.

    • Dominican
      September 30, 2015

      He will take his jail doh! You well know what his hobby is so the child’s tears will fall on you and him.

  8. CoverGirl
    September 30, 2015

    Reading this first thing this morning just broke my spirit! Spoiled my day! What is wrong with our country??? WHY is child abuse so rampant?? These men don’t understand what they are doing to these children. She will never forget it. Never. She may not be able to keep a successful relationship in the future. She will be haunted by it all her life. Blame herself. Become depressed. LUCKILY for her, her abuser was sent to jail. There are those who were never reported….walking free….probably still continuing the abuse. I think I better go study law, no matter how long it takes…..I need to put some blows on some of those NASTY FELLAZ!! My God…….why DESTROY a child??? Its not just a good time….an available object to satisfy urself….thats SOMEBODY’s CHILD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! But what d **BAD WORD** is dat for me nuh???? But GOD nuh sleep. God sees and hears al! GOD will deliver another judgement!! He still maintaining innocence?? WICKED SOUL!!!

    • CoverGirl
      September 30, 2015

      but who is d idiot da dislike my comment??? Seems ur ONE urself??? smh!!!!!!!!!!!!

  9. mine
    September 30, 2015

    No female lawyer should represent a man who forced himself on a 11 years girl. If she’s not a mother one day she will be one. I’m wondering if this little was her child or a family member. Yes she has to make money but not through this. If he did took this child innocence he got exactly what he deserved.

  10. The Real Facts
    September 29, 2015

    He was given 10 years. The maximum, 25 years would be appropriate.
    The judge probably considered his age of 52.
    Imagine the man had an extra-marital affair and he still felt the urge to molest an 11 year-old girl? Shame on him! He is a sick man.
    I wonder how many young girls he molested in his lifetime, as an adult.

  11. Mr. Skare-It
    September 29, 2015

    Dominica is a very sick nation. Evil is on the rise while the good men and women we use to boast of have vanished away like a leaf in the wind. The Church is messed up, the media is screwed up, no one seems to care.

    Dominica is bent on covering up anything they feel might hurt the image of politicians even when their actions are the very cancer that is killing our nation. Here is a good example of that:

    Last week Friday, Macau Billionaire and a very good friend of Dominica and the Prime Minister, Ng Lap Seng, was arrested in New York for lying about how he used $4.5MILLION cash he brought into the U.S. aboard private jets

    That news is well documented on the New York Post, CNN, The daily news etc. and yet apart from Q95, no one says a thing about it. I mean DNO says nothing, DBS says nothing, Kairi. vibes and others are all silent about it. Why? This speaks of the new culture in Dominica today.

    What we don’t realize is, the evils that we are covering are the very ones…

  12. We Shall Rise Again
    September 29, 2015

    i have an 11 year old daughter and God forbid some pervert touch my child, i will be the one on trial. These men are ruining our young women and in no time they will be on the streets. these bastards should be hung… every year child abuse cases increases. It’s time we revisit our laws and get some harsh punishment for the animals.

  13. pipirit
    September 29, 2015

    What’s wrong if he were to have received the maximum penalty? The greyhound is 52 and this baby 11..Leaves me to ask, “when is justice ever going to prevail in Dominica? When is the punishment ever going to fit the crime in Dominica? I’m of the opinion, that this raping and destruction of these innocent children is far from mending,since the punishment is just too lenient! !
    Or another way the people can get satisfaction is to utilize the vigilante system…All help is good help and God helps those who help themselves! !

    • Delivered
      September 30, 2015

      the grayhong is not mr Fontaine but her mother,uncle and stepfather….you all don’t no nothing but just bashing on what d media saying….n justice shall be prevailed for mr Fontaine .

  14. Passing cloud
    September 29, 2015

    Whether he got 10, 15, or 25 years in jail, what is quite clear is the undeniable fact that every aspect of the nation has crumbled over the past 10 years. 15 years ago, a young man with that problem would most likely run to the church for help. But honestly speaking, with the way those pastors got bought, which resulted in a national spiritual vacuum, can we not see or feel the effects of storm Skerrit? People are helpless and don’t know who to turn to as the church has suffered the most under Skerrit. Lets be honest with ourselves and put politics aside people. Can we point to any institution in Dominica that has not been contaminated by that corrupt government? Do you sincerely feel better about law and order today than 15 years ago? Do you feel the police service is better? What about our justice system? Is the church stronger? Are our village councils better? What about sports that would keep our young people away from drugs? Has the crime rate dropped? What about our elections?

  15. JC
    September 29, 2015

    He should have received the maximum sentence. 10 years is just a slap on the wrist

  16. September 29, 2015

    Five comments so far on this Tuesday, September 20, 2015. All five commentators thought that the sentence was too lenient. This suggests that the people of Dominica take this crime very seriously. They tend to want the punishment to fit the crime.

    A man who has committed fornication when he was single is more apt to be unfaithful to his marriage vows. Once he has committed adultery the desire far from being satisfied grows and drives him to take it to the next level. Until now we have a 52 year old man sexually violating an 11 year old little girl.

    When people reach this stage in life it is because they have passed the point of caring about God’s moral code. They have rationalized the clear teachings God has given us in the New Testament and don’t think any of it applies to them. There is nothing left to protect the public except the civil justice system, the courts, and the prisons.

    Continued … … …

    • September 29, 2015

      Nothing except the grace of God! Those who truly repent and receive Christ as their personal Savior will find there is a wideness in God’s mercy like the wideness of the sea. Those who believe and trust the blood He shed on he cross to put their sins away will find the peace that comes through forgiveness. They will also experience the power of God to deliver them, and set them free from the bondage of sin.

      Please read

      Romans 5:6-8, John 3:16,17, Ephesians 2:8,9, 1 John 5:11,12.

      Sincerely, Rev. Donald Hill, Evangelist.

    • September 29, 2015

      :oops: Sorry, I made a mistake. First line has the date wrong. It should read

      “…Tuesday, September 19, 2015.”

      Sincerely, Rev. Don Hill.

    • The Evangelist?
      September 29, 2015

      @ Rev. Donald Hill, D.D., I disagree with you that when people reach this stage they have passed the point of caring about God. Furthermore, to blame adultery on fornication, is like blaming pesticide for the increase of suicidal death on island.

      It is a fact that immorality and all types of crimes have increased significantly in Dominica over the past 12 years and people like yourself and the church must take blame. I will not even take time to talk about the rise of sexual sins by church leaders and members.

      Where were you sir when Dominica was falling apart? Why did you and others did not stand against those ills that were about to destroy us? Where was the church when some of our top leaders, whether political, church, or otherwise were fornicating like madness?

      The hurtful thing about this is, the church was presenting those individuals as jesus, wise like Solomon, God sent and God bless. Now you trying to blame the symptoms of a fallen nation on fornication? What a…

      • October 6, 2015

        To The Evangelist?

        First allow me thank you for reading my comments and responding.

        You have asked the question “Where you when Dominica was falling apart?” I will do my best to reply.

        My nation (Canada) has its own problems and much of my work is done here. I respect Dominica, and the good people on your beautiful island. I expect this “falling apart” process you speak of is quite gradual and has been going on for a long time.

        I have also been conducting gospel crusades on other islands in the Caribbean and in the northern Atlantic often in their largest churches and open air venues. These are places that invited me to visit them for ministry.

        I felt strongly to visit Dominica for a crusade so I wrote to no less than two bishops and one superintendent of churches in Dominica and offered my services but they ignored me. I had to accept that the door was closed at least for the present time.

        Sincerely, Rev. Donald Hill. Evangelist.

    • The Evangelist?
      September 29, 2015

      @ Rev, you remember when we use to use Psalm 133:2 to describe the anointing? Here it is : “It is like the precious ointment upon the head, that ran down upon the beard, even Aaron’s beard: that went down to the skirts of his garments.”

      Notice how the anointing started from the head and made it’s way down to the skirts and garments of Aaron, the priest.

      Similarly, lawlessness starts from the head and finds it way down to toe. That’s what is affecting the entire society today. What our heads do or allow will infiltrate itself into the society like a cancer.

      But what did we as a church and nation said when we saw those evils? It’s not just fornication and adultery. We see this decline in law and order. We see people fire bombing the house of GON Emmanuel on Christmas day, and we said nothing even after a person confessed to have committed the crime. Up to today our leaders are not busy bringing anyone to justice. We see a mother killing her two children and walked away…

      • October 7, 2015

        The Evangelist?

        You are right bang on! I love this comment.

        Those in leadership in government AND in church life have the greatest responsibility. Evil does indeed often begin at the top and work its way down. This is why allegations of wrong doing in our leaders both political and religious should be investigated. When there seems to be grounds for an accusation it should be reported to their superiors and dealt with accordingly.

        This applies to bishops, pastors, priests, and evangelists as well as anybody else :!: Each of these is accountable to their bishop or superintendent. Even the pastor of an independent church can be held accountable. People sometimes say “It is his own church he can do what he pleases.” This is usually not correct. In most cases he must answer to his local board of directors be they called “deacons” or managers” who are elected by the congregation and they require accountability.

        Continued …

  17. UserName
    September 29, 2015

    Quoting from another online source……….His defense lawyer said…..“The accused attitude is that although he was found guilty, he maintains his innocence and feels like he is being framed by the victim and her mother. He is in a state of depression,” Yearwood- Stewart explained. These lawyers…. are they for real, how is he being framed when the mitigating factors Yearwood-Stewart stated is that the act wasn’t committed with violence, it was not dont done repetitively, Fontaine had no previous convictions and the victim did not become pregnant!!!!!!!!!!!!! Ah Dawn, everybody entitled to legal representation but 52 yrs vs 11 yrs and that’s the best defense money can buy to your client. He should have received the max 25 yrs penalty.

    • October 7, 2015

      Continuation …

      Also there is usually an organization somewhere that has given the “independent” preacher his credentials (license to preach or ordination certificate). They may be a loose fitting group that does not require much of him but they will usually revoke his credentials if they know he is not living right. A true servant of God will be proud to tell you about the group he is ordained by.

      Sincerely, Rev. Donald Hill. Evangelist.

  18. Anonymous
    September 29, 2015

    Until we mete out the maximum sentence these rogues will not leave people’s children alone.

  19. Amarossa
    September 29, 2015

    10 years not enough. They should give 20 years so by the time he come out from prison he will be 72, just in time for his prostate to start acting up and that would be his just punishment.

    • The Real Facts
      September 29, 2015

      If he lived that long.

      • Delivered
        September 30, 2015

        He will leave long enough to see those that commit the crime face justice

  20. Mess Up Those Goats!
    September 29, 2015

    Not enough!! Never enough for those kind of men who take pleasure in destroying children’s lives. They should have a maximum of ‘lose de key’ for that.

    • smh
      September 29, 2015

      that not a man..thats an animal

  21. Thorbjørn Jagland
    September 29, 2015

    Errol not sure if u judges read but the Monday edition of the New York Times, the Rutgers-Camden law professor, an NYU and Harvard graduate, takes to the op-ed pages to argue that we’ve got it all wrong when it comes to pedophilia. She writes that pedophiles don’t necessarily turn out to be child molesters and that pedophilia is not a choice, i.e. a pedophile might be born that way. We reached her in her office in Camden to discuss.needs to read this

    • Titiwi
      September 29, 2015

      Tjorben, explain that as an excuse to the child, who has just been buggered and traumatized. We are putting to much emphasis on the rights and well being of the perpetrator rather than the victim and this trend not only applies to pedophilia. A custodial sentence is not only for redemption and possible rehabilitation but also intended as a punishment. Never forget that.

    • The Real Facts
      September 29, 2015

      May be born that way? As if God made a mistake, eh.
      They say the same for transgender people and homosexuals and lesbians.
      Anything to make excuses for those people to exonerate them and dignify their evil acts.
      God knows better.

      • Ma Moses
        September 30, 2015

        I presume you dismiss Darwin too?

      • September 30, 2015

        They began by saying that homosexuals were “born that way.” Based upon this they said homosexuality was a normal alternative lifestyle and homosexuals should be given equal rights to marry, and even adopt children.

        Now they are saying pedophiles, transgender people, and polygamists are also born with their particular “orientations” and therefore should be accommodated.

        I invite you to GOOGLE Are Homosexuals Born that Way by Donald Hill. Interim. May 2000.

        A government that legalizes same sex marriage is painting itself into a corner. It must then legalize marriage for ALL other alternative lifestyles and give equal rights to one and all. If they refuse to do so civil rights organizations (not to mention the UN) will charge them with discrimination. They will fight a long and costly battle and lose just as they have lost the battle against so-called “gay rights”.

        Sincerely, Rev. Donald Hill. Evangelist. (Pastoral Counselor Certificate)

    • Rakiah henderson
      September 30, 2015

      College studies do not make it accurate…theres a law supposedly trying to be passed to make adult and child sexual relationships (rape) legal and their argument is “pedophilia is not a choice..these people are born that way” lies…. These demonic ways are picked up along the way. A murderer isnt born a murderer either.. These behaviors cannot be dismissed as something minor . And eye for and eye i say steups :-x

  22. Shameless
    September 29, 2015

    Now he will know how it feels when them fellas in stocky bump into him by mistake when his soap falls. Them gwo-mal-nom there too damn nasty. They should castrate him and they flog him in public. :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:

    Assertive, NOT Aggressive! :twisted: :twisted:

  23. Anonymous
    September 29, 2015

    10 is not enough time. The victim will only be 24 when he is released. He needed the max of 25. You have a wife and a gf ont he side and still not enough for you.You take the innocence of an 11 yr. The should chop your scrotum off and leave you with just a tip! Disgusting Animal.

  24. DC
    September 29, 2015

    This is a reason for outrage! This demon has been slapped on the wrist. The victim will need help in order to become a successful adult. It breaks my heart to read this, knowing that those who can use their influence to make a difference have given a deaf ear to this ill. When will we as a people get our priorities straight? We fail to address the root of our problems, yet, we are on the airwaves day in, day out fighting each other, while our children are robbed from their innocence. My heart aches. Dear Lord, minister unto our people so that they can channel their energy positively. Our children are hurting, this is a cry for help. Save our children!

  25. Anthony P. Ismael
    September 29, 2015

    “He should be sentenced to the Maximum.”

  26. Tjebe fort
    September 29, 2015

    Is castration allowed under the law?

    • Idiot
      September 30, 2015

      I know this happened in 2012 but these things will not stop, not unless we take drastic measures. We have to start castrating people…drastic times call for drastic measures for these things to stop

      • Ma Moses
        September 30, 2015

        I know that some states in the U.S.A. provide for mandatory chemical castration by injection for sexual offenders. Maybe we should introduce that here?

    • October 1, 2015

      To castrate or not to castrate is the question.

      I am not saying sex offenders should be castrated. Many people believe it should be debated. A significant number of people believe it should at least be on the table and be made an optional sentence.

      Most agree more needs to be done.

      Sincerely, Rev. Donald Hill. Evangelist.

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