Police destroy $22-million worth of drugs


The police have destroyed some $22-million worth of drugs including ganja and cocaine.

The destruction took place in Morne Bruce.

According to the police $7-million of ganja and $16-million of cocaine were destroyed.

drug destroydrug destroy1

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  1. Labour Right
    August 27, 2014

    How can one prove is really drugs that were destroyed?

  2. InCoGnItO
    August 26, 2014

    I’m not a Mathematician but i think 16 million and 7 million comes up to the sum of 23 million ijs so there is another math equation to be solved

    • C.
      August 27, 2014

      I hope u not implying that dem police cannot account for 1 million worth of drugs. :lol:

  3. Anonymous
    August 26, 2014

    We fed up of that black cloud of poison hanging over us for too long. This level of disregard for public and environmental health by the police should be a serious cause for concern for the authorities. They say a healthy nation is a …. nation. Can the authorities look into the purchase of a high temperature incinerator (1000+oC) to have a more efficient burn without so much smoke. We can also look at a condensation system to avoid even the minute amounts of poisonous smoke getting into the atmosphere.

  4. idk anymore
    August 26, 2014

    Meanwhile, the number of alcohol poisoning cases go unreported, cigarettes continue to grace the shelves of grocery stores and pharmaceutical pill which don’t cure illnesses are issued out by the dozens. I cannot wait til the next generation comes in and takes over this country. I think only then will we see fresh minds, thinking, ideas, philosophies, perspectives on everything. This closed minded approach to some things but preferential openness to others is whats keeping the country back. not talking about politricks, just that overall fear and ignorance/lack of knowledge from those who have never even smoked a joint, drawn the tea, ate a piece of cake or brownie, sipped some tincture or used the oil from this herb. Understand that marijuana doesnt make your crazy or lazy or foolish. It enhances these traits if you already have those characteristics. Alot of of our Lawyers, doctors, engineers, farmers, public servants an everyday working people who do contribute meaningfully to society do use it. thats why this 22 million dollar “success” has and will in no way affect weed smokers and users because the plant will always grow, and grow and grow. You cannot stop its use. You have never stopped it, nor will you ever. So keep your fake fight/war alive. best of luck. Maybe one day you will see the benefits apart from personal consumption. (paper, fabric, rope, medicinal, textiles). Like all other medicines and stimulants, it is not for everyone and there are side effects, but it can never kill as there are no cases of overdose. Keep that in mind.

  5. Chupes
    August 26, 2014

    Dominica, Nature Island of the Caribbean, and police documenting they burning all kind of plastics and non-biodegradable things their, polluting the air, and then they will talk about all kinds of things affecting the environment. I mean do allu ting, but do it in an environmentally safe way. You guys know you burn drugs every year for the past ‘umpteenth’ years, what’s so wrong in purchasing an incinerator. Geez, Dominica we really are not ready for advancement in this world boy.

  6. dominican
    August 26, 2014

    That money can help developp dominica. Think about it. We keep on lending money from other countries and when we are destroying over 22 million dollars. Really?? Another problem is pollution… labass already killing ppl nose allu still burning ppl ganja n cocaine day work hard to make! Marijuana can be used for medicine and in parts of the United states they recommend Marijuana for patients . Dats y dominica will not be fully developed

  7. Anonymous
    August 26, 2014

    Kudos to the Dominica Police! Save the Children and your country from these poisons.

    • idk anymore
      August 26, 2014

      then rum should be off the shelves also cus alcohol is a killer and destroyer of lives also.

  8. sugarcane
    August 26, 2014

    Hats off to the Commonwealth of Dominica Police Force. Burn it. Destroy it. Save our youth. Can you imagine if half of that was allowed to parade our streets. How would we sleep? We have enough paros on the streets and we do not know what to do with them. My advice to the Police anywhere you see the drugs take it off the street, in the homes, on the sea and burn it. I support the police 100%.

  9. B Lion
    August 26, 2014

    And when you blend d weed and drink it, it curing all of them that burn it. Plus their families and the whole community. Them black man just stupid!!!!!

  10. Onlooker
    August 26, 2014

    Perhaps a better and safer way would have been to have them incinerated.

  11. bro love
    August 26, 2014

    to all who commented about the way the drugs are being destroyed, I quite agree its not the best but what is your alternative. should the police have dug a hole to put it? most of you who makes this stupid remarks would go digging for it. where is was burnt is the highest point in Roseau. most of the smoke went up into the atmosphere. now I asked would it cause more damage on the street or how it was being destroyed.

  12. Anonymous
    August 26, 2014

    The wind should have taken the fire and burnt down the police station…. Those police officers should be drug tested because they inhaled all that smoke especially that one in the picture with no mask.

  13. August 26, 2014

    pass d weed n leave d money

  14. Janillia Coipel
    August 26, 2014

    Great job on behalf if the police

  15. Sensible John
    August 26, 2014

    I’m surprised people complaining… how else do you propose they dispose of it. Fly it into space?

    It isn’t harmful. Many places use open air incineration. Where is your proof that it is…

  16. anonymous2
    August 25, 2014

    DA, land of the air polluters, liars and thieves.. I doubt that they burned it all up, especially if it was still able to be sold. Dominicans just like to burn anything rather than give it to anybody or dispose of it in a responsible manner.. Do you really think that you are going to keep drugs away from drug addicts? Dream on. Most drugs are shipped in via governments anyway…..except for weed, which is grown locally.

  17. August 25, 2014

    Dat never happened! They burnt scrubs the ganga & Cocaine was sold and consumed.
    How long are they gonna fool us while we stand aside and look. That money must have gone to maintainance of certain folks.
    am not naïve.

  18. Las Marte
    August 25, 2014

    They just burned a significant portion of Dominica’s Gross National Product or GDP.

  19. Prot
    August 25, 2014

    Is this the best way to destroy drugs…I mean come on in a residential neighborhood plus all that pollution going into the atmosphere…what about the environment?

    • idk anymore
      August 26, 2014

      They mixing the weed and the coke together in one and they setting it on fire in the open air. The environments health unit should take this up as an issue. they spranging people and they doh even know. allu forcing us to smoke all the ole weed that spoil and mixing with coke. Put that in a big furnace or a confined burner. not on top of morne bruce for all of roseau, newtoen , bath estate, elmshall to inhale the same drugs you trying to prevent people from consuming. They really say you dont neeed CXC to be a police. from the looks of things not even common entrance cus that is common sense!

  20. Anonymous
    August 25, 2014

    All lies they sell all the good stuff then burn flour

  21. A Voice
    August 25, 2014

    What I want to hear is what is the intention of the two political party concerning the legalization of marijuana?

    Seems like a lot of potential dollars went up in smoke there. Soon come we could have marijuana tourists flocking to the country.

    I hope Dominica taking notes on Colorado and just not be the last to catch up.

  22. Anonymous
    August 25, 2014

    But how much oh that drugs did da police took for dre profit and is saling on da road today

  23. August 25, 2014

    Informed you are so right,Some of they guys in DA those some crazy stuff and dnt realize the side effects.These guys need to be educated on those things.Hope in a couple of years these people who was expose to all these chemicals dnt turn up sick.Lord have mercy.

  24. blaze out
    August 25, 2014

    and wat about de rest dey done have on de street selling . dey burn all wat dat was not good .i know dey doe burn dem good stuff.

  25. # Dominican.#
    August 25, 2014

    One quarter of the countries national budget, Hope the neighbors do not get “HIGH” by inhaling all that smoke.

  26. August 25, 2014

    Who cares!

  27. out of south city
    August 25, 2014

    I agree with you, informed. There should be a dump site for these drugs so that the people in that area do not inhale this toxic air. Is there any concern for those who may be suffering with asthma or any lung problem? Such an inept job by the police.

  28. Morihei Ueshiba
    August 25, 2014

    $16-million of cocaine, where Dominicans getting money for $16 million of cocaine, cocaine is the new Bananas.

    • Jeo
      August 27, 2014

      Dominica is a transit point, destined to Europe, gwada etc etc..

  29. tojourlarh
    August 25, 2014

    well then mayb sum of us shud advice sum way they shpuld dispose the drugs appropriately since we’re all complainin

  30. Bram Bram
    August 25, 2014

    Cocaine & weed mix BOI LOOK A HIGH :mrgreen: I Sorry for dem people eh

  31. Anonymous
    August 25, 2014

    well then mayb sum of us shud advice sum way they shpuld dispose the drugs appropriately since we’re all complainin

  32. Christian
    August 25, 2014

    You Dominicans continue to amaze me. What an absolute backwards, third world country way of doing things.

  33. mr p
    August 25, 2014

    In dominica anything is accepted am not suprise at all

  34. Alwaysatit
    August 25, 2014


  35. Pestle
    August 25, 2014

    I hope some of it doesnt end up on the streets.

  36. One Day for Rastaman
    August 25, 2014

    But you guys hurting the economy, don’t you think if this was sold (the marijuana) with VAT that there would be enough money to actually start building that children’s hospital those two skiers invested in? :lol: :-P

    August 25, 2014

    i bet they kept some for themselves… their burning the rest

  38. ArAb
    August 25, 2014

    The weed should be saved for when it becomes legal. Think of the people that can be helped with this money.

    Need a dislike button NOW

  39. Bram Bram
    August 25, 2014


  40. The Sun
    August 25, 2014

    Maybe they should have first thought of feeding some hungry people

  41. August 25, 2014

    This is without a doubt the most illogical way I have ever seen drugs being disposed of. What about the people living nearby that have to breathe in the toxic fumes.es of cocaine and durning rubber? The marijuana ok its bust a plant, but y would anyone believe that the burning of cocaine (especially in such close proximity to populated areas) is a good idea

    • Anonymous
      August 25, 2014

      I live very close to where it is done n I telling u it not smelling good na.

      • August 26, 2014

        You sure you know what sent you took was it disguised for Mari & cocaine and you were smell tabac zombie (substituted) blazed Out & Pestle may just be right.

    • True
      August 25, 2014

      I cannot agree more

    • civil
      August 25, 2014

      what else do you expect from Dominica police?

    • HMS
      August 25, 2014

      WELL SAID ! I was wondering the same thing.

    • cj
      August 25, 2014

      You are right about the fumes, but lets not forget that was pretty good police work. Think of the greater problems if that drugs had hit the streets of Dominica, or the neighbouring Islands. I have seen the destruction that cocaine has brought on many US inner cities like Brooklyn, queens, Miami, DC and more. So great job and thumbs up for the police!!!!.

      • August 26, 2014

        Good police work in getting the drugs of the street …but terrible job disposing of them. I give credit where its due and I comment them for getting the drugs off the street. However this is not how drugs are disposed off. The fact is people who buy drugs choose to consume them, what the police is doing is exposing innocent people to the toxic fumes of not only cocaine and marijuana but also rubber and any other substances that were used to get this fire going. There are many things wrong with this and its a shame that you cannot see that. In reality these fumes are more dangerous than just the drugs alone and affect persons wanting g nothing to do with drugs. Defending such irresponsible acts will only perpetuate the problem

    • JoJo
      August 25, 2014

      Well, if the person now in charge of environmental health saw fit to burn tires in the open when in charge of solid waste and people keep burning their trash in their yard, including toxic plastic without punishment,maybe the govt. is not that serious about public health after all.

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