Belles Water Supply Project officially launched

water tapThe residents of Belles will soon see an improvement in their water supply as the Belles Water Supply Project was officially launched on Monday afternoon.

The project is being funded via loan financing and estimates for the tendered works are EC$4,550,000, including $1,854,651.20 for Lot 1 and EC$2,695,348.80 for Lot 2.

The contract signing ceremony took place in the yard of the Belles Primary School at around 4:00 pm.

Manager of Dominica Water and Sewerage Company (DOWASCO), Bernard Etinoff said the company has been engaged in a number of projects over the last several months.

“There are a number of projects that DOWASCO has been engaged in over the last several months,” he said. “The Grand Savanne storage tank in Salisbury is near in completion also and should be commissioned very soon, some time in October and early November …all of these systems have been completed within the last three months or so and soon be commissioned.”

He said some of these systems “are already serving the people and serving the intended purpose.”

Government and DOWASCO officials along with the contractors attended the contract signing ceremony.

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  1. October 8, 2014

    Aye aye skerrit y after all these years y now u want to put water hmhm awa wii

  2. Ban Mepuis
    October 8, 2014

    Let’s see if this multi million dollar project finishes on time like the Hatten Garden Road. :cry:

  3. Malgraysa
    October 8, 2014

    I question the projected cost of $4.55 million for this project bearing in mind that similar, more extensive work currently taking place at Grand costs only $2.5 million (incl. a 60,000 gl. storage tank, 22,000 ft. of pipes and 100ft. of newly cut road – see DNO of 18 July, 2014)).
    In the absence of more data it is difficult for us to judge whether we are getting value for money, only fueling more speculation.

  4. October 7, 2014

    Are we an Immune society to corruption and mediocre or what?

    As Medard pussyfoots in calling the general election, Dominicans are given the opportunity to examine both When Louis XV1(not Louis Robinson) presented Ben Franklin with a Snuffbox encrusted with diamonds and an inset with the Kings Portrait, the gift troubled America, it threatened to corrupt Franklin by clouding his judgment or altering is attitude towards the French in subtle psychological ways. This broad understanding of political corruption-rooted in ideals of civic virtue-was a driving force at the Constitutional Convention.
    Comparism can be made with our local situation when our new head of the Neo DLP and P.M presented us with the MOU between China & the Commonwealth of Dominica. What did he receive personally from President of China we may never know. This MOU troubled Dominicans like the Americans then.
    It has more than threatened Medard’s Judgment. The Snuffbox threatened to corrupt Franklin by altering his attitude towards France. In our case to the Sino (and May I add the French LOL!)By being a dual citizen then? What’s up with the renouncing of the French citizen ship?
    The broad understanding of political corruption has more than manifested in our land.
    Despite taking a beating politically in society and in the media many are of the opinion that the Neo DLP led by Medard are convinced that the Neos are ahead in the polls and have already won the next election. Others supporting the opposition think that new blood has been injected into the party. The UWP/Team DA a cosmetically modified version of the Solid Team once gaseous can change the thoughts of the Neo supporters, the opportunists, the chattering and listless classes. Despite all the monkey business from 2004.
    Many an issue has surfaced on specific high profiled and other candidates: ranging from marital infidelity, character, propensities to bribery these have brought more attention than their political experience real or/& imagined. (Anyone comes to mind?)All the truths, allegations, speculations falsities are out. If there is one moment Newspapers need cartoons it’s now. It is compelling case for implementation re-introduction by newspapers.
    Corruption in politics, surprises our imaginations cannot perceive have become a central threat to elections and country .Predictions of the inevitable (either way) has transformed DA’s politics for the worse.
    Finally, as I wrote this piece I was listening to the DBS news and it was announce in the Regional portion that Former President/dictator of Haiti has died. He had returned to Haiti about 2 years ago after exile in France The news item clearly labeled him corrupt, as a Human rights violator and repressionist. It reflects similarities with D/ca.

  5. My View
    October 7, 2014

    Is it really necessary to spend $4.7 million dollars on a water supply system fro Bells? This is the are in Dominica that receives the most rainfall on the island. It rains every day in Bells. In addition, how many people live there? Only about 200 – 300 households. It would make more economic sense for the government to purchase or build individual tanks for each households. Theses for sure will be overflowing every day. This venture would not cost more than $200,000.
    It would make more economical sense if the money was spent to create sustainable jobs for the people such creating homestays for persons who wish to visit the many attractions in the area; invest in developing the trail to Jaco Flats and train persons as tour guides for and to interpret the various flora and fauna in the forest..
    This electioneering is sickening for many reasons:
    1.The road was just constructed and now has to be dug up at a huge cost;;
    2.The water will be sourced as far away as Pond Casse at a huge cost; and
    3. When we see who is the contractor we know that some of the money will be used to buy votes.

  6. Debate
    October 7, 2014

    You can tell election is around the corner.

  7. Channel 1
    October 7, 2014

    Ahh boy Roosevelt. All of a sudden, projects appearing left, right, center, top, bottom, underneath……….

    Only now all you fellas remember to do projects eh. I wonder who dem fellas really trying to fool with all these ground-breakings and check signing?

    Can someone please tell me what has happened to the Coast Guard base which was supposed to have been built near Cabrits, Portsmouth? There was big fanfare groundbreaking ceremony for it; the Americans were on hand to present the check to finance the project.

    With this backward thinking government, check signing and ground breaking do not necessarily mean any project will actually take place.

  8. Vigilant
    October 7, 2014

    Could election be in December?

    Am I cynical? Maybe

  9. NEG
    October 7, 2014

    Layba WORKING! 8)

  10. Itassi Too
    October 6, 2014

    DNO this time you did not give us the name of the contractor. Is it that they did not make this information available to you? What’s the secret Skerrit? Is Skerrit the contractor? Just asking because I don’t like to speculate

  11. Roseau Central
    October 6, 2014

    I know if i was living in bells i would not apply for dowasco water, Bells have too much water, they will end up paying more for less; why not organize a community water project.

    • Really
      October 6, 2014

      So you mean Dowasco bringing the water from their office in Roseau? Man they providing a proper supply from the cleanest river in Belles,just accept the fact that we getting a proper supply so leave us alone!

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