Miss Dominica wants child abuse silence broken

abuseAs Dominica observed Universal Children’s Day on Wednesday November 20, reigning Miss Dominica, Leslassa Armour-Shillingford, called on members of society to break the silence about child abuse on the island.

Armour-Shillingford’s call came when she addressed the closing ceremony of a Parenting programme in the community of Grandbay on Wednesday.

“We must today, right now take a stand to break the silence. We must today speak about child abuse. Let Dominica know that you understand what child abuse is. We must today refuse to accept it. It is not part of our culture and we must today accept that it is a crime, plain and simple,” she stressed.

“Do not allow another child to be abused in your presence,” she pleaded.

Armour-Shillingford in speaking on the “Epidemic of child abuse in Dominica,” said the consequences of sexual child abuse are endless and Dominican children should be shielded from becoming victims of such abuse.

“Symptoms victims face after sexual abuse includes flashbacks, rape trauma, post traumatic stress disorder, pregnancy, sexually transmitted infections, suicide, and depression,” she noted.

She said “just depression” is quite broad and includes prolonged sadness or unexplained crying spells. She added that victims also suffer from significant changes in weight and loss of appetite.

“Loss of interest in activities previously enjoyed and unexplained aches and pain, irritability, worry, anger,” are also notable effects she pointed out.

Armour-Shillingford noted that the effects of sexual abuse are often carried into adult life.

“Child sexual abuse does not just affect the victim right after, it continues to affect them in their adult life. Adults will set limits and boundaries, will have flashbacks, anger, grieving, guilt, shame, blame, will have trust issues, lack of coping skills which can cause drinking or drug abuse, promiscuous activity, they will lack self esteem and be prone to isolation,” she explained.

Armour-Shillingford warned that the resultant negative effects of sexual abuse not only affects the individual but transcends to other facets of society.

“If a large percentage of our population suffers from these symptoms, could we be a productive, developing nation that would be able to create new jobs, and provide better welfare or pension systems?” she asked.

“I would think no,” she remarked.

On a more personal note, Armour-Shillingford asked, “where would we find our parenting partners, who would we have relationships with or families with?

She noted that any victim of abuse has the potential to let go of their past and move on with their present but it would “take a lot of work to undo the pain that is inside.”

Miss Dominica in her closing remarks urged abused children to be strong and seek support systems to assist them in dealing with their abuse.

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  1. kylie
    November 22, 2013

    Abuse of all kinds has been around for centuries and in all countries. But SEXUAl abuse seesm to be rampant on dominica and this needs to STOP. Sexual abuse can be more damagind than the other other forms of abuse since it has greater consequesnces ( disease contraction, gregnancy of the female victims etc.).

    We need the create laws to put these a PERMANENT sto pto these sick “animals” who abuse our children.

    The community needs todo its part and report any cases where they witness abuse going on. The police needs to do its part to thoroughly investigate these reports. And our legislative 9 court systems) need to implement harsher punishments on these convicted sex offenders and well as create a WEBSITE where the faces and basic information about these criminals can be posted.

    Sex Offenders should also be made to REGISTER with the police as a sex offender whenever they move to a new town or village. Therefore the police can keep an extra eye on them and inform the general public . Come on people, Lets wake up. Its time to stand up for our kids

  2. Muslim_Always
    November 22, 2013

    It seems people are in the child awareness mood this week thus Dominicans are back on the ‘talk talk talk’ syndrome.

    If we really are serious about tackling child abuse in Dominica I propose the following.

    A team of social workers and other mental health professionals need to call meetings in the various villages to educate the public about abuse on a broad level. Our people need to be shown graphic images and testimonials from people who were abused victims as well (similar to when Danielle Williams the ex-porn “star” came to Dominica).

    Secondly, the media needs to play a role in educating, holding discourses by professionals and advertizing campaigns and the constant bombardment against abuse.

    Thirdly, we need to understand that most of the people who abuse children were abused as well; abuse becomes a very vicious cycle if it is not broken.

    Fourth, laws should be passed and enforced for discriminating or ridiculing against abused victims in anyway because discrimination causes inhibitions to abuse victims – they are afraid to speak out. We must create a more comforting society towards abused people.

    Fifth, preschools, primary, secondary and tertiary institutions of learning, there should be sensitization of the issue of well.

    In conclusion, we need to tackle this issue holistically, our minds must unite as one to tackle the issue of abuse.

    • yes
      November 22, 2013

      you are right…the things you say makes sense! I dont understand how jogging between villages should correlate to child abuse?..raise awareness? pure stupidity and island mentality…the systematic educational and social actions seem to be a way forward.

      • Muslim_Always
        November 25, 2013

        The village to village initiative is a method of going to the homes of the people, easy access to those who hardly go out. In other words leave no stone unturned.

    • Anonymous
      November 24, 2013

      I hope you on board shells u always one side but the muslim community involve in these things too there was one that had his schoolgirl lover former queen contestant do so many non Islamic things so take on your community and we will take on ours

      • Muslim_Always
        November 25, 2013

        I view myself as a humanitarian and the proposals I’ve stated is for everyone in Dominica.

  3. US Troops
    November 21, 2013

    I am certainly agree with Miss Dominica. Do you all know some parents are aware of child abuse and yet still since that they know it binging them money they keep silent. In my present I can see a young man (32 years) loving a young School Girl just turned (15 years). And people that know that keep silent about it and never make a report about that. This young man having sex with this little girl everyday. It is good to ignore certain things but there is something that you know that not right to keep silent in the society. Parents these days selling their own children bodies just to get BASIC NEEDS. WHAT THIS WORLD IS COMING TO
    A 32 YEARS YOUNG MAN IN RELATION WITH A 15 YEARS GIRL. We must not keep silent on certain things. Parents wake up wake up cause it might be too late while you there counting the number of stars that are in the sky.
    Miss Dominica Good Luck with this Program.

  4. Anonymous
    November 21, 2013

    well its high time this scourge stops but it needs to be stopped by the police, politicians, doctors, lawyers, teachers, and all other who perpetuate this crime against our children and the law needs to be amended to signal that once there is medical evidence and oral testimony any person who interferes is guilty of the offence of perverting the course of justice

  5. Love I
    November 21, 2013

    Persons have to be forthright now…tell the truth…..say who is doing this to you…bring them to the court…expose them…Miss Dominica is correct in her statements…

  6. Lu-Belle
    November 21, 2013

    First of all, I am sick of hearing people blame Slavery for everything. It is past time for people to take personal responsibility for their lives and quit blaming, whining and moaning. Get up off your bottom and do something about it yourself. The government is not your savior, so don’t expect to be made comfortable by them. It’s up to you! Living in Dominica, as an outsider, I witnessed the most horrific physical and emotional abuse of children and animals. Nobody cared, which made it all even more horrible. You can learn from the TV and the Internet … if you care. First and foremost, you need to care to do better. If you don’t give a damn, all the lip flapping in the world will never make a bit of difference. There is a whole lot to be learned from the Bible that everyone loves to quote, especially: “Spare the rod and spoil the child” and “be fruitful and multiply”. The first one does not give you license to beat the hell out of your children. The second one was uttered when there were only TWO people on the face of the earth”. Now the earth is overloaded … get over it and CARE to do better.

    • like in africa
      November 21, 2013

      well you said exactly what I thought for years…mainly problems of Dominica is that people don’t care…all things are secondary except money..no respect for women, kids, family, your neighbors…so entire young generation doesnt have any moral grounds. Another scary thing is that in Dominica exist a culture of dependency: seems that majority is like small child..expect government to give a job, expect government to do something with tourism, expect Europe to pay a compensation for slavery etc…maybe you Dominicans should grow up and act as adults not like small kids brandishing with your small toys and taking no whatsoever responsibility in your life

  7. Anonymous
    November 21, 2013

    People need to make the connection between the abuse that we perpetuate on our children and having been abused as a people during slavery and indentured servitude. The only way this cycle can be broken is through re-education. “When you know better, you do better.”

    • Lu-Belle
      November 21, 2013

      People do know better! They’re just too mentally lazy to live any differently. It’s too much work … I’ve been told.

    • Anonymous
      November 21, 2013

      This is very true. I am reading two different stories and both with similar themes with children been sexually abuse.

  8. jane messam
    November 21, 2013

    This behaviour must stop now. Children must be educated to report this type of behaviour and harsh penaly must be applied to the perpetrator. What on earth has the caribbean become when we cannot even trust the people who are suppose to protect us. God help us all!!!

  9. just a thought
    November 21, 2013

    child abuse is a broad topic…i dont like it when people speak of child abuse they only speak of sexual abuse..there are many other ways children are being abused other than sexual abuse. i think the other types of abuse should be taken into consideration as well

  10. john bess
    November 21, 2013

    Child abuse is not a big issue or problem in dominica,that miss dominica need to tell skeritt to create jobs so that parents could support and provide their children.

  11. Reader
    November 21, 2013

    Great speach Ms. Dominica and good that you are taking a stand. The one thing I want to comment on is the part that say, “It is not part of our culture”. I respectfully disagree. Ours is a culture of abuse. We abuse our women, our children and sometimes our elderly. That is a part of our culture that needs changing. Abuse of any kind should be unacceptable.

  12. thiny
    November 21, 2013

    Well I know of 2 kids from the same family that were sexually abused by their uncles……one of the girls was sexually abused by her father also…..why don’t the kids have someone from their school that they could talk to…….talk to the kids about sexual abuse……u expect a child to simply volunteer that information knowing that they told a family member and nothing was done about it

  13. thiny
    November 21, 2013

    The pastors encourage child abuse…physical abuse that ….they use the Bible to encourage the uneducated or the educated fools to abuse kids……..they need to adress this in churches…..teach proper parenting skills…..beating and scolding a child is not parenting…..u don’t educate the child , u don’t spend quality time with the child, but you beat and scold the child every day….lije they are suppiaed to have the wisdom of a 100year old……..

  14. Peace
    November 21, 2013

    All these calls to eradicate child abuse is commendable but I think there is a double standard in Dominica. Recently a priest was accused of child sexual abuse, although the accuser is now an adult it could mean that the priest is a risk to children. But instead of supporting the investigation the Dominican public immediately cried out against the alleged VICTIM. There was a big public display in favor of the priest. Now how are children suppose to feel comfortable reporting abuse when they see things like this. There were even children in the demonstration. Dominica has already sent a message to these children that if you accuse someone important, no one will believe you and you will be condemned. When all this was going on in Grandbay, no one from the welfare department,police , queen contestant or any other organization said a word. I really wonder how serious Dominica is about stopping child abuse.

    I don’t think it is difficult to understand why sexual abuse is the most prevalent form of abuse in Dominica. It seems that it is part of our culture.

    I wish I could commend the Catholic church but it seems they have also added to the problem by failing to report these cases to the police and welfare department so it can be properly investigated. I would like to ask Queen Leslassa if she was in anyway disturbed by the reaction of the people to the accusation against the priest. Even if the story is not true, the message to our children is that they should be afraid to report.

    • Lu-Belle
      November 21, 2013

      Sex in Dominica is like a game of Dominos or Draft. Nothing personal. Just an activity to alleviate the boredom. Children are created out of this attitude. It’s no wonder they’re abused once they’re not cute little babies any more. Just annoying children who need to be beaten to shut them up. And if there are no children around to abuse, you can always kick or throw rocks at a dog. Either way, you get to let go of your frustrations on another being. A vacant society without any personal integrity – except for a few who pull themselves up and out of the human drain they exist in.

      • like in africa
        November 21, 2013

        wow! I don’t know who are you but the things you wrote here 100% mirror the reality of Dominica…hopefully mindset like yours will dominate here one day, so it will change this island for better…

    • Determined
      November 21, 2013

      Peace I must say that there is much truth in what you said.It is like that. The victim’s get the blame! I remember years ago a little girl was raped and people in my grandmother’s circle said that this little girl ” bring herself to the man” so when my principal touch my breast, I decided to avoid him and kept my mouth shut! God only knows how many more breast he touch!

  15. LisaWhite-MsDominica
    November 21, 2013

    But she did the video add for Antigua how comes they not playing it in Dominica…

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