Macoucherie Bailey bridge safe authorities say

Kendel Johnson said the bridge is going nowhere fast
Kendel Johnson said the bridge is going nowhere fast

Authorities at the Ministry of Public Works and Ports have assured the public that the Bailey bridge in Macoucherie is safe and poses no danger at the present moment.

The bridge was affected by flood waters from a trough system which dumped heavy rains on the island last week and there were concerns that it might be unsafe for use by motorists.

But during a visit to the area on Monday afternoon, Permanent Secretary in the Ministry of Public Works and Ports, Kendel Johnson, admitted that the bridge did suffer some damage and is aware of the concerns raised but said the bridge is “going nowhere fast.”

“We know that the motorists are a little concerned as they pass along the bridge and it can be very disconcerting to pass on a structure, on a bridge, and you observe settlement,” he said. “But the bridge is supported on concrete slabs and if you were to take a closer look to the both ends of the slabs. both north and south, you will see all of the slabs are tied with heavy steel cables at either end to prevent the washing away of the structure.”

He, however, said the bridge should be used with “due care and attention.”

“But the bridge will not fail catastrophically…” Johnson assured.

Johnson addressing reporters on the condition of the bridge
Johnson addressing reporters on the condition of the bridge

Meanwhile, Chief Technical Officer in Ministry of Public Works, Emile Lancelot, explained that there was “some movement of the sub-grade or the ground underneath the support to the bridge ” which he said resulted in some undermining of the structure.

He described it as a “slight difference in settlement from one side to the other.”

“So what you are seeing is on the north-eastern corner of the structure, there was a drop of approximately five inches,” he explained. “The south-western corner did not move as much as the north-eastern corner, therefore you have this sort of slight twist.”

Lancelot said repair works are expected to begin soon.

A side of the bridge dropped approximately five inches
A side of the bridge dropped approximately five inches

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  1. For Real
    December 7, 2016

    In any other country this bridge will be condemned immediately!

  2. S.M
    December 7, 2016

    Oh ma oh my, tell me when Dominicans are going to get serious about their own safety?
    This is what I hate about the hypocrite Dominicans, they know the bridge is not safe, yet because of political affiliation they agree to risk their own lives just to remain the party good side.
    Dominicans your future is in your hands , so you will have yourselves to blame in due time.

  3. Da
    December 7, 2016

    This is the biggest joke I hear this month! Has this Johnson guy take a look from under the bridge and see that it is concrete slabs that holding the structure upright?
    It was just last week that heavy rains shake what it have for a foundation , and yet there was no construction work done and you guys want to say it is safe?
    That is what we call sell me a Jombi in bag !

  4. December 7, 2016

    As usual , what he means is wait until something tragic like a bridge collapse with tourists god forbid. As i see it unsafe .

    • dee
      December 7, 2016

      ”slabs tied with cables not going anywhere fast”
      ok he will let it go slowly when we get another good shower ,God forbid, lets say just a likkle of what Erika gave us,
      Man which river you can use cable to tie down in Dominica these days? all streams turning into rushing rivers when we get a couple of hours rain these days. Slabs tied with cables ein .
      well well well , now we good to go ?.

  5. Prophet
    December 6, 2016

    THE BRIDGE IS NOT SAFE…no structural integrity as with all the others in varying degrees.
    On whose hands would shed blood be laid to???….God forbid!
    Father preserve us from ourselves!

  6. freegid tree
    December 6, 2016

    We shall see. :lol:

  7. Tony
    December 6, 2016

    Hello and good evening my people. Well how can Mr Johnson say this bridge is safe when we can see the foundation is being washed away. I have said many times that we need to provide scholarships to some student to study to become Civil Engineers and return to help build our infurstructure .

    • me
      December 8, 2016

      you do know Mr. Johnson is a civil engineer right ?

      • Tony
        December 8, 2016

        To: Me

        Hello and good afternoon my people from a cold NYC. Well I didn’t know that Mr Johnson is a Civil Engineer therefore I think his statement as documented is based on his political Affliation . How can an Engineer look at the foundation of this bridge and say it’s safe or never mentioning a word of replacing it with a permanent structure. Shame on you Mr Johnson because you should know better.

  8. December 6, 2016

    1 bridge in Roseau for 18 million, while there are three bailey bridges on the main west coast, piority upside down

  9. Danziger
    December 6, 2016

    I will take an appointment with our PR on the matter cuz Macoucherie mean alot to me .

  10. labour is working
    December 6, 2016

    labour power five more years so we like it.

  11. BAE
    December 6, 2016

    allu doh understand …. it will fail BUT NOT catastrophically ….allu I dying :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: They will tired take Dominicans like fools eh lol lol

    • Tjebe fort
      December 6, 2016

      Would you say that a tanker full of gasoline or diesel toppling over or crashing through that bridge is not catastrophic? Remember all the fuel for Portsmouth, the Sugar loaf power station there, the asphalt plant and quarries and the building projects, like Kempinski, has to pass there unless they want to go all the way round via Jimmit (not possible, the road bad and too steep for that), or the Carib reserve and via Marigot ( the road through Bells also blocked). This not just a bridge garcon but a crucial bridge.

  12. “Authorities at the Ministry of Public Works and Ports have assured the public that the Bailey bridge in Macoucherie is safe and poses no danger at the present moment.”

    They say seeing is believing, and a picture is more valuable than a thousand words! Anybody who looks at that piece of raggedy pile of crumbling metal just about to disintegrate, and believe it is safe have to be crazy!

    When it falls and kill someone walking or driving across it, then all of Heaven will be overwhelm with prayers. Prayers do not work after the occurrence; the idea is to take preventative measures prior to the pending disaster; prevent the disaster before it happen.

    • dee
      December 7, 2016

      Makes a change
      Great improvement
      So Francisco you can talk sense then ?
      Now try to keep it up OK
      Sincere Congratulations

  13. wil
    December 6, 2016

    There was movement of the abutment(substructure) from what I am seeing here. The three main components of the bridge – deck, superstructure, and substructure. Subgrade is not the right term here. That foundation needs to be stabilized immediately temporarily with some heavy rip rap to prevent further erosion of the foundation but be careful placing to much rip rap that may constrict the flow and cause more rapid movement of water, and further erosion – has to be a balance. I know our engineers know that – this is for public knowledge :-D

  14. john doe
    December 6, 2016

    the permanent temporary bailey bridge. I can see that is the north west end that dropped or is it the pic lying
    this is how the dlp works every temporary bandaid becomes permanent. mal twavay avec malvat labour ca la

  15. zandoli
    December 6, 2016

    Whenever I hear the word “soon” in Dominica, I know I should not hold my breath.

    Remember when they said they were going to start repairing the Salisbury feeder road “soon’?

  16. ??
    December 6, 2016

    This bridge is not safe!! Another rain event like what we saw last week will destroy that bridge. On another note the Melville Hall river needs to be dredge some more or the wall build up some more.

  17. wil
    December 6, 2016

    Only a 5″ drop?!! This differential settlement of the bridge, is now introducing some new stresses into the members. This bridge is what we call a fracture-critical structure. That is, if a crack or any type of failure develop in certain members within that structure, that one failure can cause the entire bridge to collapse. It is imperative that load limits are placed on this bridge (I understand that Dominica may not have weigh stations, but caution truck drivers that they should reduce loading if traveling this route. Secondly, a drop of 5″ inches is essentially failure, because there is no way that bridge can be used as originally designed – considerable speed reduction, and ridership comfort is unacceptable. Finally, the foundation. the fact that this structure dropped 5″ indicates that the foundation has obviously moved significantly. This is a critical,. Hope that it was thoroughly inspected and analysed, & repaired before telling that it is safe. Common sense needed.

    • Wil
      December 7, 2016

      Closer look at the bearing reveals that the loadin off the concrete slab has changed- it went from being abfully supported slab to a somewhat cantilever member. Furthermore, due that vertical drop the dynamic impact from vehicular loads will increase significantly and can potentially crack/break the slab resulting in further drop.

    • Oh
      December 7, 2016

      So where Mouse going to pass with the big truck?……hmmm

  18. Dante Jones
    December 6, 2016

    Kendel Johnson, admitted that the bridge did suffer some damage and is aware of the concerns raised but said the bridge is “going nowhere fast.”

    I don’t think that expression means what he think it means

    • Tjebe fort
      December 6, 2016

      Of course the bridge is going nowhere fast. What he really is saying is that it will be there a longtime then, a permanent feature.

  19. d-a born
    December 6, 2016

    Aren’t these things supposed to be temporary?

  20. :lol:
    December 6, 2016

    Yes Sup D n Big Mich yur photo commout. :lol:

  21. Me
    December 6, 2016

    Now that the bridge is out of alignment it will be prone to flex/twist stress, compromising its structural integrity. Metal fatigue may cause hairline fractures that could lead to catastrophic failure, especially under heavy load. This would apply not only to the bridge itself but also the metal cables holding the abutments. I suggest a weight limit is imposed immediately.

  22. Frenz
    December 6, 2016

    After listening to what the technocrats had to say I have concluded that these engineers are under duress by this lame administration. Why would you want to underpin a crumbling bridge abutment. I understand the concern for accessibility and connectivity but safety is paramount. The bridge abutment is not safe period.
    If politicians could be held personally responsible for damages to pedestrians and motorists these politicians would do better by the people

  23. Tjebe fort
    December 6, 2016

    Don’t worry. Soon the P.M. will have his helicopter for what he will claim will be for emergency use but he will be emergency number. one, mark my words.

  24. Dominican
    December 6, 2016

    In the same breath the Ministry official says that the motorists are a little concerned but that it can be very disconcerting. To my simple mind that bridge is more crucial to the proper functioning and development of Dominica right now than the dismantling of a working bridge and construction of an expensive and fancy new one in Roseau. I do not think we always have our priorities right.

  25. cameron
    December 6, 2016

    These jokers ar not for real,let me send this to my good journalist friend.

  26. silentoney2k
    December 6, 2016

    It is ridiculous, do something before a major disaster happens. Those bridges were supposed to be temporary. What is their definition of temporary I don’t know. There is continuous undermining-water is flowing there- it makes no sense. With our weather pattern now and climate change, Government needs to step up.

    • LuCClu
      December 6, 2016

      The Bath Estate Elmshall Bridge was supposed to be temporary, it was temporary until it became permanent.

  27. Whistler
    December 6, 2016

    it’s Dominica they are not known to be brilliant at anything…why the fuss nah?

    them dunce and stupid, only resorting to selling dominican passport, easy money with corruption……

    dominicans are poor,hungry and happy…..that ignorance badge of honor!

    dominica known globally as the……fools paradise…

  28. TS Erika
    December 6, 2016

    im trying to figure out how a bridge that panshaying on one side is safe………..forgive me im not an expert

  29. Load Transfer
    December 6, 2016

    I am very concern when individuals with a Structural Engineering background do not make mention of weight limit which is suspect to the comment (pass with due care and attention). I observed that these concrete slabs serving as abutments is currently sloped, as oppose to a flat surface as was in the original position. Now, given the slabs are now sloped the forces acting on the slabs contact area between the Baily bridge and top-most slab is not flat, and thus cause the edge of the Baily bridge at the approach to cause a point load. Having said all of the above when heavy vehicles with load pass on the bridge the transfer of the loads from vehicles to temporary abutment (slabs) will be at an angle & therefore crack the slab; this is even more possible because there are spaces between the support slabs that will interfere with the transfer the loads from one slab to another. It is the aforementioned & slope position of the slab that cause the load to pose a danger by load transfer.

    • Shaka Zulu
      December 6, 2016

      Apparently they don’t care about load cycling and unbalanced force. We will sit and wait to see how many truck loads it will take to do damage coupled with another flood. These folks still underestimating the power of water. Accident waiting to happen.

  30. Anon
    December 6, 2016

    Its always safe until somebody dies!

  31. SipinTeas
    December 6, 2016

    So much for emergencies. Wonder what will happen if we get another rain shower like that again. And the people continue to support rubbish. Amazing.

  32. My two cents
    December 6, 2016

    It appears that the temporary Bailey bridge will, or has, become a permanent structure.

    The Macoucherie bridge is much more important, in terms of traffic flow, than the Roseau bridge that is presently being reconstructed. Please get priorities in order for the safety of all citizens.

    Are we again waiting for another major accident to happen?

    • Kubuli Kountry
      December 6, 2016

      I wouldn’t say it is much more important in terms of traffic flow….I would say it is “just as important”….respectfully edited.

    • LuCClu
      December 6, 2016

      The Bath Estate Elmshall Bridge was supposed to be temporary, it was temporary until it became permanent.

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