UPDATE: Sean Douglas fired

Sean Douglas has been sacked as Government’s press secretary.

Douglas received his walking papers on July 12, 2010 signed by Cabinet Secretary Felix Gregoire.

The refusal to sign a one-year contract for a period which expired on January 2009 is cited as a reason for Douglas’ dismissal in a letter dated July 2.

When contacted by Dominica News Online, Douglas did not wish to give too much details on the matter since he is still carrying his duties as government press secretary.

He however said that the contract offered was for January 26, 2009 to January 26, 2010, and questioned why he was being offered a contract so late. Therefore he has been working without a contract for 18 months.

“We’re now in July 2010 … why are you offering a contract where time has passed? Lawyers would say consideration has passed even if I had signed it all now so I would have to sign another contract,” he explained in a brief telephone interview.

He believes that his refusal to sign the contract was not the real reason behind his dismissal.

The termination is effective August 13, 2010.

“It was unjust, it was unreasonable, it was immoral, and I told the Cabinet Secretary so, and the government refused to budge on that,” he told The Sun newspaper.

“I don’t want to say too much. I think I’ve said what I have to say for now, so I cannot say too much … The Sun really captures what I wanted the public to know,” Douglas remarked, after further being questioned by a DNO reporter.

Earlier this year, Douglas was moved to the Government Information Service (GIS) building at Bath Estate to resume his duties, during the 2009 General Election campaign. He previously worked within a designated office for him in the Financial Centre for the past nine years.

“Basically, I have been fired as press secretary and fired by the Labour Party Government- men and women I have toiled for the last nine years,” he added.

Douglas said that he sees the dismissal as a very painful divorce. He is the nephew of deceased former Prime Minister Rosie Douglas.

“I’m a Labourite to the bone. I was borne into Labour. It’s in my DNA. So it really puzzles me why I am being fired. But believe me I remain committed, totally committed to the ideals of the founding fathers of the Labour Party … It has been an honour and privileged to serve my country as Government Press Secretary for over nine years. It has been more than just a job,” The Sun article stated.

Douglas is optimistic that he will recover from the ordeal.

Sean is the nephew of diseased former Prime Minister Rosie

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  1. Anonymous
    July 20, 2010

    @Hugo Grotius: Ian Dog cannot be last. Is sean dog dat last

  2. joy
    July 20, 2010

    well well mr skerrit it seems like you are a one man show.but later will tell.all dominician take note of what is happening.the p.m. is all about self.capitoler move on sean sean will.

  3. underdog
    July 20, 2010

    True say!! Lambert was Mama right hand man, Charlo was mamo fiyel, skero was the president of YFM, the OECS Embassador was Mamo Minister of Education adn Gregroie was hsi PS so you see, all real Laborites must go and leave those freedom labourites run their show, thats the nex level; the first person dat fire shawn was Mano Nanthan, since january he got prisoners to remove shawn’s office to bath estate, i want shawn to expose everythign after he leaves the office in august… it havnt go anybody in the service to become cabsec after him, is there something he hiding for skerit?

  4. True Dominican
    July 20, 2010

    By the way, isn’t there a law that state that, if you work for more than 6months with out a contract, the employer has the right to make you permanent.
    Some body on DNO, help me on this one. I think am right.

  5. DA Historian
    July 20, 2010

    Espoire aml papaye,
    You hitting manicou opposum blows.I know most likely you eat manicou too with smell or not.
    I wonder how the manicou would taste with mal papaye.Remeber” mal” is the functional word but i have this strong feeling you are a cole’ femelle papaye if you know what I mean lol! you seem a little malpuop kind of thing not certain of your gender.Should I call U him or shim?

  6. Crystal ball
    July 20, 2010

    Laser you make it sound like DLP have obeah man in d party Tell me are they consulting with evil beings to get information? Are they pulling the devil’s tail to see who is the snitch. Are they like the witch of Endor giving information to those that seek? WOW Then they must be careful. God doesn’t like people who go looking you know. He cuts them DOWN. Yes man you make it seem like they have some CIA, FBI, Russian style spy game in the party to root out “fencers”.
    Is one of the two I suspect: Either DLP full of obeah men, or CIA FBI in the country, pick sense out of DOLLAR$.

  7. sad
    July 20, 2010

    @MAESTRO: Wooow this is coming directly from the P.M.’s office… Boy the length these fellers will go to kiss this man behind. Don’t worry your turn is coming Mr. Spin Doctor.

    For any government to function in this manner is unprofessional and wanting. You cannot say that it is acceptable for any government to continue paying any empolyee for 18 months without a contract and this is acceptable. One should investigate how many other employee are collecting a salary without a contract. It was just in the news that Mr. Lambert has be working in the P.M’s office without a contract for a lengthy period. There seems to be a double standard.

  8. Dominican- London Based
    July 20, 2010

    Dear Fellow Dominicans,
    I was and is still saddened to read what has happened to Sean Douglas. Please educate me here is that how one works in the public sector? sacked because contract is over due and not signed? (Only reading what Sean stated)

    On another note when one is down they are not to be kicked down due to the fact we donot know what will become of ourselves today or tomorrow. I beleive evrything that happens happens for a reason and where there is a will there will certainly be a way for you Sean

    Sean if you are reading this , you are very welcome back into the United Kingdom. I would and will welcome you back as I have not seen you for many many years since the independence dance at Stratford.

  9. July 20, 2010

    Sean, you worked without a Contract for 18 months and you got paid for that period and while it was the Adminstration’s fault not to renew your contrtact on time, you also MUSTshare part of the blame for not requesting your contract for that period when it was due for renewal.You were OK working without a contract for that long and you knew that it was long overdue. Did you ever ask for your contrast during that 18 month period?? However, being an employee on a year by year contrat you were asked to sign the contrat for 2009 to 2010, for which you have already enjoyed Tax Payers money, you simply had to sign that document as you were not losing anything by doing so and it was a mere formality and then request the one for 2010 to 2011 which we understand is six months late. Did you expect to continue working without ever signing a contract and get paid? You were insurbodinate and being a member of the Labor Family does not exempt you from being fired from the service. Refusing to sign the contract whether it was late or not is a clear indication that you were not interested in futher employment with the Government. I am of the view that there was no big deal in asking you to sign your contract which was very late, one must admit
    , BUT, for a period for which you have already enjoyed full salary. You cannot be bigger than your employer and thus refusing to sign, late or not, is saying I dont want to work in the system anymore, remember you are a year by year contractual employee. Mr. Cabinet Secreatry PLEASE have Contracts renewed at least one week prior to the end of their term for all employees engaged via contracts, Mr Sean Douglass what did you expect the Boss to do with you, an employee, refusing to sign a document for his continued employment? I too would have given you your goodbye letter. PEACE.

    July 20, 2010

    Well the LADY who got the job worked for it , remember all the praise she gave to YOURS TRULY on the air, she almost came to blows over that. sean-sean its a pity you had to get the BOOT, but life goes on. (k Jb) take your spot but its ok , when allu cross de floor and become WORKERS, all dead man go RAISE, let him mess wid a DOG-LAS STILL.

    July 20, 2010

    @eye opener for true: oh plezzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz nonsense

  12. PAIN
    July 20, 2010

    Sean, are you a camouflage Labourite? All the big boys dress in Red and you are all in blue?

    Since the skerro fired you, you can be a very good asset to the malawe people. Let us know what’s going on inside that great wall.

  13. DA Historian
    July 19, 2010

    I can recall in 79, PJ said on air after all his ministers were resigning one by one.”
    My Gov’t shall not be moved”.So if Skerrit is eliminating Stalin style this is DA and he should be mindful of PJ’s demise luckily Mamo did him a favour other wise he may have expired from too much Jel cochon & dombway for lunch & dinner and cocoa tea. His pressure went up, bad knee all kind of stuff.Skerrit must be reminded of PJ as his days are numbered.

  14. child
    July 19, 2010

    maybe they just don’t trust u.(just my opinion)

  15. Fanchiface
    July 19, 2010

    Well Sean sorry 2 hear that but u’ll rise again man, once u’re qualified u’ll get a job. Johnson Jno. Rose was victimized by the uwp and now he has a big job with some regional organization. So take it in good strides; like the old sayin says when one door closed many more will be opened. All is not lost just as Floyd Capitolin 2 give you the receipe for movin on after feeelin the brunt of the wrath.

  16. not nice
    July 19, 2010

    when uwp comes back we need your expertise just tell us skerrit little secrets

  17. July 19, 2010

    sean that good for you

  18. Leandra Francis
    July 19, 2010

    Who vex loss

    July 19, 2010


  20. Anonymous
    July 19, 2010

    Start skerrit start to fire theres more to come it is just a matter of time. He will fire fire until he wil fire himself unknowingly. Just put trust in God. Skerritt is greedy . When his cup overflows with injustice then we will see his end.

  21. GOOD
    July 19, 2010

    Skerrit is not a labourite,so genuine labourites must start leaving the party,because this is not a labour party.This is a Skerrit party in which all members are subservient to him,cause he purchased them..Gloria gone too? Chrispine gone too? Boy look wickedness..Who Next?….THAT’S THE NEXT LEVEL!!!

  22. Grand Bayrian
    July 19, 2010

    Are we seeing the birth of a new Labour Party ?.. The DDLP?..lol Skerritt removing all those he sees as threat to his grip on power. The Skerritt Labour Party is taking shape. Opposition in termoil, best time to strenghen his hold on the party. Labour heading for self distruction.

  23. jean
    July 19, 2010

    man do as skerrit would do to you or anyone one. expose his regime. i dont mean classified items but items you know that are just unfair to the dominican economy. if you haver taken an oath pls maintain it for what it entails but otherwise….talk

  24. July 19, 2010

    Simply said. Take it as a man, start your political journey form your own party you already have some of the inside scoop use it to your advantage start campainging now. But before you do remember that when the rain falls it does not fall on one man`s house.

  25. I Waiting for More....
    July 19, 2010

    Sean you should have said something when the PM fired the Ambassador to the UN and gave him two weeks notice. Now look it….it is now your turn….you did not even get notice after 9 years of service. I think every one in government should be concerned …..because who next? We waiting……..

  26. The Observer
    July 19, 2010

    My condolences to Ian Douglas. Listen up! and listen well! You next.

  27. Lost
    July 19, 2010

    There is more than Sean is saying. I do not understand why not sign the contract. Even if you did work 18 months without it. Rules are rules. In an election year there can be oversight but it is necessary for government to do what they have to even if you carry one of the big shot Title (Douglas) you are not immune to rules and regulation.

    I hope Sean would come clean and say it like it is. There is just another side to this story. I have read it a few times but it does not add up.

    Sean blessings and good luck

  28. kimrah
    July 19, 2010

    when one door is close next one will open.h

  29. Anonymous
    July 19, 2010

    I’m by no means a genius but a very expereienced political analyst.

    Hon Skerritt is slowly getting rid of the people whom he considers dangerous not to him but his hold on power and to the Dominican people.

    Vince was first …

    now………….. we’re experiencing the domino effect.

    Good Riddance Sean …

    You’ve now joined the ranks of vince, floyd capitolin, ure uncle and everybody else who follows …In the end skeerit will be the last dog lass standing

  30. de caribbean change
    July 19, 2010

    They say man to man is so damn unjust, I can’t understand who de hell to trust. Like is selfishness and greed, every man forget, if you see your brother, falling in the gutter, instead of help de man, you push him further, and let him die of suffocation. Help your brother, help your sister, give him water, one day later, a good favor, some day later.

  31. Trevor Johnson
    July 19, 2010

    The funny thing is that their was cause for Sean to be fired about eight years ago when Krazy recorded him boasting about how he ripped off the government by going on trips and having the most expensive breakfasts… should be grateful that he was kept in the job for so long……

    • observer
      February 1, 2011

      true say.

  32. July 19, 2010

    Sean is a Douglas, how can they fire him, nonsense, he will get another job soon, Labour is Douglas, Douglas is Labour.

  33. True Dominican
    July 19, 2010

    Sean, I sympathy with you, but you were the one you exposed the government, when you said that Ministers Gravel to that they can increase the salary by the traveling allowance. You mention above the luxury hotels and the food, I mean Sean, you knew this was coming. It was just a matter of time. But I think now, you should come clean with the Public, expose them, but then again, I don’t expect any thing better, you are Labour and you give the bone to the DOG, so all then Labour to the bone, will be treated like dogs. So people open you mind, liberate your self from this wicked Skerit Regime.

  34. Sean V Baker
    July 19, 2010

    Is it The funny looking guy’s new D/can wife. The author, coffee factory linked Ambassador ?I eh saying more. lol!

  35. True Dominican
    July 19, 2010


    It a shame to see So call labourite BASHING ON LABOURITE, we Dominicans have no brains of our own, are we so blind that we can’t read between the lines.

  36. DosEquis
    July 19, 2010

    @Laser: You good, you are very good.

  37. DosEquis
    July 19, 2010

    @Manicou Oposum: I wonder if this guy opposum smells like one

  38. DosEquis
    July 19, 2010

    @Wash out: A party that was you all own….are you dumb or dumber….like the UWP belongs to Marigot and Wesley.

    Bossman, the Douglas’ don’t own the DLP…they only have Hemstead Estate. The DLP is the Dominica Labour Party.

  39. eye opener for true
    July 19, 2010

    Ppl, did u all read this article well? and i mean very well? Sean Douglas said that he worked without a contract for 18 months and was given to sign a contract for the period january 26, 2009 to january 26, 2010 ONLY in july 2010. U think is Sean’s fault or Skerrit fault? Hmmmmmmmm. Blame those lazy a**, irresponsible and unprofessional civil servants in the Government Service. Like to sit down the entire day on the phone, walking around or minding ppl bzness and at the end of the month they want a paycheck. I am sure that the contract must have been drafted out early but some secretary/official did not do what he/she was supposed to have done.

    If it’s not that then hear my other theory…

    Skerrit is further manifesting his “communist nature” by getting rid of all those who have different ideologies with him in terms of what he wants his government to be. Sean i have no doubt that you are a devout laborite, but the labour party that u were born into is way too subtle in its political agenda as compared to that of Skerrit. All u really think Skerrit didn’t know what he was doing? Skerrit pretended to be a laborite to win the votes and get into power. He had very good strategic planning. He realized that the Douglases were already middle-aged men and sooner or later the party would need a new leader. He being their rightful seed, he decided to take their side of the political platform to gain his entrance into power. Skerrit is not a laborite. Skerrit took advantage of the party and the ppl. He used it as oretext to gain himself the power that he needed.

    What u got to say about tht now? let’s see!

  40. concern dominican
    July 19, 2010

    every and any body have the right to speak about what is wrong and what affect then.

  41. ALBERT P.
    July 19, 2010




  42. Ian
    July 19, 2010

    Sean, politics like war is a ‘game’ of winners and losers’ and victories and defeats. As a soldier deep in Labour they thought you were a double agent and you are ‘executed’. That is the mine flied of politics my friend. Sad but in war as in politics casualties mount all the time.

    Skerrit will be a causality of political war- not now- he is on top of the Hill looking in the Valley and picking and eliminating his enemies one by one. I suppose two deposed lieutenants are Crispin Groggier and Sean Douglas. —the purge has just stated……..

  43. Watching
    July 19, 2010

    @Deoborah:As someone rightly stated: LABOUR START TO EAT HER CHILDREN!!



  44. July 19, 2010

    London Bridge is falling down! falling down! falling down! its just started lord knows whats next.

  45. July 19, 2010

    so because sean is backbone he must do what when he want

  46. wendy
    July 19, 2010

    @sad:RESENTMENT IS WICKED”DE BOY”miss out on a lot, look how power turn him into a MADMAN, we have to be careful… saki slaw say slaw what is yous is your(forgive my patois i from Merigot )

  47. Sean V Baker
    July 19, 2010

    Wash Out ,read Manicou’s piece . Look like you dotish or what! you seem not to be following or reading but not following.
    Like Chalkdust said “you eh get the message as yet.”
    I recommend you read the entire postings and the original story on Sean Douglas.
    Then come back here and let us hear you okay? See you in a few. I am off to the airport.

  48. Sean V Baker
    July 19, 2010

    Lazer beam scrutiny : This sound like Nabes & I

  49. joe
    July 19, 2010


  50. Manicou Oposum
    July 19, 2010

    Sad you strayed but you got yhe point. Sad many others do not have nor did they have a clue.

  51. timmy
    July 19, 2010


  52. Laser
    July 19, 2010

    Well, well, well!!!

    Although I was expecting it to happen for a while, I still in shock.

    Now that be a warning for other persons in the labor camp. There are certain journalists that playing friends with all you for all you tongue to slip and start talk without end.

    Sean should have known by now that a good friend always has a better friend in politics.

    It was becoming too obvious when certain newspapers would be revealing in-depth details about key government issues and say that the information was given to them by sources who are speaking on conditions on anonymity since they are not suppose to revel such details.

    For nine years you have been watched. First, your own Uncle would keep you in d dark. Second, Pierre Charles was not comfortable with the tape recordings about your expensive breakfast. Third Skerrit began testing your loyalty and capacity at generating fresh, new and creative ways of making government look better in the eyes of the public.

    The signals were there and you paid no heed to them. A qualified media practitioner joined the very department you are a part of and on top of that a vacancy was advertised sometime last year before the elections and [someone] filled that vacancy.

    Your Office was relocated and the leaks to the newspaper went dead!!! Duh! Hello?…

    For nine years you never took additional media training to upgrade your skills. So because you are a natural does not mean you cannot seek further upgrading.

    Now look back and see which minister that came on the seen lately and you were caught up in that minister’s enthusiasm? I hope you discover before August 13.

  53. Wash out
    July 19, 2010

    Good for u, i bet now you would say the P.m this and he that, why u didnt come out and say it before election, u know all what was going on, don’t come out now and say he crooked, we uwp-ites know he crooked, but was people like you that use to wipe his boom boom hole for him, I looking forward to Ian Dog-Last next, i think he know it coming, very soon, there’ll be no Doglous in the D.L.P, a party which was suppose to be you alls own,

  54. YUTE MAN
    July 19, 2010

    all you ppl like to defend government eh.read the article properly.how can you in 2010 jul give the man a contract to sign that was for 2009 jan t0 2010 jan?why do you think after 6 months a check is no longer valid.can you enter the use in jul if your visa was expiring in jan?


  55. Deoborah
    July 19, 2010

    Let the show start, it is the beginning of the end.

  56. Manicou Oposum
    July 19, 2010

    Allyu talking bout who was Shaun/Sean’s uncle and Sean is Ian cousin .
    Do you guys know the realtionship between Sean, Ian & Skerrit? I think someone may have mentioned it about not allowing who to live in the big house. lol! Look beff.
    Remember Mrs Douglas (Ma Mike) said Ian & Skerrit were the two brightest young men on the island and they were both her sons?There is where the riddle is. Ask any Historian from the north about the family tree. Any historian from the misty wood of the north.

  57. sad
    July 19, 2010

    @wendy: So the implication here is that P.M. is fighting back because he was not accepted as a Douglas into the Family. But it’s not the fault of the young Douglas’s…

  58. JGGG
    July 19, 2010


    It is a woman with radio and other general media experience.

  59. yes
    July 19, 2010

    u want 2 go work all in blue n u know them man don’t like that BLUE

  60. Don John
    July 19, 2010

    Anywhere else in the World if you don’t have a contract you cannot work, Sean did not sign his contract for whatever reason, so he is out no contract no Job, why blame the PM ,did the PM tell him don’t sign the contract? Why do we always blame someone else for our shortcomings, he did not sign so he is OUT. Dominica is moving forward in all way so should we Dominicans!

  61. wendy
    July 19, 2010

    Mr Douglas , i am so sorry to hear that you lost your place on the THRONE, which was rightfully yours and IAN’S, so now you know that OUTSIDE relative do carry a heavy weight. all u go pay for not making DE BOY live in DE BIG HOUSE and not getting what was his when he was younger,don’t worry Sean- Sean you still PRETTIER than him, so Dominicans will LOVE you too with your dimples and pretty smile .

    July 19, 2010

    The Mouth of the north Sean Sean Dog Dog. Ian Dog cannot be last when we have a Sean Douglas – Sorry Calypso King Caresa or Karesa I didn’t mean to change your lyrics – I just couldn’t help noticing that you left Sean out of the song.

    I am by no means rejoicing at the fact that Sean as a fellow human being has lost his job. Every man need to eat and feed the family. In this regard I wish Sean the best and good luck in what ever he does moving forward.

    The PM think that all and sundry speak well of him. Well let it be known that Sean was not and is not the only insider who say negative things about this administration and certain patches of personalities within the administration. Certainly Sean’s job was more than just a job in fact Sean’s former position is one that is political. Sean in his capacity could not be have been fair and balance in dispensing information. I challenge Sean to come clean and let the people know the truth behind the barrage of lies that we have received from him and this administration. Sean here is an opportunity to make some dough- write a smallTell it All memo and publish that in D/ca . Print 20,000 $10 a copy. Dude you can make some paper…

  63. Ti Boowoe
    July 19, 2010

    Maybe is because of the blue shirt…lol

    July 19, 2010

    OK Sean spill the beans. Tell us what we already know we would just like to get all the crooked ,chaos type operation from you. Skerrit did not like you at all- we know that. Ask Tony why the conspiracy.

    So what we see here is the sacking of one mouth organ for the DLP. There is more to come. The “ Fan is about to hit the sh****t”- not the other way round.

  65. Irie
    July 19, 2010

    Sean doh worry with nobody, you must get a job. It have too much chiney store in roseau! I wonder who is your replacement?

  66. Vex with them
    July 19, 2010

    So just because his uncle was prime minister he is allowed to do as he please?

    People, you have to be fair. If shawn is doing wrong he has to be corrected and if it means his job so be it.

    The government has to continue its work. If they had continued to allow him to work without a contract, sooner or later it is people like you who would complain about corruption in government.

    I guess shown got what he deserved.

  67. YinYan
    July 19, 2010

    I see… Next Level?

  68. smarty
    July 19, 2010


  69. Anonymous
    July 19, 2010

    This has been in the making for the longest while. Sean is not one of the yes man to everything the P.M. does like his cousin in Tourism. They finally got him out. Who is next. Toursim minister is on the fench and singing for his super for years. P.M. thinks he has all the power., Woooow

  70. Hehehehehehee
    July 19, 2010

    Is this the picture of him when he recieved the letter of termination???? Anyways Shawn is allu a self yeah….

  71. shy
    July 19, 2010

    Sean , sean, sean, i bet you didn’t see it was coming you all just that too see and thier is many more to come skerrit regime just start to fall and move away from the public affairs bunch of nonesence going o in dominica and because of party you all sit thier and watching poor people suffer well let me say to people like you sean GOD dont sleep and he watching everyone of you your selffish and greedyness must take you down someday and trust me you all have to speak out hold tight dominicans thier is more to come thier time coming to end as marlyn would say boommmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm of you go sean another one down .

  72. jane
    July 19, 2010

    hmmmm no more coffee and travel alowance shawn shawn. We all know to earn respect u have to show respect thus u did the opposit so good night.

  73. Anonymous
    July 19, 2010

    Well look it……….

  74. Oh Shate man
    July 19, 2010

    Oh! Well well….Good Call. Sean you cannot be the mouth peace of the Government and still bash them on the otherside of you mouth. Everybody have to say ” sean Say this, sean say that”

  75. Bwavo
    July 19, 2010

    Hm…no one is safe from the wrath of the Hon PM Skerrit eh pal…Sean’s family are the backbone of the DLP and you see they let him go…bwavo..think Skerrit playing…it is all about PM Skerrit and if u not on board u will get kicked off…Ian take note..lol

  76. Mathlicious
    July 19, 2010

    Well he had it coming. Tell them to give the real reason why Sean Sean was fired. The Calypsonian was right. We go see.

    WHO NEXT?.

  77. bunny
    July 19, 2010

    well, anybody wearing a tie like that asks to be fired.

  78. Jm2
    July 19, 2010

    well row-row start……………………………

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