HIV high among gay men in Dominica

National Epidemiologist Dr. Paul Rickets. Photo credit: GIS
National Epidemiologist Dr. Paul Rickets. Photo credit: GIS

Men who have sex with men are the main people being affected by HIV in Dominica, National epidemiologist Dr. Paul Ricketts, has revealed.

Speaking at a National Health Symposium on Thursday morning, he however warned that women are also being infected with the deadly virus, which causes AIDS.

He revealed that up to end of 2012, as many as 400 Dominicans have been tested positive for HIV.

“The majority of persons who have tested positive have been male but we also do have females being tested positive,” he said. “So this not just an epidemic affecting men who have sex with men, although men who have sex with men are the main people affected in our epidemic here in Dominica.”

He pointed out that over the past five years there has been “an upward trend” in the number of people who have tested positive for the the virus.

He said this is due to an increased amount of people being tested through various campaigns and the availability of free rapid testing on the island.

Ricketts said since the introduction of retroviral therapy in 2004 there has been a rapid decline of deaths related to HIV and AIDS, but warned that within the last few years there has been a slight increase.

“We are still investigating the rationale or the reason behind this but we do have a well organized, well structured treatment and care program,” he said.

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  1. overseas
    August 10, 2013

    8) women with husbands and boyfriends should insist in using condoms ,becuase we are living in a world where men prefer men , even they hv wives and girlfriends , those are cover ups , they live a double lives , In the moment most of the times they dont protect themselves and then they go back home to their wives and girlfriends and infect them innocently
    Protect yourself it may be your very life you save !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. NRT
    August 6, 2013

    Now, that’s Deadly behavior if I ever hear of Deadly habits. These men are so addicted to this behavior that their small group is dying around them and they will not stop, while some encourage this death? I think I’ve heard it all.

  3. Annon
    August 3, 2013

    Duh….who would have thought??

  4. secret out
    August 3, 2013

    Coming from a gay man. 80 percent of Dominican men are gay or bisexual. I can sleep with any man I want. Watch out for the pretty ones with earrings and the ones that like pouting their lips. Also watch out for the womanisers. They are chief. Having a wife or girlfriend is a cover-up. They that more like man.

    • Anonymous
      March 5, 2014

      If ur serious about being gay check me on my fb n we’ll check ‘craig phillip’ :)

  5. mojo
    August 2, 2013

    well not bull they want to bull na? what they expect. but them msm fellas should stick to eachother and stop contaminate the women and the normal men. take not homosexuals…. stick to your own kind

  6. Counselor
    August 2, 2013

    First of all, i would like to say that there is actually no truth to what this doctor has said. Where did he get his information from? Who conducts such a survey? There is absolutely no way that HIV is being spread more by gay men than bi-sexual men. This does not make any sense, because of the disparity that exists between gays and bi-sexual men. There are many more heterosexual men than gay men, therefore, there will always be more heterosexual men affected with the disease than gay men.It also does not make sense because the infected person does not tell the doctor from whom they may have gotten affected. Is he just guessing by looking at the person mannerism.
    Personally, i believe that this doctor is very irresponsible and he is doing a disservice to Dominica. What kind of a message is he sending? In actuality, he is telling the heterosexual men that it is OK to have sex unprotected because it is only gays that get HIV. He is sending the same message which once was prevalent in the United States during the 1980’s. Only gay people get HIV/Aids. This man should be ashamed of himself.This is all a propaganda effort to try and destroy the cause that gay people are fighting to achieve.

    • September 16, 2013


      Dr. Ricketts said men who have sex with men are the main people affected by HIV in Dominica. :cry:

      All men who have sex wih men are homosexuals although men who have sex with both men and women are known as bisexuals. What the doctor said included bisexuals.

      The doctor also said there are cases of HIV among women so it is not only a disease affecting homosexuals. It is usually through an infected bisexual male that the virus crosses over to a women, either directly or indirectlty. 8-O

      The fact that there are more heterosexuals than homosexuals does not necessarily mean there is more HIV among heterosexuals. Homosexuals tend to be more promiscuous. In the big North American cities many homosexuals spend much of their social lives cruising in an attempt to make contact with another person for a hurried sexual encounter. This is what drives the business of the gay bars and baths. More often than not his search leads to a quick encounter with an unknown partner. Many times such men never exchange names. Some have been known to have hundreds of partners. :twisted:

      I do not think the doctor is even implying that it is safe for a heterosexual man to have unprotected sex. The danger is obvious. Unless his partner is his wife and they are in a committed monogamous relationship he cannot be sure his partner has not been with a bisexual man who is positive. :(

      There is no safe sex outside of a true monogamous marriage. Even condoms are not always 100% effective. AIDS is not the only sexually transmitted disease. Some STD do not require the transmission of body fluids. 8)

      This is why sex education in the schools that ignores God`s moral laws and teaches so called safe sex is deceptive and dangerous. They begin by implying that abstinence is impossible and sex will happen. Instead of teaching Biblical morality and telling the young people to respect each other and avoid situations that would place them in temptation`s way they teach methods to sin and avoid the consequences of sin – methods that sometimes do not work. What they do not teach the students is this. Even when the safe sex practice works there are still deep personal consequences for breaking God`s moral code. Pre-marital sex leaves a psychological scar. It is not a solid foundation upon which to build a marriage. If it leads to a marriage it will be a marriage without the trust factor. Both parties will know that their partner thinks it is O.K. to have sex with somebody they are not married to. There is no reason to think he or she will not do it again with somebody else after they are married. :oops:

      Those who are advocating amoral sex education in the schools by teaching disease preventive birth control tricks to the youth need to step up and take responsibility for the broken homes, and rising divorce rates of our day. There is a better way to avoid both disease and unwanted pregnancy. That is to inspire faith in God and teach Bible principles for living victorious overcoming lives. :lol:

      Sincerely, Rev. Donald Hill. Pentecostal Evangelist.

  7. T mama
    August 2, 2013

    PEOPLE protect yourselves, my goodness…..wake up, it is only by SEX you get HIV….

    • DC
      August 3, 2013

      HIV is not only transmitted through sexual Intercourse. It can be passed on through blood transfusion, mother to unborn child, if no precautions are taken, also, sharing infected needles. In a Health Care setting, universal safety measures must be adhered to, in other to avoid accidental contact. Let us stop stigmatizing, and deal with the facts. HIV can affect anyone.

    • Robert
      August 3, 2013

      Ever heard of blood transfusion and kissing?

      • September 30, 2013

        Blood tranfusions, yes.

        Other contact with blood, yes.

        But the best evidence to date suggests that HIV is not passed on by kissing.

        However, other diseases can be passed on by kissing. Best to keep your kisses in the family or at least in a committed relationship!

        Sincerely, Rev. Donald Hill. Pentecostal Evangelist.

    • really?
      August 6, 2013

      that is wrong information;SEX is the MAIN way of contractinf HIV in Dominica but NOT the ONLY way.

      • September 30, 2013

        This is correct.

        In Canada there were people infected by blood tranfusions before they began screening those who offered to donate blood.

        Many drug users became infected by using a contaminated needle after somebody else.

        It pays to cultivate a healthy lifestyle by following the teachings of the Holy Scriptures. Those who live the faith have and almost zero HIV rating.

        If somebody has contacted the virus how they became infected is not the issue. At that point we should not be judgmental. We should reach out in love and help in any way we can.

        Progress is being made in the treatment of this disease. Some new and effective drugs are in the early stages of use with promising results.

        We are just beginning to see what faith in Christ can do for those afflicted with AIDS. There have been testimonies of healing. Babies born with the HIV virus have been healed through prayer and pronounced free of the virus.

        I invite you to visit my website and click onto ARTICLES. Then click onto the article `JESUS IS THE SAME TODAY`.

        Sincerely, Rev. Donald Hill. Pentecostal Evangelist. (A Bible deliverance ministry for spirit, soul, and body.)

  8. Lil Bo-Pip
    August 2, 2013

    I’m wondering, just wondering what Mr. Willie Fevrier have to say about this findings. Look up his opinion on Gay rights on DNO a few weeks ago. Sick people.

  9. Anonymous
    August 2, 2013

    keep it to you all selves dont give it to our ladies.

  10. Morihei Ueshiba
    August 2, 2013

    What happen? Nothing good happening in Dominica, people dying young, a prime minister who does so much … and loved by his christian people, Aids on the rise. Truth is hated, young people in crime, What is going on people? Is it the end of times or are we being punished for bad leaders! :cry:

    • Justice and Truth
      August 3, 2013

      One day it will hit you and others like a thunder bolt, fire and brimstones. People are becoming more godless which is why we are hearing and reading about those things. They are living their life, saying it is my life and my body as if they created it, depending on their own understanding and doing it their way. Let us see them die and stand before God for their judgment and tell him “I did it my way”. See where their souls will end up.
      As someone said, “When they stand before God for judgment, He will tell them, I will give you what you liked doing on this earth and whom you loved.”
      Read between the lines and comprehend this. They did not love God. They disobeyed him and did what they loved doing. They rejected him and his Commandments and what is contained in Holy Scriptures. Hell will be their lot forever where there is no turning back to make amends.

  11. jacqui
    August 2, 2013

    just as it is mandatory to have all imunize and have proper shots, same should be done in DA for HIV testing, at that moment dominican will be lightened up and use protection to save our country. and every visitors coming should be tested also to protect Dominica.

    • really n truely
      August 6, 2013

      every visitor tested? and if a visitor test positive what wil be do? deny entry? are u serious? we each have our personal responsibility

      • fyi
        August 26, 2013

        try entering states and other countries with HIV its impossible. They protect their country and pple in it why cant we do the same

  12. I Kno De Bizness
    August 2, 2013

    ..So..I hope all you kno some man have woman and bulling sigway….man always with der “padnas” all hours in de nite lol..& is not dem alone, some woman nasty too.Best all of all you just stop kokay left right and centre & just relax all you pu $$ y

  13. Honestly speaking
    August 2, 2013

    This makes no sense really and truly. I am not lashing out on anyone but i read most of the comments and to tell you the honest truth have of the comments about promoting the law is either from a gay person themselves or persons who have friends who are gay.

    Stop being naive and stupid, abolishing a law should not be the initiative to make persons and by that the gay society to protect themselves during sexual contact. Having the law or not should no allow persons to harm their self it doesn’t make sense and it is not realistic. Plus lets say that the law is removed against gays.Do you think it will change people personal opinion against gays? No! Also do you think it will make your family members (If you are gay) from not like your lifestyle? No! It doesn’t? And it also doesn’t change the fact that God said it is an abomination really! Really they can abolish the law and lets see if that will stop the spread of HIV among gays or men and we men! No it will not. Using protection is up to the individual and their sexual satisfaction! Also the law doesn’t stop a gay if infected by HIV to get treated, it doesn’t! If the gays are so bold to ask for a law to be abolished then why cant you guys take a bold step if infected and go treat yourself regardless what people have to say because you guys don’t care what people have to say regardless the fact. Everyone is an individual and is liable to take care of themselves, so lets stop blaming others for our carelessness that’s for every one women, men, gays, lesbians and bisexuals. Wake up and get to reality!

  14. Pomsiten
    August 2, 2013

    Francisco, you choose to be so myopic with your thoughts that to leave your statement of hate alone may be dangerous.
    Gay people do not have gay children, heterosexuals do.
    Homosexuality has always existed and the human race still increased.
    God made us the way that we are suppose to be and it is our challenge to live in harmony with others as we are.
    You may be the one that is a ‘tool of the devil’ as you seem to have HATE in your heart.

    • LuvNY
      August 5, 2013

      @ Pomstein leave God out of it. Isn’t that the only sin he destroyed two cities for? I don’t believe in discriminating against anyone BUT homosexuality is a CHOICE!!

  15. Tina Alexander
    August 2, 2013

    My experience in counselling is that men who have sex with men are more likely to protect themselves but when they have sex with women they do not. Women need to insist on protection even with their long term partners. Even if you are sure about your partner being faithful now , you cannot be sure about before. Using a condom also protects against other sexually transmitted diseases such as HPV which causes cancer. If you can’t be pure be responsible and if you can’t be responsible be selfish and USE PROTECTION

  16. jah knows star
    August 1, 2013

    So people really think , legalizing gay will reduce the spread of hiv aids. Really. You people must be losing your ll head. It seems like the word of god doesn’t mean nothing this days. Man does not have the power to go against the laws of god.

  17. opinion
    August 1, 2013

    i would like to ask two questions. Why should it be a top secret through out nations about who has HIV or the AIDS virus, and if someone is spreading the virus spitefully shouldn’t that be treated as a criminal offence seeing that AIDS takes lives?

  18. opinion
    August 1, 2013
  19. Shocke!
    August 1, 2013

    OMG!What! God help us! Time to Quarantine!

  20. August 1, 2013

    The high rate of AIDS among homosexual men exists in my own country (Canada) and many other places. I have written much about it but that is not the purpose of these comments.

    Not enough has been said in praise of health care professionals who work in the field of AIDS research, prevention, and treatment. Researchers and lab technicians who work behind the scenes along with doctors, nurses, and caregivers who have overcome whatever bias they may have once had and have risen above the stigma that is still out there are the unsung medical heroes of our day. :lol: I salute them!

    It may be that even the best scientific minds don’t know everything yet about AIDS. We do know that it is contacted from body fluids and is transmitted through sexual intercourse. But are there still things we don’t know about how it is spread? Possibly.

    When we hear of somebody we know having AIDS what is the first thought that comes into our minds? Is is “I wonder how he (she) got AIDS?” Actually, it’s none of our business. And if somebody tells us they are HIV positive we should never ask HOW they contacted the virus. We should only see a sick person in need of friendship and medical care. By speaking words of comfort and offering to help we can be part of the solution instead of the problem. It should make no difference if the person is straight or gay nor should we even think of their sexual “orientation” when we see another human being who is hurting or needs a helping hand.

    As I have said again and again I support the laws against homosexuality for all the reasons I have already stated. But when a person goes to be tested or treated for the HIV virus he or she should NOT have to worry about the law. What is said in a doctor’s office or clinic must NOT go any further. The government has no business in the medical offices of the nation! Laws need not – and must not – hinder a person involved in homosexual relationships from getting tested or receiving medical help. They should be assured that whatever they tell their health care professional is a confidential medical matter and will never become a legal matter.

    I am happy to learn of the progress that is being made in the treatment of AIDS, especially in the treatment of expectant mothers who are infected and have given birth to HIV free babies. Money spent on research and the great work that is being done is paying off! :-P

    Sincerely, Rev. Donald Hill. Pentecostal Evangelist.

    • Justice and Truth
      August 3, 2013

      Every one is entitled to medical care. However since you mentioned about ‘how it is spread’, the same organ they used to contract it in that area, it is the same organ that is used to spread it in that area. This is how people get aids. Today, they use condoms to avoid contracting it. The harm is already done throughout the world. Saliva is another cause.

    • alas
      August 3, 2013

      “The high rate of AIDS among homosexual men exists in my own country (Canada) and many other places. I have written much about it but that is not the purpose of these comments”. When you make these statements you need statistics to back it up. Give us the statistics

      • October 3, 2013

        This is not something that requires documentation.

        The high rate of AIDS among homosexual men in Canada and other places is a statement that is never challenged. It is well known to everybody
        who reads related items in the newspapers or watches such on T.V.

        If I had said what the rate of AIDS was – or given figures or percentages – I may have included documentation but even then it would not be necessary unless I was writing a thesis or a dissertation.

        The fact remains that although HIV is spread in different ways homosexual relationships – buggery in plain English – is the one single largest factor in the spread of AIDS. Because of the large number of sexual partners many individual homosexual men often have it is especially perilous. One “gay” man even after he tested positive continued to have unprotected sex in his travels across the U.S.A., and infected over 200 people.

        This is information we share – not to hurt anybody – but for the common good. There are dangers involved in the homosexual lifestyle and there is no such thing as truly “safe sex”, but
        obviously some protection is better than none.

        Our message to homosexuals is the same as it is to anybody else. We have all sinned. But God loves us in spite of our sins. Christ died for ALL the sins of the WHOLE world. God will forgive, deliver, and set free ALL who trust Christ and receive Him.

        The Bible says God lifts the beggar up from the dung hill and sets him among princes. Some of us (Christians) have been saved from terrible lives of sin. Now we want to tell the world…

        It is no secret what God can do,
        what He has done for others,
        He will do for you!

        I believe in a gospel of deliverance for spirit, soul and body.

        This why I am an evangelist. Unbelievers mock, and skeptics sneer, but as the dogs bark the old chariot rolls on!

        I invite you to visit my website and click onto ARTICLES. Read the article “Jesus is the Same Today”. Then click onto SERMONS. Listen to the sermon “The New Birth”.

        Sincerely, Rev. Donald Hill. Pentecostal Evangelist.

  21. Anonymous
    August 1, 2013

    Aids/ not even as surprising to me as of the GAY men in little Dominica…We all know that Aids is a contagious disease, and the best we can do is protect ourselves, but the act of beggary is not….what is gonna happen to out population? every one is migrating, and the few men left are turning to other men….what will become of the ladies….guess the sale of DILDO.. will go sky high…I need to open a SEX shop in DA…sorry I am just trying to save the human race…

    I doubt that all those men are gay… maybe out of curiosity…. an experimentation …? BUT THE SETUATION STILL REMAINS WHICH IS VERY SAD….WHEN WE HAVE TO THINK OF THE NEXT GENERATION…..HIV AIDS CHOSES NO ONE….

    • Justice and Truth
      August 3, 2013

      You cannot save anyone. However, trying saving yourself first. Only God can save the human race. You are encouraging sin, infidelity, promiscuity, prostitution, homosexuality and lesbianism.
      Stay away from Dominica. It is a Christian country. There are enough bad things happening there. Dominica does not need any sex shop. Please do not bring down and advance the wrath of God on Dominica and nationals. God is already angry and disappointed in the disobedient human race due to what is occurring in the country/land that he created
      If God decides that the world continues, He will create the next generation and He will take care of them. In the same manner He takes care of his faithful people amidst all immoralities.

    August 1, 2013


  23. something not right
    August 1, 2013

    I don’t believe that survey. DA have to many straight men spreading AIDS amoung young teenagers. Some of us young women are afriad to get our selves tested. Don’t blame the spreading of aids on gay men. Blame it on our greedy young men and young,who are afraid to work but love fast money.$500 with condom and $1000 without..Dat school children say.

  24. Anonymous
    August 1, 2013

    400 by 2or 3 , so u all know we r in deep problems in da and the world by extension. lets pray n help ourselves from being infected. married or not lets use protection

  25. Edge
    August 1, 2013

    The end is near the recent declarations makes it clear………..

  26. YES I
    August 1, 2013

    miriDOM take note!!!!!!!! Fight for GAY RIGHTS still,

    • MiRiDom
      August 1, 2013

      MiRiDom is fully aware of the HIV situation in Dominica, and are setting their programming to deal with the reality at hand. We believe that we need to reach out to dealing with the concerns that plague the LGBT community while asking them to be responsible with their sexual activity.
      It is difficult to deal with a group that is present in the the society but are invisible. reaching out to the Gay community is difficult as they are in hiding because of the intolerance dished out to them. This is one of the many reasons that MiRiDom had decided to take on (as one of it’s concerns) the homophobia that exists in Dominica.
      It is difficult to ask people to be responsible in the society when the society is not being responsible to them.

    • Dion
      August 1, 2013

      They should make a statement on the matter

    • August 25, 2016

      Right :!:

      Fight for gay ”rights”.

      Fight for their ”right” to bugger each other.

      Fight for their ”right” to continue spreading AIDS.

      Fight for the ”right” of the government to take money from tax payers to treat gay AIDS victims, and to build palliative care hostels for gay people dying with AIDS.

      Note: I am not implying that the governments should not be helping gay AIDS victims. I believe they should. I am simply pointing out that it would not be necessary if it were not for the practice of illicit sex
      of one form or another, the main one in this case being homosexuality.

      Sincerely, Rev. Donald Hill. Evangelist.

      Sincerely, Rev. Donald Hill. Evangelist.

  27. health
    August 1, 2013

    The saddest thing in Dominica is our children, the future of the country. These people prey on the young minds, especially if they are financially strained. They give them a little money, shoes, pants, hair does, and so on and don’t tell them they are sick. So here goes our young generation. Sin bring consequences. I didn’t say it. Go question the God who made heaven and earth and have warned us of our sinfulness.

    Even the older men who have been married for years, are sleeping with these young men and women. Sad future, this is not a joke. I am a Child of God, but even in the Catholic, and Christian churches, it is becoming an epidemic, with all types of sins.

    • Justice and Truth
      August 1, 2013

      The government must get serious about this. A Law should be enacted that if anyone knowingly have HIV and have sexual contact with another, as in the case of a child and woman, they should be arrested, charged and imprisoned for this illness is contagious and deadly. It is like a lifetime prison sentence for those who contract it. They will never be free of this illness. While in prison, they should be isolated.

      • December 31, 2013

        Justice and Truth:

        I totally agree with you!

        Anyone who KNOWS that he or she has HIV/AIDS and has sex (protected OR unprotected should be arrested and charged with whatever the court decides is appropriate. Laws differ from country to country.

        Anyone who knows he or he is positive and has UNPROTECTED sex should be arrested and charged with attempted murder if the partner does not become infected or murder if the person does become infected and dies.

        HIV/AIDS positive people have been known to spread the disease AFTER they have tested positive by having unprotected sex. This can be tried as a deliberate act for which the sick individual is responsible.

        One gay man who was an airline steward tested positive for HIV/AIDS. After he as informed that he was positive he continued to have unprotected sex until he infected over 200 other men across the country. How many other men did these men infect? How many of them were bi-sexuals who would infect prostitutes, girl friends, or even wives?

        What kind of person who knows they have HIV/AIDS continues to have sex, even unprotected sex?

        Homosexuals, bi- sexuals, Straight men infected by a woman, usually a prostitute… Prostitutes… These people are often void of any moral inhibitions to begin with. Added to this these individuals are driven by their own lust or a need for money in he case of prostitutes who often are desperate to get money for drugs, or to satisfy a pimp. Such people are frequently angry at the world.

        In several counties homosexual men are still the one single group with the highest percentage of HIV/AIDS victims. In the 1980’s when AIDS first appeared in the States homosexuals were the main spreaders of the disease and still are in many areas. This is no time for governments to consider decriminalizing buggery or – God help us – legalizing same sex “marriages”!

        Our governments need to wake up and accept their responsibilities by assuring that laws are in place to prosecute those who have tested positive for HIV/AIDS and have sex. These laws must be enforced. Those who are guilty should definately be taken out of circulation.

        It is not good enough if the accused says he or she told the partner of their positive status. There is no way of proving this. It is an argument they will all make. Nobody should be put at risk of being killed because they are foolish enough to take a chance.

        Governments that allow HIV/AIDES positive people to get away with knowingly placing lives at risk should be sued by the families that lose a loved one.

        Sincerely, Rev. Donald Hill, D.D., Pentecostal Evangelist.

    • anonymous
      August 2, 2013

      How do you know that people with AIDS are preying on young minds??? That was not in the story. How do we know these people KNOW they have AIDS? What we need is frequent testing and ALWAYS USE CONDOMS!!

  28. Justice and Peace!
    August 1, 2013

    :oops: :twisted: :mrgreen: :?: Leave these abominable to die and don’t treat them!Let them pay for their unatural ways! :oops: :twisted: :mrgreen: :?:

    • Anonymous
      August 1, 2013

      Wow….Justice and PEACE…’re such an intelligent man..I am impressed….

      • August 2, 2013

        Justice and Peace: I don’t like your attitude because it is not the gospel way.

        Informed Christians know certain types of behavior are sinful but St. Paul in the Epistle to the Romans said “Where sin abounded grace (unmerited favor and undeserved blessing) did much more abound.”

        The gospel is about a new beginning. Christ came to save, heal, deliver, and set men and women free. Christians are suppose to be HIS hands extended to lost, suffering, and dying men and women and HIS ambassadors speaking the word of reconciliation.

        We support AIDS research and thank God for the doctors and medical professionals who are providing treatment and care for both straight and gay AIDS victims.

        We will continue to share the gospel with all people. Regardless of their sexual orientation or lifestyle all are sinners in need of salvation and can be changed by God’s grace. The message Jesus gave still has power to save. God is still transforming lives today.

        People don’t have to pay for their sinful behavior. It has already been paid for by Christ’s death on the cross! Check out Romans 5:6-8. But they do have to believe. Remember John 3:16?

        Sincerely, Rev. Donald Hill. Pentecostal Evangelist.

    • anonymous2
      August 1, 2013

      HIV was made in a laboratory by the Pentagon as a biological warfare tool. using live virus’. They also use it for population control via vaccines. That is how HIV got into the populations. They started in Africa as an experiment to control overpopulation. Now the Africans run when they see these people coming with their vaccines.

    • Justice and Truth
      August 1, 2013

      I do not think God will be pleased with that. The earthly Law is, if it is possible they must be treated. God expects this.
      Those in the medical profession who treat them must be careful not to contract it, be it through saliva. Do not let them spit on you or touch you! God knows where they may put their hands, if you know what I mean. Especially while being treated, they should be given gloves for their hands. The latter is an afterthought.

      • Anonymous
        August 2, 2013


    • Anonymous
      August 2, 2013

      The sad thing is, because of ignoramus’ like you people that are not listed in that category would die also.

      • Justice and Truth
        August 6, 2013

        How many annoymous’ comment on this Website? “Justice and Peace” is not “Justice and Truth” and vice versa. Those who comment on this Website should try not to use a similar name.
        You made an error and directed your comment under my comment. Read the name carefully and know who commented.
        Those who call people ignorant for stating the truth of what could happen if others are not careful, are the ones who are ignorant.
        HIV is a deadly disease. It is not only earthly deadly, the homosexual practice and giving it to others is spiritually deadly.
        Those who do not comprehend this or fail to comprehend it are living in mortal and spiritual ignorance. One day they will find out that what was stated is the truth.

  29. Evolved
    August 1, 2013

    keep in mind that as a population becomes more informed and more people get tested, HIV positive cases are likely to increase. Prior to such stigma and fear many people refrained from getting tested. The recent figures may be revealing the true picture but does not necessarily indicate a spike in infections.

    What is laughable is that the very people that are against the abolishment of the law against buggery are the very ones that are within harms way. The more people are forced to hide, the more dangerous it is to the overall society. Dominican men regardless of sexual preference are forced to have girlfriends. When they are in a relationship they are forced to have sex, which invariably is unprotected hence increased infections – of the innocent as well as children being born with the risk of transmission from mother to baby.

    So you see in the final analysis the upkeep of the law is quite possibly to the detrement of the society at large.

    Who then will have the last laugh??

    • orchid
      August 1, 2013

      What are you saying really? Say what I suspect you really want to say. Reading between the lines helped me understand what you are actually saying.

    • August 2, 2013

      You forgot to mention that the increase of child abuse in Dominica will contribute tremendously to the AIDS virus in Dominica. That is why government needs to enact laws that will protect our innocent children from predators looking for meat to eat. Some men know that they are HIV positive and they deliberately sexually abuse little children thus destroying the future leaders of our beautiful country. The punishment for child sexual abuse does not fit the crime and damage done to the victim.

    • Natiwel
      August 2, 2013

      I have never heard this one before. Evolved, who is ‘forcing’ who to have ‘girlfriends’ and have ‘sex’?

  30. Anonymous
    August 1, 2013

    A list should be published….of both MEN AND WOMEN…not a matter of disrespect but, to control the spread…and I am not saying DOMINICA ONLY….and jail time for those who are aware that they are infected but have unprotected sex with their partner….

    • Hmmmmm
      August 2, 2013

      No list should be published. People need to take responsibility for their actions and stop sleeping with people with no protection. And even people in long term relationships should get tested annually during their regular check ups. Just saying.

    • I'm Just Saying
      August 2, 2013

      stop talking rubbish!

  31. Massacre
    August 1, 2013

    Men should not have sex with men. Its un-natural

  32. Activist
    August 1, 2013

    Hence the reason why the law needs to be removed, in other for MSM’s (men who have sex with men) to access treatment and care. To much stigma and discrimination towards persons with same sex orientation and gender identity when they attempt to access health care in Dominica. Nurses are to homophobic and causes individual to turn away and not access such care.

    Decriminalizing the law doesn’t mean that 2 men is going to be intimate in the heart of Roseau. Decriminalizing the law is to enable these individuals to take charge of there sexual health and be free to access such care without being discriminated against.

    • -_-
      August 1, 2013

      fada roll out..

    • orchid
      August 1, 2013

      The law as it exists does NOT prevent people from protecting themselves from getting sick. They know what they should do when they decide to cohabit. All they have to do is to follow the advice of the experts who have been extending themselves year after year telling, and encouraging everyone about the ways and means available to take care of themselves and avoid getting sick. Don’t they read the news, listen to the nurses, doctors and people working in the aids unit? Come on; They can do better.

      • Pissed
        August 2, 2013

        Utter Rubbish!

    • Pissed
      August 2, 2013

      Utter Rubbish!! Yall MSM just make me sick! Yall Just Neeessty!!

  33. Francisco Telemaque
    August 1, 2013

    In a way that might be good thing, eventually all the homosexuals will be eliminated by their own will!

    Thus, all heterosexual will be left, and no one will have to seek homosexual rights, and the heterosexual will continue to do as God ordained it; to be fruitful, and multiply, giving birth to children to occupy this earth.

    If God allows the homosexual way, there will be no birth of little girls, and heterosexual boys. The world will become barren of humans, and so God may have allowed this disease in order to rid his world of homosexuals, and lesbians.

    Remember a woman cannot get another woman pregnant, neither can a man impregnate another man! Think about it, if only homosexuals existed, human life simply disappear from this earth.

    We have recorded instances where the aids virus has been past from woman to woman also, perhaps sooner than we think we will no longer have to worry about those who practice homosexuality. Days ago the so called bishop of Rome, the man they called some pope said he does not have a problem with homosexual.

    That man is a tool of Satan, the devil. He condones homosexuality, while pretending to represent God!

    How can this be when God destroyed tow cities historically because of this homosexual filth?

    Francisco Etienne-Dods Telemaque

    • Kumasi boy from Wesl
      August 2, 2013

      What can I say? Simply embarrassing to read your comments. Pause before writing may be a good strategy or simply write, read and delete.

    • Justice and Truth
      August 2, 2013

      Francisco, “Love the sinner, hate the sin.” This is the Law of God. Nevertheless, we should not pacify them and encourage them. We must speak the truth but do not hate them or harm them.
      Whenever you hear and read certain matters as relayed through the Media, you must think and weigh them. Do not take everything as Gospel Truth.
      The reporter asked the Pope this question so as to trick him. If the Pope replied that he hated them and that their actions are evil, etc., you would have heard the outcry, judgment and condemnation. There would have been no end to it. The Pope is not stupid. He is a compassionate man of dignity. He responded just as God wanted him to respond, inspired by the Holy Spirit.
      The Pope did not embrace homosexuals as was reported by American, Canadian and European and other Media. His words were taken out of context. In other words, they were misconstrued and misinterpreted. This is to be expected of those Media who also distort and exaggerate spoken words, making everything to be a mountain out of a molehill. They do this for publicity, status, promotion and higher salary. I bet that reporter could not wait to have the Pope’s reply broadcasted. God knew his mind. He will pay for it some day.
      I thought, one day, certain members of the Media will answer to God for their type of reporting which stirs up trouble and create lack of peace among people as they incite them to a war of words, discord, animosity and enmity. Note what you have stated about the Pope without fully comprehending what he stated.
      When listeners and readers hear and read this, they fall in line with these Media who lead them astray into wrongful thinking and accusations.
      The Church is God’s Consecrated House. They are welcome in the Church and can sit anywhere in the pews on condition they are not disruptive. If they are, they will be asked to leave. If need be, the Police will be called to put them out and arrest them for disrespect and disturbing the peace.
      If they are practicing homosexuals, they cannot receive the Sacraments for they are not in good standing with the Church; likewise other men and women, the laity, who do not live a Christian-like life, if the Priests know about it.
      Since we are to pray for sinners, all those who call themselves Christians must also pray for them that God may change them. I foresee this will not occur soon, if it ever does. Nevertheless, we must never give up. If everyone worshipped God, prayed and live a godly life, we would not be experiencing evil in the world. Our hearts would be godly loving and peaceful. Think of this also when you judge and condemn Pope Francis.
      God converts and saves. If they give up their lifestyle, repent, make sacrifices, God who knows hearts and if they are sincere will save them. This goes for each and everyone of us. God detests sins which highly offend him. However, he is an impartial God. Every one will receive their just recompense as each one deserves.

    • peace
      August 2, 2013

      You are saying HIV/AIDs is God’s wrath upon homosexuals.

      But the only sexual groups who do NOT get infected by sexual acts are Lesbians and the celibate.

      Does that really make sense to you?

    • Pissed
      August 2, 2013

      They are also affecting the heteros.

      • Justice and Truth
        August 3, 2013

        Some wives and some husbands contracted it from each other.

    • Pissed
      August 2, 2013

      They are also infecting the heteros..therefore heteros are being eliminated as well! This is frightening

  34. AA
    August 1, 2013

    thats why it need to be legalized so men and women can come out of the closet and not live a double life

    • Farmer Boii
      August 1, 2013

      Most of the known homosexuals around DA have never been prosecuted…….. Granted we don’t see them in the act( nor are we interested in seeing). They are NOT hiding in any closet and it is illegal.

      An illegal activity by this group (MiriDom) and groups of individuals is playing an active role in the increase of HIV/AIDS in DA.
      These people are helping to destroy our Island and doing it by conducting illegal activities, not prosecuted, not serving hard time but we want to make it legal on paper.
      Why are we even talking about this when we don’t take the necessary legal actions that are within our rights, our Laws to protect our Nation?

      You want to be intimate in the heart of Roseau while hiding in your closet, sa se ou!

      Don’t expect us NOT to be Homophobic when you breaking the law all over the land ( in d heart of Roseau too), not using protection, running away from Health care Services because of your own insecurities and being forcing your lifestyle on us.

      When you turn away from making a positive impact on the people and blaming the people for your selfish ego, the people will Destroy you.

      Did you see the amount of Herb them boys burn today? Lets talk about legalizing Marijuana instead.
      You never know……….. It may just be the cure for HIV/AIDS.

      • Zeb Gwa
        August 2, 2013

        As I understand it the gay groups are the ones who are assisting the Ministry of health to collect data so that they could be better aware of the HIV transmission on the island. Groups like MiriDom and CHAP should be thanked for helping to deal with the situation. As I understand it from a Ministry of Health official MiriDom and CHAP are the ones helping them to deal with the situation.
        I Just thought that you should know this.

    • possie
      August 1, 2013

      what legalizing this abomination have to do with anything? i believe thats when the virus is goin to spead even more… stop with all you nast you ways!!!

      • kumasi boy of Wesley
        August 2, 2013

        It’s ironic that we are commemorating emancipation yet folks don’t seem to pause, before forming an opinion- and worse, expressing it.
        Many of life’s virtues were once illegal or considered an abomination… folks, it’s time to move on from being so provincial… We need to emancipate ourselves from mental slavery!!!

    • Bugging Traffic
      August 1, 2013

      @AA, what kind of Ambassador are you?

    • Justice and Truth
      August 3, 2013

      I wish you were godly enlightened. Let them remain in the closet. We know that their action is intrinsically evil. It does no good to anyone. It is their act and they should keep it to themselves, not expect the world to embrace them, applaud them and encourage them.
      Do you see married people going around saying they want to be accepted? Or single people doing likewise?
      Why do they want to contaminate the world any further? Woe to them and people like you who are on their side!

  35. PAC
    August 1, 2013

    Having “well structured treatment and care program,” is one thing how are we going to convience people to get tested? They think just because they’re “healthy” they don’t have aids. People this is serious WE need to get tested. When I go for my yearly physical I ask my Doctor to test me for everything under the sun because one never knows.

  36. Anonymous
    August 1, 2013

    MiriDom……..I hope allu hearing.

  37. spicegirl
    August 1, 2013

    The fact of the matter is the men who are having sex with men are hiding behind the women because they don’t want people to know and so our women are getting infected unaware. Ladies married or not protect all you self.

  38. grell
    August 1, 2013


  39. Slim2on1
    August 1, 2013

    Aids is one of the punishment from God to help eliminate this nastiness in our society. The Sad thing is when this gay me pretend to be straight and sleep with women. Keep your nattiness to yourself and reap what you sow.

    • Rastafari
      August 1, 2013

      8-O …and your source for blaming God is…? Does your bible not say that God is good? Why is he being blamed on something Satan created? 8-O I need proof that God did it, please! You all are so confused!

      • Slim2on1
        August 1, 2013

        He destroyed Sodom and Gomora right?

    • Evolved
      August 1, 2013

      Wow – who died and made you God’s right hand to know what is a punishment from God. Be careful that you are not punished for your harsh judgment of people. What will be your judgment? Have you thought about that?

      • Slim2on1
        August 2, 2013

        I will face my judgment for what I’ve done but not for homosexuality. It is immoral to the highest degree and any God loving person should condemn this.

      • Justice and Truth
        August 3, 2013

        God destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah because of homosexuality practice. It is in the Holy Bible. We did not make it up.
        God will punish the world again because of homosexuality. Genuine practicing, well-learned and enlightened Christians are fully aware of that.
        If you are one of them, repent and submit to God before it is too late for you.

    • Pas La
      August 1, 2013

      Slim2on1, consider yourself the idiot of the day?

      • Slim2on1
        August 2, 2013

        Thanks. You should be proud to be so intelligent. The bible say it’s wrong so that’s my belief. If you don’t believe it that’s your choice. It is wrong and unnatural so it will be eliminated by the will of God. Peace be with you sister

      • Justice and Truth
        August 3, 2013

        You are the idiot. You lack common sense to know the difference between right from wrong. We should be extremely angry with you and people like you. :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:

    • Justice and Truth
      August 3, 2013

      It is a scourge which will never be cured. There is no cure for AIDS HIV; never will be. This is what homosexuality has wrought upon the world.

  40. Hmmmmm
    August 1, 2013

    People, protect yourselves! AIDS has no face. It don’t care if you are young or old, pretty or ugly, rich or poor. In this day and age where all pharmacy and shops selling condoms why are we so careless with ourselves? Smh

  41. Hmmmm....
    August 1, 2013

    And they talking about legalizing it in Dominica, the funny thing is most of these men still have female sex pardners too and then these females have straight male sex pardners out there. This world is just unfair. I hope this info be made more public, Still watching.

    • Anonymous
      August 1, 2013

      Ummm you do know it’s ‘partners’ right…and not ‘pardners’…otherwise your comment is on point

    • My2Sense
      August 1, 2013

      Many of these gay men with female partners keep females partners because it’s the normal thing for a healthy man to do. A grown man not seen to be interested with women is definitely abnormal and you’d be asking for further scrutiny into your life.

      So these men bypass scrutiny by having girl friends for the sake of the public. But they’re on the “down low” and sleep with men… some of them sleep are quite promiscuous and may sleep with more than one man at a time.

      Some of these men they sleep with may be out in the open with they’re gayness and may even have sex with men for money. These guys may have sexual practices that are not as strict as the “down low” men and so condoms are not necessarily required.

      So this is how AIDS spreads so wildly from the Gay community to the rest of society.

      The sad thing is that legalizing buggery won’t change anything for the gays or society as a whole. The stigma against gay and lesbian individuals would still prevail in our society and so gay men will continue to see each other behind closed doors and they will continue to hide their gayness.

      • Justice and Truth
        August 3, 2013

        There are good people and bad people in the world. The good and godly number in the billions. They will never accept them. The entire world will never accept them. They will cause the downfall of the human race. Governments/politicians of those countries that legalized it are too foolish. They have placed their souls at stake for all eternity.

    • Justice and Truth
      August 3, 2013

      Celibacy. It may be God’s intention. This is what I hope the world is coming to. Otherwise, humanity will be destroyed and eliminated sooner than it should be, caused by homosexuality and AIDS HIV.

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