Universal Health Coverage explored at consultation

Timothy said government has embraced the idea of universal health care
Timothy said government has embraced the idea of universal health care

A one-day national consultation on Universal health Coverage (UHC) took place in Dominica on Friday during which a number of stakeholders gathered at the old APU building at the Princess Margaret Hospital to participate.

Speaking at Friday’s opening ceremony Minister of Health Julius Timothy said that several factors have to be in place to achieve UHC.

“To achieve Universal Health Coverage several factors must be in place including a strong, efficient well rounded system, a needs priority list through people centered integrated care, a system for financing health services so people do not suffer financial hardship when using them, access to medicines and technologies to help treat those with medical problems, sufficient capacity of well trained motivated health workers to provide the services to meet patients needs,” he stated.

According to him the government of Dominica embraces the concept of UHC as it has an impact on the population.

“Access to health services enables people to be more productive and active contributors to their families and communities. It also ensures that children can go to school and learn,” he stated. “At the same time, financial risk protection prevents people from being pushed into poverty when they have to pay for health services out of their own pockets. UHC is thus a critical component of sustainable development and poverty reduction a key element in the effort to reduce social inequities in Dominica.”

Timothy pointed out further that UHC is a hallmark of government’s commitment to improve the wellbeing of all its citizens.

“We will shift from care that is patient centered to care that is people centered. Strong health systems are the key to UHC,” he noted. “Dominica has built a strong health system based on the principles of primary health care namely social justice, affordability, social participation, multi-sectoralty, accessibility, responsive to people’s health needs and government responsibility.”

He added further that Dominica’s health services are predominantly financed by the government since there is no system of social insurance and a few people have private health insurance.

“Government has recognized the need for health financing reforms. We will play close attention to WHO’s recommendation for health financing levers to move closer to the Universal Health coverage which lie in three interrelated areas; raising funds for health, reducing financial barriers to access through pre payment and subsequent pooling of funds in preference to direct out of pocket payments and allocating or using funds in a way that promotes efficiency and equity.”

A national Pharmaceutical policy and plan of action has been developed by the Ministry of Health with assistance from PAHO to ensure equitable access to and rational use of high quality essential medicines and medical supplies at an affordable cost.

Universal Health coverage ensures that all people have access to quality medical services at an affordable cost.


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  1. July 7, 2014

    Who or how is that gonna pay for.Good idea but explain to the people of Dominica where the money is coming from.Learn from the Obama care.lol.

  2. anonymous2
    July 7, 2014

    National health care or universal care will lower the standard of medicine already practiced here. Wake up. If you think that PMH is bad now…….just wait until this comes down What kind of tax base does DA have for this. Taxes are already too high. There is no taxing the poor. Do you think that the well off want to subsidize the poor? I doubt it.
    This is another no win proposition just like ObamaCare.

  3. 1979
    July 6, 2014

    “cracks fingers” –

    “He added further that Dominica’s health services are predominantly financed by the government since there is no system of social insurance and a few people have private health insurance.”

    1. this is 2014 minister timothy..don’t you find it high time that the “Social security scheme” be tied into health services in Dominica?? as this scheme “had” money to invest, REMEMBER?? I dont think I need to detail my reference, which i think should be common knowledge to all of us sir.. the better “investment” I think would have been in securing capital to make other investors interested in having a stake in said investment, which we are now speaking of…

    but i understand Mr. Minister… where we now require leadership which will allow us to thrive in the positions we are placed, all we get is autocracy…and one failed attempt after another…


    while we are talking about stakeholders….i find it would have been prudent to perhaps make known “who holds those stakes”… ?? maybe?? perhaps?? i don’t know…im jus’t thinking out loud…

  4. Francisco Telemaque
    July 6, 2014

    ” sufficient capacity of well trained motivated health workers to provide the services to meet patients needs,” he stated.”

    When politicians such as Timothy opens their mouth to speak, the garbage they spew, they believe everybody is so dumb, so uninformed that we will believe the nonsense they disgorged. To try to impress people that well trained medical professionals are key to Universal Health Care is nothing more than a myth!

    Nothing more than a parcel of decaying baloney: The most important fact, is how is it going to be financed!

    Timothy is not informed on the subject as he attempt to fool himself with his own wishful thinking. With that said I would like to inform Timothy that the only way Universal Health Care can be accomplished in Dominica is by taxation; for when we start thinking of such health care, we must first know how it is going to be paid for; and the only way it is paid for internationally, is via taxation of the citizens of their respective country’s. You cannot run to China or Venezuela to borrow money to pay for such a program, nor can you seek handouts in order to pay for the program, the money have to be raised from the people of our country.

    DNO, this might be a bit lengthy, however, you indulgence is solicited.

    In Canada, all citizens, and none citizens well receive health coverage through “Medicare” yet there is no single Canadian health system rather; each province in Canada is responsible for providing care within its boarders, according to a broad set of principals laid out in the Canada health act, in accordance with any intergovernmental funding agreement.

    Medically necessary hospital and physician services are fully covered across provinces, although there are variations in prescription drugs, and home care. In Canada the Medicare is financed through general taxation, much of which is distributed by the Federal Government to the provinces through transfer payments, responsibility for financing, and delivering health care is therefore divided between two levels.

    Most doctors operate in private practice, and are paid on a fee-for-service basis. It is important to note, that although Universal Health Care is not yet established in the United States, we do have a Medicare, Medical (medymedy) health program which is similar to what is spoken of in Canada.

    Health care in England is provided to all residence through the National Health Services, including hospital and physician services, and prescription drugs. The NHS in England is financed primarily through general taxation, and requires very little patient cost sharing, mainly for outpatient prescription drugs, dental care, and optometry care. What is important to note here is that Universal Care comes with a price, and whereas, Timothy is on a hype, babbling in time for election, you need to detail to the people that such advances in the care of our citizens will not come cheap!

    A review of the medical system in France, Germany, New Zealand, Australia, and other places in Europe where people enjoy that type of medical system pays for it via taxation of the citizens of their individual country.

    Francisco Etienne-Dods Telemaque

    • The Facts
      July 7, 2014

      You have businesses in California. You probably could help fund it, as a donation to your beloved Dominica.

    • anonymous2
      July 7, 2014

      And most Dr.s are not taking Medicare and Medicaid patients because they don’t get paid enough.

    July 5, 2014

    Am very surprise and discourage that not a single comment or recommendation has been delivered on this major development. This is a step in the right direction and I want to commend the promoters on this major mile stone.

  6. The Facts
    July 5, 2014

    I endorse national health care for everyone. However, what do you mean by Universal Health Coverage? Even though WHO has spoken to you about a health care for nationals and it is being considered, hopefully to be implemented sometime, why is it not called (Dominica’s) National Health Care or some other appropriate name?
    Why UHC? Universal means worldwide and an amalgamation with other health care systems of the world on the same level they operate; not only the Caribbean. Let us use the word in its right context. Are you calling this new proposed health care for Dominica “universal?” I am puzzled.
    Countries pay for their own health care system through taxpayers’ funds. They do not call it UHC. Each country/province has a name for its health care system.
    This H.C.S. of those countries appears free but in effect it is not free. This is another reason why taxes are high in those countries and are ever increasing. We get nothing for nothing. There are times, the government in its quest for cutting costs, close some hospital sections.
    Health care is expensive and as everything else it gets more expensive annually. My suggestion is to consider business owners and employed nationals paying a nominal fee for this health care through their payroll system. This would assist the funding, if only by a small amount which would help. Consider over the years how financially beneficial it would prove. If ever Dominica becomes self-sufficient, then this fee could eventually be eliminated.

    • July 7, 2014

      That’s a common term in public policy discourse for a healthcare system that covers all of the residents of a country, as anyone with even a cursory familiarity with this issue well knows.

  7. Health is important
    July 5, 2014

    A commendable idea. They must also get the insurance companies to lower their rates and T &Cs.

  8. Morihei Ueshiba
    July 5, 2014

    Why not adopt a healthy lifestyle with exercise and proper diet instead of making people spend money in a system for those who don’t take care of there health?

    • Francisco Telemaque
      July 7, 2014

      That is the most stupid comment I have read on DNO since its existence, of twenty years or just a little bit less! I know you are not a foolish person, so I even fail to see how you manage to deduce that.

      Francisco Etienne-Dods Telemaque

  9. John Paull
    July 4, 2014

    Sounds to me the govt. Will be collecting more money from the citizens as if 15% vat on everything was not enough

  10. AnodtoUHC
    July 4, 2014

    The need for health insurance cannot be overstated. This consultation is a first step that is long overdue. Just last week a neighboring islander and I were discussing the need for such an insurance at the OECS level since our populations are so small. With a sub regional focus we could have a greater pool and thereby come up with more competitive rates and/or attract insurers from without. I’m not sure what is the current situation within the other islands as regards health insurance but I think this idea needs to be explored. Naturally each island will need to look at its own set of needs.

  11. There you have it
    July 4, 2014

    Well, one gets the impression that the DLP Government is trying very hard to gain back the trust of the people, which is fast waning. To talk about universal health care is all well and good, but to implement it is quite another.

    Seems to me, the minister of health is trying to respond to the scathing criticisms of the health services by Dr. Pascal, no less.

  12. real possie
    July 4, 2014

    Yep they Ka Twavay that’s what am talking about we lead and the rest of the Caribbean will follow, can bet soon you will hear other islands will be doing the same thing.

    • real possie
      July 7, 2014

      DNO what about my one-liner that u choose to not let it in it seems if I say one word it speaks a book LOL.

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