Sick of crisis, Venezuelans line up to recall Maduro

Anti-government demonstrators gather to sign a form to activate the referendum on cutting President Nicolas Maduro's term short, in Caracas on April 27, 2016 (AFP Photo/Federico Parra)
Anti-government demonstrators gather to sign a form to activate the referendum on cutting President Nicolas Maduro’s term short, in Caracas on April 27, 2016 (AFP Photo/Federico Parra)

Venezuelans lined up to seek a recall referendum against President Nicolas Maduro, exasperated with a grinding crisis that has paralyzed government offices five days a week and triggered rolling blackouts.

A day after Maduro announced his latest drastic measures to tackle power shortages in the recession-hit country, the opposition on Wednesday began gathering signatures for an official petition to launch a referendum.

Citizens queued up to sign, voicing anger at Maduro over a crisis that has led to power outages for four hours a day in most of the country, exacerbating an already disastrous economic implosion.

“I came to sign it to end this anarchy,” said Miriam Leal, 54, in eastern Caracas.

“We don’t have medicine, work, education, and on top of that there is the electricity problem.”


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  1. Kingdom Connections
    May 3, 2016

    Dominicans are people who WERE never satisfied, who ARE never satisfied and who NEVER will be satisfied with their Government Leaders and structure NO matter who it is and that’s the Curse OF DEMON- CRACY.

    It has caused us to have ELECTIONS for five years after a Government has won and caused DIVISIONS in the country. GOD never created voting systems.

    A warning to Christians in Dominica, NEVER TAKE PART IN POLITICS, those who do turn bitter like the WORLD. We are people of the Lamb of GOD, our Kingdom is not of this world.

  2. Reasoning
    May 2, 2016

    These foolish ideological politicians are destroying their countries with a politics of hate and division.Chavez and his rogue regime squandered his country’s oil resource monies trying to win foolish allies like skerrit who is just a little hungry beggar boy,instead of using the monies in good investments that would bring economic development to the country and its people.When a leader uses its capital income to buy other rogue leaders,by make believe he’s a good man.A country with oil resource cannot sustain its energy sector,how can they make life better for another country by promising cheap oil which we never saw or benefitted from.I am one who never believed or swallow such lies.I’ve always said to some people,those Petro Caribe tanks at Belfast has to stand there empty one day.Evil governance can never stand for long.

  3. April 29, 2016

    We must also ask what part is the US playing in this crisis in Venezuela? With all this crisis Venezuela is still a wealthy country, so the problem might just be external interference. If the caricom countries had the guts to stand up to the US banking act we would be in the same position.

      April 29, 2016

      Ask Skerrit. Ask him

    • Dante Jones
      April 29, 2016

      The US sent agents named Nicolas Maduro, Diosdado Cabello , Cilia Flores among others to misuse the country’s funds and continue the tirade of insane pllicies that the original secret agent Hugo Chavez set in motion. All these US based agents are part of a wide network of western influence that includes names like Fidel Castro and Che Guevera, who’s main aim is to destabilize any country that tries to go against the US.

    • anonymous2
      April 30, 2016

      It isn’t about the US. It is about the poverty in Venezuela under the dictatorship. The election wasn’t fair. Maduro was chosen as Chavez’ successor, but not by the people. As for banking, the World Bank runs the bankers cartel, which also encompasses the IMF and the the Federal Reserve and the Central Banks are offshoots. They are all under corporation control and the Vatican is at the head.

    • April 30, 2016

      I agree the U.S. is far too meddlesome in general, and that in particular other countries should have soundly rejected their pressure to cripple our own financial services industries.

      But Venezuela’s problems are squarely the fault of the Chavez/Maduro regime. Margaret Thatcher famously remarked that the problem with socialism is that you eventually run out of other people’s money, and Venezuela’s woes are proof positive of that.

  4. April 29, 2016

    I always say that we a populace is tired of a bad regime or government, changes will come. The Venezuelans are now tired of the Maduro style leadership

  5. April 28, 2016

    If I was President Maduro, Iwould have decided long ago that Venezuela is not my private country and if I do not have the peoples support then I would not depend on the military to stay in power. The power truly belongs to the people.

  6. kranana
    April 28, 2016

    That’s how Skerrit want to bring Dominica

  7. eat em
    April 28, 2016

    Have we sent these people any help? Their tax dollars was being used for political purposes; same as is being done in the Red Clinic. “Every dog has its day.” :twisted:

  8. Fact
    April 28, 2016

    It’s amazing that these are the leaders that Skerrit aligns himself with. Now with economic sanctions in effect targeting Maduro for human rights violations against protesters, the country is sinking deeper into poverty and chaos.

  9. Dell
    April 28, 2016

    We would like to know how much money does the national petroleum companies owned by various Caribbean ALBA countries owe Venezuela PDVSA. Current and future accounts.

  10. Sweet Red Roses
    April 28, 2016

    What about the late Hugo Chavez’s billionaire daughters? It’s reported that they have billions stash in banks.

  11. AAGabriel
    April 28, 2016

    That’s what we need to do in Dominica and we need to do it fast because time is running out.

  12. Olvaston
    April 28, 2016

    Dominica next in line!

  13. April 28, 2016

    Coming soon to a movie house near you. The voice of the People is the voice of GOD!

    • Face the Facts
      April 29, 2016

      It all depends what type of voice of the people. God is a God of peace. The Voice of God wants all people to be obedient, live in peace and not stir up trouble against their fellow people, namely the government.
      Some of you mention the Most Holy Name of God in vain. It is obvious that you know nothing about God and what He taught. You should know, everything we say and do is either written in the Book of Life or Book of Damnation.
      Hebrews 12:14 – Penalties of Disobedience – Strive for peace with everyone, and for that holiness without which no one will see the Lord.

  14. Shaka Zulu
    April 28, 2016

    House of cards. It was just a matter of time. I feel sorry for the people. Some of us are not surprised. We have been calling out this bad economic policies. Dominica will soon face the music for its irratic and incoherent. Economic policy that is focused on nothing else but making the pm feel loved. No commonsense, no sustainability no plan for growth. You cannot buikd a welfare system on borrowed money or a single market economy. Government cannot be the sole generator of economic growth. Those incharge want to claim division and blame others. Our production and export is way below anemic and should be in the ICU. We cannot even full a liat per day with tourist yet we building imaginary Hotels every day. Who does not hear will feel. I hope the people of La point wise up and teach these ALBA dumies who is incharge. For once people, show me we are not lost.

  15. WhatIsDominican
    April 28, 2016

    WE have to come like that first before we open our eyes and see?

    • A
      April 29, 2016

      I hope it will not come to that. But again with that man at the top how know.

  16. viewsexpressed
    April 28, 2016

    Good for you Venezuelans, it is overtime, should have taken to the streets when Chavez was there. He with Caribbean leaders ripped and drained your oil money and now you all are in deeeeep poverty and Skerrit cannot help all you. My Brother Chavez, My Brother Skerrit etc …etc …etc- bull was the rhyme for years. Now he has left you all in poverty and Skerrit gone to USA rather than Venezuela. Guess all now know who your friends are? They have betrayed you all. Your oil money used for corrupt campaigning of elections.

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