Dominica to deepen bilateral relations with Africa

The continent of Africa
The continent of Africa

Prime Minister Roosevelt Skerrit has said his administration will continue to collaborate with a number of African countries in international arrangements as a means of guaranteeing economic stability and solidarity for Dominica.

The Prime Minister made the remark when he addressed an activity to observe African Liberation Day earlier this week.

He noted that in the new period of globalization, his Government has had the honor to work together with a number of African countries in the context of several international arrangements.

“We work together within the non- alliance movement, we co-operate within the context of African Caribbean and Pacific countries(ACP), we work together with the United Nations and its affiliated institutions, we work together within the context of the British Commonwealth of nations and La Francophonie,” he revealed. “We speak with one voice within the context of numerous treaties, international movements and global issues such as the environment, trade and development aid.”

The Prime Minister said that small countries like Dominica face similar issues with African States such as access to bananas on the European Market.

The Prime Minister noted that while geographic distance, communication issues and the arrangements of international air travel pose challenges, Dominica, through regional arrangements, will continue to explore and deepen bi-lateral relations with the African Union and the people of Africa.

“When we speak of unity and solidarity with Africa, this is not an exercise in abstraction; we at the level of Government are engaged with Africa in various ways and contexts. There are many issues that unite us,” he said.

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  1. Malatete
    May 24, 2013

    PS. I notice that the map of Africa, accompanying Tarnia Green’s article apparently shows the Western Sahara as a seperate territory, distinct from Morocco, which claims it as its own. I don’t know if this was done deliberately but there will be a stink about this should the Moroccans notice this political “faux pas” by a country, which alligned itself with them re. their territorrial claims. Oh dear!

    • Hype
      May 26, 2013

      Well, it’s Western Sahara which Morocco has claimed, still technically in dispute, like Bird Island.

  2. Faceup
    May 24, 2013

    Africans on a whole is all about money, religion and war, don’t like D.A having any thing to do with them. We in this world live in a different age. Can you imagine they coming in to marry five Dominican wives to serve them cause they have money. Plizzzzz !

  3. rastafarian minded
    May 24, 2013

    Mr PM,can you please paint your picture with smaller bristles, than this broad roller you used in your address. Humbly specify which African nation or nations, types of agreements to be pursued and most imporatant what are the benefits for all Dominicans, or is this just EMPTY UTTERANCES?

  4. Rastafari
    May 24, 2013

    Go and read Marcus Garvey’s “Africa for the Africans” and you all will learn something worth knowing about yourselves, your history and Africa. Some of you want to be possessed by the EU countries. Read and understand how the EU sucked us dry of our natural resources like they have been doing to Africa for many centuries. Man, you guys are unbelievable! Perpetual slaves in the making! Some of you say that native Africans don’t like us (African descendants), true…reason…they have been brainwashed to the same capacity and extent as we have. The entire global cabal rapes Africa to feed their burning desire for world domination and you people talk down on the Bread Basket of the World! What a shameful and disgraceful race we are! I hope allu Jesus comes soon and save allu from your selves! Welcome to H3ll, Dominica!

    • Malgraysa
      May 24, 2013

      Rastafari, I get your drift but the painful reality is that our brothers fleeing from Africa are mostly heading for the EU countries. Every day we hearing about boats crossing the Mediterranean with refugees from Africa, even being smuggled Lybia into Italy and through Morocco into Spain with loss of life. So many black bodies washing up on the shore. It is not Africa they are going to, but running away from, to Europe, voluntarily, away from their own African despots, who’s forefathers sold our slave forefathers down the river to European traders from the same countries our brother now are so desperate to reach. That is the ugly reality Rastafari. We need to liberate our people in Africa first from their own leaders before anything else.

    • Country Man
      May 24, 2013

      China is now doing its share of exploiting Africa resources – from one master to another.

  5. Bounty
    May 24, 2013

    Africa has been depressed for a long time but our people are beginning to find themselves. Look at this little fellow:

  6. Bounty
    May 23, 2013

    Whether you like it or not we are all Africans. It was tume we established formal ties with the true motherland. Hating Africa for us is self hatred. Wake up my people.

  7. Frabo
    May 23, 2013

    Dominica is a begging little country. Its leaders have no damn vision. All you could make a killing with that nice drinking water that’s being wasted. The Chinese are trying to get their hands on that water – wait and see.

  8. out of south city
    May 23, 2013

    @Krazy you are really crazy. You are in spiritual and psycological slavery. You may think that slavery days are over but I would like to say that it is reformed and institutionalised. Blacks in these so-called developed countries are still considered as minorities. The Caribbean islands are just an imitation of imperialism. What makes you think that Britain cares about us? Britain and all these other countries are rich because of African resources. Without the resources of Africa these countries would not exist economically. Britain has no natural resources of its own. In spite of what Africa has become, these countries still want a part of Africa. Africa seems to be poor but it is still has the world’s greatest and richest resources. Africa has been colonised by invaders who did not have her best interest at heart. Do you know why Africa seems so poor? “It is due to the Structural Adjustment Program imposed on Africa by the International Monetary Fund, the world bank and U.S. Aid. These organisations loan money to Africa and charge an interest rate that they know that Africa cannot pay back thus re-enslaving the entire nation and therefore the entire continent.”( Umar Abdulla Johnson)

  9. Anonymous
    May 23, 2013

    Wow!!!!! SMH. You idiots. the pm has done a good thing. Do u know that the world economy is shifting? Why do you think china is investing so much in Africa? Educate yourself

    • Anonymous
      May 24, 2013

      China investing in Africa????? I see someone has drank the kool-aid. China is investing in Africa no more than it is investing D/ca. China is looking out for themselves ONLY period.

    • Nac Vibes
      May 24, 2013

      China investing in Afrika? boy stop making joke.

  10. GraveStone Budget
    May 23, 2013

    Ties or Unties nothing will be successful once it’s This Corrupt Labour Regime…

    Just look at the state of affairs in Dominica..

    Where has all the monies gone…

    Clean up the corruption then lets move on..

    dominica has not benefited as a island…

    infact dominica is the poorest in the caribbean

    • sphinx
      May 24, 2013

      hey man!respect my is not your language.our resources have not been explored,but don’t tell me dominica is the poorest caribbean country.

  11. john paul
    May 23, 2013

    “When we speak of unity and solidarity with Africa, this is not an exercise in abstraction; we at the level of Government are engaged with Africa in various ways and contexts. There are many issues that unite us,” he said.

    And I am asking are these relations and agreements secret? To me it is the first time I am hearing from Him about these agreements.We the People is it not our business to know?

  12. LCM
    May 23, 2013

    Richest continent in the world yet most suffering. When African leaders start thinkin of there people first and their childrens future i will support. Its the black man disease. There is no reason for africa to be depending on exporting bananas and other consumer goods with a population that large they have the market already. The few fill there pockets while the majority fight to get the change.

  13. Krazy
    May 23, 2013

    we are africian descendants yes, but slavery days are over… Africa is a poor and dying country.. why don’t skerrit go and tie negotiations with britian in which we once were tied to… at least they will help us better with the economy issues that we are facing today.

    • Nac Vibes
      May 23, 2013

      Your greed is clearly on display, that is why your government will come with their spin and platitudes and you will try to talk on things you know absolutely nothing about. True say Judas did betray Jesus for a bit of silver, reminds you of anyone?

      • Krazy
        May 25, 2013

        its not about greed idiot, its about better living for our future generations. :-P

    • Frabo
      May 23, 2013

      With “Britain?” well, i like that. But he would have to come clean, and all spending would have to be accounted for, being transparent. Does he want that? I don’t think so nuh!!

    • Justce and Truth
      May 24, 2013

      We are half descendants of Africa; not fully descendants. We are not pure Africans. We are a mixed race. In fact, in view of this, while we have a country, we do not even have a race and a pure one at that. Some of our ancestors are from Europe as France and Great Britain. I stand claim to one of these.
      Africa cannot help its own. Are you of aware the amount of Christians that are being murdered by African Muslims in Africa, Kenya, some of them right in front of the churches as they go to church and are leaving church, even inside of the church? They say they will fight to the end until every one says “Allah.” Imagine! It appears the UN is keeping quiet about this.
      I would not do business with that country. They are still primitive in their beliefs. They do not assimilate in the western world even though many have migrated to the western world. Whatever this world has to offer immigrants, they receive it and make the most of it as they do not change towards the western world.
      I agree with you, Great Britain will help better and are in a better position to help Dominica. Why did they give you thumbs down because you stated the truth? Typical of some of them.

      • limeJuice
        May 24, 2013


      • sphinx
        May 24, 2013

        human being is not a race

    • legba
      May 24, 2013

      well you really crazy

  14. Dominican767
    May 23, 2013

    Noooo Dominica don’t do it! I’d rather see the British Caribbean try to reunite again (The West Indies Federation), or the whole Caribbean including the Spanish speaking, Dutch, French islands etc. If not that, I’d like to see Dominica become part of France by becoming an overseas region/department like Guadeloupe & Martinique.

    • Nac Vibes
      May 23, 2013

      Dream on.

    • Justce and Truth
      May 24, 2013

      We should have remained a French colony, if not for the British who kept fighting the French and later paid them 500 francs to leave Dominica. We would have been better off under French rule. Note Guadeloupe and Martinique. They are more advanced than Dominica.

      • Malatete
        May 25, 2013

        Dominica was formally ceded to Gt. Britain by France under the treaty of Paris in 1763, together with Grenada, St. Vincent and Tobago.Not for a mere 500 francs in our case but, with respect to our region, for the return of Guadeloupe, Marie Galante & Desirade, Martinique and St. Lucia to the French. I don’t know where these “500 francs” come from except perhaps in relation to ransom money paid to the French in subsequent invasions.
        I agree with you that we would be better off if we had stayed with France, not as a colony but as integral parts of France itself, like Guadeloupe and Martinique are today, which encopasses full membership of the E.U.

  15. Morihei Ueshiba
    May 23, 2013

    I want nothing to do with Africans, give me the anglo-saxon countries everyday, Africa is a total failure and trust skerro to go there, he too lazy and cannot negotiate, Eugenia was with reagan for gods sake, chavez die u hopping all over the place.

    • limeJuice
      May 24, 2013

      come live in Europe and see how many of care about you. Fool!

  16. Pondera
    May 23, 2013

    Very good initiative! We owe it to ourselves to establish relation with the mother land. We have always been connected and PM Skeritt’s pursuit towards inproved relationship with Africa is the right thing to do. Well done!

  17. Vowas/greedy
    May 23, 2013

    lol Mister want ties withthe world left, right center lt of center rt of center Medard with everybody.lolLMAO who coaching Medard? I know Toni A, Ambassador , acting DPP the other Cenior Counsel,kokum, Marleen and a few more actors/acting and notable characters. Are the rastas at the end of their ropes having to align with a regime and leader who do not know where it/he stands with advisors and beouf carries9some in high places)just look at the acting DPP the character just jumping around is not only Oscar who have problems some psuedo high ups have their own agony and suffering in silence others in the open others camoflaging it. Active and passive forms of camoflage..
    Some want the church to speak on the lawyers on buggery.Some want money some have money and want more..So blessed everybody have their issues.
    some have 18 of 21 seats and want more or all and saying they jealous of who have all the seat in their goes on and on. Some have 5 TV in a three bedromm that was originally priced/planned @ $400,000.00 EC(modest home)now elevated to incalculable lol

  18. Jimi Hendrix
    May 23, 2013

    As long as it does not cost us by having consular officers living like their African King brethen, that is all I care about.

    I think before we go out to establish relations with East European countries and now African countries, we should focus on our immediate area where we could actually benefit through trade or other bilateral exchanges.

    • Just a Suggestion
      May 24, 2013

      Your comment is spot on but unfortunately, much too sensible to be acted on.

  19. Malatete
    May 23, 2013

    How cynical. Not a mention of the African Union, which we supported since indepence in recognition of the the African people of the Western Sahara for their right of self-determination enshrined in U.N. resolution 2099. This long standing commitment was broken and abandoned by the self-same Roosevelt Skerrit, when he alligned us with Morocco, a country that is not a member of the African Union and does not recognise these rights or Polisario as the legitimite Govermnent of the Western Sahara, whereas it is recognized as such by the African Union. Only this month Polisario appealed, once again, to the U.N. agasinst the oppression of the Saharawi people by Morocco. What side are you really on Mr. Prime Minister? How do you reconcile this sudden-found fondness for Africa with your support of Morocco?

    • Nac Vibes
      May 23, 2013

      Refreshing to hear some one talk about what they know. Skerit don’t give a rat’s a–s about Afrika, there was this bandwagon passing called Afrika liberation so he thought let me hitch a ride just in case some Afrikan is throwing some scratching of the train.

  20. delaunay
    May 23, 2013

    :lol: :lol: :-D :) :) simplement et librement bonjour à la civilisation dominiq!

  21. Faceup
    May 23, 2013

    Hope that none come living our way, with there hatred feelings towards westerners.

    • May 23, 2013

      true dat. they call us sons of slaves

      • Nac Vibes
        May 23, 2013

        We are sons of slaves and proud of it.
        The more honky spit in your face the more you drink it, like a true house slave.

    • Muslim_Always
      May 23, 2013

      That’s a xenophobic statement! You can’t make such a blanket statement. African people are very diverse, kindly get out of your cocoon.

      • Cza
        May 23, 2013

        U self serious Mann I think u need to come out from urs

    • Faceup
      May 23, 2013

      And wanting to impose there religion on us like they do in Europe, let them stay where they are, we don’t need them..

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