Astaphan says smear campaign going on against Dominica

Astaphan said the smear campaign is funded by hostile forces

Senior Counsel Tony Astaphan is accusing individuals outside of Dominica of coordinating a smear campaign against the country.

“Dominica is in the middle of a smear campaign coordinated by external forces which includes the fullest participation and the provision of information by Gabriel Christian, Thompson Fontaine and others,” Astaphan stated on Kairi FM’s Heng Program on Monday.

This follows recent criticism on the country’s Citizenship by Investment Program as well as accusations against the Prime Minister Roosevelt Skerrit.

“Somebody with a vested interest in moving Roosevelt Skerrit in getting somebody else in charge of the Economic Citizenship Program and the CBI Program is behind this,” Astaphan said.

He questioned the backing behind these criticisms and accusations.

“This is being funded by hostile, wild external forces…This (Gregory) Copley and (Kenneth) Rijock are not doing this for free…They don’t love us, they don’t like us, somebody is paying for this,” he stated.

Copley and Rijock have written about certain aspects of Dominica’s Citizenship by Investment Program (CBI).

Astaphan stated further that he has communicated that the information being provided to the likes of Copley are false.

“And I wanted to take the opportunity this morning to let Dominicans know that I communicated with Gregory R Copley, I pointed out to him that his first analysis was false, it was based on lies, it was based on misinformation fed to him by Christian Fontaine and others,” he said.

Astaphan is also accusing some members of the Opposition of working to destroy the reputation of the Prime Minister and the country.

“Christian, Fontaine, (Opposition Leader Lennox) Linton are conspiring like economic terrorists, political terrorists to destroy the good name of our Prime Minister and country with lies,” he stated.

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  1. anonymous
    February 15, 2017

    Mr Astaphan i would like to know what is the consequence of using a country name to scam people? cause Mr Monfrad did exactly this when he used Dominica’s name as part of his My Dominica Trade House, which everyone knows was a scam, claiming to have built hospitals, which were never realized. Yet was his diplomatic passport revoked? was he arrested? there was no consequence for his action instead you came out and defended Mr Monfrad’s actions.

  2. anonymous
    February 15, 2017

    Tony Astaphan admitted on the Copley show that Skerrit is in fact involved in the facilitation of oil business between Iran and China, by his admission that, Hillary Clinton who was then Secretary of State, took it off the sanctions list, hence making it legal. But what we the public what like to know is where is the monies derived from this transaction? who are the persons benefiting? and exactly what is the Prime Minister’s role in this?

  3. The Truth Be Told - Original
    February 14, 2017

    Some of them do not stick to the issue because they cannot dispute it. They have nothing concrete to say.

  4. February 14, 2017

    Why is it that the UWP, is against Dominicans coming
    home to vote, they refer to them as mercenaries. Yet
    These same people will encourage people like Rijock and
    Copley to write articles damaging to Dominica’s image. This
    UWP will pen negative articles and publish it world wide, calling
    for foreigners to intervene to remove what the say is a corupt
    Skeritt government. Is the UWP aware that the so called
    Mercenary voters are born Dominicans with many of them
    owning property and paying taxes? Why should foreigners
    like Rijock, Copley, the Pope and other have any say in our
    domestic politics? But again the UWP is a party of DOUBLE
    only the UWP and its leadership can decide which group of
    Mercenaries can influence our politics

    • Look It
      February 14, 2017

      Go back to the drawing board because your attempt for a logical comment has failed miserably.

      1. you talking about people returning to vote illegally, remember the constitution says you have to be residing on the island for a certain number of months to be eligible to vote… so coming down on the eve of election, when the last time you were on island was the last time Skerrit gave you a ticket to come to vote, is illegal. UWP is not the one who wrote the constitution.

      2. These person writing about Skerrit and his involvement in evading oil sanctions, are doing so not because of Lennox and UWP… matter of fact if Skerrit had not gotten himself tangled up in these illegal activities there would be no such stories to write or talk about.

      Now, have a sit and read through what I have just posted, then truly put that thinking machine we were blessed with to work.

      • February 14, 2017

        Once you are on the voting register you you cannot
        be considered an illegal voter, that is polical hogwash.
        The US government has not up to this day accused
        Skeritt or Dominica of violating their sanctions. That
        story about sanctions violation has been circulated
        by Rijock and Copley with support from the UWP
        Operatives and as usual they have provided not one
        bit of evidence. So if you have the evidence of sanctions
        violation please present it and stop supporting a
        bunch of white people who have no interest in

    • Skerrit Must Go!
      February 14, 2017

      To call the Pope a dictator will get you in hell for sure!

      February 14, 2017

      Point you are clueless , please get the facts :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

  5. d
    February 14, 2017

    I saw Kenneth Rijock using a lot of fake images. Images that was not taken in Dominica, to exaggerate to situation. The images include military equipment like tanks. The world should know that it is FAKE NEWS.

    • Look It
      February 14, 2017

      Jesus Christ you Labourites wicked eh…. I have gone through the man’s entire blog and not one pic of a “military equipment like tanks” was ever posted.

      If its a tactic to get people to head over to read his blog…. great work, but if you are being malicious then …..KARMA IS A BISH

  6. Dominica
    February 14, 2017

    Tony Astaphan if i were you i would be ashamed to walk the streets of Roseau, You are a right down SHAME!

    • Me
      February 14, 2017

      He is not known to walk the streets of Roseau, he drives.

  7. Shameless
    February 14, 2017

    Dear Tony, the days of easy money and lots of it are coming to a close in Dominica for those who have preyed on the ignorance and in some cases innocence of our people so be warned and prepare an emergency exit plan for the cabal. Skeet has already taken evasive action and removed his “loved ones” because he knows the wrath of the people is unstoppable.

    In this regard sir Tony, I humbly ask you to come clean once and for all and make peace with the Dominican peopleso you sir will not face the impending wrath of the people by being forced into self-imposed exile. Sir, please get over your obsession with Lennox, Gabo, Thompson, Josh and other patriots who are putting country first.

    Always Assertive! :twisted:

    • NUWP
      February 14, 2017

      Keep dreaming

    February 14, 2017

    So Tony, as you tell him (Copley) is lie, so what now??

    • February 14, 2017

      Copley and Rijock are blasted liars and they know that. Who is paying them is another matter. Rijock said he came to buy passports for his clients because he claimed that Patrick John was selling passport to Iranians. He claimed that a lawyer’s Clerk refered him to the court where lawyers were busy defending soldiers. Anyone familiar with those times would know that at that time Eugenia was PM not Patrick. His claim Dominica was selling passports to the Iranians is a lie. Copley for reasons known only to him claimed that Gabriel Christian and Sam Christian were not related, I wonder why?

  9. MyTube
    February 14, 2017

    Mister Tony for years the Tourism and Investment Agencies of Dominica like the (Dominica Tourist Board, Industrial Development Corporation (IDC), National Development Corporation (NDC), now IDA and DDA have been trying their best with the very little resources available to them to Promote the country, inform and educate the World that we are not the Dominican Republic with almost zero success.

    It is very interesting that now, only now the World can differentiate us and set us aside as a rogue country. We are supposed to the Caribbean island that is DIFFERENT, an island that is safe with Good Quality of Life, and an island where crime and violence is not the talk of the day, an island that is the envy of many who just visit and make here their homes.

    Please let’s try to save Dominica, we are surely heading down the wrong road. You were not elected by the people and the people are tired of you fronting for the PM. Let the elected members of parliament address the people. PLEASE!!!

    • NUWP
      February 14, 2017

      Keep dreaming of solid waste u got ur information from? Go on the govt/DDA/IDA website and compare the nonsense u just spoke to the FACTS. U all never go get the facts but always speak trash forgetting we no longer stupid and we. An access the information. We not in the 60s 70s and 80s where speaking rubbish was the order of the day. Properganda has no place in dis Morden world. I am now 19 years old and I can see clearly if we the young people wasn’t educated how foolish u all should have made us. But thanks to the Govt and the Hon. Prime Minister we are able to access education and we can analise and comprehend. So u all won’t fooling us. My vote going all the way for kelva come next election first vote.

      • Look It
        February 15, 2017

        I hope you are gainfully employed and dont have your hand stretched out for help to the parl reps… also if you arent gainfully employed I hope you are able to secure gainful employment and not settle for NEP – this ridiculous internship program that other islands use to give high school students experience in certain fields.

  10. Nature
    February 14, 2017

    So Tony with all ur evidence,u say that theyare false so why are u not suing Rijock and coplay????

  11. I Am Dominica
    February 14, 2017

    Before pointing fingers at other Sir . Is not you who called all Dominicans cockroaches . If you can insult us we cannot expect any getter from you this is your character and what you say about us says a lot about you .

  12. Dominican
    February 14, 2017

    Tony Astaphan you call Thomson Fontaine an economic terrorist and a liar. If that is is so why does Roosevelt Skerrit not go ahead with his suit he filed in the High court in Roseau on 29 dec. 2011, more than five years ago against dr. Thomson and Q95 for the same thing! Not once has Skerrit appeared in court for that, finding all sorts of excuses. what does that say to us Tony? That Roosevelt Skerrit is a coward and does not want to present himself in court. That he is hiding something. Fontaine is looking forward to that case but not Skerrit. That is very, very odd. the record is there. You own DLP supporter medium DAVibes reported this in an article published on30 Dec., 2011. Explain that to us Tony. Skerrit must go. He has lost all credibility and trust.

  13. Ashamed Labourite
    February 14, 2017

    hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahhahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahhahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahhahahahahahahahahahhhahahahahahahah WHAT A JOKE!!

  14. Sweett
    February 14, 2017

    This is Dominicans ” Senor Council” ?¿?? What a same . The external world most be laughing

  15. Sweett
    February 14, 2017

    Tony please is this the best excuse u can come up with ??? An what is most amazing is few Dominicans acutaly believe u but time will tell

  16. John Jules
    February 14, 2017

    OMG Fontaine and Christian doing that to DOMINICA? These guys are dangerous. I cannot support a Party full of treason and hatred for Dominica like. UWP MUST GO. We need another Opposition Party AWA.

    When CBS finds out that these guys have lied to them, it’s going to be problems and I hope that the supporters will be able to pay for their Lang Sal.

    • Look It
      February 14, 2017

      Zor sot eh!!!!!

    • The Truth Be Told - Original
      February 14, 2017

      Same here. They will never get my encouragement nor vote.

  17. for real
    February 14, 2017

    Why mister continue to incite konomonoism to our people na. stay away let the people and the votes talk.

  18. no name
    February 14, 2017

    So Tony if everything Copley and Rijock saying is lies and they smearing the name of Dominica, why don’t you take them to court like you taking Linton and the others? Let’s see what the outcome of that will be. Oh I forgot, you all will not be able to twist the judges or pay them off or maybe too much will come out so you scared. Stupid man just taking stupid D/cans for a ride. I hope when you finish taking them for a ride in D/ca you will take them for a ride across the waters to live in one of your overseas properties.

  19. Puppet master
    February 14, 2017

    Tony u have the realise and understand that you is the lawyer of the prime minister not a lawyer for the whole of Dominica so stop dishing out false information bcs later on you will come back and say the same thing in a different way wen d table turn

  20. Vex
    February 14, 2017

    “SKERRIT MUST GO” Skerrit has tarnished Dominica’s name globally. This is no smear campaign. The facts are real Tony. I want Skerrit to answer these questions:
    1. Where did he get the $20 million that was spent in the 2009 elections?
    2. Where did he get the over $30 million that was spent in the 2015 elections?

    You remember you said his friends was giving him money. Who are these friends? Are these friends NG Lap Seng; Monfared ; Madueke or Corallo?

    Time for Skerrit to come clean. If not he have to go

  21. The Eel
    February 14, 2017

    What TONY is doing is what you all should have learn at home ,manners and respect for others. Tony be of good courage because the hardest key to turn is a DONKEY.

  22. Anthony P. Ismael
    February 14, 2017

    Why don’t you sue them Tony?

    February 14, 2017

    Senior Counsel Tony Astaphan , You gave the PM bad advise, you advise him to ignore all calls for transparency and now you talking about smear campaign, tell your boy “THE PM” to tell the people his involvement with the sanction busted ALIREZA MONFARED,why he was in Domninca after you Tony Astaphan said ALIREZA MONFARED Deplomatic passport was cancelled, tell the people why is Dominica registering tankers in Greece and what was the purpose of his visit to Greece the poorest nation in the European union.

  24. New York
    February 13, 2017

    Tony we are too intelligent in the US to give you something to take the focus away from the issue of selling passports. We Know what democracy is. We have freedom of speech. Since you know so much Try To Stop All people from Dominica living in America from talking. There is injustice at home and we will voice our disgust and disapproval. You look like Trump
    maybe he ismessing with your brains. Wake up.

  25. Tommy
    February 13, 2017

    The self appointed Senator of Propaganda Affairs is at it again.

  26. anonymous
    February 13, 2017

    so in effect Skerro allies have given him up? cause Monfrad was sort after by the Iranians, I don’t understand how this is a story which could have been created by the Americans or UWP. plus his Monfrad firm MDTH was a fraudulent entity which Skerro said promoted Dominica for free but these people putting his business outside is not for free?

  27. anonymous
    February 13, 2017

    So Tony you are saying that Lennox Linton and the opposition UWP are the ones responsible for creating the Monfrad scandal? are they the ones who ran to Greece in order to deal with the oil tanker situation? or were they helping the Iranians bust international sanctions using oil tankers registered in Dominica under Greece ownership managed by Monfrad? So effectively you’re saying this international story was made up by UWP to damage the image of Skerro! i think you should check yourself into the mental home and have doctor Benjamin administer you something strong..!

  28. Spot on
    February 13, 2017

    Of course, it is an international smear campaign and the people (such as Rijock) being used to spread the fake news are referred to in this BBC story,

    They are basically news mercenaries.

    Dominica will survive though…it always does after a disaster.

  29. Carlos
    February 13, 2017

    Hello People,

    Please tell me why you are commenting on this guys’s trash? Who’s is he and remind me again is he an elected member of parliament? Why does he has to insert himself in everything? Does it mean that he bill the treasury each time?

    Folks please do me a favour and ignore this man. What is that so difficult Dominican and Dominicans at Heart? Let this joker say what he wants and when he tired or when the treasury is empty he will stop. Or maybe when the oil takers stop running and earn the CBI $$$ dry up he will stop.

  30. freedom fighter
    February 13, 2017

    Tony go jock your baud, :-? :-D

  31. Massacre
    February 13, 2017

    Tony , we are not smearing Dominica or the P.M when we say that his salary is not enough to support the life style he lives.
    Since when w P.M handing out thousands in cash to people who are too lazy to work for them selves? millions in bank accounts all over the world? I can go on and on that this guy does, so how is it smearing?
    Tony, you have out lived your usefulness and should depart from the bench. You are persona non grater.

    • The Truth Be Told - Original
      February 14, 2017

      Ignorant, think beyond. Someone who has this position and makes a certain salary based on his job/career/position can get a loan from the bank in a certain amount.
      Based on your income, try getting a loan from the bank and see if you will get it..
      Incidentally someone told me the property his house is built on was given to him by his mother.
      Many of you talk without thinking. You repeat what others state as foolish people. Before talking, ensure what you state is correct. This is why some people are sued.

  32. Gary
    February 13, 2017

    Dominica is under siege by propagandist aimed to destabilize the Country. Off all the major news out lets in the US why is it only Mr. Rijock, the owner of blog reporting such thing. Why is it Mr Rijock not even a Dominican is so focused and concerned about Dominica affairs. A commentary on DNO written by G.A. Dwyer Astaphan on which he made a remarkable observation, quote “The truth is that there are several defects in Mr Rijock’s complaint against the Dominican Prime Minister. Defects of logic and reason”

    The recent arrest of Thompson Fountain was reported on Mr Rijock blog before DNO,there is a poster and a picture of Thompson Fontain accompanying the news story.There must have to be someone in Dominica or in the Diaspora supplying Mr Rijock with such info. and such persons are the beneficiaries of this aimed destabilization of Dominica.

    • %
      February 14, 2017

      This is fantastic..We should have TEN more Rijocks to expose the corruption occurring in Dominica..DOMINICA IS steeped in corrupt activities!

  33. Hope
    February 13, 2017

    Tony can you remember the searching of Mr. Linton home for IPO information. Who it was ?
    Now come straight instead of your defence talk , please explain to Dominicans about our diplomatic passport, CBI funds and the arrest of so many diplomats we want to know. Stop the animal talk, we are knowledgable and have computers to search our informations come clean . We are fed up with your defence, do you really love Dominicans .

    • indira Ghandi
      February 13, 2017

      Tony,you need to shut your clappers.
      You are the country’s number one enemy.
      You worse than Skerrit
      All you interested in is making Skerrit into a fool
      alwYs going to court and you representing him so you can drain all the little money in the country.
      i do not know why Skerrit cannot see.
      when he will be in the real dirty water you will run and hide in America. But they will fi nd you too.

    • February 14, 2017

      Tony you have more guts than a calabash.
      The more you talk the more trouble you are putting Roosevelt into.
      The who never opens its mouth never get caught.
      Liar! Liar!

    • February 14, 2017

      Tony you have more guts than a calabash.
      The more you talk the more trouble you are putting Roosevelt into.
      The fish that never opens its mouth never get caught.
      Liar! Liar!

      February 14, 2017

      thanks, and if was so legit skerrit would put out all the name with diplomatic passport… their damage control is making more of a mess.. these guys are pathetic

  34. February 13, 2017

    Chupes :-D :-D :-D

    • nicole
      February 14, 2017

      “Pennez Patat” I couldn’t have said it better myself. LOL.

  35. Extremely
    February 13, 2017

    Of course there is a smear campaign and you’re the one in charge.

    February 13, 2017

    “This is being funded by hostile, wild external forces…This (Gregory) Copley and (Kenneth) Rijock are not doing this for free…They don’t love us, they don’t like us, somebody is paying for this,” he stated.

    Since Tony had already criticized Kenneth Rijock, and kenneth responded let us take a look at his newest victim, Gregory Copley. FYI, Gregory Copley made has been making his statements on The John Bachelor Show along with John Bachelor himself, let us take a look a Mr. Bachelor’s show: Open this link and read the first paragraph

    • MyTube
      February 14, 2017

      Thanks for this link. It is very heavy with interviews, but scroll down and listen to this one on Dominica

      PRC & Iran Money-Laundering and Sanctions-Busting in the Caribbean. Gregory Copley, Defense &

      Then form your own opinion of Dominica’s situation. Not local information but international!!!!!

    • February 14, 2017

      Regardless of what Tony Astaphan says he is not speaking on behalf of the Prime Ministers office because he was not an elected member, he can speak for Skerrit on a personal basis and not for the Government of Dominica either , so Dominicans don’t waste your time or your breath to entertain the hot air that comes our Tonys mouth just ignore him and don’t listen to him either, because we as Dominicans have paid him enough tax payers money.

  37. 4progress
    February 13, 2017

    Tony, it looks like desperation is getting the better you. Take a deep breathe your money is safe. Are saying everyone is wrong and you are right, that there is no truth in what, so far, has been uncovered. We can connect the dots, because despite your unsuccessful attempts “to put this fire out” by blaming others, it is still burning and will continue to do so. There are many questions unanswered which your PM has been ducking and diving.


  38. %
    February 13, 2017

    I love Gregory Copley,Gabriel Christian,Honourble patriot Lennox Linton,Dr Thompson Fontaine…. I love you all guys..Keep up the GOOD WORK….This Monfared issue has delivered a serious blow to the good name of Dominica.What is more shameful is that the gang posing as a labour party is trying to muzzle the people…BUT THIS SHALL NOT HAPPEN!,

    • viewsexpressed
      February 14, 2017

      Amen…I say Amen……..These despicable guys no longer know where to turn

  39. Curious me
    February 13, 2017

    Tony, please stop fanning the flames for the fire that you are trying to get out of hand.

    Stop speaking as if you are the Prime Minister of Dominica. Let the PM address us himself, he is the elected one, not you.

    What are you trying to do? Search your most innermost thoughts, and your conscience if you have one, as you keep blowing hot and cold.

    You can all run but you can not hide. What is done in the darkness eventually comes to light.

    • February 14, 2017

      We wanted the PM to come to us the people in a town hall meeting where we could ask him questions he refused also by radio , now he wants to tell us by radio how wonderful is the so call CBI program, were was the PM all the time who have always duck questions, it’s to late and it’s very hard to believe what he is saying. .

    February 13, 2017

    I am not a politician, don’t have a PHD,, not a lawyer, and I have no education; in fact my name says is all, a truly perfect Idiot. But as an Idiot I am not interested in “smear campaign” or in people being paid for smear campaign or not. Before I even respond to Tony though I don’t pay him any mind because he is NOT Skerrit, I have two questions for him. Tony, 1. are you doing what you doing for free? 2. Since when it becomes a crime to spend lots of money to catch the thief if you suspect he is stealing?
    Now PM Skerrit, 1. can you tell us if a regular passport and diplomatic one were sold to Mr. Aliereza Monfared?2.Can you tell us who sold them and how much were they sold for? 3. I saw a snap photo of his diplomatic passport which suggest his passport was cancelled. That said, 4. why was he habored in Dominica ?After he was arrested why did you and ur attorney rushed to Greece? 5. What can you tell us about 11 oil Tankers flying our flag but stationed in Greece? I want to…

    • Gary
      February 14, 2017

      Your pretentious behavior does not in hide your ignorance.My gosh, why ask the question quote “Tony are you doing what you doing for free?” Didn’t the SC made a public statement regarding such issue.Your second question “Since when it becomes a crime to spend lots of money to catch the thief if you suspect he is stealing” do you know how silly your are asking such question, it’s so laughable, i would not spend my time to debunk such nonsense. Where did you get the idea that 11 oil Tankers flying our flag but stationed in Greece, wow, pity your ignorance.

  41. Just looking
    February 13, 2017

    Tony if I had an ounce of respect for you it is gone. This morning you said on Kairi Trump accepted the one China policy, not too long after you said that CNN reported that China is trying to use the North Korea missile test, to force the U.S. to accept their one China policy and Russia is trying to get them to lift the sanctions, in order to support the U.S. and Japan.
    Tony after today I will not believe anything that comes from your mouth and you must stop playing on the minds of the unfortunate none readers and ignorant people. The Good Lord will penalise you. Support who you wants but with the Truth.

  42. Tj
    February 13, 2017

    Since you have a hard on for Mr. Liston for the courts, why can’t you file a lawsuit against those who smearing DA good name or they will have the resources to put you in your place?

  43. Merlin
    February 13, 2017

    Gollum trying to protect his precious. Fires of modor are awaiting in judgement.

  44. Titiwi
    February 13, 2017

    Who would want to smear Dominica and for what reason? So they can lay their hands on the CBI money themselves? That would be ludicrous. By putting that theory on the table, are you not admitting that there is something amiss with the present arrangements enabling the mice to get away with the cheese?
    I thought perhaps you may be thinking of a co-conspiracy with Henley & Partners but that theory is also flawed seeing that the CBIU is dealing with them too, with the approval of the P.M. I’d say, albeit it at arms length as explained by Anglelo Allen, through the clever device of an intermediary company in london, which turns out to be part of the same Henley & Partners.
    I thought you are a man of empirical evidence only mr. Astaphan and I am taken aback by your apparent conversion to conspiracy theories.

  45. DA citizen
    February 13, 2017

    tony talking about money ..aa i wonder what is his getting for all the defend he there defending . Tell me.? man stop dividing our beautiful nation and its people please.Thanks and bye bye.

  46. Expat
    February 13, 2017

    Tony, they can jump high , they can jump low; they will never succeed. The majority of the people have them on the defensive.

    • viewsexpressed
      February 14, 2017

      You corrupt clowns are on the run. We are going nowhere, every time you all turn up TV, and Radio and social media you will find us breathing down on your dirty tactics and dirty support as you all are in denial. Disgusting. Who cares about Tony and what he says he does not know what he stands for…..he is easy catch. If Pappy come PM tomorrow Tony will find al ways to protect him as the best PM for Dominica. That is thee nature of this Beast/. Go to hell beast, go meet your company in crime and deceitfulness.

  47. ?
    February 13, 2017

    Please tony

  48. mary mary
    February 13, 2017

    If there is no fire, why is there so much smoke? Dominicans at home and abroad need honest answers

  49. February 13, 2017

    tony your days of trying to mesmerising us with your political spins are over. You are a master manipulator who have fail to see and understand that Dominicans are now seeing through your concotion of lies and venom.Their is another astaphan in St.kitts and nevis who thinks that he can hypnotize us with his snake oil charms. tony you have reduce yourself worth as a human being immensely. Before it is too late redeem your soul.

  50. God's beloved
    February 13, 2017

    who elected for Tony Astaphans? NO ONE! because he is too big to go beg people to vote for him. He is the Masa who uses the little back yard boys, who was raised by parent(s) who struggled and suvived. Today Tony uses them wanna be someboby to acheive his goals and make his money.
    Does Tony Astaphans know what is is to struggle to make ends meet?
    Does Tony know how to struggle under harsh and unfriendly conditions for survival?
    Does Tony Astaphans know what it is to not have food to give hungry children or to go without food?
    Does Tony Astaphans know what it is to go seek necassary assistance and be abused and used by those who you seek help from?
    Does Tony Astaphans know what it is to lost a job and not know how you are going to meet the daily committments ?
    Tony Astaphans does not know how to juggle and struggle with expenses that is higher than hs income. Tony therefore as no authority to speak to Dominicans on any issue whatsoever.

    • Gary
      February 14, 2017

      Where do you get the authority to question someone’s integrity where you are not in the position to do so, ask yourself that question. To discover the true character of a person, you need only to observe what they are passionate about, not by your perceptions political partisan political beliefs or opinion.

  51. Youth
    February 13, 2017

    Tony, I am not a member of the opposition yet (Will be soon) and I do not believe a shred of your make up stories.
    If these are accusations, tell your money maker to come clean and answer the questions people like me want answers to.

  52. February 13, 2017

    Tony please tell us what Rijock and the other guy told you after you spoke to them.Did they tell you anything? I guess not or you would have told us. You know what tony? Dominicans should boycott ur family business because you are condoning all the wrong that the PM is doing.I wonder what is your benefit in all this. Remember when the President told dominicans to boycott Breezimat and so too dominicans should boycott ur family business

  53. CIA Agent
    February 13, 2017

    From 2009 :

    “Antigua’s opposition leader Lester Bird told the Charge
    he received a call from Skerrit recently from Hong Kong in which
    Skerrit asked him why he was so publicly critical of the Antiguan
    government’s ties with Chavez. “Don’t you know,” he asked, “that
    this will just lead Chavez to give the governing party more money
    to be sure you don’t get elected.”

    The PM said: “When you see them on the streets, in the supermarket, at a funeral, on a plane or even in their cars, shout out to every single one of them – Traitor! What do you call them? Traitor! When you see Lennox Linton, what do you call him? Traitor! When you see Thomson Fontaine, what do you call him? Traitor! When you see Monelle Williams, what do you call her? Traitor!!”

    Those are words of terror which makes the PM a terrorist. Commissioning others to indulge in acts of terror is an act of violence.

    No arrest was made………YET.

  54. Tarzan
    February 13, 2017

    I agree with u tony these people don’t have the best interest in our country and those fools are feeling them with false information and they are pay them to spread them.

    • viewsexpressed
      February 14, 2017

      Go jump on a tree, never come down to ground to reality, wing high, swing low, your idiocy wont wprk, we know better My name is decency in government, your name is Tarzan jumping from tree to tree looking to be fed by your corrupt master.

    • MyTube
      February 14, 2017

      Tarzan think you should go back to the jungle, where there are no computers, no internet, no wifi, you will remain in your own little cocoon with the birds and the bees, forest and rivers. You are surely in the dark, but it’s not too late to get with the real life reality in Dominica. READ, READ, READ I urge you.

    • Socialist
      February 14, 2017

      Tarzan was a pseudo ape you are the real macoy

    • February 14, 2017

      What some of you don’t know is that there are students at ross who are not students but working for the CIA.Anyone knows what a mole is?tony thinks its the opposition saying things about dominica but tell him he needs to do some homework.

  55. truththe
    February 13, 2017

    Tony, there is a difference between justice and revenge. Let our people go.

  56. Fedup #1
    February 13, 2017

    Mr Astaphan: there may be a smear campaign against Dominica because of the improper actions of those in authority. However, the smear campaign that has recently be launched against Dominicans (particularly those speaking out against the wrongs) that I am sure you are fully aware seriously concerns me. Dominica is being taken to a new low with almost daily fake news that some naive people are believing. We are entering into dangerous territory with this type of smear campaign launched exclusively to divert attention from the real issues of the day. As a senior attorney I will ask you not to participate and also to tell the culprits to stop this nonsense. Dominica is not the place for this level of deception. We have had enough.
    Additionally, as the chief spokesman & basically the mouth piece of the PM, I will ask you to take a long break and allow this country to heal. Your outbursts and disrespect of Dominicans over the years is partly the reason the populace is now angry.

  57. Imannie
    February 13, 2017

    This Tony Should just shut his face already. :-D

    You and Skerrit took them to court instead of encouraging Skerrit to come clean. So wait for the outcome of the court co clear the air since you rather go this way than to have the PM speak truth to power to the people.

    Fed up of your crap a long time ago

  58. Carol Freel
    February 13, 2017

    I began to shake when I fist heard of the Chinese messing around in Dominica and then putting up an embassy. China has the worst reputation for willful human suffering in the world. They even used to murder baby girls when they were born, because they didn’t want more females in China. And then Iran … who next? Dominica is innocent in the world and these choices are terrible and will most certainly come to bite Dominica on the bottom. One must be very careful who one sleeps with!!!

  59. johnjay
    February 13, 2017

    I dont know why he is not entering the ring. Dont stay outside come 2020 or before that and throw your hat in.

  60. weh
    February 13, 2017


  61. Poto Labour
    February 13, 2017

    Mr. Spindoctor is this the best you can do at this very late stage in the game? No one believes you now! Get the Prime Minister out there to speak to or against the many blogs. writings and posts sighting gross misconduct on his part and that of his government. The Prime Minister is a servant of the people and must be held accountable and for this reason he is answerable to us. Sir no one elected you. Who appointed as QC in this court of public opinion? Your submissions are distasteful and only seeking to pull more wool over the eyes of the jury (the public). We wont have it, you have no jurisdiction here as no one elected you. When they were looking for a parliamentary representative for Roseau why didn’t you throw your heart in the ring? Maybe the Prime Minister didn’t know what he was doing when he only appointed nefarious elements across the globe to be his country’s diplomats providing them with immunity, a cover to carry on their deadly acts or DID HE?

  62. Da4real
    February 13, 2017

    Let God be the judge of every mans action whether it be good or bad however this vendetta against Dominica needs to stop. Politicians need to realize that smearing the name of the country to gain political accession is not in the best interest of any citizen. For too long Lennox has been focused on destroying Skerrit that in doing so he has destroyed the good reputation of Dominica and its citizen’s. We are now known as a hostile people because one man namely Lennox has a vendetta against Roosevelt Skerrit. This is a personal problem and it has gone too far. Has Lennox who aspires to be commander in chief ponder to evaluate how destructive his actions are? Everyone is free to express him or herself however it shouldn’t be done at the expense of others.

    • The Truth Be Told - Original
      February 13, 2017

      When people hate they will stoop to no lengths to destroy who and what is good. Lennox very supporters are affected by his adverse actions against the PM and Dominica. Wickedness does not pay. He will have to answer to his international smear campaign and also pay for it.

    • time unfolding
      February 14, 2017

      Does lenox has friends from all over the world being locked up or facing courts all over the world with dominican diplomatic passports? :-D

  63. Not adding up
    February 13, 2017

    Ok then. So will you kindly explain why this is the first PM of Dominica to be living such a luxurious lifestyle. Explain that.

  64. %
    February 13, 2017

    There was a smear attempt to jail Dr Fontaine..It was not from outside of Dominica.It was made up/concocted by professional and inveterate LIARS,but this Shall not work,NEITHER will The good Dr be muzzled…The Monfared issue must be kept burning.

  65. Mike
    February 13, 2017


  66. bolo
    February 13, 2017

    watch you dere gasa! what majjie you talking?

  67. Doom and Gloom
    February 13, 2017

    Is there nothing positive to report on happening in Dominica politics?

  68. papa
    February 13, 2017

    Tony go and pray

  69. Anansi
    February 13, 2017

    Tony the only smear is you. The more evidence there is against the misdealings of the Skerrit administration, the more conspirators you claim are against you all. If that is the way you see it, just now the entire world will be in a conspiracy against you’ll.

  70. February 13, 2017

    The damage has already been done by you and your political allies, not by those patriots who are brave enough to stand up and talk about your wrong doings. The latest dumb statement of ”an attempt to overthrow the Government” by the Punjab PhD is just as silly as the Doctorate that he received. The world is listening so continue to make asssssssssssses of yourselves but please don’t pin the label (wearing your ignorance like a badge of honor) on the rest of us commonsense citizens.

    • St joe massive
      February 14, 2017

      St jean u know in ur heart what Tony saying is true if the pm is doing so many wrongs things and he is soooooooo dishonest why can u and ur Uwp party bring the evidence forward and present it stop taking horse manure bro

      • February 14, 2017

        I notice that you like the stable and horse manure that’s where you belong can’t think for yourself so you depend on Tony to speak for you i wonder how much you know about evidence whether it was presented to you big like Dominica neither you nor your god skerrit would not be able to tell the difference between the first and last ”e” in the word evidence.

  71. Eliza
    February 13, 2017

    God be with you Tony’s and your lies. All people have to do is research on google the names highlighted in passport scam, like Allison,Pedro, Monfared and others. They will see and read what is going on. I guess you will say Google is smear campaign to. Alas Tony all the lies and tricks from you and co are over, save your breath , one day you will need it. Do good my boy. God bless our D/ca.

  72. Man bites Dogs
    February 13, 2017

    Thank you Mr Tony Astaphan for your good wisdom and courage helping fight against Workers Party Linton +Fontaine scrap yards sets of evil people they will never beat us and we’ll not be overcome :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:

  73. filled with admiration
    February 13, 2017

    Oh is opposition that spoiling PM name? Did they tell him to cut cake with Monfared? or Ng Lap seng? Better still, did they, by force make PM go and travel and live high-life with them?

    Toney please stop playing on Dominicans emotions and stick to facts and logic! No one is out there to get skerrit – if he did something wrong he has to pay! Period!

  74. Claude
    February 13, 2017

    Please keep quiet you………….. Every time I hear this guy’s name or/and sees his picture I am upset…

  75. February 13, 2017

    Anthony W. Astaphan has been chasing down every article, blog, vlog and news item that exposes his puppet Prime Minister . Astaphan, however, is fighting a losing battle trying to comment and respond to any and everyone who mentions MONFARED, SKERRIT, DIPLOMATIC PASSPORT, IRAN, CHINA, SANCTIONS or CORRUPTION!!! Maybe because the “BLESSING” that was placed on the red Labour Ka Twavay Tshirts, hats and umbrellas (marked with the number 666) is finally wearing off after the free brainwashing concerts of the last election. Astaphan’s spins and lies are definitely falling on deaf ears. Dismissing every news story as fake news or trying to discredit anyone that writes about the above-mentioned subjects; accusing them of colluding with Opposition Members, etc., simply does not cut it. Anthony, AREN’T YOU THE ONE THAT ALWAYS ASKS FOR PROOF? Where is YOUR proof now? Why should ANYONE believe you? Because you’re a rich SENIOR COUNSEL of ARABIAN descent? LOL!

    • indira Ghandi
      February 13, 2017

      Tony,since you seem to be the one controlling,tell us
      Where is Mufared, the Iranian
      when he was caught,what passports did he h ave?
      How much did he pay for each passport?
      Who did he p ay the money to?
      Where is that money?
      After he ran away,what happen to his car?
      who is in possession of that car now?
      Is it Lennox Linton who has the car?
      Please answer these very simple questions

  76. I Am Dominica
    February 13, 2017

    Everyone person who exposes the truth is a no good person these are signs of a dictatorship Sir . Please do us Dominicans a favor and bring transparency and accountability to the table along with the truth sir .
    You can fool some people all the time but you cannot fool all the people all the time .

    Time to bring out the numbers this is not the first time Mr Linton has done good for DA all of a sudden millions of dollars at our disposal all the time It was the world economy that was not good hence we feeling the pressure .

    Now where are the millions coming from do tell .

  77. Nadia
    February 13, 2017

    Astaphan you again. You have vested interest as well. Your partner kenny get kicked out in stlucia so you must sing for your bread i DA. Stop riding de poor people backs..

  78. Peaceful Resistance is the Way!
    February 13, 2017

    The best way to defeat our dictatorial regime is to refuse to co-operate with it.

    I urge all Dominicans NOT to engage in violent protests, but to show their disapproval of the regime by peacefully REFUSING to co-operate with it in every way, shape and form.

    In our time of greatest need we must stand shoulder to shoulder with all those who are prepared to make this sacrifice for all of us by giving up their public service jobs, refusing to fulfill government contracts, etc. and also refusing to co-operate in any way with the regime.

    If we all can do this – vote with our peaceful actions, Skerrit will have no option but to step down as he will have ‘lost confidence’ of the country.

  79. Please help
    February 13, 2017

    Tony Tony Tony shut the **** up honestly. I am so sick and tired of your lies. We did not vote for you we voted for Skerrit let him come and defended himself and the party we put in power. I have already made up my mine that i am not voting for the labour party again as long as you are present. So you don’t know by now some of us Labourites are not that stupid and blind? Stop making the opposition look like they are bad they are not they are just pointing out what you trying hard to hide. somethings have to be true and some things are wrong and i am not going to encourage it. Please just stop. You are a bad advisor to the PM he should fire you now before he pay the price.

  80. DA
    February 13, 2017

    Oh Tony go check your self and stop misleading Skerrit down the wrong road and making him look stupid.

  81. time has told
    February 13, 2017

    Here’s what, Skerrit can stay the Minister of Finance etc, But REMOVE EMMANUEL NANTHON as the director of the program and put someone else who is much less politically aligned. Get someone else to head the program.

    • time has told
      February 13, 2017

      Ok so you said that you spoke to Copely and told him his info was lies. I noticed that you want to have nothing to do with Mr. Rijock though. Are you fearful of this man Mr. Astaphan? Why are you staying clear of him?

  82. Moii
    February 13, 2017

    Oh Tony spare us!!

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