In view of the recent gasoline shortages RUBIS wishes to clarify the following:
On September 15th 2022 RUBIS suspended fuel sales in Dominica due to sustained financial losses. Effective that same date, RUBIS allowed its service station dealers to continue selling petroleum products supplied by other fuel distributors at all RUBIS branded outlets. RUBIS continues to allow their dealers to do so and therefore fuel sold at RUBIS stations is not supplied by RUBIS.
RUBIS has been unable to reach an agreement with the Government of Dominica to enable our return to the market.
We regret the inconvenience this has caused to our loyal customer base and wish to clarify that we are not responsible for the fuel supply or fuel quality sold at RUBIS branded stations.
Skerrit was just on pulpit talking about how he advanced Dominica to the 21 century and you mean to tell RastarMarn Mista doh have money to put Gas in those Fancy Toyota Jeeps they have running all over the place???
Not to mention all those Freeniss he dere giving people,,,
No wonder he had to give the Finance office to the other Bloke!!!
We have oil tankers in international waters carrying the flag of Dominica still nuh?
This is a scary situation. The baker has forgotten to order flour, but claim the ocean rough. Time people open their eyes and stop thinking if they support anyone else they’ll see misery.. misery is coming even you support or don’t. A king doesn’t bother himself with peasants
RUBIS said that it suspended fuel sales in Dominica due to sustained financial losses and it had been unable to reach an agreement with the Government of Dominica to enable our return to the market. The question then is, what does RUBIS want in order to return to the Dominica market and can Dominica get a better deal from another supplier. The Government could easily allow RUBIS to charge any price it wants but what would that do to prices to the consumers/voters and how would that affect the relationship between the voters and the government?
What can I say? I’d be surprised if Skeritt was capable of doing better. When the world has lost trust in a leader, but his blind supporters love him everything and anything goes. Skeritt supporters will see the light when the cool out money finishes. But that doesn’t seem likely as long as China 🇨🇳 has Skeritt back. We are at War, people. Believe it or not.
Can Rubis make the deal they are asking for or the one they were given public..I am just asking don’t kill me..
Rubis not obligated to do that.
People were elected into government to provide that information to the ones who put dem in office
All you afraid of skerrit… all you think that Rubis is all you football……skerrit is a shameful disgrace.
De point is Dat Rubis was providing at least 50% storage capacity…….we lost it so we at a loss……Rubis invested in storage capacity……skerrit and his financiers didn’t…..plain and simple……they know how they benefit in de way de prices are structured
Skerrit check he don’t want Rubis…..but he didn’t put plans in place for the effect of their loss of services
De same happened with Ross University……where is de replacement!
All you can kiss skerrit from now till de next election his over ambitious big head ego won’t make life easier…….he benefits on our losses
Dominicans like there misery that’s why they vote him back in
We have a Wrecking Ball at the helm of government in Dominica. This man has demolished many institutions, businesses and industries too numerous to enumerate.
ROSS U, Rubis, the banana industry have been casualties under his stewardship. Many small and medium size businesses, sports, the once thriving middle class, public works, police force. I mean, nothing in the country has been spared from Roosevelt’s destructive, corrupt tentacles.
Turbulent economic times are predicted in 2023 by the experts. Tripledemic diseases, rising inflation, high interest rates, continuation of the Russia – Ukraine war, supply chain difficulties, unstable fuel prices will continue to threaten the quality of life in most countries.
Dominicans, have you seen or felt any strategic plans being put in place by this administration to counter the probable devastating effects of these phenomena.? Dominicans are at the mercy of Heaven.
Thanks for the clarification, Rubis.
It looks like Rubis is still open for negotiation. Government, fix this situation, please. The private sector cannot survive without profits. Government needs the private sector and must create an environment in which the private sector can develop and thrive.
The current gasolene situation is a national embarrassment because it was avoidable. It is a gross inconvenience to the public and is completely unacceptable. Fix it!!
Agreed. A strong private sector is needed. If the government wants to subsidize gasoline it should do so with subsidies or tax relief, not by price control. Private interest cannot survive state price controls.
What a catastrophe…so Dominica come bondieu..aa
Every objective minded person knows Roosevelt modus operandi. He blames everybody but himself for whatever goes wrong but takes all the credit for himself for anything good.
As usually, he produces noise and spouts false accusations to distract from his gross incompetence. This time with the fuel shortage Rubis becomes the sacrificial lamb.
*A good leader takes a little more than his share of the blame, a little less of his share of the credit.
*A man can fail many times, but he isn’t a failure until he begins to blame somebody else.
Which means. That the deal is still on. And from all reading they can return to Dominica once they reach an agreement with government. So my dear government PLEASE for the good of your people and the country. Please have some table talk with the company. And have them return. Thank you .
Da Roots, if they left, for whatever the reason they did–especially if the reason was because they were not making money, why do they want to return?
Is it because they are in the same situation wherever they went? Could it be that the Government is concerned about wasting time with them?
How are they planning to remain in Dominica to continue to serve the people as is needed? That could be the reason the negotiation is slow in reaching a conclusion.
Your age has come to the fore. Your ability to reason and be rational is whacky. You are definitely suffering from serious cognitive dissonance. Your comments are quite baffling.
Xavier, since you ask so arrogantly let me give you a plain answer, maybe Rubis refused to give him the obligatory ‘cut’ that Mister asked of them. They called his bluff and guess who has been caught with his trousers down? The same one that was caught with his trousers down when Ross left. And before you ask more stupid question, the ones that suffer all the time are the ordinary people of Dominica. Not the ones that run away years ago and now do their best to keep this despot in office remotely. There we have it! Any further questions, Hypocrite??
Papamete, first dcp, then Ross, then not even gas that can make money in the place …… we are looking at the symptoms.
You missed the paper factory for toilet paper etc.etc.
He won’t rest until he has ruined our once beautiful country. Thank you DLP, thank you DLP greedy supporters. You were warned 15 years ago that the man and his cronies were up to no good. I hope all you can see now the damage allu have caused.
And the CIBC bank that could no longer sustain itself in Dominica. This is ugly. We must encourage strong initiatives by local, private interest, that is focused on exports. Those can be as much services as hard products. But we can’t continue as just a recipient of international donations.
Your public relations department working well!!!!!
Thank you for the direct genuine unbiased response …….de authorities have been lying to us all de time……about they still in negotiations with you!!!!!
Skerrit oversized ego thought that all you too rude to demand negotiation to address your concerns of your losses in profit due to the price structure. And some saw an opening for dem to get into the business when you left.
You were patient enough to wait for skerrit to make his grand lie……den you come out and set de record straight.
“.de authorities have been lying to us all de time……about they still in negotiations with you!!!!!” Where is the lie? What in that statement from Rubis indicates that dialogue has broken down between the two?
Are you the minister of trade?
Are you the minister of energy!
Skerrit said nobody is putting a gun to his head…….his ego bigger than his head….and he claims to be de best negotiator…..WELL HE LIED AND HE FAILED to negotiate in our best interest.
Rubis was importing at least 50% of our supplies…….tell Skerrit open his storage in Morne Daniel for you and the other blind suckers!!!!!
One day somebody is going to put a gun to his head. Trust me.
The issue is the negotiation in and of itself. The government cannot set the price of retail fuel unless it nationalizes the sourcing, storage and distribution.
Nationalization is ultimately bad for the consumer and bad for private investment, which is sorely needed.
Alas, it means that Dominicans cannot be ‘protected’ from high energy prices, until and unless we become locally self sufficient
What was the Petro caribe investment all about anyway
Outside of the price at the pump……we still don’t have adequate storage capacity
Rubis invested in the storage capacity now they gone…….there is no way you can make skerrit smile over this.
The truth hurts!!!!!
Skerrit negotiation skills is to strong arm people……because he sitting in the position of PM.
Too much ego!
Breaking his back on a fantasy of royalty!!!!!!
Some people say skerrit is a millionaire…….not by his salary……but……..tell him to invest in storage nuh
Perhaps Mr rubis doesn’t want to go into business with skerrit……obviously skerrit can’t force him to stay
Uncle Chavez gave Skerrit and Co. a cash vehicle that they could skim at will. Look at the pit bull, look at Madame Wig. Once again, I ask the question, why did the government of Venezuela write of USD100million of debt? PetroCaribe never helped the people of DA. It only helped Skerrit and the cabal.