Combatting COVID-19

COVID-19 News

Total number of COVID-19 cases in Antigua increases to 15

April 4, 2020 | Comments: 3
Antigua and Barbuda reported six more cases of the Coronavirus on Friday. Writing on his personal Facebook page, Prime Minister there-Gaston Browne said the six new cases were from 14 more tests recently carried out. Three of them are said...
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Total number of COVID-19 cases in Antigua increases to 15

COVID-19 Statistics

COMBATTING COVID-19: Latest Ministry of Health case and vaccination statistics

April 30, 2021

COVID-19 Videos

Combatting COVID-19: Facing the challenges of COVID-19

September 14, 2021

The United Workers Party of Dominica (UWP) hosted a comprehensive COVID-19 discussion on the topic of COVID-19 and the vaccines on Sunday September 2021. The discussion was conducted via zoom and streamed on their Facebook page.

The full video is provided below:


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