Dominica Freedom Party (DFP) statement on recent spike in COVID-19 infections

Bernard Hurtault, Political Leader, Dominica Freedom Party

The Dominica Freedom Party (DFP) is very concerned about the recent spike in Covid 19 infections and apparent incidents of community transmission. We offer our prayers and best wishes to the individuals and communities affected and hope for their speedy recovery.

Infectious diseases such as the coronavirus are tipping point phenomenon where things deteriorate rapidly once a critical threshold is hit. We should not allow that to happen. We encourage everyone to cooperate fully with the authorities to protect lives.

Political or ideological wrangling should have no place in this matter. Those contacted via tracing should be cooperative, not confrontational. This is not a fight we have with each other. The fight is out there against this deadly disease. We must not stand opposite to each other arguing about vaccinations or trying to score political points over this pandemic. We should instead be standing shoulder to shoulder figuring our joint solutions to defeat this deadly enemy.

One of the chief weapons against this deadly virus is vaccination. During this pandemic, countless people worked tirelessly to find an effective weapon against this disease – and they triumphed. Decades of use have shown vaccines to be safe, affordable, and very effective – a real marvel of human ingenuity. It would therefore be a tragedy for the science to triumph only to be derailed by bad information and unfounded fear.

The Dominica Freedom Party was early in its public support for the rollout and cautioned that partisan politics should be left out and the administration of the vaccine be left to the health professionals. The DFP, therefore, continues to stand in solidarity with the scientific and medical communities who appeal to reason, data, and science in combating and defeating this ruinous disease.

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  1. Maria
    August 7, 2021

    Mr. Hurtault makes a great point about cooperating with authorities to protect and save lives, particularly, if contacted for contact tracing, one should cooperate. I also agree with the idea that we should be standing together and trying to develop solutions to fight the virus. The virus does not care about which party a certain group of people support.

  2. Lin clown
    August 5, 2021

    IBO FRANCE the JACKA,this uneducated,lack of understanding COONU,continue to post comments about THE PEOPLE.It was THE PEOPLE who KICKED UWP out of power.It was THE PEOPLE who voted DLP into office.People like DS,KID,DOG,LIZBETH and CLOWN plus the 24,000 voters who voted DLP is THE PEOPLE.Not a bunch of lazy,greedy,lying,blind corrupt people like IBO and RANDYX.

  3. Empty Hand
    August 5, 2021

    Bravo! This statement reflects responsible leadership. There is hope for opposition politicians in Dominica.

  4. Ben10
    August 4, 2021

    The vaccine doesnt prevent one from contracting or spreading… now the promoting for the vaccine needs to take a different root… forcing ppl to take something that technically has no impact.. come be realistic now… so ppl should take a vaccine for caccine sake then

  5. LD
    August 4, 2021

    Great ‘voice of reason’ comments Mr Hurtault. Hope to continue to see more such commentary of reason and straight talk from the DFP.

  6. Ibo France
    August 4, 2021

    The DFP only comes from under their stone house when it is politically expedient. In all seriousness, this party does not resonate with the electors. Why? The people see them for exactly who they are – political opportunists.

    One of the tenets of good governance is INCLUSION. How can this corrupt and opaque ruling regime get people to cooperate when they (the people) are being snubbed and marginalized?

    Some of these new measures announced by the Despot in Chief are draconian. Imagine $5 000 AND twelve months in prison for not wearing a mask in public. What do you have to say about this, DFP?

    I genuinely feel that the proliferation of politicians in Dominica does more harm than good. The country needs many more social activists than politicians. People today see politics as the easiest and fastest avenue to become rich and live a royal lifestyle. Just look at the new Ministers of the Skerrit’s Cabal.

      August 4, 2021

      Ibo MALAPROP France, All you know is negativity.
      You wont give credit to what was said by the leader of the DFP because it does not suite you agenda. What he said is too good for you. If he had gone the other way bashing Skerrit and the government that would have pleased you better.
      Well is not every person that has that kind of mentality of yours. You are only there to create distruction and division.
      You are an enemy to peace and the truth.
      Keep doing what you are doing .Just bear in mind the EVIL that MAN does leaves with them not after them any more.

      August 4, 2021

      Ibo MALAPROP France, do you believe everyone is arrogant and ignorant like you and your dictatorial leader?

    • August 4, 2021

      @IBO France, I am now convinced that you have a mind that is extremely carnal about EVERYTHING, not just about knowledge of God.

      I can’t believe that this is the best you have to write about that honest message from Mr. Bernard Hurtault. You should learn to lean on the idea that says: “You say more when you say nothing at all” It is a good idea for you most of the time.

      • %
        August 5, 2021

        Lady you of all people should not be telling anyone about knowledge of God, because your past utterances on here, in condoning evil done to the citizens of Dominica by liar Skerrit, suggests that you are a lost soul, with a polluted dark and black heart. Go away SATAN!!
        Your hypocrite!!

  7. Truth Be Told
    August 4, 2021

    Where is your response to the National Budget presented in Parliament last week? Did I miss your response to the Budget? I need to hear you where it matters on critical issues? Covid will continue to be well managed by the Ministry of Health. And what of the illegal entry into Dominica and the Choksi? Stop trying to pick easy wins for soundbites while you ignore the more difficult and critical national development issues! And the contracting of MMCE for the international airport without Parliamentary approval, what is your view position?

  8. Lin clown
    August 4, 2021

    MICHAEL ASTAPHANS and JOHNSON BOSTON will disagree with you.I thought Freedom was an arm of UWP.Wait for the WRATH of IBO and % to fall on you.

  9. Clement
    August 4, 2021

    Better response than Lennox

  10. August 4, 2021

    It is funny that you are concerned about the recent spike in covid cases in Dominica yet your learned opposition friend says that vaccinations should not be mandatory. Aren’t you all confusing the people of Dominica? Make up your mind and follow the Leader before people start dying. If Lennox was the PM he would have made vaccination mandatory but he is not, so he is opposed to mandatory vaccination. You and Lennox Linton are poor leaders. Empty vessels make the most noise.

    • Wakanda Forever
      August 4, 2021

      How does being concerned and asking people to unite to fight a virus, become a negative thing? If people would rather score dubious political points than come together to save lives, then Dominica might be in more serious trouble than it realizes.

    • ???????????????????
      August 4, 2021

      ds stop this! Regardless of whom one supports, no one can force anyone to be vaccinated. Mandatory – no. Trial vaccine. No one confusing anyone. Vaccination trials. I am not anti-vaccine but u cannot compare the vaccines that have been established with this thing that some want to use to control. Read about the countless persons who have passed because of this vaccine. Read, do your research and then you will draw your own conclusion to or not take the vaccine. Why do we want to impose our subjective ideas on others. Let us respect each other’s opinions and free will. Why confuse people & say they must be vaccinated to travel. Why can’t people be tested to provide their status? Covid-yes or Covid – no? outbound & inbound – quarantine even is 4 14 days? Do you realize the vaccine is not good for those with underlying conditions? Why all the frenzy to get all vaccinated? This alone is a cause for concern. Read history. Some persons always want to control. get educated on…

    • %
      August 4, 2021

      You are simply a semi illiterate!!

    • August 4, 2021

      @ds, I beg to differ with your comment this time. I will always be a Laborite, but I will not oppose to everything from the other parties just for opposing sake.

      The UWP and the DFP should be or are two different political parties with different ideologies that should influence the people or the electorates to choose them–they are not supposed to be working side by side as you seem to be saying.

      Mr. Bernard Hurtault’s message about this corvid-19 troubles is on point, compared to that foolishness of Lennox Linton, who is doing nothing but trying to score political points, through all the wrong approaches.

      • August 5, 2021

        I agree with you. I am sorry. What Mr. Bernard is saying does make sense. Here who is calling me illiterate, %, of all people. That is if he has a modicum of commonsense, supporting his drop out from high school to be the next PM. Sorry, Elizabeth. I retract any negativity from Mr. Bernard’s opinion.

  11. RandyX
    August 4, 2021

    Bernard, does the DFP also continue to stand in solidarity with the PM of this country who flaunts his own rules at will and also sanctions the breaking of those rules by his supporters? I do understand that this virus is a serious issue but it can’t be that there are rules for some and different rules for others. I tell you a bit of home truth now, all you guys (leaders and members of those other political parties and organisations) need to grow some balls and start challenging the unfairness, corruption, bought elections that occur in our country. You should also ask and even force this PM to account for our missing state funds. All you can’t fight this man with niceties and politeness. You need to get at him with the same blunt ‘weapons’ that he engages against all you. I you are not prepared to do that or for one reason or an other, do step down and make way for others who can and will do. Can one single person in this country overlook the scandal that occurred in Parliament?

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