Guadeloupe under siege

All photos provided by Clayton Florent

Guadeloupe’s economy has been severely hampered by roadblocks around the Island which started on Monday 14 November. Each day, the blockages intensified from the major highways to secondary roads, with trees, old vehicles, tyres and everything that could be found. Some of the blockages were set on fire, making it very difficult for motorists.

Schools have been affected, businesses have been functioning with limited staff and access has been restricted for people with medical appointments at the main hospital to those brought in by ambulance. The entrance to the main hospital was blocked by the striking union workers with access allowed only to emergency vehicles.

The situation intensified on the evening of Thursday 18 to Friday 19 November when all the major and secondary roads were blocked all around the island, making it impossible to access the commercial capital of Pointe a Pitre and Jarry, the main industrial area.

Persons not associated with the unions capitalized on the situation by setting fire in some areas of Pointe a Pitre resulting in a major fire which destroyed 6 buildings, and left some stores, mainly jewelry stores, vandalized and looted. A motorcycle dealership in the city of Gosier was looted and burnt. No one was injured in the fires, but the Gendarmes (Security Police) were attacked with stones and acid. Some areas were unblocked by the armed forces while others remained blocked throughout the day.

The Prefet of Guadeloupe, Alexandre Rochate, on Friday afternoon announced a curfew which would take effect form 6 pm to 5 am, from Friday 19, to Tuesday morning, November 23. The Guadeloupian Parliamentarians sitting on the French Assemblé Général called on the Prime Minister, Jean Castex, to schedule a meeting with all concerned parties. That meeting is scheduled for Tuesday November 23.

A wide section of civil servants, including health-care workers and the Fire and Ambulance Services have been demonstrating around the island every Saturday, since July against mandatory vaccination and the imposition of a Health Pass which was put in place by the French government.

The total number of COVID-19 cases in Guadeloupe is almost at 55,000 and more than 800 residents have died from the virus.

Vaccination coverage rate (at least one dose) of people over 18 years of age in Guadeloupe is 46.43%,   Saint-Martin -48.06% and Saint-Barth – 79.65%.

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  1. Roseau River
    November 23, 2021

    Seek independence if they don’t want to have to play by the rule set by mainland France

  2. Struggle continues
    November 23, 2021

    There will always be rioting in the streets. Unless we have a world without class and without struggle. China says tryany is the new world order. The masses say we need our fair share. As long world politicians continue to marginalize the poor there will be looting. Because while they stabilize the poor peasants in poverty. They live/bask in absolute luxury. No justice no peace.

  3. UKDominican
    November 23, 2021

    It made the headline news on BBC television in the U.K. this morning with live shots of Point a Pitre and the damage caused there. This is serious but it does get international attention though. If you do not make noise you don’t get heard apparently.

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  4. RastarMarn
    November 22, 2021

    If this was the Colonial days this aggression would be transferred to the neighboring islands in support for the fight for Liberties,,,

    No wonder Gauda and Martinique is more developed than it neighboring Islands,,,

    These people are just expressing their anger with the establishment who seem to have a mindset of implementing more and more restrictions when the last restrictions are done with,,,

    First they said to social distance,,,

    Then go into your homes and stay there,,,

    Then it was you cannot travel out of country,,,

    Then it was you have to participate in a Gene Therapy,,,

    Now they saying if you don’t participate in the Gene Therapy you will be an Outcast,,,

    Enough is enough man C’mon at what point people gonna say wait a minute we are not complying to these arbitrary Measures,,,

    How is it that every country have different measures to follow???

    isn’t it ridiculous that One must have those vaccines that the US paid to produce for One to be able to…

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  5. Marvin White
    November 22, 2021

    How do we get Covid behind us if not for vaccination?

    Hot debate. What do you think? Thumb up 13 Thumb down 22
    • Channel 1
      November 22, 2021

      @Marvin White – How would you explain the following situation in Gibraltar?

      Most vaccinated place on Earth told to cancel holiday plans amid ‘exponential’ rise in Covid cases –

      The following excerpt was also found in the article link above:

      “Similarly well-vaccinated countries have also reported surges in Covid-19 infections recently. In Singapore, where 94% of the eligible population have been inoculated, cases and deaths soared to record highs at the end of October, and have since subsided slightly. In Ireland, where around 92% of the adult population is fully vaccinated, cases of Covid-19 and deaths from the virus have roughly doubled since August.”

    • RastarMarn
      November 22, 2021

      Just treat it as the common cold go bathe in the Sea and drink your Bush tea!!!

      The reason people are passing away from these ailments is because they are just being monitored and sometimes been given treatment that is recommended by computer algorithms, and not real scientific deductions,,,

      If One has a nasal infection they should be treated accordingly for that ailment not be stuffed with a Ventilator machine forcing air down there lungs which is already damaged,,,

      All them people that have cases of diabetes and high blood pressure should be treated for those conditions simultaneously as they are being treated for their congestion problems from Coronavirus,,,

      The issue with Coronaviruses is they create a lot of Mucus build up and that’s what causes the ailments causes Lung Damage, stop just staying there and watch people wither away when they can be treated with Mucinex Max to get rid of the Mucus build up,,,

      Hot debate. What do you think? Thumb up 4 Thumb down 4
      • Roseau River
        November 23, 2021

        I believe Covid will be similar to the seasonal flu in that vaccination will be recommended in order to minimize the potential impact once one is infected.

        I might have missed the medical research, but I do not believe the magic bullet for beating a Covid infection is taking Mucinex Max.

    • make it make sense
      November 23, 2021

      Simple answer is we can’t (even with vaccines). It’s gonna be like the flu. Just a seasonal thing that comes around every year. The good news is that selective pressures on new variants will cause them to become less virulent (less deadly) in order to be more transmissable. Just like the so-called delta variant is more contagious but less severe than the previously more common variant.

      We should have just let this thing run its course, allow people to treat themselves with the different types of medications available and protect the vulnerable people like the elderly and people with underlying conditions until they can be vaccinated. Then people can be vaccinated if they want to to protect themsleves.

      The bottom line is there should be no mandate. There is literally no valid argument at this point for a mandate (there never was really). But the “it helps to stop the spread” bs is pretty much bunk at this point.

    • Annon
      November 23, 2021

      Because many have been burned in the past. Some ‘doctors’ and scientists have bad track record. Remember the Tuskegee experiment, and others?? Hence the skepticism of many, but covid-19 is different, it is worldwide and doesn’t affect one specific group or race, so far, even if the vaccine is still young. Though I don’t understand the DNA (mrna) method nor the traditional method used to make the vaccine, the benefit seems to outweigh the risks in real numbers, so I encourage people to take it.

    • Annon
      November 23, 2021

      The masses don’t comply.

    • Waiting For Airport
      November 24, 2021

      Marvin white, healthy people will not die from this. The answer to your question is personal responsibility. Eat healthy, exercise, love a healthy lifestyle. If the majority adopt this, then not only will this disease disappear, but also diabetes, high blood pressure and most common diseases!

      The solution is not medical apartheid, it’s being proactive about your health!

      Coincidentally, the healthy people who have died from this are the ones who are vaccinated. That’s the illusion that your leaders seem to be tricking you guys with. They say the vaxx is to save life, but the evidence shows the opposite. I can guarantee everyone in this thread knows at least one person who had died recently despite being vaxxed!

  6. Mc Carthy MARIE
    November 22, 2021

    The problem in Guadeloupe and Martinique is one word
    ” CHLORDECONE”. Here are the age-standardized rates of prostate Cancer for Guadeloupe and Martinique: 189 per 100000 for Guadeloupe and 185 per 1000,0000 for Martinique. The world average is 6.

    The half-life of Chlordecone is 600 years; this means that the chemical remains stable for 1200 years making the soil where it is pretty much unusable; the Coastal. The Government of France, unfortunately, did pretty much nothing for the population. That is what is driving the refusal to take the vaccine. Simple but complicated.

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  7. Garçon
    November 22, 2021

    The Guadeloupe situation is a wake up call for Dominica. All those who are happy about the housing revolution and the free houses they get rather the government using those resource to beef up industries in which they can work. All those who are ecstatic about hand outs must realize after a while that this is not real help. That’s exactly what’s going on In Guadeloupe. All the frustrated young people who grew up in the ghettos the government created , and that’s exactly what they are, are now feeling ignored because shelter is not all. They are reminding the government that they are there and are doing so in a massive way.
    Secondly, when people have concerns government should never ignore them. Speak to the people. Explain your position. They may not agree but at least they will feel respected. We are stirring up something which will explode.

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  8. Ibo France
    November 22, 2021

    It’s sad to see the level of looting, disruption of essential services, destruction and violence. I haven’t heard of any deaths. Hope this statistic remains intact.

    There is a limit to how much one can tolerate no matter how docile he may be. This eruption of emotions in Guadeloupe should be a clear indication of the present volatile atmosphere that exists in the Caribbean and around the world. A hungry man is an angry man.

    Leaders, stop pouring fuel on the smouldering fire to make a bonfire. I’m certain that Roosevelt and his devotees will pay no heed while his neighbours’ house is on fire. He is convinced that Dominicans are non-combative and aloof. Dominica is unique.

    Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 13 Thumb down 4
  9. kubulol
    November 22, 2021

    They too spoiled !
    give’m independance !

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    • Gone Are The Days
      November 23, 2021

      I wish they would, so that these people can finally be freed from these people who have enslaved, displaced and colonized them. But France has never given the people whose land they stole any independence. Instead France has made the people whom they enslaved sign a “PAC for continued colonization” and divert all their money to the “BANK of FRANCE” rendering them poor as hell, and bearly able to feed themselves. Gwada and Martinique will be Better off with reparations and independence unlike what they did to the African counties that are feeding France.

  10. make it make sense
    November 22, 2021

    So it took almost until the last paragraph to say why people are rioting? In any other situation the title would be “Mass riots in response to vaccine mandates” or something to that effect. But for some reason all media trying to make people believe that everywhere people just accepting this nonsense and is just a few crazy people who think it’s a bad idea to try to force or coerce people into putting something in their bodies.

    Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 21 Thumb down 12
  11. Mr. Nicholas
    November 22, 2021

    well, I know what to do when the time come for Dominica to burn, CLEARLY the people of Guadeloupe want to be free…and REMAIN so.

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    • Eagle-Eyed
      November 23, 2021

      So how does cutting off your nose to spite your face = freedom? :mrgreen:

  12. Dom-in-a-can
    November 21, 2021

    That’s the kind of movement we need in Dom-in-a-can if we are going to get our country back

    Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 25 Thumb down 21
  13. Ibo France
    November 21, 2021

    This mandatory vaccination and showing of vaccination card for jobs, entering some public places and private businesses is causing havoc around the world. I’m not condoning the violence and destruction but desperate people do desperate things. I hope common sense prevails.

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  14. Jonathan Y St Jean
    November 21, 2021

    A simple solution is to give a deadline, say December 31st by which time all persons capable of being vaccinated to get at least one shot. So from January 1st 2022 the unvaccinated will have to pay for the tests and the vaccines and for hospital stay and treatment. That should get their attention and stop most of the ignorance. All this ignorance and looting and destruction of property helps no one.

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    • Gary
      November 22, 2021

      Why don’t you write the Prefect of Guadeloupe and give him this advice, you think that’s how such a problem is going to be solved, where is the dialogue, it’s very easy to sit behind the comfort of your computer and write such a comment, it’s what you do, never thinking, so long.

      • Ibo France
        November 23, 2021

        Gary, prominent individuals and groups have written to the relevant authorities about their concerns, fears and suffering to no avail.

        You just have to feed your insatiable ego with spurious accusations and criticisms of people you begrudge for their intellectual prowess.

        Why don’t you contribute your time and energy to a worthy cause? Go and demonstrate against the innumerable cases of corruption and illegality committed by this despotic administration you so robustly support. Become an activist for transparency and accountability in government. Advocate for better healthcare, justice and welfare systems. Stand up against police brutality. Make yourself useful instead of wasting time being a menace on this website and to society.

      • Jonathan Y St Jean
        November 23, 2021

        @Gary, keep on hating, hater.

    • make it make sense
      November 22, 2021

      So your solution to riots caused by vaccine mandates is to make the mandates worse? Seems like the vaccine killing brain cells or something

      • Channel 1
        November 23, 2021

        @make it make sense – I also find the comment above by Jonathan to be quite irrational in the circumstances.

        It’s akin to saying that a simple solution to put out a ‘raging’ fire is to pour more gasoline & combustibles into that fire.

        • Jonathan Y St Jean
          November 23, 2021

          @Channel 1, Consider that Martinique and Guadeloupe aren’t the only overseas territories of France and yet these two are the ones where this level of ignorance is so widespread and making world news. The educated information shows that the vaccines save lives and are safe. By believing conspiracy theories and not following the mandates these ignorant persons are hurting the economies of their countries by lengthening the period of time that the countries can’t get back to full economic activity. It’s now a pandemic of the un-vaccinated. Should the minority be allowed to continue to hold the majority to hostage by their ignorance? I don’t support that hence my stance that it’s time to get tough for the sake of the whole of society. Even if some vaccinated people do get the virus they mostly don’t get hospitalized nor die, thus hospital space is available for routine and elective surgery.

      • Jonathan Y St Jean
        November 23, 2021

        @maki it make sense, the problem isn’t the vaccine killing anything or anybody it’s people who lack brain cells to understand that the vaccines are safe, they aren’t microchips being put into people’s bodies and other conspiracy theories. It’s now a pandemic of the “un-vaccinated”, go figure.

  15. Waiting For Airport
    November 21, 2021

    Finally, some Caribbean people with balls. Respect to the Guadeloupe people.

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    • Tomo
      November 22, 2021

      Unfortunately Dominicans haven’t got balls anymore. They are all politically impotent, castrated by the wannabe dictator.

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    • Man bites dogs
      November 22, 2021

      @Airport, You right to say “some Caribbean people with balls”. Big balls yes, but very small brains tomorrow and months after most of them will not have any jobs to go to the French government should let them suck salt, see who got big balls!!

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      • Macallun
        November 23, 2021

        If your statement is accurate your balls must be the size of a football and your brains the size of a pea. Reading your constant comments on here does actually support your theory as well. Poor dog biter!

    • Roseau River
      November 23, 2021

      Balls would be seeking independence so they control their future.

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