LETTER TO THE EDITOR: To vaccinate or not to vaccinate

Dear Editor,

Vitriolic debates, some of which degenerate into insults and name calling, rage on social media with respect to Covid-19 vaccine hesitancy and rejection. But, as a Trinidad & Tobago based member of The Caribbean Voice pointed out, those who make and implement policies really need to listen to those who have issues with the vaccine and recognize that a lot of it, including the fears, have to do with mental health.

Fears are often based on personal issues such as individuals being allergic to certain medications or suffering from certain illnesses. Fears can lead to panic attacks and paranoia. As well, vaccine compulsion often leads to anxiety, depression, and peritraumatic distress as individuals fear serious physical reactions and even death.

These fears need to be allayed and language becomes critical in this process, as any mental health practitioner would know. Thus, mental health issues have to be addressed as a prerequisite to these persons becoming amenable to vaccine. And until fears are allayed and mental health issues addressed, until hesitant persons are assured that either they have absolutely nothing to fear or that their allergies and medical issues will be addressed in any vaccine regimen, vaccine mandates will only make matters worse.

An August 5th article on the CNN website stated, “There’s a well-documented phenomenon in psychology called the “backfire effect.” Giving people facts disproving their incorrect beliefs can actually reinforce those beliefs. Researchers have observed this phenomenon in the context of political misconceptionsvoting preferences, the decision to vaccinate one’s children and whether to get a flu vaccine oneself. The more people are confronted with facts at odds with their opinions, the stronger they cling to those opinions.

And if arguing with facts backfires, you know what backfires even more? Criticizing, blaming and shaming them for being thoughtless, selfish, stupid, ignorant or psychopathic. You can check this yourself: When was the last time you changed your behavior in response to someone blaming or shaming you?“

Thus, instead of engaging in debates to nowhere that compound the animosity and disconnect, displaying empathy and curiosity would be the way to go. Walk in the shoes of those who refuse the vaccine, understand their perspectives then seek to  create an environment that makes them feel safe and affirmed. Perhaps too it would be better for those who have taken the vaccine to share their reasons for doing so. For in that sharing other hitherto hesitant individuals may find connections and  reasons for them to also then take the vaccine.

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  1. Can’t Call It
    August 9, 2021

    As for me and my house, we went from being deeply divided on the need to vaccinate to being fully vaccinated. I must say getting to that point was not smooth as I was initially among the staunch resistors. I resisted on the grounds that the vaccine was part of a nefarious plan at eugenics, population control, capitalism, mark of the beast initiative and many other skeptical notions.

    I remained steadfast in my opposition to the vaccine until my daughter level set me on the following current US immigrant required vaccination list: Mumps, Measles, Rubella, Polio, Tetanus and diphtheria, Pertussis,
    Haemophilus influenzae type B (Hib),
    Hepatitis A, Hepatitis B,Rotavirus
    Meningococcal disease,Varicella
    Pneumococcal disease, Seasonal influenza.

    Upon that reminder, I checked my left upper arm and saw the reminder of the many vaccines I had to take before emigrating to the US as a young teen. I then proceeded to take my two jabs and promptly turned everything over to the Most High.

  2. Weighing All Matters
    August 9, 2021

    If we lived in a different time then I would totally agree with your premise that sound reasoning and communication can allay the fears of ant-vaxers. Sadly, we are now living in a time when even brother is pitted against brother when it comes to whether or not to get vaccinated. There is deep division on this topic at every level of society.

    Globally, we are a far cry from 1947 when the city of New York came together on one accord in the fight against Small Pox. It is documented that close to 8 million New Yorkers were vaccinated over a month to keep the Small Pox bug at bay.

    Folks, today we are a lot more polarized than ever before so it is no surprise to find vaccine opinions and divisions running so deep. Let us agree to disagree!!!

  3. Ti Garcon
    August 9, 2021

    The ignorance on this thread is astonishing. Less than a third of the west Indian population has taken the vaccine, yet fools here running thier mouth saying the hospital should be for vaccinated people only. The same people who call Skerrit a dictator are voicing Nazistic like behavior.
    I haven’t taken the vaccine, nor do I intend to do so in the near future. I’ll wait a couple years to fully get a grasp of the side effects. In little Dominica I know of 10 people who have died since getting the vaccine, doubt they ever got the Corona. Maybe it was old age, maybe the vaccine expedited their end date.
    That said, any attempt to force vaccinations or instill such discrimination in our society will be put down. And it won’t be skerrit to suffer, those who feel they man enough to enact such a policy will get the Gonslaves treatment.

  4. just saying
    August 9, 2021

    This is one of the best piece I have ever read and I back this 100%

  5. Ibo France
    August 8, 2021

    There is a hardcore percentage of the population that would never believe in the efficacy of this vaccine no matter how convincing the evidence is. Facts and concrete evidence would not sway them.

    Others are hesitant to take the vaccine because of fear, misinformation, ignorance, misconceptions and trust issues. These are the ones that are most likely to be amenable to the potency of the evidence they receive about the proven effectiveness of the vaccine.

    The information/evidence should be given in a ‘palatable ‘manner and not in a commanding, demeaning tone. Many times people reject sound advice and arguments , not because they don’t believe but because of the uncouth, commanding and arrogant manner in which it is presented..

    Many fierce arguments were started not by what was said but how it was said. A soft answer turneth away wrath.

  6. August 8, 2021

    And why use your voice to write this negative piece against the precautions to deal with a deadly virus that is crippling the World?

    It is factual, what fear can do to the mind of mankind causing him to suffer all sorts of predicaments; you are not telling us anything new, but are you using that information as a discouragement against taking a vaccine to fight against this deadly corvid-19 of the day.

    That is what you did with your title: “To take the vaccine or not” when you said: “Walk in the shoes of those who refuse the vaccine–”

    When people who have not taken the vaccine, or doubting against it read that piece of yours, they will certainly go the negative way in that you have plugged unnecessary fear in them more than they ever had.

    This message is not helping the authorities of the Nations to fight against this deadly virus; it is making everything more difficult for them, including those of us who want to live a normal Life

    • August 8, 2021

      I believe that the fear in people is based on the side effect of the vaccine (whatever they are) which many people did not and will not experience–I am one of those persons.

      Some had or will have those sides effects more severe than others, but the majority were able to overcome and the chances of contracting that virus are almost negative. ​
      So why not tell people what is the purpose for taking the vaccine instead of scaring the hell out of them and suggesting that we walk in their shoes–how foolish!

      As with all vaccines, the corvid-19 vaccine is simply to boost the immune system to be able to fight against the virus, in that the healthier our immune system the safer we are against it.

      That is the ignorance that has plagued the minds of people, the reason they refuse to take the vaccine, why don’t you educate them about that factor instead of that negative thing which you wrote above, calling yourself “A Voice”. Well, I never!

      • Jonathan Y St Jean
        August 9, 2021

        @elizabethlxavier, you chose your communication style to try and get your point across, but others would prefer a different style from the miriad of ways there are to communicate. Why do you believe that your choice is superior to anyone else? Society is made up of complex individuals therefore there isn’t any one size fits all.

        • August 9, 2021

          @Jonaphan St. Jean, when I did is say that my choice of communication is superior to anyone else? Well, thanks for the compliment, if that is what you notice.

          Here we have a deadly virus, that is crippling the World, now attacking us in Dominica because people listened or believed foolishness like what is written above, I cannot remain quiet about this.

          “Walk in the shoes of those who are allowing fear to cripple their decision to do the right thing, instead of advising those people of the importance of protection for their health and safety” do you really expect me to accept this kind of stupidity?

          People are supposed to walk away from fear not step in its shoes. For the sake of those who want to live, not die, I will speak to help them understand the difference between what is negative and what is positive.

          That article above is a damn negative message from the so-called voice of a dark-minded individual or group, it is not for the people.

    • VereTere
      August 9, 2021

      You are a notorious hypocrite. You have as much credibility as YOUR PM. Get out of here nobody cares about your nasty propaganda.

  7. August 8, 2021

    Even though I had some reservations about taking the vaccine, when AstraZenica became available in Dominica I and my family were among the first in line to get the jab. Statistics in the western world reveal that over 97% of those hospitalized with covid are UNVACCINATED, and over 99% of covid related deaths were of the UNVACCINATED. These figures alone tell you all you need to know.

    • Lamb
      August 8, 2021

      Man thinks he can solve his own problems, big or small. All these comments from “smart and intelligent people” doing what they do best, show off and pretend to know and have all the answers. No doubt, these are people who attend “church” ceremoniously but don’t know God. It has been prophesied through the Spirit of God the All Mighty, that in the last days (end times) perilous times shall come. And I dare say it is here. We are having one strain of the virus after the other. The vaccine 💉 which they are pushing down people’s throats, how do they know that it will stand up against other strains which may possibly show up? How many people are in a rush to accept the blood of Jesus to wash away their sins? A very very small %. So think about that. Vaccine or no vaccine we will die one day. But we can’t get to heaven on a vaccine. We must have the blood of Jesus. He took the vaccine on the cross for us. Pricked in both hands and His side. Nothing but the blood 🩸 of Jesus.

      • August 8, 2021

        The pademic and our decision to vaccinate has nothing to do with religion, so why are you trying to religionize the debate? If you want religion go to church.

        • Just asking
          August 10, 2021

          Which jesus are you all talking about here, is it Christ from Nazareth or the white one with the beard from Italy or the hippie from Mud Lick, Kentucky?

      • Child of the almighty God
        August 9, 2021

        Amen brother or sister I’ve been born again for almost 3 years this is the end times the last church age before the heavens open up to be raptured with our savior the lord Jesus Christ these people taking the vaccine are perfect candidates for the mark of the beast when the antichrist makes them get it Jesus is all we have he is our only hope in this godless world im covered by the blood and anyone reading this beleive on the lord Jesus christ and thou shall be saved and have ever lasting life.

        • Wakanda Forever
          August 9, 2021

          Have you ever thought that there are people who worked to bring this vaccine to us, who are born again just like you? Misidentifying vaccines as the “mark of the beast” is not new: https://rb.gy/ceuiie (see the highlighted portion of this 1870 publication). That vaccine which the author labeled as evil, against actually began the eradication of smallpox from the entire globe. The End will come when the End comes, in the meantime God expects us to serve Him AND each other.

    • Too many agendas
      August 10, 2021

      Colin those figures were from USA and not the entire western world and UK figures show the US data is incorrect even to the extent there are articles in the UK press about this. Also data from many other countries show otherwise.. This is the problem people are misleading people with data that is incorrect or a snap shop that changes. The western world do not have a monopoly on knowledge or medicine and that is also one of the issues here. India has created medicine to give to their people etc… USA is not the whole western world and also not always correct.

  8. I dunno
    August 8, 2021

    You are right that blame and shame don’t usually make people change their minds but very little does! Look at US, UK, etc. who have had vaccines for months. Almost no one can be convinced to get it unless they lose something first (job, loved one, health). What to do when it is life or death? The lord has blessed us with this vaccine, but many think they are greater than the almighty. I dunno

    • Demcanttrickme
      August 9, 2021

      God make the vaccine man? I didn’t know that

  9. Kernita
    August 8, 2021

    Dominicans are reckless and irresponsible all that partying that cause the corona to spread. I hope permission will never be granted for any one to host any events.because they are not social distancing

  10. Mark
    August 8, 2021

    Individuals should consult their health professionals and then make a decision on the path forward. Very simple. Too many people are relying on social media for their information. Social media is a very poor outlet for receiving sound advice. Please listen to the subject matter experts for reliable data as it pertains to this dreadful disease.
    Having said that, I am still of the opinion that the vaccine should be made mandatory unless someone has a very good reason for not taking it. Those who refuse should be made to test weekly at their own expense. It’s the only way to get a handle on this virus.

  11. Kudos
    August 8, 2021

    Good, thoughtful article except that the “backfire effect” may not be as thought: https://www.niemanlab.org/2019/03/the-backfire-effect-is-mostly-a-myth-a-broad-look-at-the-research-suggests/. (Many other articles question it’s relevance.) At the very least we need our own Caribbean-based research. Talking past people’s real concerns, like many highly educated people tend to do, could be the real problem rather than the failure of facts to convince the hearer. For example, “This vaccine could change my DNA!”. Response: “The vaccine is safe and decreases the chance of serious illness or death”. As factual as the response is, it comes across as “What you fear doesn’t matter, just listen to me and do what I say.” A better response would be: “This is an RNA vaccine. It teaches your cells to make a particular protein, then it’s destroyed; it never enters the nucleus, where your DNA lives”. That response, even if not immediately accepted, says to the person, ” I hear you”.

  12. Zandoli
    August 8, 2021

    I have long gone past the stage of trying to convince people to take the vaccine. What I would like the government to do 7s create a special building to house these people who get infected and leave the rest of the Healthcare system available for those who took the vaccine.
    We should not allow people who decide not to take the vaccine to impact the lives of others who take the time to protect themselves.
    Let vaccine hesitant people sort out their business. If they survive the virus, good fir them. We will bury those who don’t survive.

  13. Mr. Nicholas
    August 8, 2021

    Just WOW,

    I immensely appreciate this piece of commentary as it accurately embodies my perspective of this whole issue of mandatory vaccines. One could go on to point out the deep seated resentment that would exist within society were we to force or coerce people to take it. also the pandemonium that would break out if future adverse effects were to arise ,Then! who would want to be responsible for having taken away this personal and sacred choice??? everyone would then want to wash their hands.. it is better to encourage people to be administered on their own volition. stop the thinking that a vaccine will bring back carnival when in reality only responsible behavior will help us achieve this. this is a lesson on the importance of trust at all levels. the value of credibility and the very reason why the truth is so important in everything. only the truth will set us free.

    kudos to the author

  14. Yvonne Thomas
    August 8, 2021

    Well said.
    I am no psychologist, but l have always thought the same things.
    I am not against vaccination at all, but with issues of poor blood circulation, l am reluctant. My concerns have not been adequately answered.
    I see and understand the merit of being vaccinated, but l am a bit unnerved by its possible effects given my condition.

    • Zandoli
      August 8, 2021

      And you are not concerned about the effects of the virus on your poor blood circulation? You had better pray you don’t come in contact with the virus because while you are contemplating your loved ones will be making your funeral arrangements.

      • Yvonne Thomas
        August 9, 2021

        Actually, l did contract Covid 19 in May 2021. I was asymptomatic, never went to the respiratory clinic for care. I did my isolation period at home, and l am not suffering from any effects.

  15. Dan
    August 8, 2021

    Annan great point. Instead of the push of vaccines educate the people on both sides of the vaccines health risk and benefits and also let them know of the FDA rules so that people can make an informed decision not in fear but based on reliable information. Cause people who are dying from the covid are people with underlined illness not healthy people. The healthy are recovering at ease. All Caribbean leaders must know that it is illegal to make the vaccine mandatory by FDA because it’s only an experimental drug that is not fully approved hence there will be adverse effect by taking it which can lead to death for some. The international law states that anyone can refuse any drug that is known to affect their health. Therefore, I would agree for people to follow all protocals for curfew to ease the situation, but will disagree to all forcing of taking the vaccine and trying to make it mandatory illegally. And I would appeal for all leaders to report the deaths associated with the…

    • Zandoli
      August 8, 2021

      Do some research before you speak so much nonsense.
      There is ample information out there regarding the safety and efficacy of tge approved vaccines. This is not in question except in the minds of silly people.
      I don’t think you have a clue what is required to get full approval for this vaccine. But sufficient to say, full approval is imminent.

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