WHO says Omicron dangerous especially for unvaccinated

The World Health Organization (WHO)said Wednesday that the Omicron variant of COVID-19 is dangerous, especially for those who have not been vaccinated against the disease.

The WHO said the huge global spike in cases was being driven by Omicron but insisted there should be no surrender to the variant of concern.

“While Omicron causes less severe disease than Delta, it remains a dangerous virus, particularly for those who are unvaccinated,” WHO chief Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus said at a press conference.

“We mustn’t allow this virus a free ride or wave the white flag, especially when so many people around the remain unvaccinated,” Tedros added and pointed out that in Africa, over 85 per cent of people are yet to receive a single dose of vaccine.

“We can’t end the acute phase of the pandemic unless we close this gap,” declared the WHO director.

Tedros had proposed that every country should have 10 percent of their population vaccinated the end of of every country to have 10 per cent of their population vaccinated by the end of September 2021, 40 per cent by the end of December, and 70 per cent by mid-2022.

But 90 countries had still not reached 40 per cent, 36 of them still short of the 10per cent mark, he said.

The “overwhelming majority” of people admitted to hospitals around the world were unvaccinated, he added.

While vaccines remain very effective at preventing death and severe COVID-19 disease, they do not fully prevent transmission, said Tedros.

“More transmission means more hospitalisations, more deaths, more people off work — including teachers and health workers — and more risk of another variant emerging that is even more transmissible and more deadly than Omicron.

Tedros said that the numbers of deaths worldwide had stabilised at around 50,000 per week.

“Learning to live with this virus does not mean we can, or should, accept this number.”

WHO emergencies director Michael Ryan added: “This is not the time to declare this is a welcome virus.”

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  1. Gary
    January 16, 2022
  2. Gary
    January 14, 2022
  3. TeteMore I From
    January 14, 2022

    Indeed, that scare tactic is not working for some people. I got the two shots and I am DONE. Harassing people about omnicron this, omnicron that, is not going to make them take it. Get a clue, already, WHO.

    Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 5 Thumb down 0
  4. The Truth All the Way
    January 13, 2022

    But WHO what happen to the vaccinated who still get covid? Why press the vaccine agenda when you are not truthful about the vaccines. Those who are vaccinated still fall prey to covid and so many have died or are adversely affected. All WHO is concerned for the financiers who give them money. They are not concerned about anyone.

    We need answers why do they still get covid? Why do they still have to get boosters?
    WHO please say you made a mistake. Herd immunity would have been met already without vaccination. This is a money-making scheme for the big wigs at the top. Covid is not so dreadful as you make it seem. Please please emancipation the people from fear slavery. Stress slavery too for many are getting sick over this fear-spreading virus. Now all you talking about other variants to put more fear. God is watching and he knows the truth.
    You can fool people but you cannot fool the Almighty.

    Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 6 Thumb down 0
  5. Channel 1
    January 13, 2022

    Aye, those of y’all who are interested in science ie REAL & GENUINE science, do not disregard the following very interesting current trends being seen worldwide:

    1. The countries with the highest covid vaccination rates at this time are those currently battling major covid surges – in some instances at record rates even higher than when 0% of their populations were vaccinated against covid.

    2. In these countries, the professions with the highest vaccination rates eg the airline industry, the medical sector among others are those professions currently experiencing major staff shortages due to significant numbers of staff in these fields being affected by covid.

    P.S. – Can one of y’all call Tedros and ask him the following:
    1. What is a medication that is classified as a vaccine FUNDAMENTALLY designed to do?

    2. Explain the Mechanism of Action of a vaccine.


    Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 4 Thumb down 0
    • JJ
      January 17, 2022

      I think these are valid questions to ask your and the Pharoah of Qanon, Trump, so that he will fix it like he started to do by not telling any of you. Then you found out, and he abused you to drink bleach. After all, he will run again, to Jack it up for you. Rember he still obsessed with the Black guy to whom America gave 2 TERMS and not ‘him’. Ask him, he knows.

  6. January 13, 2022

    The Omicron variant is now known to be so transmissible that we are all going to be exposed to it, vaccinated or not. On the upside, it is far less dangerous. Whilst the number of infected worldwide is soaring, hospitalizations are static and deaths are falling. It is displacing the other variants. I believe that this signals the end of the covid 19 pandemic. We must remember that Big Pharma has made trillions from this pandemic and also funds the WHO. I am Omironptimistic.

    Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 8 Thumb down 0
  7. Zandoli
    January 13, 2022

    I really don’t know why WHO keeps beating that drum over and over. If the unvaxxed were not as concerned about Delta, what makes them think they will give a second thought to Omicron?

    Some people choose to believe what fits in with their way of thinking. As far as I am concerned, just leave people alone and let them deal with the consequences as it happens in real time. It they survive, I am happy for them. If they suffer long term effects of the virus, they will have to live with it. If they die, we will bury them.
    We are entering the third year of the pandemic. Those who were inclined to be vaccinated most likely have already taken the shot. Just leave the rest to their own devices.

    Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 22 Thumb down 5
    • make it make sense
      January 13, 2022

      You are exactly right, everybody should be allowed to make their own decisions about their life, just like how we let people eat junk, live a sedentary life, smoke, drink and have unprotected sex with multiple partners – all of those things can lead to disease and death.

      But see your blind side is that you think this is about health. If this was about health we would see governments doing more to tackle health problems that existed well before the pandemic, like obesity, since those are significant contributing factors to mortality

      But instead they close down gyms, beaches and parks, while fast food outlets remain open. In australia daily exercise is considered “non-essential” and not a reason that allows the “unvaccinated” to be able to leave their home prison.

      If this is about health none of this makes sense. But if its about power and control it does

      Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 12 Thumb down 3
      • Annon
        January 15, 2022

        Nott when it affects people other than just you.

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