Dr. Clayton Shillingford, President Emeritus of the Dominica Academy of Arts & Sciences, has died

Clayton Shillingford at his microscope during his days at the Dominica Grammar School in (Circa 1955). 
President Emeritus of the Dominica Academy of Arts & Sciences Dr. Clayton Arthur Shillingford, has died.
Dr. Shiilingford passed away on Thursday, at the age of 88,  in the United States where he resided.
A distinguished cadet, athlete, scholar, and graduate of the Dominica Grammar School, Dr. Shillingford graduated with honors in Mathematics and Botany from the University College of the West Indies (later University of the West Indies). He went on to earn an MS in Botany from Kings College London and received his PhD from the University of Illinois at Urbana Champagne.
A former senior plant scientist and researcher at the Dupont Laboratory in Delaware, Dr. Shillingford spent a lifetime volunteering with the South Florida Dominica Association, the Dominica Academy of Arts and Sciences (DAAS) and was a founding member of Rebuild Dominica.
Dominica-born attorney based in the United States, Gabriel Christian, expressed “profound sadness” at the passing of Dr. Shillingford, stating, “It was his desire to aggregate the scattered human resources of Dominica’s Diaspora in the United States, Canada and the United Kingdom and partner with Dominicans at home and the government for the development of Dominica and the wider Caribbean.”  However, Christian said that while the Dominica Academy had many successes, true partnership with the Dominica government remained elusive.
“The members, friends and supporters of the Dominica Academy and Rebuild Dominica render a heartfelt salute to a stalwart patriot and civic leader. We shall remember him,” Christian stated..
Dr. Shillingford is survived by his wife Margaret Shillingford, his daughter Gillian Palacios-Shillingford, and grandchildren, several siblings, family members, and friends.
More information on the life and times of Dr. Clayton Arthur Shillingford can be found in the article below.

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  1. JCB
    May 24, 2024

    Condolences to his families and friends
    May his soul in peace

    May 24, 2024

    Rest in peace Dr Shillingford.

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