Tears flow freely as relatives, friends remember ‘Beluga’

Sherman ‘Beluga’ Julien

He was a morning fixture on the Fortune main road as he sold his delicious Wapap and assorted breakfast items for commuters who wanted to grab a quick breakfast or morning snack.

But on Monday morning, at the spot where Sherman ‘Beluga’ Julien sold his treats, a makeshift memorial has sprung up. Relatives and friends, pain and grief clearly etched on their faces, gathered at the spot and although music blared from a speaker (Sherman was a great lover of music), the somber mood could not be lifted.

Sherman died in the wee hours of Sunday in a motor vehicle accident near Morne Espanol. It has been reported that he was driving in a northerly direction when the fatal crash took place. The cause remains unknown.

The accident sent shock waves among his relatives, friends, and customers who saw him just last Friday morning, cheerfully selling merchandise. He is now being remembered as a loving person with a big heart who was always willing to lend a helping hand.

“He was a loving person, a giving person, his heart was big,” his older brother, Peter Julien said. “He always had a good word of advice for everybody.”

He pointed out that his younger brother always got disappointed when he tried to bring people together but they won’t listen.

“He was always trying to bind people together,” he remarked. Peter, who broke down and wept several times while being interviewed, said he was devastated when he heard the news of the deadly accident.

“I just started crying,” he said with tears streaming down his face. “I couldn’t hear nothing else after the (police) officer told me my brother had passed away. I just block out everything and I was just trying to think how my brother passed away.”

He stated that he wished Sherman had not taken the decision to travel all by himself on the fateful night.

“I wish he had checked me, I just wish he had checked me,” he said. “I wish a lot of things but it happened already.”

Many of Sherman’s friends, who gathered at the memorial, were too distraught to speak. Those who spoke could only say a few words.

“All I can say is he was a good person,” one, who gave his name as Earl, said. “That’s all I can say for now.” His voice broke and he could not continue.

Another, who said he was Sherman’s neighbor, stated that the deceased man was a positive person.

“I’ve known him for over 40 years and he was positive, devoted, and reliable,” he said. “We are going to miss him a lot. The entire community right now is coming to terms with what happened.”

He said when he heard the news of the crash on Sunday morning, his entire day was totally destroyed.

“I could not even think of Father’s Day,” he said.

Meanwhile, Peter said he has only good memories of his brother and he wants everyone to remember him in a positive way.

“He deserves it, he really deserves it,” he stated as he wept freely.


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  1. Rita M
    June 21, 2023

    Many of us from USA were good friends with Sherman. The VOSH team (vision exams and glasses) always considered Sherman part of our team and family. We are very sad and he will be missed. We will celebrate his life and he will not be forgotten.

  2. If we knew better
    June 20, 2023

    Jah guide on your journey onward Belo, Bless up brother.

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