Two-year-old among three shot dead in St Lucia on Saturday night

Gun violence continues to plague the southern town of Vieux Fort with three killed on Saturday night including a toddler.

According to media reports, the bloodshed began in an area called Cedar Heights at around 8:30 pm. when police responded to reports of gunshots.

Upon investigation, police found a man dead at the scene which was littered with spent shells.

A little over an hour later, around 9:37 pm, police responded to another shooting incident in an area call “Mang.”

Emergency personnel said a two-year-old was found with “negative vitals.”

His grandmother died from gunshot wounds a short time later.

Vieux Fort, which serves as St Lucia’s second town, has been troubled by a series of deadly gun violence, including in early March when seven people were gunned down within a two-day period.

In a bid to stem the bloodletting, the government was forced to seek regional assistance from the Regional Security System (RSS).

Police officers from across the region, including Dominica, descended on the town which was declared an “Escalated Crime Zone,” which granted police expanded powers.

Saturday night’s violence took place just as an eight-member contingent from the Antigua and Barbuda Defence Force arrived on the island to join the RSS operations in Vieux Fort.

In a release, the Defense Force said the deployment is strictly focused on providing support to the Royal Saint Lucia Police Force in response to the recent upsurge in violence.

Meanwhile the police in St Lucia are appealing for assistance as they battle the crime wave.

They say anyone with information should should contact the nearest police station, the Vieux Fort Police Station at 456- 3905, 456-3906, or the Crime Hotline at 555 for anonymous reporting.

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  1. Bwa-Banday
    April 9, 2023

    Thats what happens when those in high office encourage vice in exchange for votes. I can assure you that the way things are going in Dca especially in the Roseau Central Constituency, its only a matter of time before our capital fall in the same dilemma. Just see who are on the constituency executive of the cabal. People are literally scared of walking in Roseau alone at nights especially between Kennedy avenue and the river. This is gangland and the police knows it. Every other house in that general area has illegal firearms. Alas, nou pwee enbar laybar!

    Hot debate. What do you think? Thumb up 9 Thumb down 7
    • Peeping Tom
      April 10, 2023

      Maybe you have Dominica confused with the DR and “Roseau,” another community in St. Lucia. Not even the diehard UWP supporters, many of whom reside in that same vicinity that you mentioned would agree with you. Do you know that the residence of one of the most poto UWPwee supporters in Roseau Central is located on Kenedy Avenue and it is one of the most popular hot spots in the city? When last did you visit Roseau Central, really? And that illegal gun story….!? SMH!

      Ahwa, wi! You should not be allowed to post such falsehoods. Then again …!

      • MEME
        April 10, 2023

        @Peeping Tom
        Why would you want to deny him posting what is plausible? Didn’t you hear the Roseau Central Member of Parliament hailing up her snipers, soldiers and navy seals? To grovellers and obviously “VOWAS” people like you, it may mean nothing, since your greedy soul is already sacrificed for money, but to others, this was shocking news from a member of parliament. It reminded me of Jamaica in the 1980’s, when politicians were arming their gangs..

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  2. Ibo France
    April 9, 2023

    Profound sympathy to the families of the deceased especially the innocent two year old and her grandmother. That’s just unthinkable.

    These governments in the OECS allow crime, poverty and crucial infrastructure to deteriorate to irreparable levels before they begin to take remedial measures. They are too busy engaging in self-enrichment.

    By the way, an army should not be doing the work of the police. Soldiers fight wars. They are not taught de-escalation techniques, communication and negotiation skills. They are taught to shoot to kill or maim.

    None of these tiny countries should have an army. These armies can’t even repel a small but well armed invading force. They are mostly used when these corrupt rulers fall out of favour with the people to suppress the people’s aspirations.

    What is needed are special units in the police service to deal with riots, uprisings, and general anarchy.

    Hot debate. What do you think? Thumb up 11 Thumb down 8
    • April 10, 2023

      Blame American televisions for what is happening in Dominica and the rest of the caribbean islands.. What is going on today is a case of copycats and if we follow the American justice system today we are gonna get nowhere. Imagine, a young pregnant woman got killed by a worthless white n….. for no reason at all. They do not even know each other. She might have been stranded and he took advantage of her situation. They do not even know each other. The defense brings up a plea deal that both judge and prosecution accepted. The thug gets 26 years and early parole based on his good behaviour. The young woman’s mother is furious and angry with the justice system. What do you do? Your young pregnant daughter. Isn’t it time that we bring back the gallows and the guillotine for these bums? That is what is happening in the islands today. Gangs in America, gangs in the caribbean. Some of them I would tie up their legs and their hands and dump them in the deep blue sea alive.

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