Dominica Social Security Director: the more you contribute the more you benefit

Janice Jean-Jacques Thomas

Director of the Dominica Social Security (DSS) Janice Jean-Jacques Thomas has announced that the company paid $58.5 million to pensioners in 2022.

She made the announcement during the ‘Seniors on the Move’ program aired on State-Owned Radio DBS this week.

“While we pay other benefits, our age benefits take up almost 90 percent of the amount we pay,” she said. “For instance, in 2022 we paid $67 million in benefits, and imagine while we have…many benefits that we pay…to pay…persons during their retirement takes almost 90 percent of that amount, so for 2022 we paid $58.5 million to pensioners.”

According to Jean-Jacques Thomas, a person’s pension benefit is a formula that is derived from how long he or she contributed.

“So, the longer you work and contribute to social security the higher the percentage you will get and how much you earn,” she explained. “It starts at a minimum of 30 percent and the percentage is based on your last 15 years of contributions; we take the best 10 years to get an average to calculate how much a person can qualify for.”

Furthermore, Jean Jacques-Thomas explained that within three years a person would get out of social security every dollar that they paid into that company over the years.

“Remember you are paying into social security at a lower rate than what you are receiving as a benefit,” she stated.


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  1. Concerned
    September 10, 2023

    and when ppl sick it taking two months to get their money??

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  2. Roger Burnett
    September 9, 2023

    The best form of Social Security is self-sufficiency. It is what your grandparents relied upon. They grew their own food in their own yard space; and that kept them healthy and active into old age. In recent years, an alien lifestyle has robbed Dominicans of this advantage.

    My grandfather was an independent master craftsman. When he became eligible for old age pension in the UK he refused to accept it. And when his daughter collected it on his behalf, he promptly took it back to the post office with the words: “When my work is finished, I will be finished”.

  3. Ibo France
    September 8, 2023

    These are desperate this. Things in Dominica remind of the colour of the sea when there is flooding – brown, dark and dirty.

  4. jaded
    September 7, 2023

    A mere three-year payback on social security benefits makes one wander if this program is financially sustainable. I would like to see a 50-year projection of contributions and benefits.

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    • Accountant
      September 10, 2023

      You would never get something like that from this lot. The are only capable of thinking as far as the nose reaches. Their aim of the game isn’t an effective and successful governance anyway. Their game is to suck as much out of our precious resources and then spend the rest of their live to cover, look for excuses and enjoy OUR money.

      Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 8 Thumb down 1
  5. Coco Pye
    September 7, 2023

    What about jobs, mam? How do you contribute to social security if you are unemployed, and have been unemployed for the past 22 years? You all should have thought of that before chasing Ross medical school away; Killing our banana industry; Shutting down Dominica Coconut Products (DCP) and preferring foreign workers (who send their paychecks to their country) over the citizens of Dominica. I mean, it’s so ridiculous what I read. Are Dominicans that gullible and stupid? This government will look for revenue in the most unusual way to compensate for the loss of the passport sale. We’ve known from the get-go that this pm lack innovation and vision for a prosperous Dominica. Roosevelt has caused so much damage to this country that no other country would tolerate. HOW LONG AGAIN? The most the hungry opposition is doing is asking Roosevelt to resign. Really? Roosevelt’s main opposition must be the people. The true courageous patriots. Our children’s future is bleak if we do nothing.

    Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 13 Thumb down 1
    • Ibo France
      September 8, 2023

      Absolutely one zillion % correct. However, don’t blame the Opposition. Blame the inertia and indifference of the citizenry.

      We don’t have to rely on politicians to change the government. A small group of thoughtful citizens can bring about the change we need.

      Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 12 Thumb down 2
    September 7, 2023

    I have a question to which I have not received an answer. Why is it that the Employer pays a higher rate or contribution towards the employee when it is the employee that benefits. I have no problem making a contribution towards the employee, but I do not think it should be higher than the employee’s contribution. This is unfair to the Employer who has no benefit, it is solely the employee who benefits.

    • Joseph
      September 10, 2023

      You should ask the CM of DA to answer that for you. Don’t be too expectant though, because at best you would get 5 minutes worth of stuttering, with some rolling of the eyes and a good dose of smirking. Problem solved, as far as Horrible PM is concerned.

    • Petes
      September 11, 2023

      Go and ask Skerrit the Clever. Be prepared for him to tell you – it’s none of your f…..g business.

      Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 8 Thumb down 1
  7. Ibo France
    September 7, 2023

    This seems like a more than subtle sign that the survivability of the Social Security scheme needs shoving up. This would not be unique to Dominica as many jurisdictions around the Caribbean are expressing anxiety about theirs.

    There is always cause and effect for situations like these. Not enough citizens are employed, some workers have reached the official age of retirement. Consequently, contributions to Social Security are at an all time low.

    The solution is for the current regime to incentivise the economy and create ample opportunities for good paying jobs. This feat will never be accomplished under this corrupt government led by an uncaring, ultra selfish, dimwitted egotist.

    Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 7 Thumb down 1
    • Wake up and grow up
      September 8, 2023

      “This feat will never be accomplished under this corrupt government led by an uncaring, ultra selfish, dimwitted egotist.”

      I am no fan of the moral excess of this administration, the self-righteousness and shaming of any perceived opponents but you frankly you don’t seem any better. I’ve seen may of your posts that you have plastered all over DNO in which you call for stifling views opposed to your own while amplifying views that support your own beliefs.

      You act like a vindictive politician, the way you handle small amounts of power and influence are the best predictors for how you would handle greater power.

      But I’m sure you have your supporters just like Roosevelt just at much smaller scale.

      Why is it that we are attracted to egotistical personalities like a moth to the flame? Is it that we see ourselves reflected in them and our own vanity deludes us enough to believe this is good?

      When will we wake up? Heaven help us, for God only knows.

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      • Petes
        September 11, 2023

        We have been attracted to ‘semi Saints’ like yourself for to long. Look where it got us. Your softly spoken ‘reasoning’ doesn’t wash with us anymore much less for Apostle Roosevelt. YOU should grow up and in the process of doing so hopefully you grow a decent size of testicular fortitude. Come back after that has happened.

        Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 7 Thumb down 2
        • Wake up and grow up
          September 12, 2023

          Who are you an “ego” France proxy? You called me a saint but I claim no such thing.

          I have meted out and received violence myself which is why I would rather use “soft spoken reasoning”. I’ve never met a soldier or fighter that advocated for war or violence in ordinary times its only ever politicians, self-centered fools and those looking to profit. who do so. The problem is the cowards always send others to fight for them.

          Things are reaching a breaking point in our country understanding what that means I care enough to want a different outcome than full upheaval.

          However, if you are too stuck in your mentality to avoid violence or get out the way then I pray you are the only casualty. Let others be free to choose a better fate.

          • Petes
            September 13, 2023

            As mentioned before, once you have grown a decent size of testicular fortitude rather than the two sand grains you sport at present, do come back. I guess we won’t see you again, because the Horrible PM needs creatures like you. Softly spoken, two faced Semi-Saints are his thing. Try again!

            Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 6 Thumb down 0
          • Wake up and Grow up
            September 13, 2023


            What a dumb juvenile statement. I’m no saint or coward, though we agree change is needed, and could help each other, but you lack the sense to see that and know who to support and follow.

            Courage is definitely not flashy displays of bravado sometimes its admitting that you are wrong or over your head. It hurts in the moment but you get stronger over all.

            Something you don’t practice or you wouldn’t be so dull-minded. Here is a reality check: I would mop the floor with you mentally ,and likely, physically too. I’ve met people similar to you who can’t be reasoned with but they quickly change their tune on the receiving end of one or two blows upside their head, all talk can’t fight.

            Dominica is full of these senseless human beings (no need to dehumanize) like you, a bit dim, weak, delusional, full of themselves, stubborn and afraid to face that they caused and are part of the problem.

            Not a crime, but not nearly good enough to bring about the change they claim they want.

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          • Petes
            September 13, 2023

            Let me spell it out for you as you just don’t get my drift, wake up and grow up.
            YOU ARE A COWARD!

            Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 5 Thumb down 1
          • Wake up and grow up
            September 13, 2023

            @ Petes

            :lol: yes because sayin things in all caps definitely makes it real.

            I can’t even bring my self to insult you, I want to thank you for proving my points right.

            Like or Dislike: Thumb up 0 Thumb down 5
  8. LifeandDeath
    September 7, 2023

    Good information Mrs.Thomas. It’s time the general population realize that Social Security is not a Magic Box. Payments are directly linked to contributions at the individual level and at the national level. In a way it forces us to be concerned for what each person is doing and what the Country is doing as well. Government policies have a lot to do with this and this is why the goal of the government should be facilitating the creation of higher paying Jobs through a robust private sector, higher contributions and then higher pensions.
    Population size and growth rate is also a factor in this equation. Emigration/outward migration is a direct threat to the Social Security system.
    I feel like Ms. Janice is trying to tell us something.

  9. Roger Burnett
    September 7, 2023

    This announcement begs the question: Is Dominica Social Security sustainable?

    Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 24 Thumb down 2
    • Marion
      September 7, 2023

      Not with Skerrit and the Laba party in control.

      Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 14 Thumb down 1
  10. Young & Restless
    September 7, 2023

    Does Anthony Hayden pay social security in Dominica? How come he getting all of our money? Go after him man

    Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 9 Thumb down 1
    • Ibo France
      September 8, 2023

      DNO as a responsible news outlet, can you make a real effort to find out if the Chinese and Abdullah Muhammad contribute to Social Security? I am asking in all sincerity.

  11. Nina
    September 7, 2023

    Money they need! The coffers are more than empty. They desperate to collect the last cent from people. This woman comes from a tribe of ardent Skerrit supporter. I for one don’t trust her at all.

    Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 17 Thumb down 1
    • Francisco Etienne-Dods Telemaque
      September 8, 2023

      You know she is talking nonsense when she boasts the more one pay into social security is the more they get on retirement.
      In the United States one have to work and pay into social security for ten years before they can benefit from it when they retire.
      The way a certain percentage of money is extracted from one’s paycheck is based on how much the person earns each payday, and based on the number of children they have. People without family responsibilities pay more into it.
      That however, doesn’t qualify them to get an outrageous amount on retirement. There are people who have have contributed for 30, to 40 years and the most they get is$1,300.00 per month, not enough to pay the rent.
      In lieu of that one gets an increase of a few dollars sometimes less than twenty.
      So if in Dominica it’s based the dollar amount on contributions it is destined to fail.

      • September 11, 2023

        Do you contribute to SS? No, then shut/shot your jaw up.

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        • Robert
          September 13, 2023

          Did you D ip S tick? You shut up too. You are utterly irrelevant.

          Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 6 Thumb down 0
  12. Francisco Etienne-Dods Telemaque
    September 7, 2023

    “So, the longer you work and contribute to social security the higher the percentage you will get and how much you earn,” she explained.
    That is another first in the universe!
    Social Security provides benefits to retirees, their survivors, and workers who become disabled. To qualify for retirement benefits, a worker must pay into Social Security, earning 40 credits over a minimum of 10 years, and cannot make a claim before age 62. Spouses and children may also be able to claim Social Security survivor benefits based on a worker’s earnings history. One Social Security benefit is decided based on their lifetime earnings and the age when they retire and begin taking payments.
    they can use a combination of some of the following strategies to maximize your benefits:
    Work for 35 years!

    I will leave the rest out; but to say the more one contributes into social security is the more they get on retirement, can only derive from a formula found only in Dominica!

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    • Ibo France
      September 8, 2023

      Francisco is a sage. This government cannot get any falsehood pass him. Big Up wise man!

  13. Shaka Zulu
    September 6, 2023

    Jean Jacques I see billions of construction dollars and millions in NEP. How much of that gets to SS? I foresee SS selling all lands and other assets to stay afloat. I see the retirement age reaching 85. Social security more than anywhere else has to do financial planning for two generations. The current trend of begging and dependency is not looking well.

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    • Ibo France
      September 8, 2023

      Shaka your predictions are dire. However, there is legitimacy in your comments. Failing to plan is planning to fail.

      By the way, do the hundreds of Chinese workers contribute to Social Security? Roosevelt has created generational poverty. It is therefore logical that Social Security will be struggling for generations.

      Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 6 Thumb down 1

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