LIVE NOW: Electoral Reform Coalition rally and candle light vigil


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  1. Time-X
    December 6, 2022

    Dominica was a very peaceful place until this N…ger evolved. There is such a thing called “Righteous Indignation,” and we must fight back with ever fiber and breath in our body. This N…ger needs to learn a lesson. I know for a fact that there are some patriots in the police force who are willing to do the right thing. So let’s not consider the whole bunch of the police force to be on Skeritt side. They cannot find another job and if they leave now. But such officers must know that they and their family will be taken care of. Dominica doesn’t end with that demonic labor party. So I say to all you patriots in the police force, do the right thing while you have the chance and opportunity. Be an Ester of the Bible who stepped up to the King and said, “If I perish, I perish. But I’m going to see the King.” We have a king that needs to be visited in Dominica. We have a king which must be dethroned by any means possible. The time is now. If not now; then when?

  2. Not a real country
    December 6, 2022

    In a real country there would not be election today because Charles Savarin the Skerrit President has violated our constitution by allowing Skerrit to call an election when he knows damn well that Sir Dennis Byron and the election commission are engaged on election reform to ensure there is a level playing field. In a real country Charles Angelo Savrin would be booed throughout the country and there would be massive protest today

    • Gary
      December 8, 2022

      Why write such nonsensical comment, what you believe to support your political partisan is irrelevant, you are just defending your ignorance, but again you are entitled to your opinion, be content with what you believe.

  3. Tt
    December 6, 2022

    This is traggic as bad as it gets. He will remain in power as long as he lives. He corrupts everyone around him. Uses them as chess pieces then discards them. They’re silenced because they too a complicit. They partook in the misdeeds. A viscous cycle. Meanwhile unemployment, poverty and crime on the rise. The youth are hopeless

  4. Skerro
    December 5, 2022

    I dont understand all you uwp call election early in 2000 and he lost to Douglass so if you all dont want skerritt go vote to get him out of office

    Hot debate. What do you think? Thumb up 11 Thumb down 15
    • Tt
      December 6, 2022

      We still talking bout uwp 22 years later????? Really??

    • Bwa-Banday
      December 6, 2022

      Caution…stop opening your mouth if you have nothing sensible to say. Your statement reeks of shear ignorance and a lack of basic commonsense. Do you know what the word “context” means? Look it up and then do some thinking. I assure you that your present conclusion will not be the same. Eh eh! Dat election doh good!

  5. Ibo France
    December 5, 2022

    Nothing is going to deter the Serpent of Darkness (Roosevelt) but a massive opposition of the Dominican people.

    Too much is at stake for him to lose. These include his exclusive vice grip on power, billions of the country’ s money, living in the palatial mansion, traveling to all corners of the earth free of cost, handing a seat in parliament to his supremely unqualified wife, etcetera.

    This man loves his present position at the top of the food chain so much that he will commit suicide before he voluntarily or legally give it up. Meanwhile, Dominica is rapidly galloping toward a precipice with all the passengers onboard. SMDH!

    Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 17 Thumb down 11
    • December 6, 2022

      @ibo France just more of your personal attacks that as usual makes no sense. Look at yourself you are still blindly supporting a party that is in a self induced political coma. As a political party you have to work to get elected but the UWP wanted to be ordained to the halls of power in Dominica by just using people like you to spread propaganda. Lennox knew the truth that’s why he walked away.

    • Way Papa Why hate
      December 6, 2022

      Ibo Stop the misleading, and deceit.

      Time to emancipate yourself from hatred.

      Violence etc

      Your whole is around hatred for one person.

      Whilst you are hating, He has done something but you nothing only talking – verbal diarrhea

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