‘Think of country first and spoil the ballot’ says Ezekiel Bazil to those promised assistance in exchange for voting the DLP

Ezekiel Bazil

While the recently elected treasurer of the United Workers Party (UWP), Ezekiel Bazil, stands by his team’s decision to urge supporters to abstain from the upcoming election, the former member of parliament for the Wesley Constituency is calling individuals who plan to vote for the Dominica Labour Party (DLP) on the promise of help to overthrow the government.

“Let me emphasize that as a member of the executive of the United Workers Party we stand together with respect to our position on the general elections, and our position is that we will not take part in this process and we are advising our supporters and other Dominicans not to do so”, he said to Dominica News Online ( DNO).

However, according to Bazil, certain voters, primarily DLP members, are being coerced into supporting the party in exchange for aid after the elections.

To those electorates, he advised, “I know that you are concerned about yourself and your family, concerned about being victimised, but I can assure you that all of this is part of the government’s lies. I can tell you that they will not deliver on any promise made as it’s all part of their tricks.”

“To the many of you who have to go in to ensure that your name comes up as one who has voted on that day, I encourage you to proceed to the polls, however, spoil the ballot.”

Bazil believes that taking such action will help to undermine the legitimacy of the election to outsiders, as well as guarantee that the government sees a decrease in its numbers.

“Think of the country first and do what you know in your heart is right”, he encouraged. “At the end of the day, it is our tax money which will absorb the cost.”

A similar call was recently issued by ear, nose, and throat (ENT) specialist, Dr. Irving ‘Eipigh’ Pascal, who has made a plea to the Dominican electorate to write “no reform, no election” or draw an “X” across the ballot paper.

On the other hand, Bazil claims that it doesn’t matter how a voter decides to tamper with their ballot; only that it is done.

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  1. Labourite
    December 3, 2022

    But basil why I going and spoll my ballot when is LABOUR I voting you must be mad labour all the way

  2. You Heard?
    December 2, 2022

    The childish act of spoiling a ballot is akin to a petulant and wicked person spitting into a glass of water to ensure no one else will be able to drink it to quench his or her thirst.

    My two-bits worth of advice to election protestors is to maintain a more adult and mature approach if you oppose this snap election. There are other more constructive gestures of election protest if you feel the calling of polls on December 6th was aggregious, unfair or unconstitutional.

    How about the simple but wise action of just sitting this one out? The UWP brass should coalesce and brainstorm to enact a viable plan to convince the Dominican electorate that they are the party of choice to move the country forward. This will require heavy lifting and boots on the ground to displace the current administration.

  3. Lin clown
    December 1, 2022

    I am asking myself when are fools going to understand the majority of Dominicans do not support UWP.These people are like Ostriches, they bury their head in the sand and leave their butt exposed.They believe because they cannot see you,you cannot see them.That is stupidness to the max,go to the polling station and spoil the ballot.This guy doesn’t even believe his foolishness.

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  4. Lin clown
    December 1, 2022

    The majority of Dominicans want to see that wicked UWP party disappear you talking about spoil ballot.You forget man,last election UWP lost 1,163 votes and 3 seats.The people UWP pay to spoil ballot will spoil ballot,but Labourites will not spoil ballot.The country so hard,garson more than 5,000 people living in $250,000 $300,000 and $400,000 houses and apartments rent free.Almost 4,000 people employed in the NEP.More than 1,000 employed at Clear Harbour.2,700 senior citizens getting $300 monthly.Hundreds employed in the Yes We Care.There are more people employed in the police,fire teaching and nursing service.More than 37,000 registered vehicles in a population of 72,000.Massive construction taking place all over Roseau.Dominicans no longer build flat houses and our ladies are the best and most expensively dressed in the Caribbean.Try to get an early release and come to Dominica to see development,se ceast sot au sot.You think lazy UWP want to take over an underdeveloped country.

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  5. elizabethlxavier
    December 1, 2022

    What exactly is wrong with these grown men? The majority of Dominicans are supposed to be Christians, who should belong to Christ Jesus Himself, He who is the God of Life in Love.

    How can these men claim to be Christians, and to pass on this gruesome advise to the people, because they refuse to go along with the plan of the Prime Minister, who is God’s Servant on behalf of His people and their Nation–Dominica

    Don’t they realize how shameful and wicked is that mischievous attitude of theirs, before the Lord God, who despises wickedness and evil? And yet they are the ones talking Peace and Justice

    That is why their ugly state of hypocrisy will continue to take them no where but deeper in the dungeon of darkness, unless they try to open their eyes to the ways of Love; the attitude and conducts which God Almighty wants them to practice

    And Love can be part of Politics, in that the Great King David was a Man after God’s Heart; and God is Love.

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  6. If we knew better
    December 1, 2022

    These times the country so hard and corrupt, some people actually need the help promised. When they go and spoil the ballot, and the ballot is brought to the attention of the PM and his cronies, they are spoiling their chances of genuine assistance to their need. Notice i said a need not a want. While this is exactly what is needed, Many out of fear wont. Its a shame that a parl rep can tell me if i voted for them or not. I thought the voting process was confidential.

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  7. Danziger
    December 1, 2022

    La ferme jalousy c’est fami a sourcée, the ballots will stand to fights agianst all wicked demons. It will also chase all wicked ball head without balls far away.

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  8. MEME
    December 1, 2022

    Well i am in dialogue with two of my nephews to do just that Mr Bazil. One has already agreed, and i am hoping to convince the other one before polling day..!! Those of us with influence over DLP supporters Skerrit has hostage, must not just blogg, but play our roles as liberators too………!

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  9. Ibo France
    December 1, 2022

    Poor people will do almost anything in exchange for a ‘ belly full’. Roosevelt uses the strategy of impoverishment and demonization to manipulate and bludgeon tens of thousands of poor Dominicans into submission.

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  10. Marie
    December 1, 2022

    I absolutely agree with Bazil. Spoil all your votes! Show Skerrit, who is BOSS in DA.

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  11. RandyX
    December 1, 2022

    Bazil, unfortunately not many Dominicans think of their country first. It’s all about me, me, me and money, money, money! Even though in most cases it’s only pitence they get from this corrupt administration it’s still better than nothing. To hell with the country and to hell with the future of our children.

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