TUD’s Alex Bruno continues to advocate for unity among political parties in Dominica

General Secretary of Team Unity Dominica (TUD), Alex Bruno continues to advocate for unity and called on all political parties in Dominica to find ways to work together.

Bruno made that call during a live statement on Facebook recently.

TUD participated in the December 6th general elections with a 5 member team, however was unsuccessful at the polls.

“I come here to ask us to find a way to work together,” he said. “If we love each other how we should we will find ways to work together, even if we feel hard pressed and cheated.”

Bruno continued, “I hope I live to see the day when we as a people will be able to embrace each other and celebrate our differences, instead of cursing each other down. I pity those who do not know better.”

Furthermore, he stated that things have been unfair, “yes you feel cheated but what are you going to do? Solve it with anger and violence or try to find ways of engagement? And that is what I think the results of elections tell us to do.”

He is of the view that Dominica is in a particular situation presently where the country needs an intervention.

“Not the extermination of a group and the replacing of another group, because any group that comes right now to try to do whatever needs to be done in Dominica is going to be hard pressed doing it on their own,” Bruno remarked.

Bruno has always called for unity and honesty in the practice of the business of government.

“I have always advocated for reform and I have always said as a country we must find ways to work together,” he said.” I  continue to make that call today.”

Bruno went on to state that although he does not agree with everything the Prime Minister is doing in terms of running the country he will not be his enemy.

His view on the recently held elections is that, “we had an election, like it or not, the election was hard and there is a new government in place, a new team, a new cycle has begun and those people who do not seem to want to understand that and appreciate that may very well be left out of the governance cycle for a long time.”

“We didn’t like how the process happened but it happened,” he remarked. “You have to accept it. And find a way to work around it, through it, with it to beat it the next time.”

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  1. Lyn
    December 15, 2022

    yes it is interesting to see those comments, first i do not support political parties, the party structure in Dominica have us where we are, divided! What I think should be done now is for all parties to put their heads together for a development of true political reform, also allow our electorate to gain a better insight into the issues we face by having for instance vibrant national debates carried live by our media formats. last but not least be willing to allow the past to be the past this time around so that all can work together to remove the loopholes in our laws and the imbalances in our political system. we proudly say we chose the West Minister system , but wrong that system has a counter balance . The house of lords and Commons a necessary safe guard , and we do not. All we do is bash Skerrit, Linton, Alex, and any other we do not like, Please tell me what is that Doing for Dominica?

    • Bwa-Banday
      December 20, 2022

      Apparently you do not understand the politics in Dca. You must first understand that all politics is local. Secondly, get to know who Alex and Skerrit have become. Yes, greedy, selfish politicians that only care about power and money. Not people. So wheel and come again.

  2. Man bite dogs
    December 14, 2022

    Mr. Alex Bruno, do not take any notice of these so-called UWP corrupt nasties, if you were talking about hooliganism against Mr Skerrit, and Dominica they would all jump on the bandwagon even to call you a hero like they did for that bazooka Ugly Lenny.

  3. elizabethlxavier
    December 14, 2022

    Mr. Bruno, all that you said above is worthwhile. But I sincerely do not think that we are lacking of peace and unity in Dominica, if that is what you are thinking.

    It is true that disunity is part of the World’s Lifestyle and even if it may be a very frightening situation in some regions, Dominicans are really a people of Love–we being a Christian Nation.

    It is true that one or two of us will fight against another one or two of us, but nothing that will cause a loud alarm.

    Some people will desire to have their own way, but nothing that will cause a war, in that the mind of Love is the guide and base within the majority of us. And the majority will always stand victorious. Otherwise the World would not be a place to live.

  4. Bwa-Banday
    December 13, 2022

    Alex my former partner in crime…
    You have become the biggest hypocrite on the political scene. You now how the balls to ask political parties to work together ? Why did you not work together with Freedom and UWP and boy-court the election? You see Alex, thats your problem. Alex will do what will benefit Alex and to hell with the rest. Man you have me smmfh. Well bro if I was the leader of UWP or Freedom I would walk in another direction when I see you coming my way. Alas! Nou pwee-see- unity ganyea elecsion.

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  5. dissident
    December 13, 2022

    Alex boy, leave dat alone.
    As a political scientist you have to bring all dat shame to yourself?
    You want de other parties to join with you? You have never physically supported any advocacy dat de official opposition was engaged in….. even freedom party is visible showing unity……… WHERE YOU!!!!!!
    You have accreditation of a political scientist……but we can’t see nor feel it!!!!!
    You pulled your self away from de other parties you want to join with you!!!!!
    You doh see how much support your party got?
    Freedom could have done better than dat boss!!!!!!

    Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 14 Thumb down 3
  6. let us talk sense
    December 13, 2022

    Where is your solution? Only criticizing and having done nothing to DA? On
    Y push and advocate hatred, violence and those ungodly attitudes. Creating unproductive attitudes

    Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 7 Thumb down 3
  7. Liar Liar catch on fire
    December 12, 2022

    Alex Bruno is not only DISGRACEFUL but DISTASTEFUL.

    And does TUD stand for Thieves Ultimately Destroys?

    By the way, who is the single Calibishie recipient of the $1,000,000.00 scholarship announced by Alex Bruno, th wanna be politician?

    Laughing Stuck🤣🤣🤣

    Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 15 Thumb down 4
  8. December 12, 2022

    Boss man do me a favor, “go and shake your bag where you sell your coals” whatever ambitions you have, proceed on your own leave decent law-abiding citizens out of your com-mess.

    Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 12 Thumb down 3
  9. Ibo France
    December 12, 2022

    Mr. Bruno your long message is as empty as a vacuum. It says absolutely nothing of substance.

    Your political credibility has been completely extinguished. You have become like a spent bullet. You have made yourself and your five (5) farmers the laughing stock of Dominica and the rest of the world.

    Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 45 Thumb down 7
  10. Beta
    December 12, 2022

    Go and bury yourself, Bruno. Nobody is stoping YOU to crawl in bed with Skerrit to get a piece of the cake. You just can’t help yourself, can you?

    Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 45 Thumb down 8
  11. Juanita
    December 12, 2022

    Mirror, Mirror on the Wall: Who is the most two-faced confuser of them All?

    Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 49 Thumb down 5
  12. La la
    December 12, 2022

    Right message wrong messenger. Mr. Bruno for God and country’s sake please give it a rest dude. You have already committed political suicide and your views, positions and opinions fall on stony ground and do not matter. You are not trusted and anyone and everyone who is following Dominica knows that. It seems like you are the only person who does know that. I suppose the best analogy I can use here is: the last person to know that he is an alcoholic is the alcoholic himself when everyone has come to that conclusion by his behaviour.- Apparently you haven’t arrived at that conclusion- in due time I am sure you will -go figure dude.

    Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 33 Thumb down 6
  13. Lin clown
    December 12, 2022

    There will never be peace,unity and togetherness in Dominicaa as long as there is a political party called UWP.This party was formed by the sons and daughters of Satan.All of them are liars,Linton is yet to say who vilified and backstabbed him in UWP.He is now President in a party of people who vilified and backstabbed him.

    Hot debate. What do you think? Thumb up 11 Thumb down 51
    • Bengnt
      December 12, 2022

      UWP is like a broken version of the US Republican Party–hate , anger, conspiracy theory.

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  14. Rodgers123
    December 12, 2022

    Stupes tan….. :roll: looking for relevance.

    Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 21 Thumb down 4
  15. Righteous
    December 12, 2022

    Fully support this statement by Mr. Bruno. The recent and ongoing hatred in the political arena was mainly perpetuated by one man’s hatred and fixation for another. Maybe now that things are moving in a different direction, all parties can come together and offer up solutions to continue pushing the Republic to higher heights.

    One Love Dominicans #OLD

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  16. Jonathan Y St Jean
    December 12, 2022

    Alex Bruno continues to advocate for a post with the Labor party. Who does Alex see fighting with anyone else? No one, because Dominica is peaceful. Alex is doing a disservice to the country because he’s alluding to a country which isn’t stable and peaceful. Alex as a political scientist ought to know that politics is antagonistic but that doesn’t mean violence. What a fraudster. His TUD was not meaningfully recognized by the electorate and I’m certain partly because of his past jumping from group to group seeking political power instead of doing the necessary work on the ground among the populace. Alex is giving a bad name to the field of political science in Dominica because I don’t believe educated people outside Dominica care about this comedian who crammed some textbook. Alex, we don’t have to accept things the way they are but can and will find ways to turn the country away from the edge of the precipice. Alex continue talking to the hand.

    Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 33 Thumb down 6
    • let us talk sense
      December 13, 2022

      Even if you do not like Alex as you do not like the prime Minister, Alex is actually speaking the truth.
      What are people like you Jonathan doing to bring people together? Nothing but division by being partisan, preaching and teaching young people to be rude towards authority.
      Actually you & all those who hate only one person the PM should really now start to search yourselves. Anyone talking about peace and unity, you and others ibo France, Francisco et all and all the others you know yourselves, tend to think that they are supporting or looking for some kind of post in the Labour party. Really u people? You are turning yourselves into bitter obsessed persons. Do u think of our immortality? We only pass once. Stop waste your time
      hateful and bitter. What are you doing for country just being a bad example to the young ones. Focus on the creator and do what he says to do which is to love . Time to look at yourself. God doesn’t like ugly. This is a new era. Fed up of old…

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      • Jonathan Y St Jean
        December 13, 2022

        @let us talk sense, look in the mirror whoever you are. You are teaching to be disingenuous by writing under a fictitious name. Your parents loved you and gave you a name so the rest of the world will recognize you and identify you for who you are and not someone else. Calypsonians use stage names but we all see them on stage and know who they are. You, just like your puppet master, live in a world of deception so I’m not surprised. If your come back is to ask what I’m doing for Dominica then my response is mind your business and look in the mirror. There’s no law which states that the prerequisite to comment in Dominica is to do x,y, or another. You must know the number of nefarious things that Skerritt has done in the country and you sell your soul to the cabal without any questioning. Those who put themselves up as leadership open themselves up to be questioned and criticized. Thin-skinned people like you hide behind fictitious names. Look in the mirror.

        Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 4 Thumb down 0
      • elizabethlxavier
        December 14, 2022

        @Let us talk sense, indeed you are speak perfect sense! I endorse your composition!

        It seems so unfortunate that there is a group of people in Dominica who is unable to see nothing that is good, because they are blind and deaf to the attitude and conduct of goodness and conducts.

        Jonathan and his counterparts are those who would rather enjoy the discord and destress that the are causing among the people, rather than agree with the fact that Mr. Bruno would rather see peace and comfort among us. But the Divine reign of God Almighty will always be above all.

    • Your friend
      December 16, 2022

      Jonny! Maybe you should look at the other side of the coin. I’m sure you know what I mean 😭. We all have to answer to the life we’ve lived.

  17. Toto
    December 12, 2022

    Alex, you always had a chance to join one of the existing local parties if you want unity. I just don’t b trust your motives partner, sorry.

    Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 37 Thumb down 4
    • let us talk sense
      December 13, 2022

      Toto does anyone have to join a party?

      That only creates division which you guys are professing

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      • Toto
        December 13, 2022

        Excuse me pal, but if I remember correctly mr. Bruno formed his own party, the TUD well before the election under which name his candidates stood in this last election and failed miserably. No talk of unity then, Bruno prefered to paddle his own canoe.

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  18. Johnjay
    December 12, 2022

    Can’t believe what I’m hearing. Is this guy from another planet. Can’t understand or believe some of them especially him can change on a FLIP OF A COIN. I called this OPPORTUNIST.

    Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 29 Thumb down 3
    • let us talk sense
      December 13, 2022

      Where is your solution? Only criticizing and having done nothing to DA? On
      Y push and advocate hatred, violence and those ungodly attitudes. Creating unproductive attitudes

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  19. Zicack
    December 12, 2022

    What is wrong with this guy ?
    That’s all i am asking

    Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 28 Thumb down 5
  20. Waiting For Airport
    December 12, 2022

    How can they work together when one has a solid track record of oppression, fraud, victimisation, lies, none delivery of infrastructure etc??? These issues have to be addressed, you cannot simply say, ‘lets work together’ and in effect sweep these issues under the carpet.

    It seem the romours are true, you are a stealth Skerrit agent!

    Before the talk of unity, we the electorate need:

    -The international Airport
    -Roseau improvement
    -Local roads fixed
    -Overall infrastucture fixed
    -Proof that Skerrit is not handing us over to Chinese economic slavery***
    -Accounting for CBI funds
    -Integrity from the DLP

    I hope the ‘opposition’ have some backbone to follow through and push for these things and not just fall for Skerrit antics as seems to be the case since the election!

    Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 33 Thumb down 9
    • elizabethlxavier
      December 14, 2022

      @Waiting For Airport, if all that you said above was the truth, then who is the one with the “solid track record”–that you are speaking of?

      As far as I know, Prime Minister Roosevelt Skerrit and his Labour Party was voted back into Office, just 8 days ago, as the people of Dominica gave him a 19 out of 21 constituency victory.

      If you can think about that, then you should notice that what you have said above is pure senselessness!

      Why don’t you people remain quiet. when you all have nothing good, smart, or intelligent to speak about; rather than making a fool of yourselves?

      • BoJo
        December 16, 2022

        Get your facts right, Hypo. Less than 30% voted for your super hero. I would actually class that as a major defeat. But than again it you, the drag Queen from Canada.

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