Minister of State in the Ministry of Health, Wellness and Social Services, with special responsibility for Seniors Security, Children at Risk, Gender Affairs and the Differently-Abled, Dr. Cassandra Williams has urged private sector organizations to step-up and take action to prioritize gender equality at the workplace.
Her call came during an address to observe International Women’s Day celebrated today under the theme: “Investing in women: Accelerate progress”.
“It is incumbent on us to reflect on the progress we’ve made towards gender equality. It is clear that there is still much more work to be done, therefore I urge private sector organizations to step up and take action,” Dr. Williams said.
According to her, while the government can implement laws and policies to promote gender equality, it is the responsibility of businesses to support and enact these measures in the workplaces.
“For instance, in cases of domestic violence, what protocols do they have in place to support employees who may be victims?” Dr. Williams asked. “It is time for the private sector to actively prioritize gender equality and ensure that their workplaces are safe, inclusive and supported environs for all.”
She acknowledged the work being done by the Government of Dominica through the Ministry of Health to empower women and provide them with legislative support and resources they need to blossom.
She said further, through the Domestic Violence Act the government aims to curb domestic violence and ensure that the safety of individuals, particularly the most vulnerable, women and children is paramount.
“This act admonishes any behaviour and constitutes domestic violence and abuse, bearing in mind that abuse is not just physical,” Dr. Williams explained. “The Act spells out the role of law enforcement including arresting suspects without warrants in extreme cases.”
She added, “The ministry also makes easily accessible services and resources to restore dignity and independence.”
She reminded the public that some of the greatest threats to economic and human progress are those that undermine fundamental human rights and limit people’s chances to build sustainable lives for themselves and their families.
“These include violence and insecurity, particularly gender-based violence and harassment,” Dr. Williams noted.
Meanwhile, Dr. Williams said women and men are becoming more educated and are contributing significantly to the country’s economic and social progress.
“When women and men are able to achieve their goals society as a whole benefits,” she stated.
Cassandra, you are ridiculous, farting wet-fart from both sides of your mouth and behind you, the stench of the nonsense you speak cannot impress any species of flys!
You hear talk about gender equality in America; hence you picked the term up and ran with it.
If you are implying that anyone in Dominica are deprived of any opportunity to be what they want to be, the blame must fall in the face of scum of the earth people like yourself who help Roosevelt Skerrit to keep the country economically stagnant!
There are very few people left in Dominica with the bourgeois mentality which deprived dark complexion people from holding certain jobs. How can you pipe hot air when you are one of those bits scum, putting obstacles in the way of people. If you were not stupid, you would not ask public sector to give priority to gender equality.
Since when people in Dominica are deprived of opportunities based on gender?
Stop hallucinating, Dominica is not a colony of America.
Cassandra, remove the dumb wig from from your head and read this: you might become enlightened; you are as ignorant as the rest of your colleagues. “Gender equality means that the rights, responsibilities, and opportunities of individuals will not depend on whether they are male or female, handicap or able bodied, young or elderly, black or white (Carib Indian or other ethnicity), or from rural or other setting.
Gender equality is foremost, a human right, it implies that women, men, boys and girls of all class and race participate as equals and have equal value.
They enjoy equal access to resources, freedoms and opportunities to exercise control.
The only people in Dominica who are deprived of such opportunities, by you Roosevelt Skerrit and the rest of the groveling labor party yard fouls are those people who do not crawl and grovel at Roosevelt feet. If women were deprived of any opportunity in DA, your kind would not be in your capacity talking nonsensical fart!
Shut up!
YES I TOTALLY AGREE WITH HER!!!! MORE GENDER EQUALITY FOR OUR BOYS AND YOUNG MEN!!! This unbalanced unequal approach to gender has gotten WAY out of hand. Off course you will NEVER hear people like Cassandra agree because is woman alone that getting all the assistance. And off course, if you have the mentality of a modern laborite you know is greed that is your vibes, without care for your opposite. If you really want gender equality, focus on all the young men all over the island just being a waste of space and hanging out on streets smoking and doing nothing.
Well, the doctor got the publicity she desperately craves. So good luck with that. With climate change, sexes duty change, but we need a change of government. All these other things are just willful distraction.
these people speak and act like domestic violence is only done against women! could we’ve a genuine conversation please? what has government done in regards to what she mentions? looking at my community I could say that there are men being beaten and abused by their partners and it passes like it’s not an issue. the issue only seems to be an issue when it’s done to a woman. yet, from what I’ve seen, I would say this is something which equally affects men and women. make life about people cause we all face the same issues.
Men too macco you see. They don’t want to report the beating and abusing by their partners thinking of what people will say or think
you just contradicted yourself. being “maco” would mean you report the beating. Not being maco would be holding the assault to yourself.
the environment here is not welcoming for this and that’s where government suppose to intervene but it seems like some cheap talk shop.
This gender agenda has destroyed the family unit, destroyed marriages, destroyed men and made western women undesirable to the point western men are starting to migrate to start families (passport bros). If all you let this sell out government bring that sh** in D A, we finish. Birth rates already dropping significantly in big countries, imagine the effect on our small population! Dominicans if all you doh stand up and fight against this depopulation agenda masking as ‘gender equality’ we finish!
Amen. And not just the DE popularization, but the breaking up and destruction of the family as an institution. Because part of this agenda is teaching young girls to be “independent”, to say “they dont need no man”, in some cases to fear/hate men. In the end, how does that develop society? They like to talk about man beating woman as if we living in the color purple. Yes it does happen but women abuse men more than men abuse women. And noone speaks about this. But like fools we are we love to jump on to things that we have non business being in just because we see others doing it without even understanding or know what we are doing.
The gender war and bias needs not to be continued. Select the best qualified person for the job whether it’s a male or female. The prospect employee should be selected on merit and not gender.
We need the best talent and insights of girls and boys today to lead the workforce/businesses tomorrow.
not inclusive of Ugly Lennox Linton and Brian Linton, two vagabonds, troublemakers.
People who disagreed with this comment are complete fools, and are employed at jobs they arent qualified for.
this story is more relevant than the one which highlights Melissa Skerrit
Women’s Day affairs falls under the Bureau of Gender Affairs
this story is late …………it should have been first
“Gender Equality”? Yes my doctor sister it’s about time the brothers catch a break to breathe. So when you want to move the 6 foot desk to the next office down the hall you better ask a few more sisters.
WTH is gender equality? Is it really about equality of opportunity for the sexes? I think NOT! It it more about women and their sympathisers wanting to place women in position of power. for example, making them CEOs, managers, etc. nothing wrong with that if they qualify. however, there are opportunities in other areas such as plumbing, auto mechanic, masonry, carpentry, septic tank cleaning. They are not clamoring for those positions which are always available. For both sexes. Generally, women will never vie for such positions. Why? Because in their minds these jobs are too “manly” or too “dirty”. I am all for equality but not just for certain positions. And that’s the bottom line.
They are out for equality ONLY when it benefits them. but not the responsibility. the majority of women want soft life and for somebody to take care of them. In reality they dont want none of this independent crap. they want to stay home in their pajamas with their children or play glamorous and dressed up with drink in their hand, all paid for by someone else.
Ms Cassandra, there’s nothing called ‘measures for gender equality’ you have to give some good examples how it can benefit our genders, otherwise it’s today’s Trojan horse, an exercise in futility. Somewhere out there, our handlers obviously have issues with gender and sex but come to Dominica if you’re not already here as their place holder. Planned parenthood has done a number on our population, we don’t even have jobs for our men. Now this new trending thingie.
Add gender issues if you find those that they have in Canada etc which is a gateway to acceptance and legalization of LGBT+ lifestyles and concepts.
But wait nuh DNO can allyou ask mamzelle if she want Gender Equality or if she want to talk about Domestic Violence,,,
Either way the conversation must be had but she need to focus on what she want before she can come publicly and show people something not adding up under all that hair she buy dere,,,
“This act admonishes any behaviour and constitutes domestic violence and abuse, bearing in mind that abuse is not just physical,” Dr. Williams explained. “The Act spells out the role of law enforcement including arresting suspects without warrants in extreme cases.”
You are serious and you are in this violating peoples rights – are you serious – These people for the love of God you all are SICK a TOPPLED GOVERNMENT a government bent of VIOLATING PEOPLES RIGHTS. GET OUT
““These include violence and insecurity, particularly gender-based violence and harassment,” Dr. Williams noted.”
Seriously Dr. Williams seriously. Seriously – Are you serious woman,. You are serious about this?
Dominica is a human rights violator – KNOWINGLY . I hope your license get revoked. All I know is that we do not have a sitting government.
Malicious mischievous – you all wasted all these years and decide not to speak or act against harassment or women – I KNOW SO. You all have questions to answer concerning human rights abuse or violation – constitutional right to life violations, torture techniques.
You all are pulling people out of a HAT to do business and harming other people.
I don’t respect people because they have many letters in front or behind their names. I give respect to how one thinks, reasons and acts. You have to be a considerate and rational being.
Not all doctors are bona fide doctors.
Yes Mr MALAPROP France. Not all doctors are bona fide doctors but you do know all haters like you and jealous people like you are bona fide haters and jealous people.
But if dey give the STAR-BOY himself a duck-tor-8, anybody can get one,,,