‘Buggery is still a very serious offense’- Rayburn Blackmoore

Rayburn Blackmoore addressing attendees at recent press conference

Minister for National Security and Legal Affairs Rayburn Blackmoore has made it clear that buggery remains a very serious offense in Dominica.

He made the disclosure during a press conference organized by his ministry this week. The purpose of the press conference was, reportedly not to castigate or blackeye any individual or any group of society, but  to address and to dispel fundamentally the misconceptions and views that do not represent the recent court ruling on buggery and gross indecency, namely sections 14 and 16 of the Sexual Offenses Act 10:36 of the laws of Dominica.

On Monday April 22, 2024 the Dominica High Court ruled that sections 14 and 16 of the Sexual Offences Act which punishes homosexual sex, is unconstitutional. This recognizes the right of same-sex adults to have consenting sexual activities in privacy.

The ruling effectively decriminalizes homosexual sex in the country. The decision has far-reaching implications for human rights and the role of religion in Dominica.

“I want to also say in clear and simple terms, let me emphasize that buggery is still a very serious offense within our stature,” he said. “The notion that buggery is no longer an offense is false and fundamentally misplaced.”

Blackmoore explained that what the court did in its recent ruling as per the challenges brought against the Attorney General representing the state, was to simply qualify the laws so far as section 14 which deals with gross indecency, and section 16 which deals with rape.

He explained further that two consenting adults within the confines of their privacy, “the police cannot bring charges against them.”

“The misconception that buggery only speaks to an act in that form, between man and man alone is false,” he remarked. “Our Sexual Offenses Act which is one of the most comprehensive in the Caribbean also, before that ruling penalizes two adults engaging in that kind of activity, even if they are within their private space and they consented, doesn’t criminalize that act between male and female.”

Furthermore, he pointed out that according to the laws of the country buggery still stands so far as it refers to minors, that is to say, “a minor is defined according to our laws, below the age of 16.”

“And as per our laws a minor cannot give consent,” Blackmoore stated. “So even if the minor were to say yes that is not consent as per our laws.”

He said the penalty for that is 25 years imprisonment.

“That still remains in the books,” Blackmoore said. “If you are an adult and even if you are within your private space you do not consent to such activity, anybody violating you, be it a male or a female adult without your consent that is buggery and you will be charged by the police for that.”

However, he said even if two adults were to consent they cannot be involved in that activity, “at a public washroom, in the bamboo house in the gardens, anywhere within the public space.”

Blackmoore warns that the individuals will be arrested.

Furthermore, Blackmoore indicated that this is not a lifestyle he subscribes to, “neither I will ever subscribe to.”

He said even if one does not subscribe to a particular lifestyle, “ within our democratic space, we have to abide and comply with the rule of law.”

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  1. May 7, 2024

    Blackmore why are you afraid to take a position on this matter? Who are you trying to appease? It is now buggery next it will be same sex marriage and the non action by government and the church will give strength to deviant behavior and people like you will continue to make excuses for a court that ignores our tradition and culture.

  2. if we knew better
    May 7, 2024

    Why u had to throw the underage girl into it? That would make it completely illegal feller. what you should say is consenting adults also cannot have sex in public as a matter of public indecency.

  3. if we knew better
    May 7, 2024

    Somebody had really say since they legalize borga, that sun there EXTRA HOT! They say God tired of that world he give us there. Blackmore could have summarize that better than that. make it simple for those that like to act like they cannot understand.

  4. E J Nugent Thomas
    May 6, 2024

    WOOW! A repulsive focus on buggery in Dominique. Blatant gender bias. What of lesbianism? Back in the dayz. Was it ‘abominable’ to write, expose female (well-known) lawyers who publicly practiced gross indecency and fondling and kissing each other while River bathing. And, in private. Are we ashamed to go there? Minor aides/ help were sometimes seduced by women with a ‘luv’ for women. Guess wah! Afraid to open nehnen tin? What U twalkin bout? The older folks and so-called his tori tellers know.

    Is it , lesbianism, still unmentionable in 2024? In Dominique? There is so much talk of buggery from top leaders down to the street level. Even in our ‘unbiased’ court system. Where was the rule of law in the 20th Century in Dominique ? Boy o Boi. As usual the ‘elites’ are untouchables even to dis day.

  5. Vwais den
    May 5, 2024

    we all know that you signed the Samoa accords, the same one the church advised you not to sign, we all know that you did it for money. and it had links to freeing up the lgbt movement. we know that. even lord commander said in an online interview that’s just how the world is. rolled over on his soft belly. and we know that you’re just talking foolishness. you signed the Samoa accords to get access to funds from Europe. You’ve sold us for a few British pounds, euros, and us dollars. you’re not too different from Judas. Now we can be classified as a gay friendly nation and get gay cruise ships, get gay stay overs, and gay tourism in dca. We may even get gay passport buyers. Gay Europeans will come to dca to find young boys to exploit. That’s not just detrimental to our society, but it is also emasculating to our men. Gay is not our culture.

  6. Vwais den
    May 5, 2024

    you know well that the reason why y’all have been winning these past 25 years is because “the church” gave you their “blessings”. and if you did something to upset the church, the people would turn against you. but, the question now is, what about the LGBTQ movement who are trying to legalize gay marriage in dca according to their agenda? what about them? you said that it is still a serious offense, but you only stated cases that involved rape or carnal knowledge. whether it is buggery or normal sex, rape and carnal knowledge is still illegal. so what you’ve said doesn’t make much sense. homosexuality is still decriminalized and no one will get prosecuted for it. you’ve just blown hot air into the atmosphere. let’s see what you say when the lgbt push to make gay marriage legal in dca. don’t worry i’ll wait for you.

  7. DAtoDBONE
    May 5, 2024

    What the hell is this guy saying?

    That is a lot of disjointed rambling. Trying to play both sides of the fence. Typical weak government. Be ambiguous enough so that you can always “clear the statement” later. Pure “smoke and mirrors.”

    Make a clear and unambiguous statement on the ruling and be done with it. Does government plan to appeal? Or is government going to accept the ruling and adjust accordingly? And if it’s the later, then government needs to publicly address both sides of the fence; the overwhelming majority of Dominicans who are vehemently opposed to the ruling, and the very minority openly gay population who are applauding it.

    I know this is something that all Caribbean governments have been quietly fearing. But it is our reality now.

  8. I still Red
    May 5, 2024

    Blackmore is the wrong person to talk about serious offense. In fact no one in this Roosevelt Skerrit administration is qualified to speak on what is serious offense in Dominica

  9. May 5, 2024

    on point and clearly 👌 understood! surfice it to add. Take it to our school s, social media is to be saturated, the most Difficult thing about Human nature is sometimes, some will have a different perspective and try to distort the Real issues. Been there know that! curtesy professionalism and Respect!!

  10. Tyrone Nicholas
    May 5, 2024

    I’m only here to witness the further revelation to ourselves and the world, that we are indeed the functional illiterate capital of the world. I want to use this moment to further confirm that we are indeed miseducated and religiously (literally) pitted against our own advancement because of weaponized ignorance on a national scale. He who has eyes to see let them see, he who has ears to hear let them hear. The lips of wisdom are sealed except to the ears of understanding. That being said….. asking Mr. Blackmore “what is the difference between rape and buggery?” would have had the sky falling to pieces on this shamble of a press conference. When intelligent people stay away from politics, we end up being governed by the functional illiterates among us. With sooo many “educated professionals” surely this cannot be “the best” among us. I guess “the best” are not fit to lead “the worse”.

  11. Let's Face It
    May 5, 2024

    This is only a front.
    You have signed on to so many accords of European culture, you have to make it law. Otherwise the EU, US, BRITISH they all have us deepending on their “aid” trap,, they’ll simply pull “aid” if you don’t make this buggering stuff that only a few people practice into law. I guarantee you 💯. It’s the aid-trap.

  12. Zandoli
    May 4, 2024

    But heterosexual activities in public spaces is against the law, so is an adult man having sex with an underage girl.
    I am not sure what sex in public and sex between an adult and a minor have to do with buggery.
    Blackmore is unnecessarily conflating a bunch of issues.
    Frankly, I don’t see the point of that news conference.
    There was this case of these perverted men having sex with that young girl. There was media coverage of the matter. There was a big public outcry and since then there has been silence.
    Perhaps, Blackmore is not as concerned about the welfare of that young child because it did not fall under the buggers statute.

    Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 10 Thumb down 0
  13. Lucas
    May 4, 2024

    Well that was as clear as mud. Sex between two people of the same gender is no longer illegal if both persons are consenting adults and the activity takes place in private. That’s all he had to say. But he’s a buffoon, so what do you expect. Just for info, sex between people of opposite genders in public or with minors is also an offense. It’s the same rule for all. That’s the essence of equal rights, numbnuts. And we really don’t care about your homophobic personal views, thanks.

    Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 11 Thumb down 0
  14. Gary
    May 4, 2024

    Why does Rayburn Blackmoore have to make these statements, why play politics with such matter trying to appease a certain segment of society. Gosh, why do all these religious leaders and politicians keep making public statements regarding the court decision, they are just pandering to their constituents. Let us not forget these 2 institutions, Governments and Religious organizations always want to control the narrative. Life must go on and this will be all forgotten and people will go on leaving their lives.

  15. Was this necessary?
    May 4, 2024

    So in summary, rape and statutory rape are illegal. Great.

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