Call for removal of Cuba on United States states Sponsors of Terrorism List

Cuban Ambassador Gonzalez and Prime Minister Skerrit

The Commonwealth of Dominica notes with concern the continued inclusion of the Republic of Cuba on the United States State Department State Sponsors of Terrorism list, which identifies governments that actively support violent non-state actors involved in terrorist activities.

The Commonwealth of Dominica firmly holds that there is no evidence of state-sponsored terrorism acts being supported by the Government of Cuba and considers this an arbitrary classification intended to justify the decades-long economic embargo imposed on Cuba by the United States of America.

Consequently, Dominica calls for the reversal of this unmerited and unjust listing of Cuba as a state which sponsors terrorism.

Dominica further restates its call for the normalizing of relations with Cuba and the lifting of economic sanctions by the United States for the enhanced peace, stability and economic growth of the Cuban nation which has made tremendous contributions to the development and welfare of the Caribbean Region particularly in the areas of health, agriculture and education.

The Commonwealth of Dominica stands in solidarity with Cuba in its condemnation of terrorism in all its forms and manifestations, including acts that qualify as state-sponsored terrorism.

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  1. if we knew better
    May 23, 2024

    As far as im concerned the United States has been the biggest terrorist for the longest while. They need to be on other nation’s terror list.

  2. Help Us Lord
    May 22, 2024

    I call on The United States to drop all Charges against Cuba and charge PM with everyone of them plus more

  3. I still Red
    May 22, 2024

    I agree with the government of the Commonwealth of Dominica, except that they should suggest that the US should transfer all charges to the Starboy of stupidity and arrest the rascal!

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