Tourism Minister Denise Charles-Pemberton has announced that the government is getting closer to finalizing an agreement for the development of a new cruise ship facility.
She made the announcement while delivering remarks at a Cruise Stakeholders Symposium which was held at the Goodwill Parish Hall recently.
In addressing Dominica’s ageing cruise port infrastructure, Charles-Pemberton said facilities in Roseau are no longer sufficient for the growing size of vessels and the number of cruise ships docking at the country’s shores.
According to her, this congestion leads to a sub-optimal visitor experience.
“I am excited to announce that the government is getting closer to finalizing an agreement for the development of a new cruise facility,” Charles-Pemberton said. “I know you are saying you are hearing that often and we keep mentioning it, but we are getting closer and very very close.”
She continued, “This new facility will feature modern amenities and the capacity to accommodate larger vessels, meaning more guests and more opportunities.”
Furthermore, Charles-Pemberton said this also means more jobs and economic growth for Dominica.
“Of course, this will take time to complete,” she stated. “In the meantime we plan to extend the pier in Roseau as the first phase of our infrastructure upgrade.”
This, she said, will increase the boat-in capacity and create a more comfortable environment for passengers as they disembark.
For What!!!
What happen to the One in Possie dat dere housing Poule-Bois!!!
Possie is the most natural port in the region to House a Cruise ship Facility and it right there next to the most attractive National Heritage sight in the region,,,
So where allyou suppose to go put a new Cruise ship facility when allyou have one allyou just have to do a face lift on!!!
Why allyou going to waste time and do anything to Roseau jetty and when Sea rough Boat cannot come dere!!!
Garçan all of allyou musssa went to the same Kiss-Me_@$$ school cause all of allyou appear to not know allyou @$$ from allyou elbow!!!
Jump High Jump Low Is Possie dat going to save Dominica’s economy no matter what allyou do to try stop uplift Possie it will rise and by that time the real estate will be so valuable, dere will be no space for people like allyou!!!
Is dat self…
Belle ti beffe!
Didn’t this government promise a Roseau rehabilitation project with funding from Saudi Arabia? What is the status of this project? Before you start announcing new projects, you should complete previous ones first.
is this another cbi project if yes then we have years to wait
what i need to know is
1- why have all cbi hotel program on a go slow
2- when is the mariner project going to start and if funds cannot come in to da via cbi program how u all going to start project
3- if u are planing to build new jetty why waste money on existing one
4- where is the money coming from as getting cbi money to da looks like its in neutral and cannot come to da
5- money is being wasted by trying to do many big project’s at same time
The overall experience of the tourist/visitor to Dominica should leave an indelible impression. An awesome impression of the beauty, cleanliness and orderliness of the major towns and settlements.
Having a modern and majestic cruise facility and nearby an unsightly, congested capital city with clogged, foul-smelling drains, is a huge disincentive for tourists not to return.
No reasonable citizen should accept the appalling conditions of Roseau after twenty consecutive years of one party rule. That administration should be fired forthwith. The people deserve much better!
But you sure made me laugh.
In fact it’s so close, you can smell the pollution already.
pure caca kouckon
How about not investing in cruise tourism expansion, only allowing smaller, less environmentally damaging ships to dock here, and focus instead on a more meaningful nature island? Clear, maintain and develop hiking trails, develop and invest in the west coast marine reserves, provide incentives and support for islandwide development of chemical-free, specialized crop farming, create an island wide cocoa sector, and focus heavily on eradicating poverty?
Here we go once again. Just like geothermal energy, international airport, Pakistan university, two north and south agriculture boats, Rose ah revitalization, location of the $2B from CBI scheme, according to Don-old Trump, these are only concepts.
With this maladministration, there is a broad chasm between what is promised and what comes to fruition.
Politicians will promise to build a bridge where there are no rivers. They are perverted, devilish LIARS!
The “sub-optimal visitor experience” is not related to “boat-in capacity” but to the state of Roseau when passengers step ashore.
Improving the state of things ashore appears to be “very very” distant.
And the “state of Roseau,” in certain parts of Roseau, really, is exacerbated when the tourists come ashore. So, she is correct to say that the increased numbers in town make the place more congested. Simple mathematics, Roger!
If it comes through this would be welcome news. But can you all wickeds work on sprucing up the ambiance of Roseau in the interim? This capital must be the most unsightly, untidy, stinking and smelling capital in the Caribbean.
You all wickeds can’t see in many places there are no sidewalks? Go visit Kennedy Avenue close to where Ambruise Pwen Couwee has his business. Valley Road facing Convent Prep, Old Street, and everywhere else. Does Roseau even have a Parl Rep? It’s impossible that it has.
Look a nasty, unkempt and unwelcoming capital city. Shame on this government that has been in office for 24 years. What have you all been doing? Fattening your pockets? Wickeds! Roseau is quickly deteriorating into a health hazard. After a moderate drizzle drains are clogged watèr on the streets, pedestrians like me have to be taking long jump. My God look poor representation! Dominique Fini Bat!
Villains! Ustedes son diablos! Un grupo de politicos corruptos!
If you think the city looks bad now (with its new structures and enhanced areas for recreation), imagine what it looked like 24 years ago.
Your eyesight is obscured. Your memory is fading. Your vision is blurred by deceit.
All ports in Dominica are now unfit, inefficient and insufficient for purpose! After twenty-five years in office and all CBI monies wasted! This Labour party government sat there for twenty-five years and watched all Dominica’s infrastructure crumble! Now they are trying to do everything all at one!
One thing we know for sure, from evidence all over China and Africa, is that when the Chinese rush infrastructure projects, they do not last a year before falling down or falling apart! So good luck with lately promising to do everything all at once! The international airport site is now starting to look like our third largest lake in Dominica every time it rains! Good luck with that! You ever see an airport built that cannot be used? They exist!
so they put all u? Pala sot? since Columbus days that in d making ….what happened..election around na?….I know once election around all of you all starting to talk …talk talk….belching bubbles….do continue….while talking….who is the owner of the new house by the credit union in Roseau? clear d air…