Opposition candidate Kelvin ‘Shugy’ Simon wins by-election in Antigua

Kelvin ‘Shugy’ Simon

The St Mary’s South (SMS) constituency in Antigua and Barbuda held a by-election yesterday, which the United Progressive Party (UPP) won. Incumbent Kelvin ‘Shugy’ Simon won the election by receiving 1,065 votes, which was fewer than the number of votes he received in the January 18, 2023, General Election when he defeated Minister of Social Transformation and Human Resource Development Samantha Marshall.

Former Senator Dwayne George of the Antigua and Barbuda Labour Party (ABLP) received 891 votes, while the Democratic National Alliance’s Andrew Antonio got eight votes. Five ballots were rejected. The UPP has retained the SMS constituency, while the ABLP continues to hold the majority in the 17-member parliament with nine seats.

The UPP has six seats, and the Barbuda People’s Movement and Independent candidate Asot Michael hold the remaining two seats.

Prime Minister Gaston Browne, who seems to not be bothered by the defeat, wrote in a Facebook post that “UPP maintained the SMS seat, which has voted predominantly UPP/PLM in the past. They gained nothing. ABLP has closed the margin and is clearly on the ascendancy. Thank you to everyone who assisted in the SMS campaign.

We gained support, positioning the ABLP to take the seat at the next general elections.” Browne also commended George for his efforts, given that he had only nine weeks to campaign.

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  1. Alas
    October 26, 2023

    Only fools will vote to remain in opposition. Gaston start putting the pressure on them. Silly. Party allu like so to allu detriment. Give the the Marigot and Salisbury treatment until the find some common sense. What hell Shugy?

  2. Lin clown
    October 26, 2023

    Here is another one,lazy like a dog,but want change,so he can be more lazy and foolish.Change to who?

    • Ibo France
      October 27, 2023

      Do you think before you write? That’s just a rhetorical question for obviously not. You truly remind of an animal without a brain ( crab). You function on instincts.

      In one of your posts 72 people disliked your comments. That’s a record on DNO. This clearly shows that your comments are for the most part indecipherable, irrational, absurd, and suited only for a septic system.

  3. Brown
    October 25, 2023

    I am starting to realize Dominica need some of this…here are some of the countries which need immediate change….Dominica…St Vincent and Antigua…birds of same feathers….time will tell…but Dominica require this change now….

    Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 7 Thumb down 2
  4. Ibo France
    October 25, 2023

    This guy took on Gaston and all the resources of the State of Antigua & Barbuda and beat both like a drum. The transactional politics did not work.

    Just as Dominicans receive ‘Kook Out’ raw cash for their vote, Antigua in St. Mary’s South got not only money but washing machines, fridges, microwaves, televisions. They were promised land, duty free, jobs. The only thing that they were not promised is a certain trip to Heaven.

    Common sense, integrity, morality won over corruption, bribery, hypocrisy and scaremongering.


    Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 13 Thumb down 3
    • Mark
      October 26, 2023

      This is what happens when you compete. You win. Despite all of Gaston Brown’s give aways, the opposition candidate was still able to prevail further proof that if a political party has a good candidate with a good message, that candidate can win. I have said it before, very dumb move by UWP to sit out both the by-election in Grand Bay and the general election. Proof, they went from having three seats in parliament to none, meaning no voice. Let anyone tell me that this was a good idea and I’ll definitely ask them to have their heads examined.

      Elections have consequences so don’t complain when you consciously decide not to participate. The foolish argument given of not wanting to validate the snap election is hogwash. Guess what, the elections went on with Mr Skerrit getting another five years thanks to the lazy opposition parties. Do the leg work and give yourself an opportunity to win. Staying on the side lines and complaining is just blowing hot air which gets you nowhere.

    • Lin clown
      October 26, 2023

      Instead of using the media whore on q95 to spread lies,fake news and propaganda to bring the country down.Get of you lazy,lying butt go on the streets meet the people and campaign.Ger off q95 and DNO,campaign in Canada,campaign in Antigua,campaign in Guadeloupe and campaign in the USA.Go on the highways and bi-ways,go in the boathouse,go in the rum shops and campaign,lazy lying people.Matt,Blessings,Durand,Blue blue,Soso and others are always on q95 talking BS,while every election their party is being beaten worse.Which normal person is going to believe when you say nothing is happening in Dominica,and Dominicans are not profiting from CBI funds.Thousands of Dominicans were given $250,000 $300,000 and $400,000 houses and apartments FREE,built with CBI funds.The government did not give people FREE houses so they can WILL to others.The most important thing is,they are no longer paying $1,000 or $2,000 rent,they are financially better off.The CBI programme is a success it keeps Skerrit IN

    • Ibo France
      October 26, 2023

      Brown Paper Bag and Starboy of Stupidity are Siamese twins joined by the head and the hip. Here are the similarities and the collaboration. Here are they:
      *Both men unqualified wives are MPs
      *Both men were poor like a church mouse before becoming PMs. Now they are multi millionaires
      *The discourse of both men is uncouth and extremely abusive
      *Both men were accused of being intimately involved in the Choski debacle
      *Legitimate c
      *Claims of corruption have dogged these two for their entire time at the top of the food

      It is not farfetched to predict that sometime in the not too distant future both men may end up living together in the same jail cell

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